The New Interface (Please read this post before posting any reply)
Makaelthos Solcry
Of course it will hurt your eyes if you want them to hurt ans stare at teh computer screen for 8 hours non-stop ,arena net inculded a message to take a break after 3 hours of gameplay ,maybe you guys should listen to it .
And it doesn't hurt my eyes ,and this aint cuz im some sort of alien ,im normal ,with not uber eyes ,but good ones , and they dont hurt with this new inetrface ,in fact after getting used to it ,i kind of like it (except for purple) so ,
And it doesn't hurt my eyes ,and this aint cuz im some sort of alien ,im normal ,with not uber eyes ,but good ones , and they dont hurt with this new inetrface ,in fact after getting used to it ,i kind of like it (except for purple) so ,
-Old 3FL-
^i do take a break every hour
thank you very much
and ti still irritates me....
thank you very much
and ti still irritates me....
The blood in Guild Wars appears when you inflict the bleeding condition on an enemy (it sort of circles their character body) at least that's MY interpretion.
Anyway, I read the whole topic through and through out of interest since other sites I go to are picking up Gaile's "bombshell" of a first PR post! To be honest, that post wasn't in the best of tastes from my point of view (I am disabled myself although not vision wise) but alas most people have said what needed to be said about that so moving on... (quotes in ITALICS from Gaile's posts.)
Real problems should be addressed, I totally agree. Comments about preference, and suggestions for improvements to functionality will definitely be heard. This is a beta period, after all, and your feedback is very welcome!
Does this mean then, that ANET will take into consideration the affects of the new inter-face on the disabled community/players and those who aren't disabled but experiencing eye pains/problems caused by said interface?
Also, if feedback is welcome and this is a beta period then how is it not going to be possible for ANET to change the interface back to the old style since, in theory a BETA interface would be in place and shouldn't have been intergrated fully into the game until the actual release of the finished version of the interface (of which, I presume should coincide with Nightfall).
Does this "consideration" extend to the point that ANET would be willing to adjust and change their interface to suit the needs of said community? I'd like to know whenever this statement should be held as true or whenever it's just "we're listening but we aren't going to do a damn thing" summary thrown to keep people happy.
I'm going to suggest that it's likely that we're none of us doctors or lawyers here, so assumptions about medical conditions, risk of exascerbation to same, or lawsuits because of alleged "accessibility issues" are way, way over the top.
This I agree with, however I think you can certainly give leeway to the people who actually suffer the medical conditions. Ideally this would mean yourself and Anet would have some prior-knowledge/research before they would decide on a decision regarding said problems too?
Anyway, those are just queries mind, don't take it as offensive or anything, thought I'd do some PR work of my own
I get to deal with such situations often enough outside of the internet, although if I seem headstrong or to the point that's pretty much how it's meant to be =)
Ta if you reply to those.
Anyway, I read the whole topic through and through out of interest since other sites I go to are picking up Gaile's "bombshell" of a first PR post! To be honest, that post wasn't in the best of tastes from my point of view (I am disabled myself although not vision wise) but alas most people have said what needed to be said about that so moving on... (quotes in ITALICS from Gaile's posts.)
Real problems should be addressed, I totally agree. Comments about preference, and suggestions for improvements to functionality will definitely be heard. This is a beta period, after all, and your feedback is very welcome!
Does this mean then, that ANET will take into consideration the affects of the new inter-face on the disabled community/players and those who aren't disabled but experiencing eye pains/problems caused by said interface?
Also, if feedback is welcome and this is a beta period then how is it not going to be possible for ANET to change the interface back to the old style since, in theory a BETA interface would be in place and shouldn't have been intergrated fully into the game until the actual release of the finished version of the interface (of which, I presume should coincide with Nightfall).
Does this "consideration" extend to the point that ANET would be willing to adjust and change their interface to suit the needs of said community? I'd like to know whenever this statement should be held as true or whenever it's just "we're listening but we aren't going to do a damn thing" summary thrown to keep people happy.
I'm going to suggest that it's likely that we're none of us doctors or lawyers here, so assumptions about medical conditions, risk of exascerbation to same, or lawsuits because of alleged "accessibility issues" are way, way over the top.
This I agree with, however I think you can certainly give leeway to the people who actually suffer the medical conditions. Ideally this would mean yourself and Anet would have some prior-knowledge/research before they would decide on a decision regarding said problems too?
Anyway, those are just queries mind, don't take it as offensive or anything, thought I'd do some PR work of my own

Ta if you reply to those.

The new interface has changed a few times since last year and even though some people (like me) become accustom to changes. Anet should not forget the people who can't especially with physical problems and such. Add different skins and choices; would be a great benefit to the GW community.
Purple title buttons are ick and I don't really understand the new cast bar yet lol.
Is there actually a difference in colour between when someone has dropped/disconnected and is dead in the party? Because I sure can't tell anymore.
Note to the "blame God", "deal with it" et al trolls (because frankly the tone of those posts come across like trolling) - I take very regular breaks as anyone from my guild can testify. There was no problem before the UI change for me. My eyes haven't changed since the update, I don't need to see a doctor (my sister is an optometrist) Stop trying to generalise and dismiss this kind of thing, just because it's fine for you doesn't make it so for everyone and least of all gives you a reason to try to shut others up.
Note to the "blame God", "deal with it" et al trolls (because frankly the tone of those posts come across like trolling) - I take very regular breaks as anyone from my guild can testify. There was no problem before the UI change for me. My eyes haven't changed since the update, I don't need to see a doctor (my sister is an optometrist) Stop trying to generalise and dismiss this kind of thing, just because it's fine for you doesn't make it so for everyone and least of all gives you a reason to try to shut others up.
