Let us know what you think!
The site looks great, good information all around. Can't wait to see what pops up here once you can actually post everything

If you like you could tell me some stuff and as i'm not tied down by an NDA i'll leak it for you. good aye?
Sup; wanted to say that this site rocks. Colors are great, plenty of information for everyone and a very solid effort. I look forward to more GWGuru goodness in the future =)
I think a great additon would to put
"The release date is "Early 2005"! Any other dates are guesses"
In big, bold, rainbow-y, size 72, flashing letters.
... you know someones going to ask sooner or later. and then you can go "woohoo! our site is prospering! Even people that are asking about the release date know about it!"
"The release date is "Early 2005"! Any other dates are guesses"
In big, bold, rainbow-y, size 72, flashing letters.

What a welcome breath of fresh air. That other site was so totally past its sell-by date, this one couldn't have come soon enough! A big relief, keep up the good work.
Nice site guys & Spooky, you seem to have struck gold!
Looking forward to the next beta arriving so you can get the rest of ur content in place.
Like the mild colours and overall design...Keep up the good work!!

Looking forward to the next beta arriving so you can get the rest of ur content in place.
Like the mild colours and overall design...Keep up the good work!!

I realy like the format and color selection here. More importantly, The amount of information is absolutely mind boggleing!!!. You guys have out done yourselves here IMO. I wish I could just retain all that I read here. The 70's were tough on me...lol
<insert site praise here>
Do item Mods/Upgrade items fall under the current NDA? A listing of them all would be nifty as such things don't tend to change as much as others. [And most data is usually re-usable]
Do item Mods/Upgrade items fall under the current NDA? A listing of them all would be nifty as such things don't tend to change as much as others. [And most data is usually re-usable]
Originally Posted by Kui
Do item Mods/Upgrade items fall under the current NDA? A listing of them all would be nifty as such things don't tend to change as much as others. [And most data is usually re-usable]
Currently everything falls under the NDA, and the mods/upgrades do change

The first rule of the NDA is - you do not talk about the NDA. The second rule of the NDA is - you DO NOT talk about the NDA.
Fie. I take it that wondering what the NDA looks like is even a no-no.
Ah well, I suppose that compiling said list and tossing up in two weeks is acceptable too. Though you've already likely compiled the list. Hrm. *dig* *dig* Is it even possible to say whether such a list is already compiled? [And save myself the foraging about for data during the BWE]
Ah well, I suppose that compiling said list and tossing up in two weeks is acceptable too. Though you've already likely compiled the list. Hrm. *dig* *dig* Is it even possible to say whether such a list is already compiled? [And save myself the foraging about for data during the BWE]
It is just so hard to talk about *anything* at the moment. So many posts I think "if only they knew" or "gee it's a shame they don't know that it's pointless to argue about that" or "wow that guess was right on target". I've edited many posts due to getting worried - I've even posted something, switched off the computer, gone to bed, gotten worried, gotten back up and edited my post.
One thing I will say is that I get more and more impressed with the art department as the weeks go by.
One thing I will say is that I get more and more impressed with the art department as the weeks go by.
I agree, I keep seeing posts where they're just wishing something was in game and I know that it is or isn't coming and I wish I could tell them, but nope. No can do.
Sausaletus Rex
Originally Posted by Kui
Quote: Originally Posted by Kui Ah well, I suppose that compiling said list and tossing up in two weeks is acceptable too. Though you've already likely compiled the list. Hrm. *dig* *dig* Is it even possible to say whether such a list is already compiled? [And save myself the foraging about for data during the BWE] We're in the process of compiling a list. We're probably also going to have to recruit "volunteers" to help us out with the gathering of data because of how much their likely is. But, in general there are a few things we're going to want :
Screenshots. The more the better of everything and anything that might be useful. Skills. We'll want to try and track down every skill and get the most current information about it as well as the graphical icon (At least, I'm sure a few of us wouldn't mind seeing a few casting animations for one project or another). Armor. We'll want to try and track down every set of armor as well as a picture of the male and female sets (Fortunately, most armors don't change as you level so you just need the 2 times the 30 odd lv20 armors, for the most part and you can reuse things). Pictures of how dyes affect armor would be nice to have, too. Areas. We'll want to find out the relevant information about all the publically available areas as well as try and get screenshots of what they look like, what the maps look like, and probably even a world map, as well. Monsters. We'll want to try and track down as many monsters as we can to see if our information is up to date and to try and get a picture of them. Runes. We'll want to try and track down as many runes as possible so we can get pictures and see if our information is still accurate. Weapons. We'll want an example of each weapon "type" (Ie the long sword, the short sword, the scimitar, whatever the sword category breaks down into) for the images and probably a lot of them to see if they have any interesting wrinkles (do long swords average more damage than scimitars but have a different chance for mods? Who knows? But we'd like to.) as well as what sort of additional benefits you can get from mods and upgrades so we can compile a list of those. Salvage Items. We'll want pictures and info about all the coal and iron and wood and whatever else there is. We'd also like to know the chances of an item salvaging into a specific salvaged item. Equations. We'd like to test out our understanding of the damage equations and other formula like Fast Casting or Expertise's progression or how a height advantage affects your bow shot or whether enchantments are FIFO or LIFO and lots of other small but important details.
That's a lot of things - and I'm sure the list will only grow - and we'd *like* to get to all of them but we'd like to play the game and have fun, too. The BWEs are a blast for us alphas, too, you know. And there's only so many of us, there's only so much we can do. We've been busy launching and all so we haven't had much thought devoted to it just yet (we're more concerned with what we can do just now and in-between the BWEs to provide content and interesting things) but as the BWE draws nearer we'll likely draw up a list and prioritize and start asking who wants to do what. Anyone who'd like to help us out is more than welcome to, of course.
Originally Posted by Narcism
The first rule of the NDA is - you do not talk about the NDA. The second rule of the NDA is - you DO NOT talk about the NDA.
And why are you then talking about it AND about the rules IN it? Bad boy Narc

