The New Interface (Please read this post before posting any reply)
(Sorry if this post is in the wrong place)
I know a lot of you played, and I know a lot o you know me. But those those who do not know here is a little about me.
My name is Jenias Perta Ectara (at least in the game) I am an elementalist, with over 800 hours under my belt with another 150+ on other characters within 9 months... None of it is idle time. I am addicted and a lot of you know that, I have friends from the last pride all the way to the smaller guilds. I do not really pvp. I am known for sitting around inthe random arena, watching the chat and the ocean alike. I spend hours in my guild hall and to all those who know deeply, you would have been to my favorite spot. Then there is the flyinf faries... well I like to believe they are. you know those beautiful blue lights that dance just in the swamp outside Lions Arch.
Well that is me, though the game me.
I have a lot of dissabilities, learning and physical alike, I cannot talk. I have never had friends, I never get to meet people... most have eithier dissapeared or hurt me. That was until this game.
The day my twin brother bought this game for me, I had been alone for so long, This Game opened up for me, a place, a forum for conversation and love. I have had so much love to give, and not a single person to give it to.
I found a small guild whom help me out so much. I have problems keeping up with groups, so I normally play alone. But everyone knows my chat is open (though I can only have 50 friends on my list) I know a lot of you are about to post to this message that I am eithier stupid, or I should quit. Though I hope those I love will understand enough for me.
This recent interface and this recent update, have bought colors and different shaded words, even if your eyes cannot see them mine can. They are brighter, and hurtful physically. I have been on this game for 9 months as I stated earlier and with discussion with close allies and friends of mine, I have decided to post upon the forum. Something I never do... I only registered a while back to reply to a post where someone mentioned my name. I am scred I might have to leave, infact I was near tears. I am scared I will have to leave my friends. My friends I love so much.
I sigh as I right this, as I sit in guildwars with my entire interface turned off but my chat.
I do not want to cause trouble, do not want to cause anyone pain in any way. I am gentle, I have a gentle soul. So this is not a request, or a flame, this is not anyone against anyone. This is just a plea. We decided if I post here, maybe someone would hear, someone would listen and I would not have to give up this place I have come to love so much.
Thank you for reding my post, my plea. I also thank the angels whom watch over me, those angels I met through GuildWars. My love is with you all and always will be.
Perhaps a solution can be found.
~Jenias Perta Ectara
I know a lot of you played, and I know a lot o you know me. But those those who do not know here is a little about me.
My name is Jenias Perta Ectara (at least in the game) I am an elementalist, with over 800 hours under my belt with another 150+ on other characters within 9 months... None of it is idle time. I am addicted and a lot of you know that, I have friends from the last pride all the way to the smaller guilds. I do not really pvp. I am known for sitting around inthe random arena, watching the chat and the ocean alike. I spend hours in my guild hall and to all those who know deeply, you would have been to my favorite spot. Then there is the flyinf faries... well I like to believe they are. you know those beautiful blue lights that dance just in the swamp outside Lions Arch.
Well that is me, though the game me.
I have a lot of dissabilities, learning and physical alike, I cannot talk. I have never had friends, I never get to meet people... most have eithier dissapeared or hurt me. That was until this game.
The day my twin brother bought this game for me, I had been alone for so long, This Game opened up for me, a place, a forum for conversation and love. I have had so much love to give, and not a single person to give it to.
I found a small guild whom help me out so much. I have problems keeping up with groups, so I normally play alone. But everyone knows my chat is open (though I can only have 50 friends on my list) I know a lot of you are about to post to this message that I am eithier stupid, or I should quit. Though I hope those I love will understand enough for me.
This recent interface and this recent update, have bought colors and different shaded words, even if your eyes cannot see them mine can. They are brighter, and hurtful physically. I have been on this game for 9 months as I stated earlier and with discussion with close allies and friends of mine, I have decided to post upon the forum. Something I never do... I only registered a while back to reply to a post where someone mentioned my name. I am scred I might have to leave, infact I was near tears. I am scared I will have to leave my friends. My friends I love so much.
I sigh as I right this, as I sit in guildwars with my entire interface turned off but my chat.