Originally Posted by barazios
I haven't read this whole thread, just been jumping to random pages. I'm so glad that someone else already wrote that so I don't have to. I don't know how difficult it is to include custom interfaces but I know that the game Gunbound has the option to choose your interface so it is possible.

GuildWars is alot more complicated in terms of programming/coding than GunBound. You can't expect the same type of changes be made simply because another game can do it.
For the people that are complaining that weren't born with physical problems. You have the right to complain, but only and ONLY after you've tried playing around with the GAME settings and your PC's display settings. Many of you are complaining (as someone else has mentioned, forgot whom) for the sake of complaining or simply for your slight dislike of the cosmetics. IT IS NO REASON TO STOP PLAYING JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE IT. Life's not always fair, live with it.
For the people that are BORN with these physical problems. As I've mentioned many times before, if you have a condition that disallows you to play video games because of the flashyness and such, then you shouldn't be playing any video game to begin with.
For the people that have not bothered reading any of the posts from page 2 and on. Before you flame me about not feeling empathetic, go back a few pages and read my other posts :P
I'm not saying the new UI is perfect, infact I myself am not fond of it.
With that said, I DO feel sorry for the OP as he/she might not be able to play this wonderful game and interact with this subtly great community anymore. I wish you the OP best of luck and that ANet might feel bad enough to make slight changes to accomodate people that experience the same unfortunate problems.
To Gaile,
Several people have posted in this thread that the recent changes to the Guild Wars user interface have made it difficult or impossible for them to continue using the game as others can.
For some people, this is not a matter of changing settings, it is a physical disability. Colour Blindness or for others like myself - it is a higher sensitivity to colour contrasts.
We understand that it is not necessarily a simple matter to alter the interface, or provide additional functionality. We also understand that it is impossible to make everyone happy with everything in the game. However, as a direct result of the update - you have isolated and
dis-advantaged a group of people who are (or were) loyal customers.
Please, don't ignore this, or pass it off as a minor issue about peoples preferences. Talk to the design group, talk to management - ask them to find a solution for us.
We as the people of Guild Wars, we as a group in Guild Wars with issues, must stand up for ourselves. Gaile Gray, your replies I found, were very harsh. To the countless emails, pm's and im's I got when I returned to my computer this evening, I am very sure that others also believe that to be the case.
I hope I do not seem rude, mean or angry. I just want to play again.
Also I would just like ot thank everyone for your messages. Also for all the advice you have offered to me! I am so happy that most of you have all tried, that is what counts! That is what makes me so happy. You are all my Angels for trying to help me, so thank ou so much. Also to everyone who I know so well, thank you for everything. Also to those who do not agree, thank you to! Everyone's opinion counts. Though their is a difference in an opinion and a statement, especially in the way it is worded. Remember that everyone. }å{
~Jenias Perta Ectara
Several people have posted in this thread that the recent changes to the Guild Wars user interface have made it difficult or impossible for them to continue using the game as others can.
For some people, this is not a matter of changing settings, it is a physical disability. Colour Blindness or for others like myself - it is a higher sensitivity to colour contrasts.
We understand that it is not necessarily a simple matter to alter the interface, or provide additional functionality. We also understand that it is impossible to make everyone happy with everything in the game. However, as a direct result of the update - you have isolated and
dis-advantaged a group of people who are (or were) loyal customers.
Please, don't ignore this, or pass it off as a minor issue about peoples preferences. Talk to the design group, talk to management - ask them to find a solution for us.
We as the people of Guild Wars, we as a group in Guild Wars with issues, must stand up for ourselves. Gaile Gray, your replies I found, were very harsh. To the countless emails, pm's and im's I got when I returned to my computer this evening, I am very sure that others also believe that to be the case.
I hope I do not seem rude, mean or angry. I just want to play again.
Also I would just like ot thank everyone for your messages. Also for all the advice you have offered to me! I am so happy that most of you have all tried, that is what counts! That is what makes me so happy. You are all my Angels for trying to help me, so thank ou so much. Also to everyone who I know so well, thank you for everything. Also to those who do not agree, thank you to! Everyone's opinion counts. Though their is a difference in an opinion and a statement, especially in the way it is worded. Remember that everyone. }å{
~Jenias Perta Ectara
Bigger Redd
This one has been cooking my noodle since the update. I have to agree with much of what everyone else has said thus far. I'd love the option for the less jazzy classic interface.
With the new one, it's hard to tell whether a teammate is dead or has left. One other thing, Bleeding. The color is raunchy (IMO).
/signed in triplicate
With the new one, it's hard to tell whether a teammate is dead or has left. One other thing, Bleeding. The color is raunchy (IMO).
/signed in triplicate
agreed. my eyes hurt from the new interface after playing for a short period. i also find skill activations are incredibly hard to see because of the black background, making me miss interrupts like crazy.
Plushie Penguin
well, here's a nice little fix if it helps, shrink your screen
here's my normal screen, kind of large
here's at the smallest setting
maybe that should help
also, I didn't think of this till after I took the pictures, mess with the interface thing in the graphics tab
normal screen size, largest interface setting
here's my normal screen, kind of large
here's at the smallest setting
maybe that should help
also, I didn't think of this till after I took the pictures, mess with the interface thing in the graphics tab
normal screen size, largest interface setting
All this hate on this thread makes me wonder who came up with the UI idea change in the first place? Suggestions made from players? Surely it cant be a plot to discourage players from playing by making it uncomfortable for them to play, since you know they dont need us playing after we bought the game.
Nah that sounds silly surely that cant be true.......can it?
Nah that sounds silly surely that cant be true.......can it?
Dj Tano
Im just gonna say this: we are guild wars !
That means that if we have a problem in the game and you dont fix it, we will stop playing the game and you dont get any money, capischi?
