The New Interface (Please read this post before posting any reply)
I know that this is probably going to meet with some sort of hate or spam or something negative. Honestly though, I have bad vision, just standard crappy vision that requires glasses and tends to cause me headaches. I work at a tech support company and therefore have to look at a computer screen every day. It tends to give me skull cracking headpains. I can certainly feel for you when it comes to aches associated with focusing on things that may not be the best for your vision.
The only thing I can say is this.. If a few shades of colour diferent on a screen, a couple larger buttons, and a few minor corrections in the layout of a game hurt you so badly, perhaps you should look into a different hobby. I understand that you said that guild wars has opened up a whole new world for you and made you new friends and has made you so very happy, but if you're balancing out the decision to do something for the happiness of yourself and the betterment of your health, it might be wise to give your eyes a rest in general. It must be indeed difficult to be handicapped thusly, but I'm sure that gazing at a computer screen all day, no matter the contet can't be good for you in the least.
As for everyone else, yes.. Arena net changed something, and just like every other time they change something, there are some people out there that won't like it. Maybe you honestly feel sorry for the person that made this thread, but I think you're just venting your dislike for it, and using his story as a catalyst. So you don't like the changes to the template, the next time there is a row of skill balances, or when Nightfall comes out, you're probably going to be the same people that are telling the next set of complaining gamers that they should just deal with it.
That sounds a little harsh, but there are posts in this thread about how A-net is LEGALLY bound to please everyone.. Come on. The first post is sad, and I'm sorry that he has eye problems, but to place a little doubt into the mix here, I don't know any physical ipediment that makes people hurt more from a minor change in colour. If he's telling the truth and a slight shift in the interface made him ache and not able to play something he so loves, I'm sorry, but stop using the sad story to vent your dislike.
Maybe put yourselves in the position of A-Net. Yeah they may be a big company, but they have a select number of people designing this. They put themselves out on the line every time they do ANYTHING to this game. Any changes they make are made because they think that it will make the playing experience better for YOU. They have hit the bulls-eye so many times that it's the only reason that you are here, posting at all. The game is good enough to keep you playing, and apparently good enough to give the person that made this thread a little window out into the world, even if it is through fantasy. Everytime they put a new update into the game, they are hoping that people won't hate it too much. They put their time and effort into each tiny correction, and more often than not, they are met with anger and dislike from a quarter of players. I have never seen an update go through when there weren't SOME people who were angry about it.
But really. I know people want their grievances heard, and that they want something to change because they don't like it, but if you feel wronged, how do you think GW designers feel? Everything they do is met negatively. And yet, the game is still played.. So you play, and complain... complain and play.. Why not say something constructive, or just save yourself and everyone the time.. and just Play? Nothing done to the game since its release has altered it so hideously that it's not bearable. The interface changes were done for a reason I'm sure.
The only thing I can say is this.. If a few shades of colour diferent on a screen, a couple larger buttons, and a few minor corrections in the layout of a game hurt you so badly, perhaps you should look into a different hobby. I understand that you said that guild wars has opened up a whole new world for you and made you new friends and has made you so very happy, but if you're balancing out the decision to do something for the happiness of yourself and the betterment of your health, it might be wise to give your eyes a rest in general. It must be indeed difficult to be handicapped thusly, but I'm sure that gazing at a computer screen all day, no matter the contet can't be good for you in the least.
As for everyone else, yes.. Arena net changed something, and just like every other time they change something, there are some people out there that won't like it. Maybe you honestly feel sorry for the person that made this thread, but I think you're just venting your dislike for it, and using his story as a catalyst. So you don't like the changes to the template, the next time there is a row of skill balances, or when Nightfall comes out, you're probably going to be the same people that are telling the next set of complaining gamers that they should just deal with it.
That sounds a little harsh, but there are posts in this thread about how A-net is LEGALLY bound to please everyone.. Come on. The first post is sad, and I'm sorry that he has eye problems, but to place a little doubt into the mix here, I don't know any physical ipediment that makes people hurt more from a minor change in colour. If he's telling the truth and a slight shift in the interface made him ache and not able to play something he so loves, I'm sorry, but stop using the sad story to vent your dislike.
