Features you would like to see implemented for Nightfall's release
I'd like to see setting-appropriate skills for the core professions, not just renames of old skills, except, maybe, for a few, to demonstrate carried-over knowledge. Unless, of course, the story has characters starting fresh off the boat in Elona.
I'd also like to see more incentive to actually roleplay, or at least get involved in the story. Actually, I'd like to see a good, deep, immersive story. Outcast god come to wreak havoc and vengeance on an unsuspecting continent? It's got potential, but I'm not holding my breath.
And while this isn't something the developers can really do, I'd love it if people in Nightfall (and Prophecies) would bring one self-preservation skill and use it. Maybe then there'd be no groups shouting "5/6 LF Healer!" for an hour.
I'd also like to see more incentive to actually roleplay, or at least get involved in the story. Actually, I'd like to see a good, deep, immersive story. Outcast god come to wreak havoc and vengeance on an unsuspecting continent? It's got potential, but I'm not holding my breath.
And while this isn't something the developers can really do, I'd love it if people in Nightfall (and Prophecies) would bring one self-preservation skill and use it. Maybe then there'd be no groups shouting "5/6 LF Healer!" for an hour.
I'd like to see an indicator as part of the party window that tells me who can resurrect people. Somewhat similar to the weapon spell icons? It'll be even better if the indicator shows whether the player has a signet, or resurrect spells.
This way when I can resurrect the players who can revive other members of the team quickly, just by looking at the party window.
This way when I can resurrect the players who can revive other members of the team quickly, just by looking at the party window.
I would also like to see a penalty implemented for quitters. I was just playing on random arenas, and every match I entered someone from either my team or the opposing team quit.
I think a penalty of 1000 Balthazars Faction would be a nice little de-motivator for quitters.
To extend this idea into PVE, perhaps a gold penalty of 1000g would suit as well, or maybe a loss of Kurzick/Luxon faction. I'm just sick of rage quitters.
I think a penalty of 1000 Balthazars Faction would be a nice little de-motivator for quitters.
To extend this idea into PVE, perhaps a gold penalty of 1000g would suit as well, or maybe a loss of Kurzick/Luxon faction. I'm just sick of rage quitters.
I'd also like to see a penalty for quitting or afk, but I don't see how to do it right. Error7 is too common (for kicking people off), so that problem would have to be addressed first. And for afk... load times can be attrotious at times (like after you re-install the game), so bad that I've seen people load on my team in RA after we've won.
Good idea, I just don't think it's feasable in a fair and just matter. Chancing that a penalty will apply to a legit player isn't worth it.
Good idea, I just don't think it's feasable in a fair and just matter. Chancing that a penalty will apply to a legit player isn't worth it.
Seriously, an Auction House is really needed. im getting sick of shouting an hour at kaineng while no1 reads your messages
Originally Posted by fiery
Funny thing is people say Auction House and they will put up all these useless junk, unless you have green items, perfect weapons, high priced mini pets, no one will buy ya stuff so go merchant it.
Auction houses can be divided in wepons, wep mods, materials, runes.
we need this becuase they will eliminate overloaded districs 1 in kain, lion and ascalon.
No more WTS,WTS,WTS,WTS that is the porpose of the Auction House
In maplestory, you can fame or defame people, 1 point a day. Perhaps a similar function could be used in guildwars. /defame x Ghengis x, and a title would be displayed so people could see that you have been defamed and are known to be a quitter/afker. The only issue would be people abusing the system, but I think it would be fairly well controlled. Just an idea.
Ellador Nae
A customizable Friends List with more slots. Let us make our own lists and name them how we wish.
I for one have a bunch of names in there and frequently forget who some of those people are. More lists would help. I'd need three: one for real friends, one for traders, and another for scammers and jerks. I hardly ever use the ignore option.
Surely this is worth the few bytes it would take?
I for one have a bunch of names in there and frequently forget who some of those people are. More lists would help. I'd need three: one for real friends, one for traders, and another for scammers and jerks. I hardly ever use the ignore option.
Surely this is worth the few bytes it would take?