Seriously, we buy this game and we pay your bills basically so you cannot treat us like garbage. People have taken stuff like that for enough time but the truth is that people are starting to leave. I admit that its rediculous if people leave because of a simple ui change but it is happening for other stuff. Ive seen many people leave prophecies because of nerfs and such and i know that half the people i know in gw did not buy factions because they think its not very good.
Dont think about now when you dont change some stuff we dont like, or even worse change stuff we do actually like, but think about later. If people left prophecies and many didnt buy factions, how many do you think will buy nightfall? I say its still enough people for you to pay your bills but its not enough people to keep the game going. Think of when chapter 4 will come out. I know the future of guild wars has been discussed often enough but i am still going to emphatize on it.
And now back to topic.
One thing that kept people to guild wars and did not make them go to world of warcraft was, after the fact that there is no monthly fee, that it has not the cartoonish look, but everything looks very sterile and mature. Things look really nice and the design is colourful but still not childish. The new ui is not only too coloured and gets away from the really professional look of guild wars, but also it does not fit to the games graphics at all. Of course it might fit to the nightfall look but since the ui counts for all the games it does not fit to the other campaigns. Specially not to factions where the look is a little more dark and sterile.
I would suggest that the ui does not get chagned back into its old form, i mean seriously, sometimes games need changes, but i suggest the ui gets to be a little les colourful. Whilst not everything about the new ui bothers me, the thing taht bothers me the most is the fact that the casting bar is coloured. Since the casting bar is one of the things that you will se popping up all the time it really gets to be one of the things you are focused on. And when everything around you looks in a certain way and at once some strange purple tube pops up and changes into green until getting to be orange/yellow youre not only really confused but it also hurts your eyes. Plus the fact that it looks really childish gets people really to look at it and only hope for the day it will be changed to something nicer.
If we have a problem in the game and you dont fix it, we will stop playing the game and you dont get any money, capischi?
*EDIT* Dont know why but i really feel like adding this:
You could immagine the sales of gw with just 20 of my buddies to make it obvious of how many bought and left the game.
Prophecies buyers: 20
Prophecies leavers: 2
Factions buyers: 15
Faction leavers: 1
Players who claim they will buy nightfall: 12
Estimated number of players who will leave nightfall: 2
Estimated number of players that will leave because of other reasons: 4
Total of guild wars players by end of 2007: 6
That means that a total of 17 players still play prophecies, 14 play factions and only 12 will pay nightfall, but the most worriying thing is that at the end of nightfall only 10 people will still be playing it. Now think of how many players will leave guild wars because they just wanna play another game or they dont have time anymore or they quit gaming overall and then youll see that my calculation that nightfall will be the last great guild wars game is about right...
And as i always tell people to do: start looking for other moorpgs because after nightfall you wont play guild wars anymore. (top 3: world of warcraft + the burning crusade, lord of the rings: online, warhammer: online)
That means that if we have a problem in the game and you dont fix it, we will stop playing the game and you dont get any money, capischi?
Seriously, we buy this game and we pay your bills basically so you cannot treat us like garbage. People have taken stuff like that for enough time but the truth is that people are starting to leave. I admit that its rediculous if people leave because of a simple ui change but it is happening for other stuff. Ive seen many people leave prophecies because of nerfs and such and i know that half the people i know in gw did not buy factions because they think its not very good.
Dont think about now when you dont change some stuff we dont like, or even worse change stuff we do actually like, but think about later. If people left prophecies and many didnt buy factions, how many do you think will buy nightfall? I say its still enough people for you to pay your bills but its not enough people to keep the game going. Think of when chapter 4 will come out. I know the future of guild wars has been discussed often enough but i am still going to emphatize on it.
And now back to topic.
One thing that kept people to guild wars and did not make them go to world of warcraft was, after the fact that there is no monthly fee, that it has not the cartoonish look, but everything looks very sterile and mature. Things look really nice and the design is colourful but still not childish. The new ui is not only too coloured and gets away from the really professional look of guild wars, but also it does not fit to the games graphics at all. Of course it might fit to the nightfall look but since the ui counts for all the games it does not fit to the other campaigns. Specially not to factions where the look is a little more dark and sterile.
I would suggest that the ui does not get chagned back into its old form, i mean seriously, sometimes games need changes, but i suggest the ui gets to be a little les colourful. Whilst not everything about the new ui bothers me, the thing taht bothers me the most is the fact that the casting bar is coloured. Since the casting bar is one of the things that you will se popping up all the time it really gets to be one of the things you are focused on. And when everything around you looks in a certain way and at once some strange purple tube pops up and changes into green until getting to be orange/yellow youre not only really confused but it also hurts your eyes. Plus the fact that it looks really childish gets people really to look at it and only hope for the day it will be changed to something nicer.
If we have a problem in the game and you dont fix it, we will stop playing the game and you dont get any money, capischi?
*EDIT* Dont know why but i really feel like adding this:
You could immagine the sales of gw with just 20 of my buddies to make it obvious of how many bought and left the game.
Prophecies buyers: 20
Prophecies leavers: 2
Factions buyers: 15
Faction leavers: 1
Players who claim they will buy nightfall: 12
Estimated number of players who will leave nightfall: 2
Estimated number of players that will leave because of other reasons: 4
Total of guild wars players by end of 2007: 6
That means that a total of 17 players still play prophecies, 14 play factions and only 12 will pay nightfall, but the most worriying thing is that at the end of nightfall only 10 people will still be playing it. Now think of how many players will leave guild wars because they just wanna play another game or they dont have time anymore or they quit gaming overall and then youll see that my calculation that nightfall will be the last great guild wars game is about right...
