Originally Posted by Doomslay
As I have posted before. Normally I would agree with you but NC soft Fd up the distribution of the game, I am happy that some Quote"got it the day it came out" but in my area I havent even seen the reprint.
In other words this is a special case, there were many people out there like me that given the chance to buy the CE would Have gladly forked over the buckos for it. But I gave up and gave in so I could play the expansion.
the reasonible thing for anet to do would be to give people left out the first time a upgrade. all they have to do is look at the key and its activation time to verify that I bought the standard edition within a week of the expansions release.
The only reason I can see for other players saying no! never! no way! is Elitism maybe Im wrong maybe your undercover A-net employees (just joking)
Playing the theme to 007 in the background now, just for you
Seriously though. You do have Factions. You told us you do. that you pre-ordered CE, got the run around and settled for a standard edition box is your biggest mistake for this. They can't use that software again; you've got the key now and its setup to your account. its useless to anyone else.
And this is not an NCsoft problem. or an Anet issue. this is a distribution problem. Saying this is their fault is a little like blaming Orange Farmer's when the Wal-Mart truck breaks down in Georgia.
What you should have done was say "No; I don't want the standard version. I want the CE I pre-ordered you {THIS POST HAS BEEN EDITED BY THE POSTER} so you can take that pice of {BECAUSE MINUS SIGN DOESN'T WANT TO BE KICKED OFF THE FORUM} and shove it where the sun dont shine!" But you ddn't. You chose to walk out of the store with Standard.
Your solution to have CE as an aftermarket add on solves your problem, but it gives Anet others. Its just bad marketting.
Yes. having CE grants a certain Elitism to players. It's the whole 'i have this and you don't' mentality. But your solution is that all of a sudden any1 with 20 bucks and a credit card can get it whenever they want. It loses its value. Then its not so much CE as it is "buy your glowing hands upgrade this week; next week we're having a special on GREENS!" We stop playing Guild Wars and now we're another Knight Online. *shivers*
Your situation is something that Anet does need to be made aware of so they can thump the backsides of retail store chains for Chapter 3 and make SURE that people get what they pre-order. So, while I admire your sand, I just can't agree with you on this solution.
EDIT: I remember the hubub pre-Factions. There was a thread devoted just to people pre-ordering the game and Gaile was in there on a regular basis, asking questions and checking comments about availability. If they took that much effort making sure people could pre-order, I find it difficult to believe they didn't put the hours into making the boxsets.
Some people didn't get it. There may very well have been a shortage, but not the woeful lack of product that people seem to think. Remember; when most people get what they want they remain silent in their contentment. but when they don't, the howl.