Maybe put yourselves in the position of A-Net. Yeah they may be a big company, but they have a select number of people designing this. They put themselves out on the line every time they do ANYTHING to this game. Any changes they make are made because they think that it will make the playing experience better for YOU. They have hit the bulls-eye so many times that it's the only reason that you are here, posting at all. The game is good enough to keep you playing, and apparently good enough to give the person that made this thread a little window out into the world, even if it is through fantasy. Everytime they put a new update into the game, they are hoping that people won't hate it too much. They put their time and effort into each tiny correction, and more often than not, they are met with anger and dislike from a quarter of players. I have never seen an update go through when there weren't SOME people who were angry about it.
But really. I know people want their grievances heard, and that they want something to change because they don't like it, but if you feel wronged, how do you think GW designers feel? Everything they do is met negatively. And yet, the game is still played.. So you play, and complain... complain and play.. Why not say something constructive, or just save yourself and everyone the time.. and just Play? Nothing done to the game since its release has altered it so hideously that it's not bearable. The interface changes were done for a reason I'm sure.
Eternal Equinox
Eh, the new interface upgrades and the introduction of more colors look very nice. Some people appear to have been moderately affected by it but then again, Anet can't cater to one person's problems (no offense to the maker of this thread). I personally love it, the new skill warmup bar is pretty awesome and the UI is more streamlined, no complaints on my side.
Originally Posted by Rent
So you play, and complain... complain and play.. Why not say something constructive, or just save yourself and everyone the time.. and just Play? Nothing done to the game since its release has altered it so hideously that it's not bearable. The interface changes were done for a reason I'm sure.
"Some people appear to have been moderately affected by it but then again, Anet can't cater to one person's problems "
some means more then one, so its not one persons problem...
and agree'd with warren
not like there are not other gameplay things that needed to be fixed, and features we where told to expect around the release of nightfall and are still waiting on. that time could have been spent else where and this issue never would have came to be
some means more then one, so its not one persons problem...
and agree'd with warren
not like there are not other gameplay things that needed to be fixed, and features we where told to expect around the release of nightfall and are still waiting on. that time could have been spent else where and this issue never would have came to be
Originally Posted by So_Not_Toast
"Some people appear to have been moderately affected by it but then again, Anet can't cater to one person's problems "
some means more then one, so its not one persons problem... and agree'd with warren not like there are not other gameplay things that needed to be fixed, and features we where told to expect around the release of nightfall and are still waiting on. that time could have been spent else where and this issue never would have came to be |
Besides.. if they said that you were supposed to expect realeases around nightfall, then they still have quite some time until the due date has been reached, what with nightfall being quite a ways off and all :P
i'll be gaile here 
but if the interface was never made, would you play guild wars any more or less?
i assure that the answer to that is no. the interface is a shingy object to distract from things that should be being worked on

but if the interface was never made, would you play guild wars any more or less?
i assure that the answer to that is no. the interface is a shingy object to distract from things that should be being worked on

Originally Posted by So_Not_Toast
i'll be gaile here
![]() but if the interface was never made, would you play guild wars any more or less? i assure that the answer to that is no. the interface is a shingy object to distract from things that should be being worked on ![]() |
It all goes back to whether or not you're still playing the game. If you're still playing, apparently the tides with rise and fall and the earth will continue it's orbit. If you aren't playing and choose to quit because of a colour shift. Sucky. I'm really sorry, the game, as people have posted, can't cater to certain minorities. Go into Lions Arch, dist 1 or Kaineng .. and in Caps say I HATE THE NEW INTERFACE. See how many people respond.
i really hope anet will change this new interface. the colors are indeed to bright. as a pvp monk i always have to focus on things and it's hurtful to my eyes also.
Please anet, let us chose our own interface colors or bring back the old 1 with less bright colors
Please anet, let us chose our own interface colors or bring back the old 1 with less bright colors
they don't have to change anything, just put an better video option on it. that should solve everyone's problem
I have no laundry list i have what gaile told me would be added shortly after the relese of faction
*looks at calender* yup past shortly after
edited by Swampgirl

*looks at calender* yup past shortly after
edited by Swampgirl
Swampgirl Inez
Please stay on topic and do not flame. If you cannot contribute to the conversation or cannot contribute in a respectful manner then do not post.
Originally Posted by sirgeorge
they don't have to change anything, just put an better video option on it. that should solve everyone's problem
My heart goes out to you, Jenias Perta Ectara.
After a few days with the new interface, I still find it hard to get used to it.