And as i always tell people to do: start looking for other moorpgs because after nightfall you wont play guild wars anymore. (top 3: world of warcraft + the burning crusade, lord of the rings: online, warhammer: online)
just call me jimmy
Wow this post has realy got me!! Jenias I have never met you, but you sound very nice. It is not my place to tell Anet how to run their business, but it is obviouss in this post there are some very real issues with the new UI. I have 2 Ideas. Would it be possible in the advanced tab under options where you have the graphics options , to have an option to turn off colour effects? I am in now way a programer or do I know if this will help anyone in Jenias's position. (Just a thought)
My other Idea is for any tech savey people. Are there any free programs (easy to use) out there that would help Jenias tone down the colour effects without ruining the looks of the game.
In closing to Gaile. Like I said before I have absolutly no right to tell Anet how to run or change their game. But if Jenias is having this problem, then more people are having this problem. I realy don;t think anyone saying get rid ot the interface your design team has worked on. What people are asking for is an option.
Jenias I very much hope someone at anet figures something out that helps you. With all the bad things that you see in any game, it is nice to know there are people out there that play the game for the shere enjoyment of it, and making friends.
Good luck and all the best !!!!!
My other Idea is for any tech savey people. Are there any free programs (easy to use) out there that would help Jenias tone down the colour effects without ruining the looks of the game.
In closing to Gaile. Like I said before I have absolutly no right to tell Anet how to run or change their game. But if Jenias is having this problem, then more people are having this problem. I realy don;t think anyone saying get rid ot the interface your design team has worked on. What people are asking for is an option.
Jenias I very much hope someone at anet figures something out that helps you. With all the bad things that you see in any game, it is nice to know there are people out there that play the game for the shere enjoyment of it, and making friends.
Good luck and all the best !!!!!
Derrick the Nomad
(shakes head)
Guys stop flaming Gaile.
Her message was simply to say this: try to help yourself. Try to help yourself and do as much as you can to fix the problem on your own. If you can then it isn't a problem that they have to attend to (and not a problem at all really). They are not doctors that can fix everyones vision problems -they just make a game (and look at all the great things this game has done for Jenias. As I budding artist myself, I can only dream of helping someone in this way.)
Jenias -I would give you the same advice that Gaile did -do everything you can that is in your power to solve this problem. Use all your capacities -learn about your disablity and try to pinpoint what causes the "hurt" -then apply the "medicine" to it. You can use trial and error, but I suggest that you find out EXACTLY what colors etc are the culprits -and turn those colors/settings down in your monitor (you obviously have caring family that can help you with this if you aren't sure what you are doing, but when they show you how -learn it so you won't have this problem in future games. I'm speaking from gamer to gamer here). Own this obstacle and make it yours. Don't give up.
Oh and Jenias -Everyone gets the automated response. They give you a few days to fix the problem yourself. I think they do this because I sent them an e-mail about what weapons come in the new 2006 edition box, but then I found the answer online five minutes later -so it's all my fault. I ruined it for everyone.
I did have several issues with my sound & it turns out that it is my crappy sony vaio and not them. However, they bent over backwards for me on this issue -probably 10 e-mails back and forth to try to get it fixed. Just give it a few days -a real person should get in touch with you soon.
If they do -you will have to have taken some of Gaile's advice and "own your problem." You will have to be specific about what causes the problem. I'm not sure I understand exactly what is hurting your eyes and I don't think they will either unless you can pinpoint the culprits.
I've only known Anet to have a heart.
Jenias you did the right thing by posting here and I feel like I've gotten to know you a little. I also know that there are more than a fair share of players out there with a lack of patience that would not want to party with you because you do not have a HUD (heads up display) so if your guild isn't on look for Rain King or Quean Metis from the GEAR trick. I hope you can still have your skill bar up or you can just use hotkeys. (try to make your life and energy bar very tiny -if that isn't possible then no worries: turn em off -I'll make quean carry a rez). I think you might like our comic:
I really hope to see you in Guild Wars: Nightfall
Guys stop flaming Gaile.
Her message was simply to say this: try to help yourself. Try to help yourself and do as much as you can to fix the problem on your own. If you can then it isn't a problem that they have to attend to (and not a problem at all really). They are not doctors that can fix everyones vision problems -they just make a game (and look at all the great things this game has done for Jenias. As I budding artist myself, I can only dream of helping someone in this way.)
Jenias -I would give you the same advice that Gaile did -do everything you can that is in your power to solve this problem. Use all your capacities -learn about your disablity and try to pinpoint what causes the "hurt" -then apply the "medicine" to it. You can use trial and error, but I suggest that you find out EXACTLY what colors etc are the culprits -and turn those colors/settings down in your monitor (you obviously have caring family that can help you with this if you aren't sure what you are doing, but when they show you how -learn it so you won't have this problem in future games. I'm speaking from gamer to gamer here). Own this obstacle and make it yours. Don't give up.
Oh and Jenias -Everyone gets the automated response. They give you a few days to fix the problem yourself. I think they do this because I sent them an e-mail about what weapons come in the new 2006 edition box, but then I found the answer online five minutes later -so it's all my fault. I ruined it for everyone.
I did have several issues with my sound & it turns out that it is my crappy sony vaio and not them. However, they bent over backwards for me on this issue -probably 10 e-mails back and forth to try to get it fixed. Just give it a few days -a real person should get in touch with you soon.
If they do -you will have to have taken some of Gaile's advice and "own your problem." You will have to be specific about what causes the problem. I'm not sure I understand exactly what is hurting your eyes and I don't think they will either unless you can pinpoint the culprits.
I've only known Anet to have a heart.