I'd like to see more Kitty Ears around the place- really, Spooky, I expected better of you.
Um, just something to be really lazy- if you could have a link in the bosses' pages from the skills they have to the page about that skill, that would save me the trouble- oh the pain! The agony!- of opening another tab and going through the skills listings.
Just a suggestion if you want to appeal to the truly lazy.
Oh, and nice spot y'all have around here.

Um, just something to be really lazy- if you could have a link in the bosses' pages from the skills they have to the page about that skill, that would save me the trouble- oh the pain! The agony!- of opening another tab and going through the skills listings.
Just a suggestion if you want to appeal to the truly lazy.

Oh, and nice spot y'all have around here.
Originally Posted by Sausaletus Rex
We're in the process of compiling a list. We're probably also going to have to recruit "volunteers" to help us out with the gathering of data because of how much their likely is.
I'm sure it goes without saying, but I favor redundancy whenever it doesn't hurt - Post said list when it's all hashed out. I'll be mining information when the BWE rolls around on my own and I'd be pleased to contribute my findings. Suppose I'll work on those already posted for now.
About posting weapon modifiers - I've got a bunch of these, and I believe Freyas has an even more comprehensive listing of them available, we just need to wait until the BWE to double check that our information is still accurate before we can add them.
About bosses / skills - all of their seperate, more detailed pages should include links to the skills they use. Are some of these missing? If so, it won't take much to get them fixed.
About bosses / skills - all of their seperate, more detailed pages should include links to the skills they use. Are some of these missing? If so, it won't take much to get them fixed.
Another thing I'd like to see as a quick forum navigation aid - Toss in a redundant link to the forum directories [ie. Guild Wars Guru Forum > The Inner Circle > The Riverside Inn] at the bottom of each thread page.
I collected a bunch of data on item modifiers and upgrades, but that was right before the NDA lockdown a couple weeks ago, and thus I haven't posted them anywhere so as not to risk an NDA breach. That is one thing that I plan on trying to work on during the BWE.
However- if anybody feels up to keeping track of item modifiers for stuff, it could help out, as there's no guarantee that we'll be able to find all of the possible modifiers on equipment. Probably the biggest area that I could use help is if you wanted to keep track of the negative modifiers that you can find with the positive modifiers, such as what all negative modifiers are used to balance out increased damage or increased attack speed.
However- if anybody feels up to keeping track of item modifiers for stuff, it could help out, as there's no guarantee that we'll be able to find all of the possible modifiers on equipment. Probably the biggest area that I could use help is if you wanted to keep track of the negative modifiers that you can find with the positive modifiers, such as what all negative modifiers are used to balance out increased damage or increased attack speed.
On the bosses-skills links, the only one I know about is Rrrack Whitefire (Ascalon- Ft. Ranik). Heavier testing about to commence.
Matter of fact, all the bosses' personal pages in the Ft. Ranik listing have no links in their skills listing to the details of said skills.
Matter of fact, all the bosses' personal pages in the Ft. Ranik listing have no links in their skills listing to the details of said skills.
Sausaletus Rex
Originally Posted by Kui
Another thing I'd like to see as a quick forum navigation aid - Toss in a redundant link to the forum directories [ie. Guild Wars Guru Forum > The Inner Circle > The Riverside Inn] at the bottom of each thread page.
We do have the forum jump drop down at the bottom there (At least on each thread's page, I don't see it here on the reply page...). I think that serves much the same purpose, doesn't it?
Originally Posted by Sausaletus Rex
We're in the process of compiling a list. We're probably also going to have to recruit "volunteers" to help us out with the gathering of data because of how much their likely is.
I will do my best to fill the rest of my harddrive in hopes of getting a pic of something that yall do not already have.
Can we change the command for Screenshots?
Can we change the command for Screenshots?
Originally Posted by Sausaletus Rex
By the way, I just saw the DPS/Skill Effectiveness Guide by Charles Ensign. Just freaking awesome. This is now my #1 source for game information. Love it, thanks a million for being online!
This site is simply the best as far as information goes. Unfortunatly there aren't as many people around on the forums (well... less idiots i guess
Anyway, I agree that when you click on a skill it should tell you exactly where you can find it. What bosses in which area or from which skill trainer.