I do not want to cause trouble, do not want to cause anyone pain in any way. I am gentle, I have a gentle soul. So this is not a request, or a flame, this is not anyone against anyone. This is just a plea. We decided if I post here, maybe someone would hear, someone would listen and I would not have to give up this place I have come to love so much.
Thank you for reding my post, my plea. I also thank the angels whom watch over me, those angels I met through GuildWars. My love is with you all and always will be.
Perhaps a solution can be found.
~Jenias Perta Ectara
I suggest sending an email to Anet. Let them know.
Can you turn down the gamma to help this?
Please Anet - give us a choice in colors for the new UI.
Agreed, I would email Anet if its a physical disability problem with the colors (I believe I know what you are speaking of as well), and since they are VERY connected with their user base, Im quite sure they will be able to do some research to solve the problem to appease that possibility, or at least offer an option.
In the meantime, try playing with the gamma settings under graphics options in Guild Wars to try and temporarily solve the problems.
Good luck!
In the meantime, try playing with the gamma settings under graphics options in Guild Wars to try and temporarily solve the problems.
Good luck!
Originally Posted by Jenias_Perta_Ectara
This recent interface and this recent update, have bought colors and different shaded words, even if your eyes cannot see them mine can. They are brighter, and hurtful physically.
That said, I'm not gonna complain too much about the new interface already. This is after all a beta test, and for all we know this might be scrapped in favour of the old one, atleast if peoples voices are heard.
Note; I don't want people to reply to this post saying the colours look better or match better, this has nothing to do with that. The fact is they are a physical strain on my eyes, not a matter of taste.
You know there will come a day when there is no Guild Wars - there are lots of other worlds out there for you to exist in and lots of other friends to make. I hope for your sake you find a solution to your dilemma, but take this as a wake-up call that change is inevitable. :P
-Old 3FL-
I understand what u mean jenny my friend.
The new interface is a bit....weird imo~
It did kind of hurt my eyes when i first saw it, but i suppose ill get used to this.
As i told u in-game, im very sad that u feel this way, and im sad that u have to leave.
As Rathcail said ^ i would send a email to Anet.
Though personally i dont know how to do that, seeing how i have never had to do such a thing, but im sure someone can help you there.
Im so sorry that you are harmed by this new interface, though i too find it a little weird.
I hope that you can find a way that u can find a way to use the new interface, or if we go back to the old better one.
I would be very upset if you left Jenny.
The new interface is a bit....weird imo~
It did kind of hurt my eyes when i first saw it, but i suppose ill get used to this.
As i told u in-game, im very sad that u feel this way, and im sad that u have to leave.
As Rathcail said ^ i would send a email to Anet.
Though personally i dont know how to do that, seeing how i have never had to do such a thing, but im sure someone can help you there.
Im so sorry that you are harmed by this new interface, though i too find it a little weird.
I hope that you can find a way that u can find a way to use the new interface, or if we go back to the old better one.
I would be very upset if you left Jenny.

I'm interested to know what's changed in this very recent update; (I have colourblindness issues so UI changes are of particular interest to me) For the life of me can't see what's changed majorly in this recent update. I've noticed the addition of some big "plus" buttons on party list, and the Guild roster has some extra sections. I haven't noticed any other changes?
Someone got a picture before/after? I really can't tell any changes at all..
Here's what mine looks like, looks the same as before update more or less, to me anyway. (names deliberately corrupted)
Someone got a picture before/after? I really can't tell any changes at all..
Here's what mine looks like, looks the same as before update more or less, to me anyway. (names deliberately corrupted)
/signed, hope someone looks into this
The Son Of Morgoth
Anyone who writes a message as thought out as that deserves what they want. And in a way i agree with him too. The new UI sucks especially to us veterans. Please give us an option to get the old ones back.
Xenrath - I have no time (at work at the moment) to take screenshots, but I can tell you one or two things.
Most bars---health bars, casting bars-, etc--have a thicker silvery outline to them. The background of the casting bars, now instead of being a solid blue filling up the black casting bar, instead shows as a color fading from dark to light as it goes across. I think it was also this weird green or orange hue? I don't remember.
The fonts have changed as well. The numbers in the health bar and I believe what was displayed in the guild roster... it's just different, but more importantly it's very busy. And I think that's the main problem.
It's all too busy.
To be honest, I and some other chatters in GWGuru's IRC channel have agreed. We don't have disabilities of any kind, and it's distracting us. I can only imagine how someone such as this Jenny must feel.
