Let us know what you think!
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
I agree with everyone else. This site is very well-designed, and simply packed with information and unique content. As to NDA's and disclosures and so forth, in just a few more days you guys on the site staff will be able to gather information and create even more site assets. I hope that visitors will join in with you to help you gather what you need, be it stats, screenshots, or other information.
It's great to have you as part of the Guild Wars family!
I must agree with Gaile, I love the high detailed design of your site, Guild Wars Guru does offer a lot of content. I must congratulate you guys with gathering all that information about guildwars, there was even stuff I didn't know... And I'm part of the community for over.. 1,5 years? Yeah I think it was something like that. Anyway, I wish you good luck with your site.
It's great to have you as part of the Guild Wars family!

Amazing work to all, very well designed and informative site. I have no doubt that if you keep the level of quality as high trough time as you offer us today, your site will have great success.
Thanks and good luck.
Thanks and good luck.
Cynical Crab
Very well designed, lots of great and useful info. You truly are Gurus.
Ensign's attribute guide is a beautiful thing!
Ensign's attribute guide is a beautiful thing!

I think a mobs database would be nice...
We already have one 

*bow* thank you, i will digest it very happily and quickly...
Just looked...not to complete I kinda have to say. But tis better then nothing..
Just looked...not to complete I kinda have to say. But tis better then nothing..
Not too complete? As far as I know we have all the creatures except for a few in Old Ascalon.
Hence, elaborate on "not too complete" please?
Hence, elaborate on "not too complete" please?
well i suck, i only looked at Old Ascalon...
Whosa Skylore
well i love the site, the only thing/s i would add would be......maybe a chat room, so people can have comversations and meat each other, i think it would make the guru comutity tighter. another thing (i dont know if its possible) but to add a little chart of how much things should sell for. so if your a first timer and you somehow stumble apon black dye, you dont sell it to a mean person for like 20gp, well i think those would be nice for the site but i love it the way it is now anyways

We do have a chat room, although it is hidden a bit
: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/content...chat-id358.php
Yeah, we've been thinking of determining the market value of items, although this will probably have to wait until post-release as we need to see how the market reacts.

Yeah, we've been thinking of determining the market value of items, although this will probably have to wait until post-release as we need to see how the market reacts.
Whosa Skylore
yeah guess thats true, and thanks for showing me to the chat room
maybe you should put a link to it on the home page....or maybe im just blind and its been there all along :/

Whosa Skylore
....hrmmm...when i put the server on the page it says webpage not found? is it not updated or am i just not doing the right thing??
edit- sorry i shoulda edited this post on to the other messege :/ my bad
edit- sorry i shoulda edited this post on to the other messege :/ my bad
I love this site...its helping me much more than any of the others with the volumes of information it has gathered.... one question though...is shiver peaks area still part of NDA or is that a work in progress for you guys still..its one area I see almost nothing about.. (can't help it.... book worm addiction right now)
Yeah, really do love the site. I tried some other forums, but this one just seems to stick with me. It's a really good resource for information.
Bam, the best Guild Wars Fansite hands down!
There should be a super fansite category. I would nominate this site instantly! Over the past beta weekend I enjoyed myself so much more because of the articles, build ideas, area, creatures and every other feature you guys got here. The design is amazing and glad to see a VB forum installed!
I have no suggestions at the moment, well that's not true but I'm a web developer myself and I'm saving my ideas for me
Anyways, keep up the good work... cheers
There should be a super fansite category. I would nominate this site instantly! Over the past beta weekend I enjoyed myself so much more because of the articles, build ideas, area, creatures and every other feature you guys got here. The design is amazing and glad to see a VB forum installed!
I have no suggestions at the moment, well that's not true but I'm a web developer myself and I'm saving my ideas for me

Anyways, keep up the good work... cheers
My new one stop shop for all guild wars information
...as for suggestions, it would be nice to have a button which displays all skills for a profession on one screen along with placing them within categories and sub categories [ie. ranger < marksmanship < skill < skill info]. Although it would look similar to other fansites it would help those who dont want to backtrack and click through the links for each category. Also the forums seems to be loaded with knowledgeable people [especially alphas
] but some of the forum topics should be condensed to focus more posters in one area instead of spreading them out [unless there is a huge influx of posters].

...as for suggestions, it would be nice to have a button which displays all skills for a profession on one screen along with placing them within categories and sub categories [ie. ranger < marksmanship < skill < skill info]. Although it would look similar to other fansites it would help those who dont want to backtrack and click through the links for each category. Also the forums seems to be loaded with knowledgeable people [especially alphas

