Initial impressions of new classes?
I just rolled a Dervish and wow, just wow - I can see many a nerf in its future. High damage, brutal for ballers/warders and high health to boot. This thing will pretty much destroy vimway ^_^
Dervish = god.
Paragons? Decent.
Paragons? Decent.
So if the dervish are "gods", why does every other premade and most custom build completly destroy them? This includes the boon prot.
Dervish were better than I thought they would be - might even tempt me to play some form of Melee class, usually I'm not really in favor of them cause I prefer to cast. The scythe handling was cool. I can see mesmers becoming more important as enchantment removal will be required to take off "Avatar of Melandru" or whatever, to bring the Dervish back down to a 'normal' health.
Paragon...hmmm...I didn't mind them. I think, from what I saw, their skills lacked something, although I'm liking the battle cry that puts allows your team to set enemies on fire/crippled - that could be fun.
Paragon...hmmm...I didn't mind them. I think, from what I saw, their skills lacked something, although I'm liking the battle cry that puts allows your team to set enemies on fire/crippled - that could be fun.
Originally Posted by BowLad21
So if the dervish are "gods", why does every other premade and most custom build completly destroy them? This includes the boon prot.
but if thats what you think of the dervish so far, then you must be new to guildwars.
I only tried the pre made build Commander ( think it was named that ) one AB match before going to work. Deals decent damage, able to daze targets easily (works well on Dervish as they rely on enchantments) and their shouts and chants arent all bad either.
Havent tested Dervish yet as my impression is it is more PvE than PvP with their AoE attacks.
Also Paragons have 80 AL + Shield which is nice imo. The spear damage is good and the fire rate is decent.
Dervish weapon damage is big, 41 ( or was it 42, cant remember ), max damage... create a crit scythe wielding assassin and get a lot of crits and you dont need to use any skills to kill the target, this is of course just speculations. But having alot in Critical Strike as well as Scythe Mastery seems devastating.
Havent tested Dervish yet as my impression is it is more PvE than PvP with their AoE attacks.
Also Paragons have 80 AL + Shield which is nice imo. The spear damage is good and the fire rate is decent.
Dervish weapon damage is big, 41 ( or was it 42, cant remember ), max damage... create a crit scythe wielding assassin and get a lot of crits and you dont need to use any skills to kill the target, this is of course just speculations. But having alot in Critical Strike as well as Scythe Mastery seems devastating.
Originally Posted by Silontes
Dervish = god.
Paragons? Decent. |
I love the Paragon, Dervish is gonna be over used and few will actually know what to do with them, like the assassain. paragons are the true Gods of battle!
Paragon shouts had me laughing for quite some time.
"It's just a flesh wound."
"It's just a flesh wound."
Originally Posted by MMSDome
I love the Paragon, Dervish is gonna be over used and few will actually know what to do with them, like the assassain. paragons are the true Gods of battle!
Feminist Terrorist
You know someone had some fun making those shouts.
Originally Posted by Celestial Beaver
Dervish were better than I thought they would be - might even tempt me to play some form of Melee class, usually I'm not really in favor of them cause I prefer to cast. The scythe handling was cool. I can see mesmers becoming more important as enchantment removal will be required to take off "Avatar of Melandru" or whatever, to bring the Dervish back down to a 'normal' health.
Paragon...hmmm...I didn't mind them. I think, from what I saw, their skills lacked something, although I'm liking the battle cry that puts allows your team to set enemies on fire/crippled - that could be fun. |
Originally Posted by MMSDome
I love the Paragon, Dervish is gonna be over used and few will actually know what to do with them, like the assassain. paragons are the true Gods of battle!
Dervishes are nice but they are probably one of the hardest classes to find a build to exploit themselves well. Most people won't understand the attacks that remove an enchant are actually some of the best skills you can put in a build.
Former Ruling
Originally Posted by Silontes
Dervish = god.
Paragons? Decent. |
Paragon's have LOADS of chants and shots that you can go /P for. Leadership has enough cookies to warrent primary paragon. And MOst importantly...SPEARS OWN SCYTHES. Pack Hunters prove that.