The new colours are too flashy; the regeneration pips on the health and energy bar are too sharp; the rainbow warmup bar makes interrupts MUCH more difficult. (Timely interrupts are critical for rangers and mesmers). Purple title bars are just hideous.
On the whole, the new colour scheme of the interface distracts one's attention, instead of focusing it. It is now less easy to read the vital parameters than it was before.
There certainly should be an option to choose one's own interface colour scheme, or at least make the colours, their contrasts and outlines less sharp and loud.
After a few days with the new interface, I still find it hard to get used to it.
The new colours are too flashy; the regeneration pips on the health and energy bar are too sharp; the rainbow warmup bar makes interrupts MUCH more difficult. (Timely interrupts are critical for rangers and mesmers). Purple title bars are just hideous.
On the whole, the new colour scheme of the interface distracts one's attention, instead of focusing it. It is now less easy to read the vital parameters than it was before.
There certainly should be an option to choose one's own interface colour scheme, or at least make the colours, their contrasts and outlines less sharp and loud.
it simply looks a bit brighter and sharper to me.
i like it
i like it
Omega X
Originally Posted by Alya
After a few days with the new interface, I still find it hard to get used to it. The new colours are too flashy; the regeneration pips on the health and energy bar are too sharp; the rainbow warmup bar makes interrupts MUCH more difficult. (Timely interrupts are critical for rangers and mesmers). Purple title bars are just hideous. On the whole, the new colour scheme of the interface distracts one's attention, instead of focusing it. It is now less easy to read the vital parameters than it was before. There certainly should be an option to choose one's own interface colour scheme, or at least make the colours, their contrasts and outlines less sharp and loud. |
Teddy Bear
i like the new UI its much better imo and the color casting bar is good now u can color and it looks good
Sithlord Monk
While I know that the new interface has bothered many that I know and even myself to some degree. The option to select your own UI wouldn't be such a bad thing to help those that are suffering from some sort of disability that deals with visual impairment of some sort. The OP did what many with a disbability do not do which is to speak their mind about the issue, and to try to resolve the matter and come to a peaceful resolution.
A very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to certain visual images, including flashing lights or patterns that may appear in video games. |
The new color change in the UI update can be just enough to cause a seizure, even if you mess with the color settings to avoid this. There are levels of photosensitive medical conditions out there just like there is everything else and my not cause a seizure.
But in this cause the new colors are just enough to make a difference to where they can no longer play the game. I’m positive there are more people out there that have a similar problem, you just see them on the forums and you may never hear about other then this post.
It is estimated that about one in every 20 Americans has low vision. Color blindness is an inability to detect certain colors. It ranges from total color blindness, where the person perceives the world as shades of gray, to more common types where a one cannot distinguish between red and green or yellow and blue. Research has shown that one in every 12 person has some degree of color blindness. |
The Last Windseeker
Sorry to hear about the problem the new interface has caused you. I asked Anet to implement the option for players to choose the interface they wish to use, this pleasing both people who like the current interface and those who want to go back to the old. But until a solution such as this can be met, I hope you can find a way to play the game without it causing so much stress on your eyes. I'll try and find a way that can help your eyes cope with the new settings also. One way that comes to mind that I think might help you is to make the interface smaller manually,
Start by going to options then interface. From there you can click on what you want to make smaller.
Other interface examples
I hope by making it smaller it will cause less eye troubles. And in worse case if this doesn't work I'll see if i can find some other ways that might help.
The Last Windseeker
Start by going to options then interface. From there you can click on what you want to make smaller.
Other interface examples
I hope by making it smaller it will cause less eye troubles. And in worse case if this doesn't work I'll see if i can find some other ways that might help.
The Last Windseeker
Shin Green Carnage
Well Arguing about it wont get us anywhere. I sent Anet a letter to help support you. Im Sure Alot Of Us On GwG Are Here To Help. I Mean It May Not Be Enough But Ive Done What I Can. I Hope they fix that for u or at least for future refrence allow u 2 pick skins or sumthing. but i tried 2 help and hopefully i can make ur friends list. Well If Ur ever on at night, look me up
/signed Shin Green Carnage
/signed Shin Green Carnage
Derrick the Nomad
Originally Posted by The Last Windseeker
Sorry to hear about the problem the new interface has caused you. I asked Anet to implement the option for players to choose the interface they wish to use, this pleasing both people who like the current interface and those who want to go back to the old. But until a solution such as this can be met, I hope you can find a way to play the game without it causing so much stress on your eyes. I'll try and find a way that can help your eyes cope with the new settings also. One way that comes to mind that I think might help you is to make the interface smaller manually,
Start by going to options then interface. From there you can click on what you want to make smaller. Before After Other interface examples I hope by making it smaller it will cause less eye troubles. And in worse case if this doesn't work I'll see if i can find some other ways that might help. ~Signed~ The Last Windseeker |
real "immediate & practical" solutions to try out -thanks Windseeker.