Jenias you did the right thing by posting here and I feel like I've gotten to know you a little. I also know that there are more than a fair share of players out there with a lack of patience that would not want to party with you because you do not have a HUD (heads up display) so if your guild isn't on look for Rain King or Quean Metis from the GEAR trick. I hope you can still have your skill bar up or you can just use hotkeys. (try to make your life and energy bar very tiny -if that isn't possible then no worries: turn em off -I'll make quean carry a rez). I think you might like our comic:
I really hope to see you in Guild Wars: Nightfall
Like a few other posters in this topic I have a problem with the interface due to colour blindness. I now have to actually look at the bars instead of glancing at them to get the info I need. The real issue I have however is the concept of the change. I dont care if the UI looks pretty and colourful, I just want it to be functional, to fulfill its purpose. It used to do that. Please save aesthetical changes for the actual game content where they would be much more welcome. Several months of work for little gain.
p.s. @ Rok - the "colourblind have no excuse" line made me laugh. If I had bought the game and it had this interface I would have thought "good game shame I can't see much, oh well". However the UI used to be fine. It was changed for the worse.
p.s. @ Rok - the "colourblind have no excuse" line made me laugh. If I had bought the game and it had this interface I would have thought "good game shame I can't see much, oh well". However the UI used to be fine. It was changed for the worse.
I thought that I would just clear something up, since a lot of people have sort of been spamming me, saying that because of my join date to these forums (which was because of someone who told me to come along) there is no possible way could have spent so many hours on my elementalist. Well I decided that I should quickly log in take a screen shot and log out again, before I start to get ready for my day. (Just to stop the spamming and questions) So lets see if I did this right...
~Jenias Perta Ectara
~Jenias Perta Ectara
As a person who has seen my fair share of "gaile chats" both being at quite a few, and reading up on what I missed. Also as someone who isn't the biggest anet supporter in some of the buisness decisions they have made, the responses given from gaile are of no surprise.
I would have expected a little more cheerful way of putting it, but the underlying message of sucks to be you is there.
Yes chaning monitor settings could fix it, if you have those settings to change(granted nearly every modern monitor does, but you can't assume things like that). So far the only reason we have for why the interface can't not be a selectible option is because of a person who reminds us that she has no experience in what she is talking about saying it can not be done. Gaile, surely you could convince one of the devs who has more experience to hop on to good old gwg here during his/her lunch break, or after work and give an explanation for those of us that do have interface design experience and are puzled as to why this is such a big deal.
Now the other reason we are given is the time it would take to make this change. Now this is a very funny part in itself. If time is such an issue why are people having there time devoted to developing the new interface. When we are still awaiting the guild vault that was promised to us in a gamespot article just before the release of factions. There is also that improvements to trade that gaile personally loved to talk about to hype of factions. It's a two way street, if your to busy to do interface work now, then why do interface work before?
Fact is multiple people are claiming to have head aches or worse after the new interface. From a pure buisness perspective that means less people to buy nightfall, and c4. Then adding to that, saying we are to stubborn to change, so you fix it your self. Thats sending out terrible customer relations messages.
Gaile your neither a lawyer, a doctor, or a programer your self. Yet your trying to do all three in this topic. Your a pr rep, if you don't know for certain, thats 100%, dont say anything. Not this i think blah blah, this will probally blah blah. It's not like this interface is really liked that much, and its not like there was any problems with the old one.
I would have expected a little more cheerful way of putting it, but the underlying message of sucks to be you is there.
Yes chaning monitor settings could fix it, if you have those settings to change(granted nearly every modern monitor does, but you can't assume things like that). So far the only reason we have for why the interface can't not be a selectible option is because of a person who reminds us that she has no experience in what she is talking about saying it can not be done. Gaile, surely you could convince one of the devs who has more experience to hop on to good old gwg here during his/her lunch break, or after work and give an explanation for those of us that do have interface design experience and are puzled as to why this is such a big deal.
Now the other reason we are given is the time it would take to make this change. Now this is a very funny part in itself. If time is such an issue why are people having there time devoted to developing the new interface. When we are still awaiting the guild vault that was promised to us in a gamespot article just before the release of factions. There is also that improvements to trade that gaile personally loved to talk about to hype of factions. It's a two way street, if your to busy to do interface work now, then why do interface work before?
Fact is multiple people are claiming to have head aches or worse after the new interface. From a pure buisness perspective that means less people to buy nightfall, and c4. Then adding to that, saying we are to stubborn to change, so you fix it your self. Thats sending out terrible customer relations messages.
Gaile your neither a lawyer, a doctor, or a programer your self. Yet your trying to do all three in this topic. Your a pr rep, if you don't know for certain, thats 100%, dont say anything. Not this i think blah blah, this will probally blah blah. It's not like this interface is really liked that much, and its not like there was any problems with the old one.
Derrick the Nomad
the point of this thread should be to help and support jenias -not flame Gaile.
I also noticed a boycott Nightfall thread. What does that solve? Jenias wants to play -she wants to be here. So why don't we concentrate on literally helping her.
Rain King & Quean Metis are mascarading as twin monkeys today -you are welcome to come even if you only have a chat window up.
I also noticed a boycott Nightfall thread. What does that solve? Jenias wants to play -she wants to be here. So why don't we concentrate on literally helping her.
Rain King & Quean Metis are mascarading as twin monkeys today -you are welcome to come even if you only have a chat window up.
in order to help jenias, you need to get to anet. in order to get to anet you need to go through gaile
see the problem?
see the problem?
who cares if it took months to make a horrible new interface, thats anets fault for misusing resources when there's tons of more useful stuff to improve or debug
flaming is critizing now a days?
anet made the change, some like it some do. thats going to happen
some people are having medical problems related to it, and anet is sitting there refusing to make a change. this is the enlying problem. Then as their reasoning they send a person who doesnt not have the knowledge or expertise to explain why it is so hard for them to make the change or revert.
anet made the change, some like it some do. thats going to happen
some people are having medical problems related to it, and anet is sitting there refusing to make a change. this is the enlying problem. Then as their reasoning they send a person who doesnt not have the knowledge or expertise to explain why it is so hard for them to make the change or revert.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
I do not read that most people are asking simply for colours changes. Would that truly solve issues like placement, functionality, spell casting windows, fonts, and the design of key elements? Feedback is welcome, and if colour issues are key, sure, that's really good to know! But I sensed there were many different requests for change beyond that. Perhaps I'm mistaken, though.
