What makes people sell items for 100k+, explaination inside.
beleg curudin
topic as good as closed, to much flaming.
Solar Light
makes some sense, but it will throw the market (if we can call it that) to pointlessness, and how exactly will people get money for stuff like 15k armor? savlaging and merching junk, and wasting hours selling garbage for mediocre prices is annoying enough already, most junk is dirt cheap, anything demed valuble is jacked up high....
well, i guess i wouldnt say GW has a econemy... if it does its a poor one at that.
well, i guess i wouldnt say GW has a econemy... if it does its a poor one at that.
this would almost be like when the people behind SWG made it so you could become a jedi at the beginning. if anet did this, alot of people would be angry, because they put alot of time into farming for their rares.
The fact is that no one needs items costing 100k, the prices are fine
(personally I couldn't care less since I would never spend that kind of money on anything).
(personally I couldn't care less since I would never spend that kind of money on anything).
Originally Posted by Ecksor
this would almost be like when the people behind SWG made it so you could become a jedi at the beginning. if anet did this, alot of people would be angry, because they put alot of time into farming for their rares.
More people were angry from SOE deleting Creature Handlers and Rangers from the game than them making Jedi a starting proffession. Downsizing 32 professions to 8 "iconic" ones and rendering most every item in the game almost useless. Not to mention the core combat changes that turned a rpg into a crappy 3rd person shooter click fest.
Soe has never ever given out the numbers of subcribers they have for SWG prior or post NGE. Im guessing they lost over 75% of players over it.
Guild Wars making it so more rare skinned items dropped wouldnt be as bad as one might think. Its just a skin doesnt make you any better as a player. Hell I would like for them to add a "skin chooser" option tab on the weapons crafters. There would still be a market for weapon mods and besides how much plat does one need?
Scavenger Rage
"how much plat does one need?"
For Fow armor as an exemple...over 1 000 000k.. i guess it wouldnt be enough +30hp upgrades to gatter all that money ^^
And another thing, ALL the players that had fought to get their nice drops till now are goin to leave the game completely...also, the weak PVE (compared to the PVP) would simply be worthless, since we can choose the skin we want, the PVP characters would simply be the more resonable choice since you DONT spend time playing, and can choose weapons you like.
In resume, this "simple" change would LITERALY KILL the PVE component of Guild Wars, it would ruin the economy, ruin the rare drops concept, ruin the game play...oooo welll, it would become a PVP ONLY game
For Fow armor as an exemple...over 1 000 000k.. i guess it wouldnt be enough +30hp upgrades to gatter all that money ^^
And another thing, ALL the players that had fought to get their nice drops till now are goin to leave the game completely...also, the weak PVE (compared to the PVP) would simply be worthless, since we can choose the skin we want, the PVP characters would simply be the more resonable choice since you DONT spend time playing, and can choose weapons you like.
In resume, this "simple" change would LITERALY KILL the PVE component of Guild Wars, it would ruin the economy, ruin the rare drops concept, ruin the game play...oooo welll, it would become a PVP ONLY game

Originally Posted by Scavenger Rage
"how much plat does one need?"
For Fow armor as an exemple...over 1 000 000k.. i guess it wouldnt be enough +30hp upgrades to gatter all that money ^^ And another thing, ALL the players that had fought to get their nice drops till now are goin to leave the game completely...also, the weak PVE (compared to the PVP) would simply be worthless, since we can choose the skin we want, the PVP characters would simply be the more resonable choice since you DONT spend time playing, and can choose weapons you like. In resume, this "simple" change would LITERALY KILL the PVE component of Guild Wars, it would ruin the economy, ruin the rare drops concept, ruin the game play...oooo welll, it would become a PVP ONLY game ![]() Later. |
havent you noticed that the market is flooded with perpfect items allready?
Only the uber rare skins with absolutly perfect stats go for over 100k these days. my opinion is the opposite, nerf drops and chest completly...(i want the old system back, crappier loot and keys costing much more)..
i got 5 chars full of near perfect stuff that noone wants to buy.. im gonna trash em all to merchant and then prob find me another game to play until nightfall comes out (dl d&d trial now)... i got no pve left in proph or factions, pvp i do a few hours now and then but i play game mostly for pve stuff. so im left to "treasure hunting", investing lots of hours in that... turning out to be nothing worth even if i find perfect stuff..
