
Very Nice Longsword 15>50 10/10 Furious +30 Health req.9
Selling: Rago's 'The Kindlerock' (Green)
WTS vampiric bow string 4/1
WTS Shadow Bow dmg +14%(always) -5 energy take a look!
WTS [two improvements]
Massive Sale: 32 Greens + Lots of Other Golds etc.
Gold, Green~ Clearing Storage Sale!
Selling Random Weapons
For stale 1 Green staff. 3 gold staffs. 1 gold chalice. 1 gold shield
Almost perfect vamp cleaver of fortitude
WTS: Superior Absorption (Identified)
Selling Gold Fiery Flamberge +15%>50%, hp+29
------------> S E L L I N G <--------------
5k All Gold item and 3k All purple item
WTS: Perfect, 15%>50, Req. 8, Long Sword, 10/10 AP, +30 Health
Gold SEPHIS AXE 15>50 for sale
+5 energy staff head
max def gold great axe, 15 over 50, sundering 10-9
WTS Good low req shields
wts chaos axe
Selling two max gold swords, one with 15% always and another with 14% ^ 50
gold sword and awsome fellblade
Gold,Green,and Pruple items found here
WTS 1,000 Griffon Wings
Gold: flamberge/hammer/2x air staff/vamp hammer haft/accursed staff
WTS Perfect Fiery Dragon Sword Of Enchanting
Gold, Purple and Green items for sale
10% off Upgrades and Some Dec Items (Stinger)
Gold Stormbow, Chaos axe, and Crystalline
Selling +28Hp Hammer Grip Of Fortitude.
WTS Vampiric Bow String 5/1
wts: perfect +30 ALWAYS shadow shield
AK's Garage Sale BloWouT!
Gold and Purple Items for Sale, Green Bludgeoner Too!!
Serene's small sale Gold axes, Idol, sword, and others
Wts Gold Feiry Dragon Sword Of Enchanting
[WTS] Heavy War Hammer Of Shelter (gold max dmg+max bonus)
!!look Here!!look Here!!look Here!!
Super Rare Gold Aegis w/ Smiting!
Killer's auction house gold and purple items!