Originally Posted by Derrick the Nomad
the point of this thread should be to help and support jenias -not flame Gaile.
the op didnt say anything other then she was having problems. other people have asked why the problem cant be fixed.
just call me jimmy
Well the post I put was wrote the most profesional way I know. Funny how the very next post starts with "shakes head"
It is easy within this thread to remove the people who are just complaing about the interface (only a few) and those that want to help. After reading everything I realy do not see any Galie flaming or Anet flaming. What I do see are people trying to help!! Sometimes in life you have to be forecefull in projecting your views in order to get responces!! Adjusting monitor resolutions or changing graphics card rezolutions can be pretty daunting tasks. To some they are easy things to change, to others they are not!!!
What is needed here is to help Jenias, and any GW player with the same problems with the new UI.
What people with far more programing smarts than I are asking is why it would be so hard to give people an option. We have options to remove terrain and sky, shadows and other graphics. Why would it be so hard to have an option to remove colour effects.
The idea is to help a fellow player, not yell at others who are trying to do that.
It is easy within this thread to remove the people who are just complaing about the interface (only a few) and those that want to help. After reading everything I realy do not see any Galie flaming or Anet flaming. What I do see are people trying to help!! Sometimes in life you have to be forecefull in projecting your views in order to get responces!! Adjusting monitor resolutions or changing graphics card rezolutions can be pretty daunting tasks. To some they are easy things to change, to others they are not!!!
What is needed here is to help Jenias, and any GW player with the same problems with the new UI.
What people with far more programing smarts than I are asking is why it would be so hard to give people an option. We have options to remove terrain and sky, shadows and other graphics. Why would it be so hard to have an option to remove colour effects.
The idea is to help a fellow player, not yell at others who are trying to do that.

Da Cebuano
Hmm, I really doubt anything will change over this, but here's some suggestions:
-Turn gamma/brightness down
-wear shades......believe it or not I think this will be most beneficial for you.
-make your icons smaller, should reduce some eye stress.
Anyway, I, among the majority love the new interface, its so much more streamlined and up to date, it shows progress and improves the graphic quality.
-Turn gamma/brightness down
-wear shades......believe it or not I think this will be most beneficial for you.
-make your icons smaller, should reduce some eye stress.
Anyway, I, among the majority love the new interface, its so much more streamlined and up to date, it shows progress and improves the graphic quality.
Mr. G
I will now describe what I like to call the "marmite" factor.
Anet have a lot of very talented people working for them who all want to show there skills to the best of there abillities. This often produces a high quality result, but can be a bit overwhelming - They dont just reach the finish line they circle the globe.
A too many cooks problem
So the final product is released and the boards are flooded with "OMG that horible" or "YAY! This rocks" - now who do they listen to? There can be no sudden changes or it'll just happen again.
I noticed a lot of things on guild wars have been cast out and slowly reeled back in to a reasoable level - If you think this isnt true think of the new dervish (the over/underpower slowly being fixed, the endless posting Flaming/Loving them)
Now I dont want to seem heartless, and i can see how this new interface can be a problem for some people - All i can say is Trust Anet, int he end they will fix it, they have filled the niche for a non-subscrition game, and need more buyers to fill the subscription void. They need us. But they are not our slaves. So its "marmite" - You love it or you hate it. Im sure some people even liked new coke
-Well thats my opinion, a cheesy collection of way to may metaphores and food refences, and 4 year old spelling and if your wondering about my name, thats what you get for using autofill-
-signed in support of a fair compramise
Anet have a lot of very talented people working for them who all want to show there skills to the best of there abillities. This often produces a high quality result, but can be a bit overwhelming - They dont just reach the finish line they circle the globe.
A too many cooks problem
So the final product is released and the boards are flooded with "OMG that horible" or "YAY! This rocks" - now who do they listen to? There can be no sudden changes or it'll just happen again.
I noticed a lot of things on guild wars have been cast out and slowly reeled back in to a reasoable level - If you think this isnt true think of the new dervish (the over/underpower slowly being fixed, the endless posting Flaming/Loving them)
Now I dont want to seem heartless, and i can see how this new interface can be a problem for some people - All i can say is Trust Anet, int he end they will fix it, they have filled the niche for a non-subscrition game, and need more buyers to fill the subscription void. They need us. But they are not our slaves. So its "marmite" - You love it or you hate it. Im sure some people even liked new coke
-Well thats my opinion, a cheesy collection of way to may metaphores and food refences, and 4 year old spelling and if your wondering about my name, thats what you get for using autofill-
-signed in support of a fair compramise
Mr. G
I suppose...... ok how about
Trust Anet to fix it eventually if its not too much trouble and they have nothing better to do and even if its just cuase too many people have complianed - even though they could implement some of the great guild features they promised us, that is if they really care or just want as much money as possible?
I suppose Trust anet was a bit wishfull and vauge
Trust Anet to fix it eventually if its not too much trouble and they have nothing better to do and even if its just cuase too many people have complianed - even though they could implement some of the great guild features they promised us, that is if they really care or just want as much money as possible?
I suppose Trust anet was a bit wishfull and vauge
gaile has said that they will not change.
so either re read the post and point out where they have mentioned anything close to saying they will change it, or rethink your view.
so either re read the post and point out where they have mentioned anything close to saying they will change it, or rethink your view.
they did (finally) address the decaying minions during cutscene problem... I guess someday they'll come around to fixing most stuff people don't like about. Maybe by the time chapter 16 is out.
