Balthazar Aura




Join Date: Nov 2005


Originally Posted by Gorebrex
Either youre using a 55 build, or somethings VERY wrong.
Full Censors/Judges armor and no Weapon/Offhand energy bonuses = 33 max energy.

gabrial heart

gabrial heart

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Las Vegas

Beautiful Peoples Club [LIPO]


Originally Posted by Gorebrex
Either youre using a 55 build, or somethings VERY wrong.
Haha, you using a +15 <1 regen wand or focii, cause you're taking a regen ping hit!

Also note your base e is always your base e, no matter what level you are!


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006


my 55 has 46 energy

Balthazars aura should not get a buff. Ever since aoe nerf, aoe skills (unless used in conjunction with kd/extreme slow) are pretty much useless.

+ I use zealots fire with my 55, if you are talking about using it in PVE with spamming low cost spells..well Id just like to let you know that monsters will scatter. The only way that monsters will not scatter is if you cast every 3 seconds, no sooner.Even on mountain trolls (which get increased dmg to fire?), zealots deals <10 dmg per cast. So..math time!

60/3 (everytime you can cast without scatter)= 20

so you can cast 20 times before zealots ends and lets go with 10dmg per hit from zealous, net dmg is only 200. Not the ridiculous number you posted before.

Please correct me if im wrong, my math sucks even with simple equations.

Dr Strangelove

Dr Strangelove

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Dec 2005

Wasting away again in Margaritaville


You realize balthazar's aura is one of the keystone's of the massively powerful dual smite build. Also, a pox upon ye for bringing a 55 into HA. A thousand poxes be upon ye.

Ken Dei

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006


*Blinks* Ok, I'm going to have to made a new sig for this...

"Signet of MASSIVE Dissapproval!"

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Yea, they should bring Smiting back to what it was BEFORE it was nerfed, especially since adding Air of Enchantment now that factions is out doesn't mean anything.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by gabrial heart
Haha, you using a +15 <1 regen wand or focii, cause you're taking a regen ping hit!

Also note your base e is always your base e, no matter what level you are!
Well yeah, base is base, wasnt saying than, but why the haha? I dont get it.
Also, will have to look up the Cendsors/Judges armor. Im thinking its Factions(I dont have it yet).

Vahn Roi

Vahn Roi

Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2006


It's straight, armor ignoring damage and it's a mobile EoA attack.

I think it's fine the way it is and that's coming from a smiter.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Somewhere cold

The Followers of the Messiah


Originally Posted by Gorebrex
Either youre using a 55 build, or somethings VERY wrong.
I'm using armor you have + the -50 offhand. And I have 33 energy, 30 max energy + offhand +3 energy I believe it is. Dont understand how you could get more energy lol, wands only give +3 energy tops if I remember correctely. So I have to buy the tattoes for energy? Sigh, already bought 20K of runes, now gotta spend 40K for 55 armor again.

Symbol of wrath is better than Balt aura, because good enery and everything, dont matter if its just the AREA, with balt aura when opponent moves away you gotta go chase them, and while chasing your not doing any damage unless you start running when they do, and time they stop balt aura is OVER. I think Balt aura is just good for 55 farming, and not for 55 PvP, considering mobs dont run forever. The energy still is insane, 25/42 is 59% of energy being used, that is insane, especially when you gotta work to effectively use it, which isnt worth working for. I say either lower the energy and raise the duration to 25 seconds, since it likes the number 25.

Hidden in the Mist

Hidden in the Mist


Join Date: May 2006

Symbol of Wrath SUCKS compared to Bathlazar's Aura. Symbol of Wrath only affects ONE location and only one location, while Aura is mobile. Symbol of Wrath is a spell, so you can't lengthen it's duration and it only last for 5 FREAKING SECONDS WITH A 30 SECOND RECHARGE. Symbol of Wrath ALSO causes Monster scattering just like Bathlazar's Aura.

Why the hell do you need AoE to damage enemies when you could use Shield of Judgement or Retribution if you're a Spirit Bond monk.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Benecia Renovatio [RenO]


Originally Posted by quanzong
They were thinking "Hmm an awsome skill, but let's give it an appropriate energy cost to make it balanced."

Originally Posted by quanzong
My monk has 33 energy at lvl 20
This is because you are retarded.

Staff, or a focus and wand/+energy sword/axe please.

Originally Posted by quanzong
25 energy should be for ELEMENTALISTS.
Yet, it costs 25 energy. Rangers have spirits and skills that cost 25 energy too... Let's move Concussion Shot to the "Fire Magic" attribute line too? Or how about not.

Originally Posted by quanzong
1 spell costing 75% of your energy is WAY to much, especially when it has little benefits.
Yeah, it only does 260-312 damage at 16 smiting over 10-12 seconds. Wait, that's a massive amount of damage for the energy cost...

Originally Posted by quanzong
ANET you HAVE to do the following.
make Balt aura cost less.
make Balt aura last longer, perfer 60 seconds like zealot fire
make Balt aura deal WAY more damage
1560+ damage for less than 25 energy over 60 seconds would be extremely overpowered.

Originally Posted by quanzong
I have armor + defense toward elemental damage, I dont like tattoes.
You don't need + energy armor for more energy. Staff. Focus, wand/+energy main hand.

Bad armor choice...

Originally Posted by quanzong
I think Symbol of Rath is better than Balt Aura, because time people notice they getting hit, they start running, same with Balt Aura, cept some people are newbies and just inhale it.
You have a poorly functioning brain. Sorry to inform you.

