
Auction 6 Items
Akhilleus R us; various items from mid-top quality.
Gold Eternal Shield Req. 8 +19Hp Always || Req 7 Flamberge 10/10 Sundering 14>50
Max Dmg hammer w/+15% dmg all the time and max armor mod
Very Rare Max Gold Unidentified Falchion REQ 7
WTS Gold max flameberg req 7 and Gold max shadow bow
Want To Sell Lotes Of Items
14% summit axes, cleaver / 15% longsword / +24en idiol / 5+en smiting rod
WTS Perfect Vamp Bow String
GOLD max req 9 Short Bow +14^50
!!Look Here Hammers, Swords, Upgrades LOOK HERE!!!
Gold UNID Chaos Axe, Fellblade and more
WTS Cleaver Max dmg 14>50 with low req
Gold Battlepick
Greens and Golds
WTS 43 Items Golds Greens and a few mods checkem or ull be mad u didnt!
Flamberge (req 9, 15^50, 10/10 Sundering, +30 HP)
Wts Perfect Axe Upgrades
WTS 7 gold items, some defence +4 upgrades, and others
PERFECT Axe Upgrades
Selling perfect sword upgrade and nick-knacks
Auctioning 7 gold weapons
15^50 Twin Hammer/rightous Maul/summit Axe
WTS 13>50 Fellblade
Gold Cruel Spiked Axe
selling choas axes
wts dragos flatbow
WTS Green, Gold, & Purples
WTS Max Shadow Bow, Off-Hand Items, Insightful Head
Fellblade +15>50 req 8
Green Yakslapper & Garbok's Cane plus 4 Golds for Auction
Clearing out storage, lots of purple and gold stuff!
Max Damage Gold Composite Bow +mods
WTS: Various Blue, Purple, and Gold items
Gold Perfect Sundering HalfMoon of Fortitude ~Req 9~
WTS Perfect Gold Hand Axe +15% Ench [10/10 Sundering, 20%Ench]
3/1 Vamp Haft, 14% Cleaver, req 8
Look here! Sweet gold and green weapons for sale!!!
Sell vampiric hammer and green hammer