Originally Posted by Taurucis
Which guilds, the PvE ones?
Rank ≠ skill. My unranked ViM group once beat a r6+ balanced group. Another unranked ViM group I was in once beat Wee Free Men. I wonder why the ranked people don't like unranked people. It's a box of chocolates out there, you're bound to get something you really like. One funny thing I find about really high ranked people...the higher the rank is, the less creative they seem to be ¬¬ Once I was trying to get a PuG for arborstone. A team invited me in, and then this W/Mo with expensive looking armor (multicolor dye! can't beat that!) began spamming me "tell em let me in" So I told him to do it himself. He said that the team leader was ignoring him. I asked why, and he replied that "they dont like me cause im better than them" and proceeded to flash a rank 9 emote in my face. I asked the team leader about the Wammo, and she said that he had been in the team, but his pompous attitude had cost them the mission right at the end. (10 minutes into the mission I err7'd again -.-) When I completed the mission with henchmen on a different computer, I warped back and noticed that the wammo was still there. IMO rank discrimination stems from no-life people who play guild wars all day and have to diss other players because they're insecure and need a few heads to step on to feel good. |