Trade Improvements/Auction House
I for 1 hope to see the introduction of red items, which are super rare, have max dmg and bonuses only, but no upgrades on them yet, because u need to buy those yourself, this makes it more interesting to salvage weaponmods like lengthens deep wound, etc. It would also make maximum stats weaponmods more valuable.
When u customize them at a weaponssmith, u get a menu where u can choose a name for the weapon.
(would be nice if you can only choose weaponnames which havent been used before, else you get 10 air spikers with "stormbringers")
When you doubleclick on your red weapon in your weapon slot, holding the control button, u get to see: (example) "I'm wielding a stormbringer (insightfull air staff of air magic)" Offcourse you wouldnt be able to name your red item after an existing item.
I also hope to see a new guild battle mode in which you need to defend your guild hall against hordes of monsters, which only drop small amounts of gold, and the more "horde battles" you win, the more guild points you get.
These guild points are needed to repair your guild halls walls(I'm just making suggestions) or you can invest them in new rooms, furniture, or npc's in your guild hall.
Yes, i also hope to see the inside of a guild hall, since it's kinda dull having a real cool guild island, and having to sleep outside, when you can hang around in your guild hall's tavern.
Owh and I totally agree on the trade improvements thing, iI don't know if anyone of you guys ever played conqueronline (an asian themed mmorpg), but they had a great trade system, it was an area where u had market stands, which u could occupy, set a slogan which ur character would say every minute, and then people interested in buying some weapons could click on ur market stand and see the weapons u had to offer, with a pre set price, and buy them if they want to.
Well, thats all suggestions I have for nightfall, I know I'm looking forward to it, and i can't wait to get my hands on the controllable henchmen which guild wars has anounced as 1 of the new features in nightfall.(-source: guildwiki)
When u customize them at a weaponssmith, u get a menu where u can choose a name for the weapon.
(would be nice if you can only choose weaponnames which havent been used before, else you get 10 air spikers with "stormbringers")
When you doubleclick on your red weapon in your weapon slot, holding the control button, u get to see: (example) "I'm wielding a stormbringer (insightfull air staff of air magic)" Offcourse you wouldnt be able to name your red item after an existing item.
I also hope to see a new guild battle mode in which you need to defend your guild hall against hordes of monsters, which only drop small amounts of gold, and the more "horde battles" you win, the more guild points you get.
These guild points are needed to repair your guild halls walls(I'm just making suggestions) or you can invest them in new rooms, furniture, or npc's in your guild hall.
Yes, i also hope to see the inside of a guild hall, since it's kinda dull having a real cool guild island, and having to sleep outside, when you can hang around in your guild hall's tavern.
Owh and I totally agree on the trade improvements thing, iI don't know if anyone of you guys ever played conqueronline (an asian themed mmorpg), but they had a great trade system, it was an area where u had market stands, which u could occupy, set a slogan which ur character would say every minute, and then people interested in buying some weapons could click on ur market stand and see the weapons u had to offer, with a pre set price, and buy them if they want to.
Well, thats all suggestions I have for nightfall, I know I'm looking forward to it, and i can't wait to get my hands on the controllable henchmen which guild wars has anounced as 1 of the new features in nightfall.(-source: guildwiki)
Trade would be great.Also NPCs that are more responsive.It takes 3 attempts to get them to attack at times.The screen shows the 3 attempts so I didnt hit wrong keys.Shoot one was getting beat on and didnt do nothing.It happens too often to be just lag.
Npc who skills actually work.Necro was killed so I popped over to the interupt npc.The npc was using right skills but it didnt work.
Also some real good suggestions so far.Especially on the AFkers and bail outs.I understand things will come up but some just to lazy to do quest or mission.My mom is home hospice but I have bailed in maybe 2 games in 10 months.I general take npcs that way I dont screw others over.
I like to see the minus on energy and life leech go away but dont see that happening.
Npc who skills actually work.Necro was killed so I popped over to the interupt npc.The npc was using right skills but it didnt work.
Also some real good suggestions so far.Especially on the AFkers and bail outs.I understand things will come up but some just to lazy to do quest or mission.My mom is home hospice but I have bailed in maybe 2 games in 10 months.I general take npcs that way I dont screw others over.
I like to see the minus on energy and life leech go away but dont see that happening.
Mr. G
Silvershock you post hurts my eyes, how hard is it to type "you"?
