Do people not see how good Paragons are or are they too ignorant with the Dervish? I must have been in over 6 matches last nite that lasted over 10 mintues because I was healing my party by myself. They are better than the Boon Prot Monk IMO with the right build, and being teamed up with one is even better. I NEVER lose energy thanks to their primary attribute, Motivation at 16 healing my party has never been easier, and with just a little bit in Spear Mastery just to do some decent dmg as I gain adrenaline for Watch Yourself is nice. Some other Paragons I see were also keeping Mending Refrain on their party while doing more spear attacks but without any heal other skills, but both versions are good.
I think people don't understand how good this class is. At least for 4v4, haven't tried it in HA or anything yet since I prefer not to do that type of PvP with PUGS since my Guild seems to be a PvE guild

But for 4v4 Paragons are definetaly good. I can tank and heal my party real well, all Dervish I've faced 1v1 couldn't take me down and my team eventually mopped 'em up.
Today I'll try the Dervish and see how that is because most people are random noobs that unlock the Avatar and run out and die, it's annoying.
I hope you people READ the premades on HOW they are supposed to be USED. I did that, then practiced with henchies on the training isle, then moved on to a few matches in the Zaishen Challenge until I thought I was ready, then get some experience in the RA/TA grounds.
Paragons are definetaly unappreciated for what they do. It's the same thing as keeping mending with a +4 regen on your whole party without energy hassle and with their chants that provide global healing, man I love this class.