Jen - kudos for postin'. I hope ta see you around the game (and GWGuru!!!) a bit more, eh? ^_^
~ Red
Most bars---health bars, casting bars-, etc--have a thicker silvery outline to them. The background of the casting bars, now instead of being a solid blue filling up the black casting bar, instead shows as a color fading from dark to light as it goes across. I think it was also this weird green or orange hue? I don't remember.
The fonts have changed as well. The numbers in the health bar and I believe what was displayed in the guild roster... it's just different, but more importantly it's very busy. And I think that's the main problem.
It's all too busy.
To be honest, I and some other chatters in GWGuru's IRC channel have agreed. We don't have disabilities of any kind, and it's distracting us. I can only imagine how someone such as this Jenny must feel.
Jen - kudos for postin'. I hope ta see you around the game (and GWGuru!!!) a bit more, eh? ^_^
~ Red
Thank you fen, many hours chatting to you in game, *hugs fen angel* I do not want to leave, I do not think I will. If nothing can be done I will sit there in my guild hall and just chat like I do a lot of the time.
I am not sure how to send a message to ANet, I have never done it before. I know there are many online worlds and places around the internet, but the day I leave I am taking my friends with me or following them. Just like the day I came to guildwars 3 friends came with me. I love them so much.
I am the type of girl to spend hours being kind and helping others, and msot people who I have met have been just through that!
thank you for your replys. Hugs to all who do reply without anger. You are all angels with your own beauty,
and I thank the world that people like that exist.
~Jenias Perta Ectara
I am not sure how to send a message to ANet, I have never done it before. I know there are many online worlds and places around the internet, but the day I leave I am taking my friends with me or following them. Just like the day I came to guildwars 3 friends came with me. I love them so much.
I am the type of girl to spend hours being kind and helping others, and msot people who I have met have been just through that!
thank you for your replys. Hugs to all who do reply without anger. You are all angels with your own beauty,

~Jenias Perta Ectara
Jenias Perta Ectara
Hello I am glad to hear that playing Guild wars has expanded your world and brought you new friends.
I am sorry to hear that the new update has affected the way you are able to play guild wars.
I agree that a letter to Anet might help. However I do not think any letter will accomplish a complete change of the update.
The main thing we want to do is get your screen set up in a way that is comfortable for you.
First - I suggest you contact the Anet help desk through the official site. I have personally worked with a few of the people there and if you explain your situation and supply your email to them I believe they will work with you to try to get your screen set up in a way that is comfortable for you.
this is a link to the support area - contact them and ask for assistance to set up your screen. &p_pv=1.48&p_prods=48&p_cats=+&p_hidden_prods=&pro d_lvl1=48&cat_lvl1=+&p_search_text=&p_new_search=1
Second – try the various ways to change the visual appearance of your screen through first clicking the in-game menu button and then options button and then selecting the graphics tab..
Third – Try to change the actual setting of your monitor through the control panel and display areas of your pc.
It may take more than a few tries and may become frustrating to be sure, but I believe a solution can be found.
I wish you luck with this and please keep us up to date with your progress
Hello I am glad to hear that playing Guild wars has expanded your world and brought you new friends.
I am sorry to hear that the new update has affected the way you are able to play guild wars.
I agree that a letter to Anet might help. However I do not think any letter will accomplish a complete change of the update.
The main thing we want to do is get your screen set up in a way that is comfortable for you.
First - I suggest you contact the Anet help desk through the official site. I have personally worked with a few of the people there and if you explain your situation and supply your email to them I believe they will work with you to try to get your screen set up in a way that is comfortable for you.
this is a link to the support area - contact them and ask for assistance to set up your screen. &p_pv=1.48&p_prods=48&p_cats=+&p_hidden_prods=&pro d_lvl1=48&cat_lvl1=+&p_search_text=&p_new_search=1
Second – try the various ways to change the visual appearance of your screen through first clicking the in-game menu button and then options button and then selecting the graphics tab..
Third – Try to change the actual setting of your monitor through the control panel and display areas of your pc.
It may take more than a few tries and may become frustrating to be sure, but I believe a solution can be found.