Sure, Symbol of Wrath is 170 damage over 5 seconds at 16 smiting, whereas Balthazars Aura is 260 over 10 seconds at 16 smiting. But Balthazars Aura can be extended by two seconds(or more with skills), and it's mobile. Whereas Symbol of Wrath shouldn't get one hit of damage in against compitent players who see it being cast and move. Oh, and the recharge is better on Balthazars Aura.

Originally Posted by quanzong
Zealot Fire lasts for 60 seconds so time you use it all it will be more beneficial than Balt Aura.
37 damage per skill, that's pretty good. Of course, the damage is reduced by armor, and there's the small fact of you having to cast a 5 energy plus spell every time to get the trigger from it, and it needs to be a 1/4s spell every second to get the same damage per second. Yeah, so for the same cost as Balthazars Aura, we can deal 111 damage OPTIMALY over 2.25 seconds. Hmm, Balthazars Aura is better.

Originally Posted by quanzong
This Balt Aura is trying to mimic Meteor I think, with 25 energy lol. I think meteor is more worth 25 energy than Balt Aura.
Meteor? You mean Meteor Shower. Please comprehend what skill you're refering to before doing so. It really does help.

And no, it's not trying to mimic Meteor Shower at all. The only thing that is the same is they're both Area of Effect, Damage over Time, and cost 25 energy. They're not even close to the same skill, the difference being, damage type, how that damage interacts with armor, one causes exhaustion, damage intervals, one being stationary, one causing knockdown, one being an enchantment that can be lengthened...

Originally Posted by quanzong
Most undead is easy to kill so dont give if it does double to them, what do you go after the necromancer or the flesh golem, I go for the necromancer.
That's nice. It's also armor-ignoring damage, you should care about that.

Originally Posted by quanzong
I was actually trying to get the energy to go lower because I cant solo any lvl 20+ with my monk, because I guess its because I get fustrated all the time trying the 55 monk builds suggested by others and cant use it effectively.
Yes, because ANET nerfed all AoEs in PvE for farming ages ago, just so they can make their costs lower for PvE farming usage? How stupid can you be?

You're an absolute idiot if you can't farm trolls or minoutars. Sorry, but it's possibly the simplest task in the game. Pre-searing quests are far more diffucult and require more thinking.

Originally Posted by quanzong
But ya for real 25 energy = too much, if a spell costs over 60% energy it better be a real deal. I think either they should lower Balt Aura mana, or raise Zealot Fire mana, because Zealot Fire in my opinion is way better, its not hard spamming reversal of fortune over and over again, and my monk is monk ranger, if I dont like fire damage, I can always cast winter.
25 energy is not too much. Your energy has already been adressed.

Casting winter will do nothing, unless they for some reason have higher AL vs fire than vs cold. Which is extremely unlikely. Yeah, fire and cold are both elemental, and apply to armor in the exact same way...

Zealots Fire has already been adressed.. But for added emphasis, the cost goes up for each spell you cast, since you have to pay for that spell... Oh, and the fact that to make it effective you need points in the smiting line, which means you have less points in other lines, and you have one less slot on your bar for other things, which pretty much leaves you to smiting only and only casting for the damage trigger from zealots, with very little other effect.

Originally Posted by quanzong
You always have a bunch of stupid warriors in HA who come for the monks and just concentrate on the skill bar and dont pay any attention whats hitting them, or dont know what all Zealot Fire does.
Wow, HA players suck. Big whoop. You should never concern yourself with bad players, only good ones. Because tactics that beat good players can work very well against bad players, but the reverse is not always true.

P.S. What Rank are you?

Originally Posted by quanzong
'm using armor you have + the -50 offhand. And I have 33 energy, 30 max energy + offhand +3 energy I believe it is. Dont understand how you could get more energy lol, wands only give +3 energy tops if I remember correctely. So I have to buy the tattoes for energy?
+5 on wands. +5 on axes/swords.

Why are you using a - 50 health offhand? Especaily in PvP? You don't use Baltahzars Aura or any DoT AoE for farming, and you don't 55 at any compitent level of PvP.


Originally Posted by quanzong
Sigh, already bought 20K of runes, now gotta spend 40K for 55 armor again.
The armor you did buy sucks, but that's another story...

Originally Posted by quanzong
Symbol of wrath is better than Balt aura, because good enery and everything, dont matter if its just the AREA, with balt aura when opponent moves away you gotta go chase them, and while chasing your not doing any damage unless you start running when they do, and time they stop balt aura is OVER.
No, it's not.

They have the same area of effect.

No compitent player will take even 1 damage from Symbol of Wrath. Unlike Aura...

You're clueless...

Originally Posted by quanzong
I think Balt aura is just good for 55 farming, and not for 55 PvP, considering mobs dont run forever.


People kite in PvP. You can also run after them. Amazing!

Everyone, please excuse the bold and caps, it was really needed on that response...

Originally Posted by quanzong
The energy still is insane, 25/42 is 59% of energy being used, that is insane, especially when you gotta work to effectively use it, which isnt worth working for. I say either lower the energy and raise the duration to 25 seconds, since it likes the number 25.

Your stupidity is absolutly amazing. I really do hope you're joking about everything you've said... I really dbout you are though...

Terra Xin

Terra Xin

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Mar 2006

New Zealand


Originally Posted by Ken Dei
*Blinks* Ok, I'm going to have to made a new sig for this...

"Signet of MASSIVE Dissapproval!"
omg this is the best idea in this thread. I definately sign for the implementation of a signet of MASSIVE Disapproval!!