
WTS Max Furious War Axe of Warding.
Gold Axe for sale BID BID BID
GOLD Max Sundering War Hammer of Fortitude +15%dmg, AP 10/8, 27hp
9 Weapons and a Perf Swordsmanship Pommel
[WTS] Golden: Bow, Shield, Hammer
WTS Crystaline Sword (Purple) !!!
Suprior Monk Runes Set
Gold UNIded Protective Icon (8 req)
Check this out - I had not seen such MAX DMG sword before o_O
rare WARRIOR weapons (max damage all gold with low req.) All with fair buyouts!
WTS 20/20 bow grip of enchanting
Clearance Sale! (not an auction) Low low prices
[][][][][GOLD AXE FOR SALEEEE[][][]check it out
WTS Gold Max Fiery Flamberge of Warding
Golden MAX def eternal shield!
Magmus Shield str10 +24 Tall req7 +37 Aegis +45 Round +38 all max 16
Gold Axe Max Health+30
Gold icy falchion of fortitude.
~ Gold Max * Sundering(10/10) War Axe of Enchanting 14%dmg(enchanted), 19%longer
Selling 15>50 longsword 30 health 10/10 furious req 8 and a shield come look
2 Golden swords ( longsword,falchion), 3 golden Bows, 1 golden Hammer, 1 Tower Shield
Max Vamp Hilt and String
Gold skeleton shield hp+43 while enchanted
Some Upgrades and a Maul
WTS various gold purple blue items
Gold Max Axe
9 Golden Items Auction
Gold Weapons and upgrades
WTS sword pommel of fortitude +30 and other item...
Gold max hammer: +15%(stance),sundering 10:9, +6 def vs. ele
WTS Perfect 15% enchant Dragon Sword
WTS:Hale Bone Staff of Warding (Golden)
WTS :: Defender -4 total! // Fellblade
Gold Saundering Short Bow
WTS RaRe MaX (!req 9!) FieryDragonSword 15% while enchant n fortitute !!!
Wts Double Adrenaline Axe Upgrade 9%!!
-Hale staff head +29health (need to sell fast)-
WTS GOLD (MAX DMG) Fire Staff - Unidentified
[WTS] GOLD, PURPLE axes swords hammers shields.
[WTS] Nearly Perfect Bow!!!!!!