Just as hard as typing the word "your".
I don't know if it's been said before since I didnt read this all but these are my 2 needs:
1. Let us sort the characters as we like in the log in screen and keep it that way!
2. Let us toggle through maps instead of using the ship. It's faster and takes less clicks.
1. Let us sort the characters as we like in the log in screen and keep it that way!
2. Let us toggle through maps instead of using the ship. It's faster and takes less clicks.
Originally Posted by silvershock
Just as hard as typing the word "your".
I love the speedy mission thing in factions more than the bonuses. The bonuses were generally way out of the way to do. i also like the team coordination doing the masters takes.
My list:
1)More emotes
both for players and in cut scenes
2)Better and easier way when trading
3)Making international district the standard for less popular popular outposts and cities, so its more easy to find a group
4)more new armors and weapons and pets
5)new skills that have colorful and different spell effects. and new animations for the new attacks.
6)more social features.
7)more titles
8)many new incredible rare items
9)30K, 50K, 75K and 100K armor(would be sweet) <- the ultimate bragging armor.
1)More emotes

2)Better and easier way when trading
3)Making international district the standard for less popular popular outposts and cities, so its more easy to find a group
4)more new armors and weapons and pets
5)new skills that have colorful and different spell effects. and new animations for the new attacks.
6)more social features.
7)more titles
8)many new incredible rare items
9)30K, 50K, 75K and 100K armor(would be sweet) <- the ultimate bragging armor.

-System allowing hair change and hair color change*
-Auction House*
-Another Storage Tab*
-Closer to Prophecies experience
-White Dye
-Fixed stuck bug
-Jumping/Running/Climbing (I wish)
-Auction House*
-Another Storage Tab*
-Closer to Prophecies experience
-White Dye
-Fixed stuck bug
-Jumping/Running/Climbing (I wish)
The PvE is what GW needs the most improving on. I know GW isn't an MMO but it is still basically a PvP game. I mean, you make an Rpg character get a quest and quest is "Kill So-and-so". Do a mission and objective is "Kill So-and so". All there is to do is kill. To make money you kill thinks and hope you get something good. To level up you kill things. To advance its kill things. It gets repetative. It'd be nice if instead of always having to buy your armor or having to kill stuff to make money you could have crafting professions. In explorable areas you could go look for items to make stuff. There would be armor crafters and jewelers and tailors and who knows what else. I would also like player owned housing in Guild halls even tho it isnt an MMO. Just suggestions.
Originally Posted by Mr.Deflok
Mounts! Even if they're implemented in a useless manner, ie have big open areas designed especially for you and your mount to roam in.
More epic sized bosses, I absolutely loved Sorrow's Furnace because of this, really makes you and your team get more amped through the experience. Larger groups for special missions/raids. I would LOVE to be a part of a 20-40 man GW group, especially considering the amount of strategy involved. But I doubt any of these will come to pass ![]() |
Originally Posted by MooseyFate
Character Slots.
Don't rip us off of even more character slots. When you combine a new game to an existing account, you are basically robbed of two slots that you would had if this wasn't an "expansion". There's certainly no monetary refund that goes with this character reduction. Nightfall should have two additional slots regardless of the preorder (actually should have four, but it obviously won't). |
Originally Posted by Alex Weekes
This is correct. The slot from the pre-release pack is a bonus slot. it is separate from the slots you get when you purchase Nightfall.
Back to topic...
I would like them to have the hairstylist, and to show energy bars and death penalty indicators of our team members. Dye storage and armor storage would be nice too

Tyl Kai
This One is Easy A New Bar in Your Skills list for "Builds" that allows you to quickly change to one of your other builds don't know how many times i've changed my build and pput in a wrong skill
Knightsaber Sith
Originally Posted by ducktape
So he confirmed that if you pre-order Nightfall and then buy it when it comes out, and then merge it with your existing account, you get THREE new slots. One slot from the preorder, and two more slots for adding Nightfall to your existing account. So they're not ripping us off.
What he was saying (not that I agree with him) was that you should get 4 slots for adding a campaign to an existing account instead of getting 4 for your first chapter and 2 for each additional one.