(like who wants a perfect/near perfect jadewand/jadebow/longbow etc etc)
havent you noticed that the market is flooded with perpfect items allready?
Only the uber rare skins with absolutly perfect stats go for over 100k these days. my opinion is the opposite, nerf drops and chest completly...(i want the old system back, crappier loot and keys costing much more)..
i got 5 chars full of near perfect stuff that noone wants to buy.. im gonna trash em all to merchant and then prob find me another game to play until nightfall comes out (dl d&d trial now)... i got no pve left in proph or factions, pvp i do a few hours now and then but i play game mostly for pve stuff. so im left to "treasure hunting", investing lots of hours in that... turning out to be nothing worth even if i find perfect stuff..
(like who wants a perfect/near perfect jadewand/jadebow/longbow etc etc)
Talon one
another reason why some things cost 100k+ is because of bots farming 24/7 for gold. no matter how good or bad the drops are, dedicated bots can easily double the amount of ingame currency in circulation. and the gold will be in the hands of the noobs who bought it on ebay and who will buy anything which advertised with 'no noob offers' 
if there were no ebayers, no one would buy overpriced items and prices would go down to a reasonable level. but i think that as long as there are people willing to pay real money for ingame items, its not going to go away completely.
if there was an auction house, the ebayers would buy the top 10 overpriced items daily, but supply might soon be higher than than the number of ebayers and sensible players would drive the prices down.

if there were no ebayers, no one would buy overpriced items and prices would go down to a reasonable level. but i think that as long as there are people willing to pay real money for ingame items, its not going to go away completely.
if there was an auction house, the ebayers would buy the top 10 overpriced items daily, but supply might soon be higher than than the number of ebayers and sensible players would drive the prices down.
"game is based on skill not time played." ...That is still correct: It takes skill to convince my mommy to buy me gold!
Numa Pompilius
Petrus is right, the OP is wrong.
If there was a shortage of items, we'd see inflation, with items becoming more and more expensive. Having played from the start I can tell you that there was a time when even half-decent purple items could be sold for 2K, and any max armor shield at all with strength req was worth at least 1K.
What we're actually seeing in-game is DEflation, with prices constantly dropping. Totem axe is now worth...? When it was introduced it was worth...? How about the IDS? Yakslapper? Kepkhets Refuge?
Prices drop because supply is greater than demand, the OPPOSITE of what the OP thinks is happening.
If there was a shortage of items, we'd see inflation, with items becoming more and more expensive. Having played from the start I can tell you that there was a time when even half-decent purple items could be sold for 2K, and any max armor shield at all with strength req was worth at least 1K.
What we're actually seeing in-game is DEflation, with prices constantly dropping. Totem axe is now worth...? When it was introduced it was worth...? How about the IDS? Yakslapper? Kepkhets Refuge?
Prices drop because supply is greater than demand, the OPPOSITE of what the OP thinks is happening.
Well its fine with me that there is Expencive weapons and armor.. If you could get the swords with the nicest skin + FoW armor in no time where would the fun be? every1 would have it..
This way, ppl dont have to play for ages to get the best armor, becouse Droks can basicly be afforted with what you make though the game..
While ppl who is willing to use more time on their chars can get more expencive armor + weapons, while its still the same in combat.. Meaning you dont get anything for the extra time spend, other than maybe nicer look..
Also, Skill does still decide victory.. Fow armor + Gold 15^50 7 Req Crystalline Sword Does not mean Auto win, you can still lose to the idiot with a collectors Long Sword and Collectors armor that was Cheap Ass..
This way, ppl dont have to play for ages to get the best armor, becouse Droks can basicly be afforted with what you make though the game..
While ppl who is willing to use more time on their chars can get more expencive armor + weapons, while its still the same in combat.. Meaning you dont get anything for the extra time spend, other than maybe nicer look..
Also, Skill does still decide victory.. Fow armor + Gold 15^50 7 Req Crystalline Sword Does not mean Auto win, you can still lose to the idiot with a collectors Long Sword and Collectors armor that was Cheap Ass..