I can understand that some people do not like the new colors. But i fail to understand how can it prevent anyone from interrupting a skill. Before, you couldn't even see enemy casting bar and people were able to interrupt just fine. Yes the cast bar on enemies do help sometime but its not vital for interrupting.
I do love the new colors. But i also would like to see an option to change UI's colors. More customization options can just be good. Some kind of RGB slider for selected items or effects in UI setting screen would be pretty cool.
For people who say they should work on other more important stuff before UI. I really don't think the guy making UI and the guy scripting skills or other features such as trade and storage are the same person. Big change take time. They have to do lot of testing and brainstorming before implenting a major feature while some new colors and interface layout take less than half a day.
For people who find the new color too bright and stuff. Try playing with the color, brightness and/or color temperature of your monitor. Check your graphic card colors options. And if you play in a dark room, open a light.
I'm pretty sure if the color setting we have right now on the UI was like that when the game first came out, no one would have ever said a word about it.
And like Shin Green Carnage said, "Arguing about it wont get us anywhere." Because arguing usually only make things worst. It's always better to give suggestions and idea than complaining.
I do love the new colors. But i also would like to see an option to change UI's colors. More customization options can just be good. Some kind of RGB slider for selected items or effects in UI setting screen would be pretty cool.
For people who say they should work on other more important stuff before UI. I really don't think the guy making UI and the guy scripting skills or other features such as trade and storage are the same person. Big change take time. They have to do lot of testing and brainstorming before implenting a major feature while some new colors and interface layout take less than half a day.
For people who find the new color too bright and stuff. Try playing with the color, brightness and/or color temperature of your monitor. Check your graphic card colors options. And if you play in a dark room, open a light.
I'm pretty sure if the color setting we have right now on the UI was like that when the game first came out, no one would have ever said a word about it.
And like Shin Green Carnage said, "Arguing about it wont get us anywhere." Because arguing usually only make things worst. It's always better to give suggestions and idea than complaining.
i love the new interface 
and to the people who are complaining, try to get used to it, it really is better than the old one.
i don't get how people say that it's too bright and stuff...all the stuff thats happening outside of the interface is a lot more bright and flashy anyways.
example: prot spirit, lightning hammer, wards, phoenix, zodiac staff...too many to list
and to the people who are complaining, try to get used to it, it really is better than the old one.

i don't get how people say that it's too bright and stuff...all the stuff thats happening outside of the interface is a lot more bright and flashy anyways.
example: prot spirit, lightning hammer, wards, phoenix, zodiac staff...too many to list
Originally Posted by Tripped
i love the new interface
and to the people who are complaining, try to get used to it, it really is better than the old one. ![]() i don't get how people say that it's too bright and stuff...all the stuff thats happening outside of the interface is a lot more bright and flashy anyways. example: prot spirit, lightning hammer, wards, phoenix, zodiac staff...too many to list |
Mr. G
*Before you read this or any of my other posts ive altered the word Anet to not include gaile, who as far as i can tell (im gunna get flamed for this) is simply there to crush our hopes and dreams and try to keep a leash on all players so they carnt complain - Anet now refers to the people who acutally care*
now the actual post, seeeing some of the solutions posted a lot of problems can be reduced if not fixed...But the one problem that really seems to be central to all this is the new skill charge bar, its bright guady gives headaches, stops some poeple from playing and makes interupts harder. I personall dont mind it, and even thou that party menu is ghastly and the purple isnt all that good - Please Anet if you have to change something - Only 1 thing - Change the skill charge bar, even if you dont change it to the original, at least tone it down please?
