
Storage Clean up
oldschool factions stuff
Closed: Perfect OS Shields (Gloom, Eternal, Buckler) + Others
Closed: closed due to a ventari forum violation
My Final Storage Sale
Closed: WTS: Oldsql Stuff
Closed: Magmas Q9 +44/-2|FDS Q8 15^50 | Q8 +5e Gothic Axe
WTS: 2.5k Trims
Closed: closed due to a ventari forum violation
Shields / Staves OS [All s/b are 1e gogo ]
EL Transmogrifier + a few other things
Closed: closed
Closed: closed due to a ventari forum violation
WTS Mini DeD Ghostly Hero
Closed: closed due to a ventari forum violation
WTS Oppressor's Death Staff OR WTT for other Oppressor Weapons/Destroyer Weapons
Heavy Eq Pack | Birthday Gifts | El Razah Tonic
Hammers Storage Sale
WTS EL Flame Sentinal
Storage Sale B/O only
Closed: OS items: r7,r8 FDS, prenerfs, Shields (Gothic, Echo etc.)
WTS q10 gold inscribable crystalline
Closed: closed due to a ventari forum violation
Ded Panda / Island Guardian(2) / Unded Zhang
el tonics, eaglecrest axe and some stuff
Non-insc shields, weapons and other stuff.
Closed: closed due to a ventari forum violation
Closed: Ventari's Guidelines Violation
wts some....stuff
Various OS non-inscribable dual and single modded items.
GoroShop (OS, Minipets, Others ...)
WTS Unded Panda + Unded Vizu
Closed: closed due to a ventari forum violation
Closed: Huge r8-13 OS Shield sale. Rare skins. Too much to list here.... *NEW ITEMS 24th Aug*
wts unded mini shiro'ken assassin
storage clear out with bo's!
Closed: closed due to a ventari forum violation
Closed: closed due to a ventari forum violation
Closed: Please lock this thread
WTS Mini Pets