The Herbalizer
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a dumb post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are already perfect items if you dont want to farm i.e. collectors and greens. Then there are the shitty perfect golds like 15>50 gladius which sell for like 5k. You can still make 10k an hour farming. The only weapons which cost 100k + are rare skinned collectors items. Not every perfect item costs 100k + You can get many rubbish skinned perfs for 5-20k
If you have finished questing in pve and dont like pvp some people start collections or try and get fow armor. If you destroy the value of items and ecto then I guarantee thousands if not tens of thousands of people will quit.
There is no need to alter the drop rate or make golds drop more often when you can already pick up perfect items rediculously cheap. I guess you didnt play when you could but a Req 13 Sparth 14>50 with +30Hp for 300k. Now is the cheapest items have ever been. You can buy a fellblade for 75k which one time cost 1 million.
Relying on farming to get you golds is pretty dumb especially at say elona as the items there are non max most of the time and at drok they are staffs which are hard to get perfect and arnt worth much anyway.
Like I said before you CAN pick up perfect items for 5k. I can buy perfect offhands and wands for a couple of k. I can get 10/10 staffs for 10k. Shields are at their cheapest. You can buy perfect albeit crap skinned undesirable bows for 5k and same with swords. Looks like anet have already ruined the economy and the value of items so your idea is useless
Anyway even if they did do your idea it wont work. There are hundreds of people with millions and millions of gold saved up. If they want nice items they can go into bidding wars over them and drive the prices back up.
GG not doing your research.
If you have finished questing in pve and dont like pvp some people start collections or try and get fow armor. If you destroy the value of items and ecto then I guarantee thousands if not tens of thousands of people will quit.
There is no need to alter the drop rate or make golds drop more often when you can already pick up perfect items rediculously cheap. I guess you didnt play when you could but a Req 13 Sparth 14>50 with +30Hp for 300k. Now is the cheapest items have ever been. You can buy a fellblade for 75k which one time cost 1 million.
Relying on farming to get you golds is pretty dumb especially at say elona as the items there are non max most of the time and at drok they are staffs which are hard to get perfect and arnt worth much anyway.
no longer could you offer to sell it for 60k if its worth 5k, now it becomes a reasonable price. |
Anyway even if they did do your idea it wont work. There are hundreds of people with millions and millions of gold saved up. If they want nice items they can go into bidding wars over them and drive the prices back up.
GG not doing your research.
The economy is fundamentally flawed anyway, since players effectively mint their own gold, rather than having financial institutions/governments controlling the production of money.
As already mentioned, most items you can now get from collectors/weapons crafters at perfect/near perfect stats for a tiny fraction of 100k. Same for armour. Beyond that all people pay for is vanity/ego.
If you're playing for PvP you can make perfect stat stuff from the start (assuming you've a slot for it of course)
As far as bots/farming goes, the decrease in drops over time isn't really a big deal as they can run 24 hours a day and more "advanced" bot/farming operations will replace the current farmer with a different one every few runs or shift them elsewhere, as a means to reduce the impact of repeat farming per character. Even if they don't they just run all day and still get something out of it.
The basic flaw in your proposition is there will always be something that's "so much more l33t!" than everything else. If you increase the number of perfect gold weapons, you'll effectively reduce their desirability and worth because they'll no longer be rare and will in fact be common. Something else will thus become rare and desired, and people will continue to pay huge sums (or ebay it) for that, simply down to their own ego and vanity.
In short, it's not going to go away any time soon because
1) the economy is flawed by default
2) there will always be something which is perceived to be worth more than others
As already mentioned, most items you can now get from collectors/weapons crafters at perfect/near perfect stats for a tiny fraction of 100k. Same for armour. Beyond that all people pay for is vanity/ego.
If you're playing for PvP you can make perfect stat stuff from the start (assuming you've a slot for it of course)
As far as bots/farming goes, the decrease in drops over time isn't really a big deal as they can run 24 hours a day and more "advanced" bot/farming operations will replace the current farmer with a different one every few runs or shift them elsewhere, as a means to reduce the impact of repeat farming per character. Even if they don't they just run all day and still get something out of it.
The basic flaw in your proposition is there will always be something that's "so much more l33t!" than everything else. If you increase the number of perfect gold weapons, you'll effectively reduce their desirability and worth because they'll no longer be rare and will in fact be common. Something else will thus become rare and desired, and people will continue to pay huge sums (or ebay it) for that, simply down to their own ego and vanity.