<------Also thanks for the fancy new name whoeva it was, i owe you
now the actual post, seeeing some of the solutions posted a lot of problems can be reduced if not fixed...But the one problem that really seems to be central to all this is the new skill charge bar, its bright guady gives headaches, stops some poeple from playing and makes interupts harder. I personall dont mind it, and even thou that party menu is ghastly and the purple isnt all that good - Please Anet if you have to change something - Only 1 thing - Change the skill charge bar, even if you dont change it to the original, at least tone it down please?
<------Also thanks for the fancy new name whoeva it was, i owe you
I really dont like the UI. First off it took a long time to dl on my fast comp. I thought it was pretty useless. The gray screen when u are defeated makes my head go woozy because you still see some color but its not all vibrant. The skills bar is really odd looking its a rainbow!
What the heck and then it turn brown.

Nyxa Nightwing
well I like the new look, but I have also heard from my guild mates that they would like to have to old interface back. I think that we should be given the choice of the interface. I mean we get the coice on a few other things in the game (Language filter, screen size, sound effects) why not the bars???
If it comes down to it add my name to the list of players that want it changed
well I like the new look, but I have also heard from my guild mates that they would like to have to old interface back. I think that we should be given the choice of the interface. I mean we get the coice on a few other things in the game (Language filter, screen size, sound effects) why not the bars???
If it comes down to it add my name to the list of players that want it changed
aron searle
Yes it would be nice if an option was given, and i hope the OP gets a soloution to this.
Personally i dont like the spell progress bars, i cant explain why, as i really dont understand it, but i do find it harder to follow a spells progress and interupt with it, its very odd.
Personally i dont like the spell progress bars, i cant explain why, as i really dont understand it, but i do find it harder to follow a spells progress and interupt with it, its very odd.
I'm ok with the new look of the interface but definitely agree that there should be options to change the colors and whatnot.... or have the ability to use the new or classic GW interface. Hopefully Anet will do something about this.
The one thing that does bug me is I never had to double click on the target display before to attack the target. I find that highly annoying. The setting in 'options' does nothing to fix this. I also haven't seen anybody else mention this. Maybe I'm going crazy.
The one thing that does bug me is I never had to double click on the target display before to attack the target. I find that highly annoying. The setting in 'options' does nothing to fix this. I also haven't seen anybody else mention this. Maybe I'm going crazy.
Originally Posted by unmatchedfury
but i mean serioursly.. is it really that bad that you guys are gonna have seisures over a little silver lineing and some fading colors?
Yes. For some people, that's exactly what might happen. You didn't seem to be asking a serious question, but that's a serious answer.
For some people (like you or me in other ways), this causes extremely real physical pain. This is not exagerration.
i love the new colors and the whole new interface. Dont change it. thanks
To those of you who are using the argument that starts with "Staring at the screen for hours...." You're missing the fact that for those who are having their eyes go buggy are saying it only takes a few MINUTES for the eye strain to kick in. My eyes are perfectly healthy, and before this update I've never had any kind adverse eye problems or headaches - even after playing for hours on end. Now, I can't play my monk because looking at the party bar gives me a headache - within a few minutes!
For those who suggest changing the settings, yes, that will help reduce the strain caused by the UI. BUT it also affects the entire display, making places like the Echovald forest even harder to see while adventuring in.
As to the question of Interrupts being harder to pull off, I know I'm having a harder time interrupting things. But part of that problem is the delay that has come into being when hitting the interrupt. I hit the skill, and there's a delay in it's activation over and above the 1/4 second it's advertised to use.
To Gaile Gray: Neither you nor I know how difficult it would be to provide the option to switch from one UI to the other. But you have access to the guys that DO know that kind of stuff. Maybe you could run it by them (if you haven't already) and have one of them enlighten us - in layman's terms - on how big of an undertaking this would be. Thanks!
To everyone: The timing of this situation isn't very good. With all of the things going on with getting Nightfall squared away & tweaked after the Preview, I'm sure the Devs have their hands full balancing the new professions (7 - 41 damage on a scythe? way too powerful
) so a bit of patience should be exercised by all.
For those who suggest changing the settings, yes, that will help reduce the strain caused by the UI. BUT it also affects the entire display, making places like the Echovald forest even harder to see while adventuring in.
As to the question of Interrupts being harder to pull off, I know I'm having a harder time interrupting things. But part of that problem is the delay that has come into being when hitting the interrupt. I hit the skill, and there's a delay in it's activation over and above the 1/4 second it's advertised to use.