Trance Addict
some people are having medical problems related to it, and anet is sitting there refusing to make a change. this is the enlying problem. Then as their reasoning they send a person who doesnt not have the knowledge or expertise to explain why it is so hard for them to make the change or revert.
What the hell are you saying? Every single thing made in the world should be created so that 0.00001% of the population could use it? I read her story slipping in and out and it doesn't sound fun. Living your life in a game isn't normal; no one should be doing that, no matter under what conditions you're living. There's plenty of disabled people living on planet. Hell, we have some "slower" people who work at the same place I do. They do their jobs. Some of their disabilities are more obvious than others, but these people manage to live, make friends and make money, pretty much like normal people. I don't even know where I'm going with this. I don't know if it's the anger or the pity, or both, but to the topic creator, are you REALLY asking a whole company to change something just because it bothers a few people? Do you know how much time and money would be wasted if every single company did that? You cannot please everyone. I was bothered by the new interface, but after about 30 minutes of playing, I didn't even notice the changes. You're wasting time hoping for things that probably won't happen. And if you're story is true, well I'm sorry, but you shouldn't just be playing this game, unless you have the use of none of your senses, are hideous, live in the country, etc. Plenty of people are willing to help you and treat you like a perfectly normal person, you're just lazying around. Also, you should be complaining about the garbage called Dervish they added, not some silly interface changes.
and lol @ these forums not supporting basic <HTML> how fun... no more editing starting...... NOW
What the hell are you saying? Every single thing made in the world should be created so that 0.00001% of the population could use it? I read her story slipping in and out and it doesn't sound fun. Living your life in a game isn't normal; no one should be doing that, no matter under what conditions you're living. There's plenty of disabled people living on planet. Hell, we have some "slower" people who work at the same place I do. They do their jobs. Some of their disabilities are more obvious than others, but these people manage to live, make friends and make money, pretty much like normal people. I don't even know where I'm going with this. I don't know if it's the anger or the pity, or both, but to the topic creator, are you REALLY asking a whole company to change something just because it bothers a few people? Do you know how much time and money would be wasted if every single company did that? You cannot please everyone. I was bothered by the new interface, but after about 30 minutes of playing, I didn't even notice the changes. You're wasting time hoping for things that probably won't happen. And if you're story is true, well I'm sorry, but you shouldn't just be playing this game, unless you have the use of none of your senses, are hideous, live in the country, etc. Plenty of people are willing to help you and treat you like a perfectly normal person, you're just lazying around. Also, you should be complaining about the garbage called Dervish they added, not some silly interface changes.
and lol @ these forums not supporting basic <HTML> how fun... no more editing starting...... NOW
Everyone seems to be treating this a s a medical problem, when it really isn't. I know some people do have medical conditions regarding this, but the fact is, anybody who stares at a computer monitor for hours at a time eventually gets a headache. It shouldn't happen when you play for only a couple of hours, though. Brighter colors like these make it harder on EVERYONE's eyes, whether they get a headaches or not. And this is just going to cause more headaches in a shorter amount of time. Everyone normally gets a headache if they play for maybe 5 or 6 hours, give or take, but this is just making it worse. People who have noe medical conditions are still straining their eyes and getting aches within an hour or two.
People keep telling everyone who says they had a headache to go see a doctor. The thing is, there is nothing wrong with the majority of these people, they just have sensitive eyes. These aren't "disabled" people, they are perfectly normal people. It probably won't be any more than a nuisance to most, and won't even affect a lot of people, but it is still a lot greater than simply those with medical conditions.
People keep telling everyone who says they had a headache to go see a doctor. The thing is, there is nothing wrong with the majority of these people, they just have sensitive eyes. These aren't "disabled" people, they are perfectly normal people. It probably won't be any more than a nuisance to most, and won't even affect a lot of people, but it is still a lot greater than simply those with medical conditions.
re go iway some more 
anet is going to have the code for the old interface laying somewhere, even if they cant add a drop down list, the code is there, say it was a beta test, and it didnt go over well. which it didnt.

anet is going to have the code for the old interface laying somewhere, even if they cant add a drop down list, the code is there, say it was a beta test, and it didnt go over well. which it didnt.
Trance Addict
Iway? Hell no. D/Mos ftw. I'll be cool like those Spearmen gamers~~ boy are they awesome!
I don't mind this interface, or the old one. I just mind her asking for pity and changes just because she's different. Her post could've been the same minus the whole disabilities part and living her life in this game. Sure, ArenaNet hasn't done shit and from the looks of this new horrible "expansion", they're not doing much to help themselves. Little things in the game itself might be decent, but ArenaNet is serious business. They know what they're doing. Instead of giving monsters better AI? Just make them do more 600 damage a hit! They're taking shortcuts that do nothing in the longterm. Hell, I'm down from playing about ~5 hours a day to playing 2 or 3 GvGs a night. What killed it? Retarded PvE and the fact that skill buffs/nerfs come out once every 3 months. They have to keep shit new and interesting. People still running IWAY (which I do not hate anymore) after what? Nearly a year after it was thought of? I'm buying Nightfall for the simple reason that the original Guild Wars occupied me for over a year and they deserve more than the initial 50$ I paid for it.
On a side note, looking at the other people's replies, if I wanted something changed, I'd just take a picture of me holding up my kitty with a gun to it's head and saying "Have pity for my kitty and give monsters better AI/More PvP maps/Bigger Storage, etc".