I wish you luck with this and please keep us up to date with your progress
-Old 3FL-
The people @ GwG are mostly nice people, im not surprised that many people have been aggrevated by the new interface.
Im starting to be irratated by it too.
I will miss you Jenny if you leave, as im sure your other friends will.
To me you are Jenny, always have been always will be and im Fen (fenrir) to u, and if you do leave, just remember ill always be on Gw so if u do leave and come back, ill be waiting.
But i hope it doesnt come to that, i hope that ANet is just testing this new interface, and goes back to the old 1, or at least gives us options for type of interface.
Ive been playing for 1 yr ( well 1 yr on my bday which is 4 weeks on sunday ) and i loved the old interface.
~fenrir aka old 3fl
Im starting to be irratated by it too.
I will miss you Jenny if you leave, as im sure your other friends will.
To me you are Jenny, always have been always will be and im Fen (fenrir) to u, and if you do leave, just remember ill always be on Gw so if u do leave and come back, ill be waiting.
But i hope it doesnt come to that, i hope that ANet is just testing this new interface, and goes back to the old 1, or at least gives us options for type of interface.
Ive been playing for 1 yr ( well 1 yr on my bday which is 4 weeks on sunday ) and i loved the old interface.
~fenrir aka old 3fl
ya the colors are not correct very irritating
Some differences (I'm such a slacker)
Casting bars fill up with a bar of fading blue--and when it finishes, it flashs and changes to orange. Colours zomg teh COLOURS!
The top shows the new health bars, while the bottom shows the old.
I like the slimmer look of the new ones, to be honest; but the shading has got to go. Those arrows on the new energy bar are so distracting--and I'm sure that some people prefer the bold numbers to the slimmer ones, I dunno.
Speaking of bars, ALL bars in the [H]ero screen are now this bright, shadded purple. Which makes reading the right text a painful experience, even for us able-bodied persons. This is the one that angers me most.
This isn't a problem, just a pet peeve. That new design around the Plus/Add/Enter sign makes me sad. Simpler buttons plzkthx.
Casting bars fill up with a bar of fading blue--and when it finishes, it flashs and changes to orange. Colours zomg teh COLOURS!
The top shows the new health bars, while the bottom shows the old.
I like the slimmer look of the new ones, to be honest; but the shading has got to go. Those arrows on the new energy bar are so distracting--and I'm sure that some people prefer the bold numbers to the slimmer ones, I dunno.
Speaking of bars, ALL bars in the [H]ero screen are now this bright, shadded purple. Which makes reading the right text a painful experience, even for us able-bodied persons. This is the one that angers me most.
This isn't a problem, just a pet peeve. That new design around the Plus/Add/Enter sign makes me sad. Simpler buttons plzkthx.
Jen hun, I haven't had time to play on the new interface but I do recall that after about an hour or two on the old one my eyes would start to hurt. It got so bad that I was seeing flashes of light here and there (now even when I am not playing) and its really disturbing. I to was distracted by the new colors but like I said I haven't had a chance to play on them.
My husband (Redly) already previously posted his thoughts, and I am sure that if he finds it too busy then surely it will be for me. I'm sorry that this hurts you and makes it almost impossible to play. I also know what you mean about all the friends you have made. That is one of the reasons I still play. My friends have become like family to me and I don't want to leave them for anything else.
Emailing Anet is a bit more complicated than it should be, but it would seem that you are not the only one to find the interface to be hurtful or at the least annoying. I hope it will all change somehow for the better. Till then take the advice of adjusting the gamma settings. Good luck hun! *hugs*
My husband (Redly) already previously posted his thoughts, and I am sure that if he finds it too busy then surely it will be for me. I'm sorry that this hurts you and makes it almost impossible to play. I also know what you mean about all the friends you have made. That is one of the reasons I still play. My friends have become like family to me and I don't want to leave them for anything else.
Emailing Anet is a bit more complicated than it should be, but it would seem that you are not the only one to find the interface to be hurtful or at the least annoying. I hope it will all change somehow for the better. Till then take the advice of adjusting the gamma settings. Good luck hun! *hugs*
The Last Preacher
Try fiddling with your screen or options abit. Make things darker, hopefully that could improve things. Also don't sit to close to the screen and things should be ok. Its a shame but I am sure things will change.
