
Defensive Staff Head Armor +5 (VS. EVERYTHING) // Golden perfect stats Smiting Rod
WTS Axe Grip +30
- Perfect - Smiting Rod
wts gold long bow+15%>50% (not like ascalon bow), gold round shield+28 hp aways 9 tat
Selling Bow Grip Of Fortinude + 30 Hp
Selling 3 Gold Weapons
Wts: Amazing Golden Shieldss..!!!!!!
Wts Gold Max Summit Axe
Summit Axe +15>50 req 9, Perfect Mods
Gold/Green center, absolutely no junk
WTS Unid max dmg longbow req8
WTS smite staff 25 hp 6 armor 9% speed increase casting 11-22 damage
***WTS***Max Gold Unid Holy Staff low req
Selling Bow Upgrade: Grip of Enchantment: 20/20
Gold Items (Chakram, Cane and Shield)
Selling Hale Head/Vamp String/Holy Staff
gold chaos axe, 2 sephis, longsword w 10/10 sund, bow 15>50 and more all low budget
Selling Awesome Earth Staff
Selling very nice Gold max dmg shocking runic hammer of fortitude
WTS: 3 Gold Items & Perfect Vamp Hammer Haft 5/-1
Selling Mediocre Weapons - Make Your Bid!!
WTS: Max DMG gold Sword (DMG +15% while instance / enchantments last 18% longer)
Wts Brilliant Mesmers Gold Staff (max Damage With 3 Bonuses)
Two Gold Weapons and a Bow Grip of Fortitude
Selling runes, bows staffs and vampric 5/1
Gold items for Monks (Smiting Staff and Divine Symbole)
WTS Gold Vampiric Axe of Fortitude
Gold Max Buckler (8 tac req) +45hp enchant -2dmg
Gold & purpule items for sale
Unid Gold Max Dmg Gladius Req 8!!!
Green Malion Shield/gnognar Sword
Wolf's Shop -> Lots of gold weapons and nice upgrades
Gold Max Smiting Staff :: 10recharge/10cast
WTS: Gold, Spatha sword with 27 health
Gold Max Deadly Cesta, +4 Energy>50%!!
WTS : 2 nice Green weapons
15 > 50, req 8, 10/10 Cleaver | 14 > 50 Chaos Axe | 13 > 50 Chaos Axe...
WTS max un-id fellblade
wts-gold max reinforced buckler,vampiric handaxe 3/1,vampiric wingblade3/1 always 14%