Dervishes...Meh. They have some nice cookies that you can go /D for, like Imbue Health. Attacking style dervishes are gimped (even though their weapons attack adjacent people and have 41 max...still isnt anything to "Wow" over)...Enchantments are too depended on for serious pvp play with them. The only thing to go Primary Dervish for right now is Avatar forms, which are more fun gimmicky things more than anything you could depend on. The exception to my paragraph is of course smiting off the Dervish, which proves very useful and shows the Dervishes true use.
if nerf dervishes and paragons, whats the point of adding them anyway?
balled-up groups are old as mending warriors. down with the old gameplay. enough with nerfs. welcome the x-41 dmg scythe and the javelin throwing paragons.
balled-up groups are old as mending warriors. down with the old gameplay. enough with nerfs. welcome the x-41 dmg scythe and the javelin throwing paragons.
Dervishes will see light in PvP as long as smite is around. Extend enchantments, Balthazar's rage, AoE adjacent attacks, and smite are going to make you boon prots cry. Boon also got a nerf because of the possible abuse with mysticism.
Paragons are amazing conditions spammers. Spears have a fast attack speed for being ranged and same dmg as bows. They do not gain the range increase from elevation but do get the decrease.
I like these 2 much more than the Ass/Rit and see many different builds instead of just 1 bar being viable.
Paragons are amazing conditions spammers. Spears have a fast attack speed for being ranged and same dmg as bows. They do not gain the range increase from elevation but do get the decrease.
I like these 2 much more than the Ass/Rit and see many different builds instead of just 1 bar being viable.
I would only call it 'nerf' after the game has been released, this is beta testing and thus the skills are not done yet. IMO, nothing can get nerfed yet for Paragons or Dervishes
Originally Posted by Anryla
Dervish weapon damage is big, 41 ( or was it 42, cant remember ), max damage... create a crit scythe wielding assassin and get a lot of crits and you dont need to use any skills to kill the target, this is of course just speculations. But having alot in Critical Strike as well as Scythe Mastery seems devastating.
I'm gonna agree that Paragons will make a larger impact on the game than Dervishes will. Why? Chants, Echoes.. what else do you need? I'll admit that the Avatar skills are really fun to use, but in the end, enchant strippers will own dervishes.. unless you can somehow remove chants or echoes.. I won't comment on the spear/scythe controversy-- although spears do 14-27 and scythes do 7-41-- which really surprised me..
My first impression was "wow, Dervish is pretty good, but Paragon is a hell lot better.
My first impression was "wow, Dervish is pretty good, but Paragon is a hell lot better.
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by Anryla
IMO, nothing can get nerfed yet for Paragons or Dervishes
Hell, within minutes of the update going live there was a thread here at GWGuru about the "hair nerf"!
Man... those new dervishes are going to thrash my enchantment tank ele...

I think dervishes are a tiny bit overpowered. Mine has 130 Armour, 650 health, and he moves/attacks 33% faster.

Originally Posted by Celestial Beaver

hmmpf, if i didn't have loading issues right now, i'd be trying the dervish right away! probably still going to do so after loading is complete though 
are they here to stay, or will they remove them after a set period?

are they here to stay, or will they remove them after a set period?
first impression? sexy.
further impressions? far too early to say. there are some interesting skills on both lines, and both professions are very suited to pve, but its up in the air for pvp. dervishes possibly have the chance to have the largest single attack melee spike in the game, although it is fairly conditional and predictable. i havent played with a paragon enough to make a judgement on them, though.
I haven't played either yet, but I've faced several Dervishes in ABs and I wasn't too impressed. Took them down with a Me/N degen build with no problems.
I'll be giving them both a try over the weekend to see how they work from that side.
I'll be giving them both a try over the weekend to see how they work from that side.
Saix The Spartan
Had a joygasm while playing the Dervish, they are sooo much fun. The Paragon's...Not so much.
Dervish feels a tad overpowered. Basically they do what a warrior does, only it seems a lot better. With energy regen equiv to casters they can spam out magic attacks and they do massive dammage. Enchant strip might do a bit but the recharge times are low so I feel the stripping will be easily outpaced.
Paragon I like cause its a team player. And it has lots of skills that set people on fire... that's just funny. I also like that they've introduced another Adrenal character. It's really hard for warriors to do much other than be a warrior due to low energy and low energy recharge. W/P and P/W I feel will become common place.