Taka Zamiazi
What i would really like to see is these ideas..
-I really like the idea of cusomizing the the guildhall (furnature, houses, ect)
-More Storage OMFG!
-I like the idea for energy, it would make it nicer for PvP/PvE to know what your party members are like without having them to flash it around.
-Everyone says a auction house, its called GW Guru Auctions..*duh*
-Loading/Saving Character builds would be uber nice!
-More Quests give more gold rewards and XP (factions was ok, to much XP though)
-White Dye would be very nice, would it be more Exp than Black?!!? *Yickes*
-Making PvE titles less EXP to obtain (man those things are for the rich)
-I was reading and i really like the idea of GH battles that included something different than just GvG, like going into a huge battefield of Opposing NPC armies and rally'n or be-rally'in
..kinda cool!
-Somewhat controlable Henchies and a MM henchie would be da S***!!!
-Name Changers/Hairstylists
-Weapon mods Traders (like 15^50%)
-Smarter AI would be nice
-Be able to show your pet(if equipped) while running around in posts!
-Finally my last one(will never happen) Can create houses of your own in your guildhall and customize it (like ultimaonline) and be able to dress yourself in "clothers" and not wear armor all the time!
Those are my dream list....lol
-I really like the idea of cusomizing the the guildhall (furnature, houses, ect)
-More Storage OMFG!
-I like the idea for energy, it would make it nicer for PvP/PvE to know what your party members are like without having them to flash it around.
-Everyone says a auction house, its called GW Guru Auctions..*duh*
-Loading/Saving Character builds would be uber nice!
-More Quests give more gold rewards and XP (factions was ok, to much XP though)
-White Dye would be very nice, would it be more Exp than Black?!!? *Yickes*
-Making PvE titles less EXP to obtain (man those things are for the rich)
-I was reading and i really like the idea of GH battles that included something different than just GvG, like going into a huge battefield of Opposing NPC armies and rally'n or be-rally'in

-Somewhat controlable Henchies and a MM henchie would be da S***!!!
-Name Changers/Hairstylists
-Weapon mods Traders (like 15^50%)
-Smarter AI would be nice
-Be able to show your pet(if equipped) while running around in posts!
-Finally my last one(will never happen) Can create houses of your own in your guildhall and customize it (like ultimaonline) and be able to dress yourself in "clothers" and not wear armor all the time!
Those are my dream list....lol
skills sets (template-like) would be nice.
i would like to see weapon upgrade mods updraded
like i see people selling a 20/20 mod for 30k but if its 20/19 itgoes down to 1k i think that there shouldn't be any 20/20 only simple20% more armor penatration or -5 dmgcouse sometimes you don't see the effect of these kind of mods and i don't see worth buying these for30k just to makemy bow dmg 1 more hitpoint or sword aldo i see the effects in spells
Originally Posted by Taka Zamiazi
What i would really like to see is these ideas..
-I really like the idea of cusomizing the the guildhall (furnature, houses, ect) -More Storage OMFG! -I like the idea for energy, it would make it nicer for PvP/PvE to know what your party members are like without having them to flash it around. -Everyone says a auction house, its called GW Guru Auctions..*duh* -Loading/Saving Character builds would be uber nice! -More Quests give more gold rewards and XP (factions was ok, to much XP though) -White Dye would be very nice, would it be more Exp than Black?!!? *Yickes* -Making PvE titles less EXP to obtain (man those things are for the rich) -I was reading and i really like the idea of GH battles that included something different than just GvG, like going into a huge battefield of Opposing NPC armies and rally'n or be-rally'in ![]() -Somewhat controlable Henchies and a MM henchie would be da S***!!! -Name Changers/Hairstylists -Weapon mods Traders (like 15^50%) -Smarter AI would be nice -Be able to show your pet(if equipped) while running around in posts! -Finally my last one(will never happen) Can create houses of your own in your guildhall and customize it (like ultimaonline) and be able to dress yourself in "clothers" and not wear armor all the time! Those are my dream list....lol |
I also have to say a weaponbonus trader would really f*ck up the weaponsmarket, since i saw somebody mention this: "then only skins would be worth anything" and that's totally true.. so no weaponbonus trader for me.