In short, it's not going to go away any time soon because
1) the economy is flawed by default
2) there will always be something which is perceived to be worth more than others
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by Xenrath
The economy is fundamentally flawed anyway, since players effectively mint their own gold, rather than having financial institutions/governments controlling the production of money.
The lack of item sinks means there is rampant mudflation, though - items constantly lose value because rare items drop but are never destroyed, meaning they become more and more common over time.
Unfortunately, increasing drop rates would eliminate one of the biggest gold sinks in the game - chests.
Yes, gold items would become more common, but at the same time the amount of gold "trapped" in the economy will rise. More gold trapped = inflation.
So, this would effectively cancel each other out, as more and more people begin selling gold items but more and more people accumulate wealth that they can only spend (after buying armor) on gold items.
In other words, the supply of golds would increase, but so would the amount of money people would have to spend on those golds. To me, the OP's proposal would wind up canceling each other out, and items would wind up costing just about the same. This, however, would increase dramatically the amount of gold in the economy, which would make things like armor and skills much easier to obtain, as the temptation to buy other items would likely diminish.
Yes, gold items would become more common, but at the same time the amount of gold "trapped" in the economy will rise. More gold trapped = inflation.
So, this would effectively cancel each other out, as more and more people begin selling gold items but more and more people accumulate wealth that they can only spend (after buying armor) on gold items.
In other words, the supply of golds would increase, but so would the amount of money people would have to spend on those golds. To me, the OP's proposal would wind up canceling each other out, and items would wind up costing just about the same. This, however, would increase dramatically the amount of gold in the economy, which would make things like armor and skills much easier to obtain, as the temptation to buy other items would likely diminish.
Deacon Roswell
Originally Posted by beleg curudin
Guild wars was once stated: no longer needing to grind, game is based on skill not time played.
Originally Posted by Talon one
if there were no ebayers, no one would buy overpriced items and prices would go down to a reasonable level.
STOP crying "ebay" because you're lazy and lack skill and got outbid on an item.
Originally Posted by Deacon Roswell
Just because you aren't skilled enough to make lots of money in game doesn't mean everyone else is buying gold on ebay to buy stuff. Runners make huge amounts of money in Guild Wars. There's no need to buy gold off ebay when there's so many ways of becoming wealthy....and that's without farming for endless hours. Just playing the game since it's release and selling all your drops to the merchant would amount to a decent chunk of change.
STOP crying "ebay" because you're lazy and lack skill and got outbid on an item. |

If you've "busted" 100K...then you have had plenty of money.
The problem is that you're spending it on SOMETHING...probably armor, a very nice weapon, etc...if you wait to purchase those items until you find someone selling something for a good value (i.e. crafting materials for your armor, dumping an idea weapon upgrade, etc.), you'll see your wealth increase.
The problem is that you're spending it on SOMETHING...probably armor, a very nice weapon, etc...if you wait to purchase those items until you find someone selling something for a good value (i.e. crafting materials for your armor, dumping an idea weapon upgrade, etc.), you'll see your wealth increase.
Deacon Roswell
Originally Posted by Demesis
Can you teach me how to make money? I tried really, really hard to figure out how to earn money. I've busted 100k making a 55 monk. I've run hundreds of chests runs, I buy low and sell high, I do plenty of 2 man UW and I still come out with a net worth of 33k in storage. Is there something I'm doing wrong or am I just really unlucky for the past 13 months of playing Guild Wars?
![]() |
If you do "plenty" of 2 man UW you would have more than 33k in just ecto unless you're spending is way higher than your income.
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by Demesis
I've busted 100k making a 55 monk. I've run hundreds of chests runs, I buy low and sell high, I do plenty of 2 man UW and I still come out with a net worth of 33k in storage. Is there something I'm doing wrong or am I just really unlucky for the past 13 months of playing Guild Wars?
![]() |
Seriously, if you're not making +10K per hour farming UW with a 55 monk, then you're... well, I actually don't know how you manage that. Being AFK?
Originally Posted by Xenrath
As far as bots/farming goes, the decrease in drops over time isn't really a big deal as they can run 24 hours a day and more "advanced" bot/farming operations will replace the current farmer with a different one every few runs or shift them elsewhere, as a means to reduce the impact of repeat farming per character. Even if they don't they just run all day and still get something out of it.
