Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
I sincery hope you read this Gaile, and I hope you understand where I am coming from.
While the update was obviously not caused by this thread, considering in substance they are completely disimilar(they would have noted the undocumented change to GC), it was motivated by other threads. Proving that posting threads like this is indeed important and needed.
Also, I believe that this thread was never insulting in it's intent or implication. Most if not all negative posts were constructive criticism. My motivation for starting this thread was two-fold:
1. Try to find the actual date of the change to a 3 second activation. As I posted repeatedly asking people if they knew the date of the change, which no one seems to.
2. Bring the change into view of the community.
If you don't believe me on either of these things, look at the topic and the OP. I'm asking a question.
Having ArenaNet make ammendments to the update notes was at best a pipe dream. But it is the only viable way to get all the fan skill listings all with the same update with one simple page update. It had never been done before this thread was posted, but hopefully will be done regularly in the future.
The point of this thread, and others like it, is simple. Why keep doing a great job if no one cares about the mistakes that you make? If you make 1 mistake and no one notices, what's preventing you from making 10 mistakes and no one noticing? How about 100 mistakes without a whisper? Where would the mistakes end if no one ever noticed them?
Thus by that logic, pointing out mistakes that no one else has noticed prevents the game from getting worse, or eventually failing.
ArenaNet is probably the single best game development company I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. They honestly care about community, write revolutionnary code simply because thats the right way to do it. Look at the update system. That's a peice of pure genious. They could have used a simple torrent system like WoW if they wanted, but they pushed to make a high-quality peice of code simply because it's the best way to do it.
Honestly ArenaNet is my favorite dev company. I'd praise you guys day and night if I had the time, because there are many things that deserve praise. But I prefer to show my praise simply by pre-ordering every game you have released withing weeks of it being available
But there are already tons of people praising you, simply by buying 2 million copies of your games. Thus I endevor to make your games better by helping you and constructively pointing out your mistakes.
Originally Posted by Kalki
How many of you constant complainers will apologise to Anet for treating them like crooks, and say thank you?
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
How many times has that happend by actual count?
Answer: Never that I've seen. Ever.
They have all said thank you by buying GW:Factions, and very few of them demanded a refund. Honestly if people have a choice between critisicm and mindless praise, whats going to be the outcome? Thats the simple reason why you see more complaint threads then praise threads. The people wouldn't post about if they didn't care.