
Gold Sundering Cleaver of Fortitude
WTS some gold and purple items
Say hello to your new mods.
Ramaloke Icewind's Shop Of Stuff!
wts max dmg ebon half moon of fortitude +29hp
Several +14% > 50 GOLD swords, hammers, half moon, upgrades, others.
WTS Nice barbed long sword of fortitude 15-22 req8 +dmg mod
wts max dmg vampiric chaos axe of axe mastery
Axe Grip of Fortitude +28
WTS Gold Max Insightful Bone staff of Enchanting
Sundering Axe Haft 10/10
WTS 4 gold shields and more
Package deal of 2 Fiery Sword Hilts and 1 Shocking Sword Hilt
wts interesting bow and axe
10 items for sale.
Max Gold Shocking Wingblade of Enchanting (+14%dmg>50%)
WTS Strength Shield +20 Health PERMANENT ,- 3 damage (hexed)!!!
WTS: gold dragon sword max dam
Selling Axe Grip of Fortitude 29hp
WTS: 2 Gold Staves and 1 Gold Sword
WTT unIDd Superior Runes
WTS Perfect Furious Sword Hilt
Gold Hammer
Got two max Hammer for sale
Sword and Hammer Upgrade
WTS Max Gold Storm Bow with GOOD MODS
WTS Gold Max Dmg Cleaver
wts gold sundering war hammer of fortitude and upgrades
gold spatha with 3 maxed out mods
***WTS***PERFECT gold max dmg Furious War Hammer of Fortitude dmg +15%>50% +30hp
selling 2 gold vampiric hammers
WTS GOLD Gladius 15-22 Req.8 + bonus
|[Gold Sword]| Check abilities...!
GOLD sundering halfmoon of fortitude
WTS gold chaos +13% dmg while enchanted
WTS: Gold Axe (max damage) and Gold Hammer (almost max) and clean sword (max)
WTS: Unidentified Superior Healing, max dam vampiric horn bow, and many more!
Max Damage Gold Hammer
selling max damage air wand(gold)