I don't mind this interface, or the old one. I just mind her asking for pity and changes just because she's different. Her post could've been the same minus the whole disabilities part and living her life in this game. Sure, ArenaNet hasn't done shit and from the looks of this new horrible "expansion", they're not doing much to help themselves. Little things in the game itself might be decent, but ArenaNet is serious business. They know what they're doing. Instead of giving monsters better AI? Just make them do more 600 damage a hit! They're taking shortcuts that do nothing in the longterm. Hell, I'm down from playing about ~5 hours a day to playing 2 or 3 GvGs a night. What killed it? Retarded PvE and the fact that skill buffs/nerfs come out once every 3 months. They have to keep shit new and interesting. People still running IWAY (which I do not hate anymore) after what? Nearly a year after it was thought of? I'm buying Nightfall for the simple reason that the original Guild Wars occupied me for over a year and they deserve more than the initial 50$ I paid for it.
On a side note, looking at the other people's replies, if I wanted something changed, I'd just take a picture of me holding up my kitty with a gun to it's head and saying "Have pity for my kitty and give monsters better AI/More PvP maps/Bigger Storage, etc".
Eet GnomeSmasher
I really don't understand how so many people claim that the colours are making them get headaches. I've seen a lot more bright garish colours in a Nintendo game and yet I dont hear about people getting sick from them.
As I said before, I dont doubt that a very small minority do have legitimate medical problems, but I think most of the complaints are just a case of people not liking change. Any change at all is bad to them.
As I said before, I dont doubt that a very small minority do have legitimate medical problems, but I think most of the complaints are just a case of people not liking change. Any change at all is bad to them.
maybe because they dont buy the nintendo game in the first place...
gw didnt have this problem now it does
personally, i dont even remember what the old interface looked like anymore.
however if people are getting headaches after a few hours of play, and anets response is fix it yourself. thats bad for them, and bad for us.
gw didnt have this problem now it does
personally, i dont even remember what the old interface looked like anymore.
however if people are getting headaches after a few hours of play, and anets response is fix it yourself. thats bad for them, and bad for us.
Anyway, for all of you that support those of us with physical issues making it difficult for us to continue playing, thank you. For those of you that don't support us, thanks for expressing your opinions as you have a right to make your own choice.
From all I've heard about Gaile in the past, I'm sure she's doing the best she can and is probably swamped with positive/negative criticism from the new beta weekend, so I can understand why her first post came off the way it did, and I'm sure it was unintentional.
After making a few adjustments, my eyes still hurt, but I'm able to play for about 20-30 minutes at a time now as opposed to 10, but I'll take what I can get. I love this game and the people I've meet through it.
I don't know how much contact PR has with the Devs, but it'd be much appreciated if there was some contact between them so we can get a definate answer on if this issue is even possibly going to be fixed in the near future. I think even a simple color changer would reduce if not eliminate the pain my eyes if an option to change between interfaces is not possible. Or maybe, since the codes for the old interface is still there, would it be possible to release it to the public and give us permission to mod it ourselves? I know there are interface mods for WoW, it'd be nice if we could be allowed to do the same. If the devs are too swamped with upcoming projects to address this themselves, allowing the fanbase to do so could be a simple solution.
Thanks again for a great game.
From all I've heard about Gaile in the past, I'm sure she's doing the best she can and is probably swamped with positive/negative criticism from the new beta weekend, so I can understand why her first post came off the way it did, and I'm sure it was unintentional.
After making a few adjustments, my eyes still hurt, but I'm able to play for about 20-30 minutes at a time now as opposed to 10, but I'll take what I can get. I love this game and the people I've meet through it.
I don't know how much contact PR has with the Devs, but it'd be much appreciated if there was some contact between them so we can get a definate answer on if this issue is even possibly going to be fixed in the near future. I think even a simple color changer would reduce if not eliminate the pain my eyes if an option to change between interfaces is not possible. Or maybe, since the codes for the old interface is still there, would it be possible to release it to the public and give us permission to mod it ourselves? I know there are interface mods for WoW, it'd be nice if we could be allowed to do the same. If the devs are too swamped with upcoming projects to address this themselves, allowing the fanbase to do so could be a simple solution.
Thanks again for a great game.
Trance Addict
I just asked 18 people in Guild Wars if they had any problems with the new look of the game. 0 said they did.
Compare the amount of people that don't mind the new interface, to the people that think it's ugly, to the people that can't literaly stand it due to physical problems and you'll notice that it's something like 90%/9.99999%/0.00001%. Most people don't mind it, a few do but they'll get used to it because they're addicted anyways and only 1 person out of 10000 won't be able to play the game because of their health. Sure, it's probably not much work, but it's ArenaNet.
Compare the amount of people that don't mind the new interface, to the people that think it's ugly, to the people that can't literaly stand it due to physical problems and you'll notice that it's something like 90%/9.99999%/0.00001%. Most people don't mind it, a few do but they'll get used to it because they're addicted anyways and only 1 person out of 10000 won't be able to play the game because of their health. Sure, it's probably not much work, but it's ArenaNet.
Omega X
Originally Posted by So_Not_Toast
gaile has said that they will not change.
so either re read the post and point out where they have mentioned anything close to saying they will change it, or rethink your view. |
If enough constructive feedback is given, then the changes will most likely come.
But saying, "IT Hurts us Master", and "I don't like the colors", "Its Just Ugly" or "its Flashy and tasteless".
That's not constructive and won't get any attention other than flaming responses.
There are steps that were POSTED for people to take if the interface bothers you physically. Like Adjust the Gamma to human levels, Fix your color settings on your monitor and OR video card and increase the refresh rate on your monitor. AND see your doctor if the pain continues(you most likely need some sunlight or time away from the monitor). That's not hard to do.
BUT saying that "ANET is insensitive" because it doesn't cater to just you at the drop of a dime, is just selfish. The OP had the right idea about constructively posting her issue. But most of the rest didn't.
(Normally I don't defend ANET but the ignorance is getting on my nerves)
grats re so far you have 1 it feels like my eyes are being ripped out, and 18 ya i'm fine!