Paragon I like cause its a team player. And it has lots of skills that set people on fire... that's just funny. I also like that they've introduced another Adrenal character. It's really hard for warriors to do much other than be a warrior due to low energy and low energy recharge. W/P and P/W I feel will become common place.
Dervishes seems nice for pve and for some pvp gimmick builds. But I guess that paragons will have big hit on high level pvp metagame - probably as secondary. Shouts and chants are awesome (maybe even overpowered) and Cautery Signet is thousand times better than Martyr is.
As I posted elsewhere, after two shiny new Gladiator points I'm a lot more confident than I was in the Dervish's ability to stay alive under pressure, both in PVE and PVP.
I played mainly in Random Arenas... But don't let that fool you: There were a lot of people who busted out their SS necros and enchantment-hate mesmers to "farm" the horde of Dervish n00bs for faction. More effective were the Cripshot rangers, but those were a bit less common.
My initial conclusions? Drop that Scything score to a weapon-requirement nine, 'cause the spellcasting is a lot more powerful. Wind Prayers are utterly awesome, and the fact that you can get a lot of utility spells out of the Mysticism line means you never have to split attributes more than three ways.
Another thing I noticed is that area-damage Dervishes "stack" very well - one of my Glad-point teams contained someone else with the D/Me prefab (mine was heavily modified and had the scores redistributed), and the number of casual kills we got on Boon Prots just because we both happened to spout off some Holy Flame simultaneously was crazy. Their range, you'll note, is greater than people give it credit for.
...Since they have a lot of utility spells and OK heals, an all-Dervish team works quite well. An all-Paragon team, from what I saw, tends to lack a good kill condition.
As you can infer from the above I didn't put in much playtime on the Paragon, since I was busy, uh, unlocking Dervish stuff. My quick impressions from playing the prefabs were that they're a bit light on damage. The best use of them in support was chain shouting, but that really depends on them having a proper damage dealer to support. Independent ranger-like builds were also forthcoming, which were good condition-spreaders and incompetent interrupters.
I played mainly in Random Arenas... But don't let that fool you: There were a lot of people who busted out their SS necros and enchantment-hate mesmers to "farm" the horde of Dervish n00bs for faction. More effective were the Cripshot rangers, but those were a bit less common.

My initial conclusions? Drop that Scything score to a weapon-requirement nine, 'cause the spellcasting is a lot more powerful. Wind Prayers are utterly awesome, and the fact that you can get a lot of utility spells out of the Mysticism line means you never have to split attributes more than three ways.
Another thing I noticed is that area-damage Dervishes "stack" very well - one of my Glad-point teams contained someone else with the D/Me prefab (mine was heavily modified and had the scores redistributed), and the number of casual kills we got on Boon Prots just because we both happened to spout off some Holy Flame simultaneously was crazy. Their range, you'll note, is greater than people give it credit for.

...Since they have a lot of utility spells and OK heals, an all-Dervish team works quite well. An all-Paragon team, from what I saw, tends to lack a good kill condition.
As you can infer from the above I didn't put in much playtime on the Paragon, since I was busy, uh, unlocking Dervish stuff. My quick impressions from playing the prefabs were that they're a bit light on damage. The best use of them in support was chain shouting, but that really depends on them having a proper damage dealer to support. Independent ranger-like builds were also forthcoming, which were good condition-spreaders and incompetent interrupters.
Dervishes are simply the penultimate Timmy class. There's no beating around the bush about what it does--it uses that bigass scythe to cut people the hell down, and it does it relatively well. This isn't to say that it's one-dimensional, nor bad--it's merely very very blunt.
I haven't gotten to try Paragons out too well yet, so I'm on the fence about them, but "It's just a flesh wound" and "Go for the Eyes!" make them completely awesome on references alone.
I haven't gotten to try Paragons out too well yet, so I'm on the fence about them, but "It's just a flesh wound" and "Go for the Eyes!" make them completely awesome on references alone.
Originally Posted by Arkantos
I think dervishes are a tiny bit overpowered. Mine has 130 Armour, 650 health, and he moves/attacks 33% faster.
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main weakness is theyre extremely succeptable to spel counters and or interrupt/kd. 1 well placed interrupt leaves me attempting to salvage a defense for 20 seconds.
Well... I really like how the new classes have been made. Dervishes, to me, have seemed more powerful... selfheal, strong attacks, aoes, conditions... paragons don't seem as devastating but they're already being used fairly interestingly.