Yet you also mentioned making titles easier to obtain, this idea is really.... well:P. The point in having a title is to show you have done something where you deserve credit for, and not to show everybody you're just a noob who wants to look cool. cause noobs who wanna look cool or people who don't care about titles have the explorer title on them.(except people who have explorer 100% offcourse.)
And u also mentioned an auction house, and said: "there is guild wars guru, dûh." LOL, the reason people want an auction house is because this site can't handle 10.000+ people at the same time on it's servers. I for 1 really hate the failed to load mssges you get when it's around 18.00 hours in America.
So no offence, guru has good trade system, but it s*cks because of its tendancy to be unable to load. ( i have 20 mbit per second connection, and trust me, its not my connection, its guru.)
The rest of your ideas are reasonable/good, and i agree with them.

Auction House.
More Storage.
Cinematics for defeat in missions.
More Storage.
Cinematics for defeat in missions.
Taka Zamiazi
Ya maybe about the pets, I could see the Lag IG would be harsh on the people who have slow internet connections (maybe even the DSL/CABLE)
-The weaponsmith with the cool mods i something i would not die over if they didnt implement (which the prolly wont)
-The auction house is a goood idea, but alot of people still use Guru (and will keep doing so), its a great idea though and would be very helpful.
As far as the titles go, alot of the titles obtained in PvE are because u either have 1.) NO life and work at it ;( 2.) Have a huge checkbook and can deal out the denerio...As far as that goes thats cool, but what about the people who just play this game a few hours a week or day? I understand the idea that you have to work for the title (god Knows i am right at the moment) but the idea that by needing alot of money for most PvE titles just doesnt work for me
but i guess i just needes to be done......
-The weaponsmith with the cool mods i something i would not die over if they didnt implement (which the prolly wont)
-The auction house is a goood idea, but alot of people still use Guru (and will keep doing so), its a great idea though and would be very helpful.
As far as the titles go, alot of the titles obtained in PvE are because u either have 1.) NO life and work at it ;( 2.) Have a huge checkbook and can deal out the denerio...As far as that goes thats cool, but what about the people who just play this game a few hours a week or day? I understand the idea that you have to work for the title (god Knows i am right at the moment) but the idea that by needing alot of money for most PvE titles just doesnt work for me

Taka Zamiazi
Its funny to think , even though we say all this stuff it has no impact what-so-ever (very sad about it) but its all in fun and hopes *prays*
Im now thinking over about your post silvershock and i have to now agree with the pets lagging the crap outta the servers, i remember when factions came out how laggy the outposts were and i have DSL
-The auction system would be useful dont get me wrong, but alot of people would still use guru and always will. The auction system could prove nice, but A-net would have to really put some thought into it, and seeing how nightfall comes out pretty soon here, might be not a option ;(
-As far as the titles are going, i agree with everything you say: i just hate to see people who dont have "money" cant obtain some of these...i thinks thats a little bogus but i understand the point in the title system and i think they have done a very nice job in them! I just am tottaly against titles that can only be obtained by your big pocketbook u kno?
Thats about all i have...lol buu SilverShock u made a great point about my post and i say cheers to that!
/ bow
Im now thinking over about your post silvershock and i have to now agree with the pets lagging the crap outta the servers, i remember when factions came out how laggy the outposts were and i have DSL

-The auction system would be useful dont get me wrong, but alot of people would still use guru and always will. The auction system could prove nice, but A-net would have to really put some thought into it, and seeing how nightfall comes out pretty soon here, might be not a option ;(
-As far as the titles are going, i agree with everything you say: i just hate to see people who dont have "money" cant obtain some of these...i thinks thats a little bogus but i understand the point in the title system and i think they have done a very nice job in them! I just am tottaly against titles that can only be obtained by your big pocketbook u kno?
Thats about all i have...lol buu SilverShock u made a great point about my post and i say cheers to that!