Originally Posted by Jenias_Perta_Ectara
This recent interface and this recent update, have bought colors and different shaded words, even if your eyes cannot see them mine can. They are brighter, and hurtful physically.
Jenias, if you're ever on-line and want someone to chat with, look me up. I'm on almost every night and have found a nice little group of random people in game that I keep up with. By the way, for someone with a learning disability, you have an incredible grasp of the English language and have very good grammar!
Agreed, I really don't like the new interface changes, everything to me just looks "fatter" so to speak.
My main issue is the changes as show in the pictures posted in this thread is the purple colours on the title screens, it looks rubbish and makes the text hard to read. change it back to blue, please!
Also the again the changing colour bar thing is fancy at first, but pointless.
In short, simple is best.
My main issue is the changes as show in the pictures posted in this thread is the purple colours on the title screens, it looks rubbish and makes the text hard to read. change it back to blue, please!
Also the again the changing colour bar thing is fancy at first, but pointless.
In short, simple is best.
Well, I must say that after reading Jenias' post I almost had a tear in my eye. It is both a happy & sad post and I must admit I had never even considered how this game could make so much difference to someone in Jenias' position, but thinking about it now I can see how it would.
As much as I personally like the new updated interface, I agree 100% that Anet should do something to fix this. They could simply add another tab in the options which handles interface colour settings, from a development point of view I can't see this being a big thing for them to do. We just need to get this message across to them about why it's needed and I am sure they would be happy to add this option.
Jenias, I sincerely hope you get things fixed and you can enjoy many more happy hours in guildwars.
As much as I personally like the new updated interface, I agree 100% that Anet should do something to fix this. They could simply add another tab in the options which handles interface colour settings, from a development point of view I can't see this being a big thing for them to do. We just need to get this message across to them about why it's needed and I am sure they would be happy to add this option.
Jenias, I sincerely hope you get things fixed and you can enjoy many more happy hours in guildwars.
Thank you everyone for your suggestions and I am trying them all out slowly.
Thank you, I love english. Actually I was just writing something for a friend. I have a lot of learning and physical dissabilities and I try so hard to keep up with everyone and everything.
I am having problems finding the right things. The gama doesnt really fix the problem, I am trying though. I really am. My gamma is all the way off, my shadows are off. I do not sit close to my monitor, I have my monitor set ok, I do not want to make it brighter, I use my computer to control a lot of things in my room and I do not want to risk mucking it up so I cannot see those programmes.
Sorry if I seem like I am complaining. I do not want to seem that way at all. I just want to find a way to fix things for me. I ams cared I will have to leave... I do not want it at all.
How do I email ANet? I have never done anything like that before. Can someone help me/tell me how?
Thank you very much everyone. I am trying to find a solution so ANet will not have to fix anything
(that would be my last resort though by the looks of things I might need a hand form them.)
Thank you for all your help everyone, and your advice and ideas on solutions.
~Jenias Perta Ectara

I am having problems finding the right things. The gama doesnt really fix the problem, I am trying though. I really am. My gamma is all the way off, my shadows are off. I do not sit close to my monitor, I have my monitor set ok, I do not want to make it brighter, I use my computer to control a lot of things in my room and I do not want to risk mucking it up so I cannot see those programmes.
Sorry if I seem like I am complaining. I do not want to seem that way at all. I just want to find a way to fix things for me. I ams cared I will have to leave... I do not want it at all.
How do I email ANet? I have never done anything like that before. Can someone help me/tell me how?
Thank you very much everyone. I am trying to find a solution so ANet will not have to fix anything
(that would be my last resort though by the looks of things I might need a hand form them.)
Thank you for all your help everyone, and your advice and ideas on solutions.
~Jenias Perta Ectara
okay wow, am I the only one who likes this new interface? its much cleaner and more precise.
and the changing colors give me somethign to do while im spirit spamming.
but i mean serioursly.. is it really that bad that you guys are gonna have seisures over a little silver lineing and some fading colors?
but for people like the OPs sake (If it isn't a well thought out troll) i do hope they are able to provide options in the interface. try enlarging you hp and health bars whille lenghtening and sliming your skill charge bars.
and as for the puple title factions bars i really really do not get teh problem, are you guys bitching just to bitch?( excuding the OP, if its not a troll)
and the changing colors give me somethign to do while im spirit spamming.
but i mean serioursly.. is it really that bad that you guys are gonna have seisures over a little silver lineing and some fading colors?
but for people like the OPs sake (If it isn't a well thought out troll) i do hope they are able to provide options in the interface. try enlarging you hp and health bars whille lenghtening and sliming your skill charge bars.
and as for the puple title factions bars i really really do not get teh problem, are you guys bitching just to bitch?( excuding the OP, if its not a troll)
Jenny, will take you to a page where you can choose your continent; the links will take you to that country's section on the main website.