To Gaile Gray: Neither you nor I know how difficult it would be to provide the option to switch from one UI to the other. But you have access to the guys that DO know that kind of stuff. Maybe you could run it by them (if you haven't already) and have one of them enlighten us - in layman's terms - on how big of an undertaking this would be. Thanks!
To everyone: The timing of this situation isn't very good. With all of the things going on with getting Nightfall squared away & tweaked after the Preview, I'm sure the Devs have their hands full balancing the new professions (7 - 41 damage on a scythe? way too powerful

While I have no problem with the new interface, I agree that it would be good to at least have the option to change the colour scheme.
Jenias, I'm glad that GW has opened up your world and I hope you can stay.
Jenias, I'm glad that GW has opened up your world and I hope you can stay.
Thank you everyone, there is no solution... though I know someone complained to arena net for Gaile Grays comment (through support) apparently... Or so I am told anyway. I know others have posted messages to Arena Net about the nterface, Apparently... Yet nothing is done, my time on the game has cut back to about 5 minutes a day sometimes less, sometimes more... but by the looks of things, I wont stay. I told my guild, the ones that I love the most. That I will leave for good on Sunday. I have told most online that, I will leave the game for good on Sunday, I just can't play a game which does nothing for me, I have the contacts for everyone I love the most, online and even some of my guild has given me the offline addresses and I have given them mine.
That is how much trust I gave them... all of the ones I gave it I have knows for a long time now, it is not like I have anyhting to loose.
I have organised everything, the one thing I will miss the most is my online sister. I love her the most. she has been with me for years and years, we have traveled many online games together.
I think I should move on anyway, no matter how hard it is... a new chapter in my life I guess, a new chapter in my world. Like I always say. fight till you die, then fight some more in the next. I guess this post was a way of fighting... Though I knew no game would care about me or others, it is a company... all companies are the same no matter what image they like to show themselves as. though, I went fighting... I lost and im still fighting. Though there is never a point when fighting when your dead... time to move on another door... Right?
My last words are so.
Gail Gray you decieved me, I thought highly of you, I thought you were great at your job! Though I am dissapointed in how you acted towards me and others. Infact I think you should take a deep breath and think before you post anything. the way you worded your comments were not right... they were harsh, mean and when read by me and others... As an attack on dissabled people, it looked as though you were treating us as stupid, as if it was our fault, as if it were my fault. I sent you a nice pm and explained who I was, and instances I had met you in game, just incase something I asked you at your chats sticked in your mind so you could know I was a good player. Yet all you did was come straight to this thread and if I can say. Attacked me, others... all people.
I am glad you did though. The way you did it changed my view of you and what I thought to be a great and beautiful view turned into a demon. I am glad I left in truth and with truth.
No that was not an attack on Gaile Gray before you say it, though I know that will get me in trouble. That is just my opinion, my view, my knowledge... what I have learnt. After countless post on a dissability forum and chat room. It is the conclusion which I have come to.
By the way all, whoever put this online.
I got past it in PM and if it was actually you, the one who sent it. Thank you.
~Now thank you everyone who has posted, thanked, wished me luck, givenm me support and also to the others also in the situation, my advice is. Do not try to ask for help, Guild wars will not give it. Move on... it is for the best. If they will not help sometimes it is best to move on. you never know maybe you will find a game just as fun, though I understand leaving is hard. I think you are all angels, you are all kind people who tried your best. Some wars no matter the numbers just cn't be one. I hope te angels will watch over you all, always, right till your last breaths.
~ }å{ ~
~Jenias Perta Ectara
That is how much trust I gave them... all of the ones I gave it I have knows for a long time now, it is not like I have anyhting to loose.
I have organised everything, the one thing I will miss the most is my online sister. I love her the most. she has been with me for years and years, we have traveled many online games together.
I think I should move on anyway, no matter how hard it is... a new chapter in my life I guess, a new chapter in my world. Like I always say. fight till you die, then fight some more in the next. I guess this post was a way of fighting... Though I knew no game would care about me or others, it is a company... all companies are the same no matter what image they like to show themselves as. though, I went fighting... I lost and im still fighting. Though there is never a point when fighting when your dead... time to move on another door... Right?
My last words are so.