/ bow
Taka Zamiazi
Its funny to think , even though we say all this stuff it has no impact what-so-ever (very sad about it) but its all in fun and hopes *prays*
Im now thinking over about your post silvershock and i have to now agree with the pets lagging the crap outta the servers, i remember when factions came out how laggy the outposts were and i have DSL
-The auction system would be useful dont get me wrong, but alot of people would still use guru and always will. The auction system could prove nice, but A-net would have to really put some thought into it, and seeing how nightfall comes out pretty soon here, might be not a option ;(
-As far as the titles are going, i agree with everything you say: i just hate to see people who dont have "money" cant obtain some of these...i thinks thats a little bogus but i understand the point in the title system and i think they have done a very nice job in them! I just am tottaly against titles that can only be obtained by your big pocketbook u kno?
Thats about all i have...lol buu SilverShock u made a great point about my post and i say cheers to that!
/ bow
Im now thinking over about your post silvershock and i have to now agree with the pets lagging the crap outta the servers, i remember when factions came out how laggy the outposts were and i have DSL

-The auction system would be useful dont get me wrong, but alot of people would still use guru and always will. The auction system could prove nice, but A-net would have to really put some thought into it, and seeing how nightfall comes out pretty soon here, might be not a option ;(
-As far as the titles are going, i agree with everything you say: i just hate to see people who dont have "money" cant obtain some of these...i thinks thats a little bogus but i understand the point in the title system and i think they have done a very nice job in them! I just am tottaly against titles that can only be obtained by your big pocketbook u kno?
Thats about all i have...lol buu SilverShock u made a great point about my post and i say cheers to that!
/ bow
monkey grip
-skill sets
-closet for armor
-a key ring
-last but not least a way to turn off the stupid popup descriptions of everything
-closet for armor
-a key ring
-last but not least a way to turn off the stupid popup descriptions of everything
Thadius Invictus
- Numbers beside each member in the team window to make it easier to select members when they are bound to number keys (when healing in battle or protecting etc.) As of now it's easier to just click on them.
- Rearrangable team members window. I would like to be able to move the most vulnerable members like tanks and necros to the top of the list, (easier to keep an eye on them that way) or move Togo, Menlo et al out of the same area as Pets because I often ignore them thinking they are pets in the heat of battle.
- I also wish there was an energy bar with the name in the team list so that everyone could see the energy each had and so Wo/Mo could see that Monks actually need energy to heal their Arses when they agro everything on the screen, or need to recharge before running to the next group, (yes I am aware of adrenaline issues).
- I would like to see a new window in the weapons trader window that has a system simmilar to the Dye trader or the Materials trader that gives a quote for a weapon and the current rate they are selling at in the economy. I am an occasional player and have no idea what max stats are, or perfect weapons etc. I have salvaged things that friends laughed at me for saying I could have got 20K for. Who knew?
- Basic Henchi commands, (stay/defend/attack)
- I liked the side missions in Prophecies. I am not fond of this Masters thing, as a monk I spend most of my time running behind people just healing and have no clue what the mission is for or the purpose. I just follow and keep healing trying not to allow those stupid dialog pop-ups to fill me screen. Does Menlo and Togo ever stfu?
- I need a hair cut, honestly.
- No more quests that force me to run all over hell's half-acre talking to people. The designers of factions are sitting in their comfy chairs laughing at all us little people having to run absolutly everywhere just to talk with people, grr.
- Randomise monster locations in instances. I hate having to kill these stupid arse little things that emerge from the same place every time I enter an instance. Please randomise, for the love of the gods, randomise.
- Add friend locations to F-list.
- a toggle switch that puts up a sign, LFG or NOT LFG. I get dozens of invites every time I walk into an outpost as a monk and I can't click reject fast enough.
LOL, thats about it really.
- Rearrangable team members window. I would like to be able to move the most vulnerable members like tanks and necros to the top of the list, (easier to keep an eye on them that way) or move Togo, Menlo et al out of the same area as Pets because I often ignore them thinking they are pets in the heat of battle.
- I also wish there was an energy bar with the name in the team list so that everyone could see the energy each had and so Wo/Mo could see that Monks actually need energy to heal their Arses when they agro everything on the screen, or need to recharge before running to the next group, (yes I am aware of adrenaline issues).
- I would like to see a new window in the weapons trader window that has a system simmilar to the Dye trader or the Materials trader that gives a quote for a weapon and the current rate they are selling at in the economy. I am an occasional player and have no idea what max stats are, or perfect weapons etc. I have salvaged things that friends laughed at me for saying I could have got 20K for. Who knew?