All Guild Wars support is now handled at You'll have to sign up for an account there I believe, but the process will walk you through that. Go to the Support section and sign up to Ask A Question.
Please keep in mind that you need to check the 'thread' that they make with you every so often, or else they may close the thread. In any case, that is the best way to get a hold of support; and I would link them to this thread too.
~ Red
unmatchedfury - well, to be honest, I have enough to look at in PvP as it is. So much to be aware of, to micromanage--to say nothing of how I, as a monk, am really dependent on looking at bars. Moreover, I sometimes use (don't laugh) Power Drain for energy. It's extremely important that I see what skills are being used, and I could really do without the flashy colours while I'm trying to read skills and such. will take you to a page where you can choose your continent; the links will take you to that country's section on the main website.
All Guild Wars support is now handled at You'll have to sign up for an account there I believe, but the process will walk you through that. Go to the Support section and sign up to Ask A Question.
Please keep in mind that you need to check the 'thread' that they make with you every so often, or else they may close the thread. In any case, that is the best way to get a hold of support; and I would link them to this thread too.
~ Red
unmatchedfury - well, to be honest, I have enough to look at in PvP as it is. So much to be aware of, to micromanage--to say nothing of how I, as a monk, am really dependent on looking at bars. Moreover, I sometimes use (don't laugh) Power Drain for energy. It's extremely important that I see what skills are being used, and I could really do without the flashy colours while I'm trying to read skills and such.
gabrial heart
Yes, i can see how the colors and contrast can be a problem. I sort of like the new colors, expect the bright purple in the (h) hero windows. I completely agree that there should at least be a "classic" interface option fo rthose that just aren't into or can't deal with the flash and flare.
Colors overall have been improved, casting colors, skill bars look brighter, etc. I don't mind it to much, but i can see a definate need to have some extra interface options just for those that can't deal with the colors/brightness.
/signed wholeheartedly
Colors overall have been improved, casting colors, skill bars look brighter, etc. I don't mind it to much, but i can see a definate need to have some extra interface options just for those that can't deal with the colors/brightness.
/signed wholeheartedly
Sergeant Blades
I like the new interface ,as its something new to look at.To me it looks more polished and sleeker.Although if its a problem for some there should be an option to change it back to what it was before or at least change the colors.I have to agree it is a little distracting at first, but it will soon wear off. Those damn pretty colors when you cast a spell makes you look at them.
Originally Posted by unmatchedfury
okay wow, am I the only one who likes this new interface? its much cleaner and more precise.
and the changing colors give me somethign to do while im spirit spamming. but i mean serioursly.. is it really that bad that you guys are gonna have seisures over a little silver lineing and some fading colors? but for people like the OPs sake (If it isn't a well thought out troll) i do hope they are able to provide options in the interface. try enlarging you hp and health bars whille lenghtening and sliming your skill charge bars. and as for the puple title factions bars i really really do not get teh problem, are you guys bitching just to bitch?( excuding the OP, if its not a troll) |
I'm sorry but your comments are rude and unjust. Everyone here is adding their points to parts of the new Interface which is annoying, and you say we are all bitching?
I'm going to leave it at that, but think you are being insensitive, you disagree with me, then PM me. For shame...

I agree with most of the comments here, a lot of people both on the forums and ingame don't like some of the new changes. I think the best option would be for to allow us to select this new view, or classic view.
Or maybe even mix and match!
Samuel Dravis
The new interface isn't so bad except for the outlines on everything. Those have got to go. It's very distracting, and it still was after several hours of playing. I'd be quite happy if they let people revert back to the older UI.
well my eyes don't burn.. but the colors are pretty crappy... omg the colors are so bad its starting to have the painful [email protected] that is spewed out by prepubscent girls that designed half of myspace..