Gail Gray you decieved me, I thought highly of you, I thought you were great at your job! Though I am dissapointed in how you acted towards me and others. Infact I think you should take a deep breath and think before you post anything. the way you worded your comments were not right... they were harsh, mean and when read by me and others... As an attack on dissabled people, it looked as though you were treating us as stupid, as if it was our fault, as if it were my fault. I sent you a nice pm and explained who I was, and instances I had met you in game, just incase something I asked you at your chats sticked in your mind so you could know I was a good player. Yet all you did was come straight to this thread and if I can say. Attacked me, others... all people.
I am glad you did though. The way you did it changed my view of you and what I thought to be a great and beautiful view turned into a demon. I am glad I left in truth and with truth.
No that was not an attack on Gaile Gray before you say it, though I know that will get me in trouble. That is just my opinion, my view, my knowledge... what I have learnt. After countless post on a dissability forum and chat room. It is the conclusion which I have come to.
By the way all, whoever put this online.
I got past it in PM and if it was actually you, the one who sent it. Thank you.
~Now thank you everyone who has posted, thanked, wished me luck, givenm me support and also to the others also in the situation, my advice is. Do not try to ask for help, Guild wars will not give it. Move on... it is for the best. If they will not help sometimes it is best to move on. you never know maybe you will find a game just as fun, though I understand leaving is hard. I think you are all angels, you are all kind people who tried your best. Some wars no matter the numbers just cn't be one. I hope te angels will watch over you all, always, right till your last breaths.
~ }å{ ~
~Jenias Perta Ectara
since she can only pass on information given her she did not deceive you.
secondly she gave advice she hoped might help and as far as treating disabled people as stupid by saying ask for help if you need help with adjustments that same advice would apply to most non handicapped people as well who literally know nothing more than to press the on button and if that does not work call tech support.
calling her a liar no matter how politely is a personal attack.
have you ever realized Gaile does not have any power to affect the devs decisions beyond passing forum feedback to them?
Originally Posted by Jenias_Perta_Ectara
My last words are so. Gail Gray you decieved me, I thought highly of you, I thought you were great at your job! Though I am dissapointed in how you acted towards me and others. Infact I think you should take a deep breath and think before you post anything. the way you worded your comments were not right... they were harsh, mean and when read by me and others... As an attack on dissabled people |
secondly she gave advice she hoped might help and as far as treating disabled people as stupid by saying ask for help if you need help with adjustments that same advice would apply to most non handicapped people as well who literally know nothing more than to press the on button and if that does not work call tech support.
No that was not an attack on Gaile Gray before you say it |
have you ever realized Gaile does not have any power to affect the devs decisions beyond passing forum feedback to them?
David Lionmaster
I have normal eyes, and I still dont like the new interface. It's way too buisy and it seems way too modern. Guild Wars doesnt have a modern theme to it. I say they should go back to the old way, it was much simpler and easier to look at.
David Lionmaster
Originally Posted by Markaedw
Jenais, before you leave for good there is one more action you can take.
There are lawyers out there that make a living from lawsuits against companies that violate the American with Disabilites Act. If your eyesight can be considered a disability, and the actions of GW makes it difficult if not impossible to use the product then GW is in violation of the ADA. You'd be suprised how easy it becomes to revert to an different interface when a legal notice arrives. Also have you looked into getting a new vidieo card, I prefer Nvidia. Nvidia custom collor setings allows you to manually adjust the reds, blues and greens seperately then save the settings under a title. I find GW runs a little dark for my tastes, so I lighten the screen up save it under a title. When I play I activate my GW setting with 2 mouse clicks and when I'm done I revert it back to normal. It's not a perfect solution but it might do until something better happens. |

Originally Posted by Markaedw
There are lawyers out there that make a living from lawsuits against companies that violate the American with Disabilites Act. If your eyesight can be considered a disability, and the actions of GW makes it difficult if not impossible to use the product then GW is in violation of the ADA.
Underworld Calling
I dislike the new interface very much, the bright colors hurt my eyes.
The colors before the Nightfall event were the best sceme that gw ever had...
please bring them back A-net
The colors before the Nightfall event were the best sceme that gw ever had...
please bring them back A-net
dark remover
i LOVE the new interface......i dont have a problem with it.
ANd u guys lake it a little to serious abut this game.....there is more then a game you know
Go to real life and make friends there!
i LOVE the new interface......i dont have a problem with it.
ANd u guys lake it a little to serious abut this game.....there is more then a game you know

Go to real life and make friends there!