- Basic Henchi commands, (stay/defend/attack)
- I liked the side missions in Prophecies. I am not fond of this Masters thing, as a monk I spend most of my time running behind people just healing and have no clue what the mission is for or the purpose. I just follow and keep healing trying not to allow those stupid dialog pop-ups to fill me screen. Does Menlo and Togo ever stfu?
- I need a hair cut, honestly.
- No more quests that force me to run all over hell's half-acre talking to people. The designers of factions are sitting in their comfy chairs laughing at all us little people having to run absolutly everywhere just to talk with people, grr.
- Randomise monster locations in instances. I hate having to kill these stupid arse little things that emerge from the same place every time I enter an instance. Please randomise, for the love of the gods, randomise.
- Add friend locations to F-list.
- a toggle switch that puts up a sign, LFG or NOT LFG. I get dozens of invites every time I walk into an outpost as a monk and I can't click reject fast enough.
LOL, thats about it really.
monkey grip
I forgot another one
-have the health bar over a player relfect their health bar,
example, I posion some target, it still has a red health bar, it would be nice if it turned green, purple, etc. to reflect conditions on the target.
-have the health bar over a player relfect their health bar,
example, I posion some target, it still has a red health bar, it would be nice if it turned green, purple, etc. to reflect conditions on the target.
Originally Posted by Theus
Cinematics for defeat in missions.
Originally Posted by Thadius Invictus
- Randomise monster locations in instances. I hate having to kill these stupid arse little things that emerge from the same place every time I enter an instance. Please randomise, for the love of the gods, randomise.
Storage Updarages:
Pet House:
im sure some of these already been discussed, just re-suggesting them
- Dye's Tab, Will Store All Non-mix Dyes max 250 per Stack
- Runes Tab, will Store All Runes max 250 per Stack
- Extra Armor Slot, Kinda Like a Showcase, will hold Max 20 Armors per slot
Pet House:
- Will Store All your pets, accross the account, Max 5 pets, so you can interchange the pets mong your characters.
- /Walk , your character will walk rather run
- /Rank Deer-Wolf-Tiger-Pheonix, you get to chose the emote, like say if you are rank 9 and would like to spam deer, you can type /rank deer for it.
im sure some of these already been discussed, just re-suggesting them

My list:
1. Stylist to change hair style and colour.
2. Expanded general storage - even if I have to purchase it from the store. Right now I have an extra character slot I bought to use as a mule. It would be more convenient if I didn't have to switch to that character and run to storage every time I want to use it/him. Especially if they're going to keep making useless storage wasters like Halloween/christmas/dragon masks/weapons.
3. The ability to rejoin a party after you DC. As long as your character "slot" is greyed out in the Party box, it should be possible to rejoin. Make it so!
4. Dye storage. Maybe even Collectables storage too (low priority)
5. Either an in-game Auction House where things are "auctioned" or, turn Marketplace into an actual marketplace where you can setup a booth to sell stuff.
6. Mini-pets that are useful. While they're running around, they could at least be picking up your drops and coins!
1. Stylist to change hair style and colour.
2. Expanded general storage - even if I have to purchase it from the store. Right now I have an extra character slot I bought to use as a mule. It would be more convenient if I didn't have to switch to that character and run to storage every time I want to use it/him. Especially if they're going to keep making useless storage wasters like Halloween/christmas/dragon masks/weapons.
3. The ability to rejoin a party after you DC. As long as your character "slot" is greyed out in the Party box, it should be possible to rejoin. Make it so!
4. Dye storage. Maybe even Collectables storage too (low priority)
5. Either an in-game Auction House where things are "auctioned" or, turn Marketplace into an actual marketplace where you can setup a booth to sell stuff.
6. Mini-pets that are useful. While they're running around, they could at least be picking up your drops and coins!
Knightsaber Sith
The only thing I'd want really is expanded storage space. And I believe Gaile said at some point that they were looking into reconnects for when you drop out.
Poison Ivy
Character apperence change, more storage, including extra storage for Plats.
Aside from more storage space, someone else mentioned more class specific runes like the warrior's absorption rune. I'd like those.