
Closed: closed due to a ventari forum violation
Closed: Guild - Sold
WTS some unded pets, gold weapons, tonics, inscr, mods. Look inside.
Closed: Selling Q9 Earth Bo Staff 20/20Dom
wts everlasting sinister tonic
WTS plagueborn staff 20/20 and stuff
Closed: Sold
WTS|¤OS Shield¤ Echovald, Gothic, Bladed..¤
Closed: Q9 Dual vamp gothic axe
WTS: [Unded Naga Raincaller]
Closed: Gold Noninsc Crystalline, OS shields OS weapons Updated 8/1
Closed: closed due to a ventari forum violation
WTS q8 Summit Warlord Shield
OS 20/20, Crystalline 13^50, Compasses, Diessa, Rin Relics, ...
Cheap Sale*
Closed: closed due to a ventari forum violation
Envoy/ VS / obby edge
wts 47 hero boxes
20/20 Bo Staves for sale!
froggy heal + cc heal
OS Q7/8/9 Swords, axes and others
Shiro'ken, Ghero, R8's + titles!
Wts Ded Gray Giant and Unded Eye of janthir
Closed: closed due to a ventari forum violation
WTS unded miniature pig and Bday Presents
Closed: closed due to a ventari forum violation
Diessa Set | Earth Staff (obby) q10 20/19
WTS Minis and other
Closed: closed due to a ventari forum violation
Closed: closed due to a ventari forum violation
Closed: WTS 70 Gold Zaishen Coins (140 Ectos)
Closed: EL Grentch EL Snowman Ded Yeti
Q9 Magmas Shield +30 -3wHex
Era's sale! Some chanta stuff, inscr good stuff!
WTS crystalline sword, lot of BDS, DSR, Only B/O and more...
Closed: Frog Scepters
Buzan Sale - added some so item and still Many Gold/Insc Items - will add more later
Closed: WTS Gothic of the dead
WTS: Warrior the known's minipet collection