The new interface doesn't bother me at all--in fact, I like the clear distinction on the casting bar between interrupted and not interrupted--though, to be fair, the last interface wasn't bad either. I'm pretty ambivalent either way. Sure, the best option would be for Anet to grant us the choice over which we prefer, but somehow I doubt that will be added. Call me cynical.
I like the new interface functionality. The new sound sliders, the option orginization. I even like the new loading screens & the small lines on the end of the life/energy bars that show more clearly where the end is.
I do however think the extra colors & patterns in the bar are unnessicary. If it adds to the functionality, great, but the little starburst patterns and extra fading serves no purpose. Might as well remove them to help who we can.
I do however think the extra colors & patterns in the bar are unnessicary. If it adds to the functionality, great, but the little starburst patterns and extra fading serves no purpose. Might as well remove them to help who we can.
I'm not too keen on the changes, either. Have to agree older interface not only looked cleaner, but was easier on the eyes, too.
Well you have successfully gained the sympathy of many. I on the other hand feel reluctant to believe that a person would so much pain in the eye can handle the vivid color contrasts in GW... before this update GW has been known for bright vivid colors with high midtones and excellent shadows and other tints... well since you fail to mention the dissibility that is causing your eye problem I wil not judge if you are telling the truth or lieing.... BE SURE THAT IT IS NOT SOMEHTING SERIOUS LIKE UVEITIS... please check your optometrist to see that there is nothing wrong with your eyes because most eye diseases are detected once there is slight vision loss and beyond that point it may not be irreversable.
Ellador Nae
I too prefer the old interface and I don't think it's just coz I'm used to it. I can't follow the action with all these unnecessary colours flashing at me, it all just messes with my head. And I wonder how many bytes of it landed on my harddrive.
An option to choose between this fancy doddled interface and a simpler, clearer one with flat bars etc. would be lovely.
LOL! Yes
very much so. I was like, "huh? is something missing here?"
Thumbs up for the upgraded guild lists tho.
An option to choose between this fancy doddled interface and a simpler, clearer one with flat bars etc. would be lovely.
Originally Posted by Redly
That new design around the Plus/Add/Enter sign makes me sad.
Thumbs up for the upgraded guild lists tho.
Well you have successfully gained the sympathy of many. I on the other hand feel reluctant to believe that a person would so much pain in the eye can handle the vivid color contrasts in GW... before this update GW has been known for bright vivid colors with high midtones and excellent shadows and other tints... well since you fail to mention the dissibility that is causing your eye problem I wil not judge if you are telling the truth or lieing.... BE SURE THAT IT IS NOT SOMEHTING SERIOUS LIKE UVEITIS... please check your optometrist to see that there is nothing wrong with your eyes because most eye diseases are detected once there is slight vision loss and beyond that point it may not be irreversable. |
Where the problem is though, is in the color, the strange patterns and I am not sure how to explain it. he writing inside the bats begame harder to read to. I will maybe think about a better explanation after I have had a sleep.
Redly thankie for helping, I will email them after I sleep a little so I can make sure I do not mess it p.
Thankie to my angels and also thankie to the one who told me how to use the quotes and other things, that helped me a lot.
Well. NiNi everyone. Thank you for everything. This elementalist is off to bed.
~Jenias Perta Ectara
I say let us choose from the 3ish maybe 4ish GUI skins that we've had thus far.
Originally Posted by Seissor
I say let us choose from the 3ish maybe 4ish GUI skins that we've had thus far.
Jen, look us up sometime! We should hang out and go kill charr or somethin. ^_^
i loved the ascalon login.
The new interface hurts my eyes.
This isnt due to colorblindness,this isnt due the condition the original OP, it's that i have really good vision and can notice the very small differences.
It's bad enough if you look at your comp screen too long w/o a break you can get headaches.
Everything seems fuzzy/blurred. Most of you wont be able to notice this, but i can.
ANET give us an option to change it back to the old style. =/
This isnt due to colorblindness,this isnt due the condition the original OP, it's that i have really good vision and can notice the very small differences.
It's bad enough if you look at your comp screen too long w/o a break you can get headaches.

Everything seems fuzzy/blurred. Most of you wont be able to notice this, but i can.
ANET give us an option to change it back to the old style. =/