Anyway, I agree that when you click on a skill it should tell you exactly where you can find it. What bosses in which area or from which skill trainer.
And as a suggestion- Possibly a character builder that allows you to select skills and attributes, and then does all the calculations for you showing you the 8 skills' effects at the given attribute.
Sausaletus Rex
Originally Posted by Fezz
Er, very nice and intelligent people who know their ways around a line of code, yes, that's what I meant to say...
Quote: Originally Posted by Dreamsmith
By the way, I just saw the DPS/Skill Effectiveness Guide by Charles Ensign. Just freaking awesome. This is now my #1 source for game information. Love it, thanks a million for being online!
You're welcome and it's, of course, very encouraging to hear all this praise. Thanks for the support, it's much appreciated.
The whole Guides section in the CMS is just chock full of goodness. Not only is Ensign's Skill Effectiveness Guide there but so's his treatise on game mechanics. And just so his head doesn't swell further there's stuff by other people, too! (Which reminds me, I've got to get my own stuff up there one of these days) Check out Spooky's guide to playing a Fire Ele when Chuck's math starts to make your eyeballs bleed. There's also some good quick reference material like THX's Basic Profession Statistics which'll tell you all you ever wanted to know about starting and ending energy, armor, and more in one easy package.
The whole Guides section in the CMS is just chock full of goodness. Not only is Ensign's Skill Effectiveness Guide there but so's his treatise on game mechanics. And just so his head doesn't swell further there's stuff by other people, too! (Which reminds me, I've got to get my own stuff up there one of these days) Check out Spooky's guide to playing a Fire Ele when Chuck's math starts to make your eyeballs bleed. There's also some good quick reference material like THX's Basic Profession Statistics which'll tell you all you ever wanted to know about starting and ending energy, armor, and more in one easy package.
Originally Posted by Sleeky101
And as a suggestion- Possibly a character builder that allows you to select skills and attributes, and then does all the calculations for you showing you the 8 skills' effects at the given attribute.
A character builder would be great. If we can get the sort of dynamic content updating system I'm talking about up and running there's little reason why we couldn't make a little program that would go out grab the skills, armor, weapons, and more that you'd want when putting together a character. And something more complex, showing you not only the basic skill information but what that character would also do (Why stop at just the skill variables? Why not include some things like a rough DPS output or energy flow when casting skills a through x or predicted damage when hit by the average Warrior, average Ranger, and average Elementalist?).
And, well, I'll bounce an idea off of *you*. What if such a character builder wasn't just a program but a database? Where you could create a build and then save it and call it up later. Not only could you call up your build, you could also make it public so that anyone using the character builder could call it up and play around to make and save their own version, too. You could use it like a traditional character builder but also as a resource. A way of seeing the possible and potential builds that are out there or to try and tweak the FOtM in addition to seeing how your own build works. Would something like that be a feature you'd like to see somewhere? Draken
Calculators for everything and anything would be a cool addition mabye a character builder of sorts but what im really looking for i guess is some links to recourses like that.
Oh and sometimes i dont know what skill line a skill is in so a list of all skills in alphabetical order as another option would be nice. Mabye even in the form of a database with class, skill line, skill name and skill type as parameters to query a list of skills. Just throwing out ideas ![]() Edit: also if you could corralate where a skill can be found bosses/vendors into the skill list users would have to do less searching cuz im really really lazy. Bobangry
