What is your favorite profession?
Hi, this is my first poll here, please be gentle
Question: What is your favorite profession?
Happy voting!
Mine is monk right now, since that's the one I happen to be playing at the moment. My main char is a ranger, though
Question: What is your favorite profession?
Happy voting!
Mine is monk right now, since that's the one I happen to be playing at the moment. My main char is a ranger, though
That's hard, seeing I like playing all professons, so I picked pudding.
Retribution X
Monk. They get too little abuse, so I try to jack it up...
I really LOVE playing monk though...
I really LOVE playing monk though...
Kinda hard to pick between Monk, Mesmer and Necro. Pudding it is.
I voted Monk. Call me crazy but I just love keeping a party alive and finally beat (insert hard mission/quest here). I've been playing as a warrior when I started. Was a true wammo and I got hated by monks a lot :P Now I know why. I just love monks ^^
Ariana Of Damia
lol pudding.... FTW
That's the problem with joke entries on a poll - you always get a margin of error of +/- pudding.
I voted monk btw.
I voted monk btw.
Poison Ivy
Awww...no cookies?
Necromancer then
Necromancer then
Necro for now, It changes often though.
Originally Posted by Jessyi
you always get a margin of error of +/- pudding.
The reason why I include pudding in almost all of my polls is because sometimes the choices aren't sufficient to meet everyone's needs, having this option makes sure everyone gets to participate
Besides, who can say no to pudding?
Yup pudding summed up all professions for me to make my decision, I see no error.
Necro MM FTW!!!
*does the Ranger dance*
Ranger for me
closely followed by necro
closely followed by necro
The Shadow
I really enjoy playing the monk... but my rit is quickly becoming a crowd favorite. I don't know if it's because I suck at monk or if a good rit is just hard to find.
I will always have love for my ranger (1st toon)
I vote rit
I will always have love for my ranger (1st toon)
I vote rit
Hmm, just realized that even though I voted for monk, my profile says I'm Me/E, now I'm really confused
Fyre Brand
Ranger - It's my first character and they are fairly resilient and versatile.
Monk, Necro and Warrior are fun to play too.
Mesmers are fun but I think can be the hardest class to play really well. I'm just not good enough to mez yet.
Elems -- I hate playing them. Neat spells, but I just don't like playing one.
Haven't really tried Ritualist or Assassin yet.
Monk, Necro and Warrior are fun to play too.
Mesmers are fun but I think can be the hardest class to play really well. I'm just not good enough to mez yet.
Elems -- I hate playing them. Neat spells, but I just don't like playing one.
Haven't really tried Ritualist or Assassin yet.
The one Casey Squid
So elastic
So elastic
Jeremy Untouchable
i love the solo farming type of thing , so yeah war and 55 monk ftw
The Real Roy Keane
Assasins are fast becoming my favourite, for fun if not efficiency.
Ranger always!
Although my guild hasn't let me play anything other than monk lately....
Although my guild hasn't let me play anything other than monk lately....
Kais Unduli
Right now I've been playing with my elemenatlist a lot, so I voted for ele. Otherwise, my monk and warrior get the most of my playing time.
Sadly, my first character, a ranger, has slowly fallen into neglect.
Sadly, my first character, a ranger, has slowly fallen into neglect.
Scourage of Death
Necro, always has been in every game ive played (diablo o yea)
Ranger and Monk... but I voted for Monk..
third place is for Necro
third place is for Necro
I couldn't decide between Monk, necro or assassin. So I chose Pudding. It would probably be monk though I think..
Ranger, with Mesmer as a close second.
Ritualist, I have a 78-page journal of new ritualist attacks I thought up
Johnny Paycheck
I've been monking since the beta 15 months ago so that's what I picked!
Smile Like Umean It
Originally Posted by SnipiousMax
Ranger always!
Although my guild hasn't let me play anything other than monk lately.... |
None the less I love my rangers most and always will.
P.S. pudding came in a close second
Malice Black
necro...my first char and the only 1 i wont delete
Monk. Easy to find a group, easy to make yourself useful in every mission.
In terms of fun: #1 necro,#2 ranger, #3 warrior(I am usually not w/mo and can actually play it pretty well.)
In terms of use: #1 Warrior,#2 necro,#3 ranger.
So necro takes it because they are flexible and fun.
In terms of use: #1 Warrior,#2 necro,#3 ranger.
So necro takes it because they are flexible and fun.
Was going to pick Monk, but then I saw pudding.
Yes, I'm weak.
Yes, I'm weak.
rit ftw :P
Lady Lozza
I voted mesmer, but I love monk and ritualist as well, and I'm really starting to enjoy ranger... Maybe I should have voted pudding...
Plushie Penguin
ritualist, the REAL support class![monks fix other's mistakes, aka damage, or prevent it]
Saix The Spartan
Monk (I can Barely keep myself alive)
Monk (I can Barely keep myself alive)
Turbo Wombat
I'll play any class depending on what my goal is. As a result, I voted for Pudding.
ritulist will continue to be my favorite class. first cahr i ever made and almsot as easy to get in a gruop as a monk.
If however a 9th? class is put into guild wars inj chapter 3 , and that class happens to be druid, My ritulist will lsoe any loyalty i had for it.
druids remain my favorite RPG class.
i belive druids are already in GW lore the whatchamacallit jungle had numerous tribes of druids that disapeared and have not been seen (blah blah) look it up in teh guild wars manuscripts.
but anyway ritulist is fun because of how versitile it is as a support class.
protection, healing, support damage (and to a small extent) spiking/nuking
plus summoning spirits look cool abiet very similar(twins!)
If however a 9th? class is put into guild wars inj chapter 3 , and that class happens to be druid, My ritulist will lsoe any loyalty i had for it.
druids remain my favorite RPG class.
i belive druids are already in GW lore the whatchamacallit jungle had numerous tribes of druids that disapeared and have not been seen (blah blah) look it up in teh guild wars manuscripts.
but anyway ritulist is fun because of how versitile it is as a support class.
protection, healing, support damage (and to a small extent) spiking/nuking
plus summoning spirits look cool abiet very similar(twins!)