To me the dervish needs a major nerf, if not I see a bright future for W/D tanks with insane amounts of damage. Paragons seem as primary supporters to me (I'm not too fond of playing supporting characters), so my first impression of those isn't too good.
But still, I think it'll be interesting to try them both once Nightfall is out.
But still, I think it'll be interesting to try them both once Nightfall is out.
Curse You
So many people broke out their enchantment removal mesmers and necros with enchantment removers. So many Dervishes rejoiced at their "powerful" enchantments being set off at just the right time.
What so many of the people don't realise is that enchantment removal HELPS the Dervishes, not the other way around. Their enchantments have very short recharges, and they gain health and energy when an enchantment ends or is removed from them.
What so many of the people don't realise is that enchantment removal HELPS the Dervishes, not the other way around. Their enchantments have very short recharges, and they gain health and energy when an enchantment ends or is removed from them.
It's too early to say anything yet on these new classes.
Dervishes have lot of success, because they are extremely self sufficient. They fit very well the RA mentality.
Paragons are a very powerful support class. They fit more the 8v8 format. And so are less popular than Dervishes. But in a teamplay I still fail to see what they will bring to the table comparatively to the other classes.
Dervishes have lot of success, because they are extremely self sufficient. They fit very well the RA mentality.
Paragons are a very powerful support class. They fit more the 8v8 format. And so are less popular than Dervishes. But in a teamplay I still fail to see what they will bring to the table comparatively to the other classes.
My impressions:
Dervish - very fun. stylish attacks, very sexy. Their weapon is intimidating, and the avatars are just awesome. The scythes skills are kinda ok, im more impressed witht he various AOE enchants.
Paragon - I think this class is better suited for a secondary. The R/P prebuild is REALLY good. i wanna see how a A/P with high crits might do. Spear Spiking is gonna be hot!
Basically i like them both. I definitely want at least to make bunny a spear ranger...thats gonna be fun ^^ finally i might have a reason to get 15k druids.
Dervish - very fun. stylish attacks, very sexy. Their weapon is intimidating, and the avatars are just awesome. The scythes skills are kinda ok, im more impressed witht he various AOE enchants.
Paragon - I think this class is better suited for a secondary. The R/P prebuild is REALLY good. i wanna see how a A/P with high crits might do. Spear Spiking is gonna be hot!
Basically i like them both. I definitely want at least to make bunny a spear ranger...thats gonna be fun ^^ finally i might have a reason to get 15k druids.
Okay. Scratch what I said above. Screw primay Dervishes.
W/D with scythes, Balanced Stance, Drunken/Desperation Blow, and Victory is Mine!
W/D with scythes, Balanced Stance, Drunken/Desperation Blow, and Victory is Mine!
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
There are no such things as buffs, skill balances, bugfixes, or confused players who misunderstand how skills work - it's all nerfs.
gabrial heart
Dervishes totally rock, there is a few skills that negate typical warrior conditions like blind/wards/aegis, where everytime you miss you still deal damage o_0. Are Dervish the new runners? Avatar of balthazar for almost 1 minute of 33% faster and +40 armor... eek! Haven't tried the paragon yet.
devrish is equal to a nerfed assassin
armor lvl is don to 70 mind u paragon has alteast 80
he doesnt hold if people gang up on him like a warrior though he can do mass damage and has good combo of skilss for self healing and energy regen
but it will end up like the assassin
armor lvl is don to 70 mind u paragon has alteast 80
he doesnt hold if people gang up on him like a warrior though he can do mass damage and has good combo of skilss for self healing and energy regen
but it will end up like the assassin
I've played them for like... 20 minutes. Mostly dervish, and got quite a few victories, and may unique kills even in my first play through. It's pretty newbie friendly, I guess; that or people simply don't know how to counter them yet (which will probably no longer be the case by the end of the weekend).
Oh, and it seems my prediction from yesterday on the other thread held true; Scythes do have a very high max damage, and critical A/Ds are pretty good!!! Gonna have to try that later.
I know, I know...
Oh, and it seems my prediction from yesterday on the other thread held true; Scythes do have a very high max damage, and critical A/Ds are pretty good!!! Gonna have to try that later.
Originally Posted by Lordhelmos
Man... those new dervishes are going to thrash my enchantment tank ele...
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