Hmm.... This is very intresting. I ran down the other sites just to back track my old thought and several things came to mind.
1. Color Friendly - This site is easy on the eyes.
2. User Access - It's very simple to access even for a beginner.
3. Design - Very tidy in a way that allows looped access(Being able to get back to the page you started from).
4. Browser Friendly - IE, Firefox, Netscape, Etc....
5. Friendly People - Highly friendly & socialible.
6. Comparitive - Other sites lack all of what I said & some have even let there site Hmm... Not take on a life of its own, but let the users over run and dictate how it runs.
7. Control - You made very clear that certian things will not be allowed (the GW character sex scenes for instance).
8. Age support - See #7...I know this could be combined, but I think this makes all the difference in the world by allowing all ages.
Final Analysis - This site is an EXCELLENT site and I will not join another. I will also recommend this site to any and all others in Guildwars that I come across that have an intrest in being friendly.
1. Color Friendly - This site is easy on the eyes.
2. User Access - It's very simple to access even for a beginner.
3. Design - Very tidy in a way that allows looped access(Being able to get back to the page you started from).
4. Browser Friendly - IE, Firefox, Netscape, Etc....
5. Friendly People - Highly friendly & socialible.
6. Comparitive - Other sites lack all of what I said & some have even let there site Hmm... Not take on a life of its own, but let the users over run and dictate how it runs.
7. Control - You made very clear that certian things will not be allowed (the GW character sex scenes for instance).
8. Age support - See #7...I know this could be combined, but I think this makes all the difference in the world by allowing all ages.
Final Analysis - This site is an EXCELLENT site and I will not join another. I will also recommend this site to any and all others in Guildwars that I come across that have an intrest in being friendly.
This site appears to be drawing the entire GuildWars community, from developers, to alpha...nda violators...ahem...I mean players, to the newest people to hear about GuildWars and as Genosha said it's friendly but well controlled. Also a good sense of humor in everyone. It makes a big statement as to the type of people who make up the GuildWars community. Thank you for making this site. You are a very capable designer both in style and function.
it needs a wider variety of pictures to put in the avatar i couldnt upload my special picture of my char because it wasa bmp file...now i go no more other pictures to put in it that are cool
William the Silent
Originally Posted by Fezz
Why don't you just save the pic as a different file type?
Exactly, all you need to do is switch it to a .jpg and it'll work fine.
this forum is pretty dope. good job to who ever made it. maybe there could be a new section for other gaming platforms too? lol or if this is solely for gw then hey its all good ^^
Hi, iv just go on board with the whole Guild Wars thing, and I must say I was a bit scared with all the information about the game coming from different web-sites, but after reading the sub-sections of this web site eg. Proffesions and Levelling Up, im a lot more clearer and im now totally looking forward to the game!!!
We look forward to seeing you ingame

This site is great! Its well organized, serious, and fun, friendly.. hmm.... awesome!
I don't have any suggestions right now, just wanted to say how superior this site is to others.
I don't have any suggestions right now, just wanted to say how superior this site is to others.
Compared to many other MMORPG forums this has to be the best I have ever read.
It's like a breath of fresh air reading mature responses that are the majority.
It's like a breath of fresh air reading mature responses that are the majority.
Not to be a thread necro poster, but I just wanted to say how much I've enjoyed reading these forums while I waited (impatiently) for my copy of GW to arrive. I wish GWG much success in the future.
Great site. One minor forum quibble...the search engine rejects short words. Ok, for Google, but a nuisance when serching on PETS or DYE...

Well it usually rejects anything under 4 letters. Give me a list of words and I can add them to the acceptable list [I have already added 'fur']
Smoky Mc Pot
i have many problems (with my bad eyes ;>) to read the Guild Wars PvP Ladder. Because, i dont have a contrast between the Guild Names.
A little line, or alternating color in every 2nd row will be much better.
I hope u understand my problem, if i read one row, sometimes i jump inadvertently to the next row...
A little line, or alternating color in every 2nd row will be much better.
I hope u understand my problem, if i read one row, sometimes i jump inadvertently to the next row...
Good call Smoky - I have updated it: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/ladder/
This is a great site, there's a lot of useful information and I love the forum..
But I had one suggestion:
I used to post on another forum for a different online game, and they had a rule for 'no naming names'.
It meant that if you posted one of these topics about the terrible community (which seems to be a recurring theme on this forum) you had to black out the names using an image program.
I just thought this might be a good idea, as I would imagine that for every 'warning you about this guy' post that appears he will get at least 10 whispers flaming him.
Just a suggestion, but I thought I would mention it.
Edit: I just realised that this topic is for website suggestions, not forums.
I am so sorry about that, and if there was a topic for forum suggestions I would have posted it there.
But I had one suggestion:
I used to post on another forum for a different online game, and they had a rule for 'no naming names'.
It meant that if you posted one of these topics about the terrible community (which seems to be a recurring theme on this forum) you had to black out the names using an image program.
I just thought this might be a good idea, as I would imagine that for every 'warning you about this guy' post that appears he will get at least 10 whispers flaming him.
Just a suggestion, but I thought I would mention it.

Edit: I just realised that this topic is for website suggestions, not forums.

I am so sorry about that, and if there was a topic for forum suggestions I would have posted it there.
We have a no name policy.
read my topic "a real pvp" ya will rule with this even beginers will have a chance
This forum is brilliant! And also some of everyone's (Including my thought for the bank, but it actually wasn't) ideas were implemented into the game. Also, the off-topic section is a great laugh

Just want to say great job. I saw a spam thread (Nuggers.com) quickly got deleted in the Q&A forum. Keep this up guys!
EDIT: Now he's onto the Riverside Inn... please ban this user ASAP. Thanks.
EDIT AGAIN: Cool he's gone now. Thanks again.
EDIT: Now he's onto the Riverside Inn... please ban this user ASAP. Thanks.
EDIT AGAIN: Cool he's gone now. Thanks again.
I'd just like to say this site is like Quake1 site www.singed.net has all these funky games, and forums is same as theres. I never made website but do you download this stuff up or do you create it yourself?
I want to pass on my thanks as an offensive thread was deleted in minutes concerning offence and religion, which could have started a flaming war. Thanks mods, and keep this up!
GW Insomniac
Great site with a GREAT community - keep it up