Searching scores in the arcade by time ('most recent' specifically) would be neat to see how people are doing currently without searching through 100+ pages (I'm looking at you Snake!). Search by user wouldn't be bad either but I'd really appreciate a Time based one.
Originally Posted by Aladdar
Originally Posted by Scrivener
So many posts I think "if only they knew" or "gee it's a shame they don't know that it's pointless to argue about that" or "wow that guess was right on target".
Teasing a crowd of addicts with withdrawal suffering symptoms is very dangerous, you know.
/sigh IceD'Bear
Originally Posted by FrogDevourer
Teasing a crowd of addicts with withdrawal suffering symptoms is very dangerous, you know.
/sigh Yes, it is. But it's fun too :P Harley
I think your layout is the best of all the sites. I never really join sites but liked your layout so much that I joined.
The only thing I thought would be nice is that in the builds section (as it grows) there would be a way to select by profession - then see the builds -- ie select Warrior then have a choice to select all the builds in the section by primary and secondary. But regardless of what you do - this site Rocks!!! Harley D. Aladdar
I think we'll get there eventually.
Great resource of information. Nice site design. Color scheme goes good with my windows scheme. nicely done.
Gaile Gray
I agree with everyone else. This site is very well-designed, and simply packed with information and unique content. As to NDA's and disclosures and so forth, in just a few more days you guys on the site staff will be able to gather information and create even more site assets. I hope that visitors will join in with you to help you gather what you need, be it stats, screenshots, or other information.
It's great to have you as part of the Guild Wars family! ![]() Zaklex
At the rate you're going here this will soon be the only site I need to open up in firefox, oh well, won't have so many tabs to go through anymore.
I have been inactive in the Guild Wars community for a few days now thanks to Everquest 2 and lack of Beta World Event. So I take a look at the latest Fansite Friday, and what do I see! This amazing site.
Keep up with adding pictures for the skills and all of that. How long has this site been up? It got loads of stuff on it. Great avatar Aladdar, I just recently reinstalled Baldurs Gate. Good stuff. ![]() Jak o
Now that I am here I might as well say what everyone else has said, this site looks great, and has some great content.
I have been waiting for a while for this site to get up, because I really missed some of the great things that used to be on other fansites untill they lost some of their best people. Great to see them all gathered here, so that I now only have to check out one fansite ![]() Spooky
Originally Posted by efiloN
How long has this site been up? It got loads of stuff on it.
Not even a week yet, we opened it up this past weekend. Though by my estimation, it took us somewhere in the neighborhood of two months to gather all the data and put the site together to get to this point.
And once again - thanks to all for the kind words, I can assure you that they are very much appreciated. Sleeky101
Originally Posted by Saus
And, well, I'll bounce an idea off of *you*. What if such a character builder wasn't just a program but a database? Where you could create a build and then save it and call it up later. Not only could you call up your build, you could also make it public so that anyone using the character builder could call it up and play around to make and save their own version, too. You could use it like a traditional character builder but also as a resource. A way of seeing the possible and potential builds that are out there or to try and tweak the FOtM in addition to seeing how your own build works. Would something like that be a feature you'd like to see somewhere?
That would be wonderful, but if you really want to go all out- A build database where other users are able to rate and post their comments about certain builds. That way, a user can easily see what people think are the best builds at the moment. Or they could use multiple search functions. For example- searching for the highest ranked build that uses strength, sword, and blood attributes.