In short, it's not going to go away any time soon because 1) the economy is flawed by default |
2) there will always be something which is perceived to be worth more than others |
Enchanted Warrior
OP, makes perfect sense to me, remove the demand and all esle falls into line.
sour fruit
I'm a new poster to these forums, i'm new to guildwars also. Having had the game just under 2months, i've 1 pvp and 1 pve character, completed both factions and prophecies...
I completed factions first, with the whole story line, mission drops and rewards, most of the quests and exploring plus some fighting i made a little under 100k. That's basically 100plat for the storyline of Factions.
With this money i brought 15k canthan armour, and collectors weap (a bow and a blood staff).
In prophecies i made a little over 60plat, baring in mind i have done maybe 20 or so of the quests, so not many quests at all. With this i brought a drago's bow for 60plat and a top notch bloodstaff....
Only recently having completed the game and have been selling amber and jade shards have i realised about the market...
There's a point here in my post, completed series 1 + 2 and got the top notch armour and weaps..(yer i realise u can get these zodiac bows for 300plat+ but i see no point in them), these bots and auto farming ppl don't effect me or the economy, you can afford armour and the weaps within the storyline.
Just recently i have learnt about bots, i've seen many of them in the city just above HzH in inter dist 1. However i feel they are doing wrong in the game, but it doesn't affect me, i made my stuff honestly thro the storyline.
Is there a point to having 1(lots of zero's)plat....*1million + plat*....for me?....No....I've realised the titles can be expensive, say 6.5million plat for the treasure, and several million for the drinking one, also the lucky/unlucky ones cost a fair bit...If the people who have alot of money are going to spend it on this then it doesn't really affect the economy too much and individuals.
I completed factions first, with the whole story line, mission drops and rewards, most of the quests and exploring plus some fighting i made a little under 100k. That's basically 100plat for the storyline of Factions.
With this money i brought 15k canthan armour, and collectors weap (a bow and a blood staff).
In prophecies i made a little over 60plat, baring in mind i have done maybe 20 or so of the quests, so not many quests at all. With this i brought a drago's bow for 60plat and a top notch bloodstaff....
Only recently having completed the game and have been selling amber and jade shards have i realised about the market...
There's a point here in my post, completed series 1 + 2 and got the top notch armour and weaps..(yer i realise u can get these zodiac bows for 300plat+ but i see no point in them), these bots and auto farming ppl don't effect me or the economy, you can afford armour and the weaps within the storyline.
Just recently i have learnt about bots, i've seen many of them in the city just above HzH in inter dist 1. However i feel they are doing wrong in the game, but it doesn't affect me, i made my stuff honestly thro the storyline.
Is there a point to having 1(lots of zero's)plat....*1million + plat*....for me?....No....I've realised the titles can be expensive, say 6.5million plat for the treasure, and several million for the drinking one, also the lucky/unlucky ones cost a fair bit...If the people who have alot of money are going to spend it on this then it doesn't really affect the economy too much and individuals.
eternal pho
Actually chests made prices go down, since golds became a lot easier to obtain..
im spending 6000k on keys for my chest hunt title and only getting like 1000k back from selling the goodstuff so instead of seeing prices go down i would love to see them go up.
Even the best weapons in this game are to easy to get.
you farm some days and around 1 day full time farming i make around 100k
so a 100+ecto weapon you can call cheap.
owyeah 2men uw is for newbies same as 5men sorrows.
when sorrows was there for a week we kept clearing it completely with 3ppl, same as you can now solo uw at the speed of 2.
some hints for farming are , think big. for example yesterday in kurzick elite i had 50 dredge hitting on me, after 5 minutes i found out that i couldnt solo 50 atonce cause they seem to heal faster then i could kill. else they would be all dead.
for the curious guys( monk/ranger ) spiritbond style
just lern to pwn and may the blessing of dwayna be with you all.
Even the best weapons in this game are to easy to get.
you farm some days and around 1 day full time farming i make around 100k
so a 100+ecto weapon you can call cheap.
owyeah 2men uw is for newbies same as 5men sorrows.
when sorrows was there for a week we kept clearing it completely with 3ppl, same as you can now solo uw at the speed of 2.
some hints for farming are , think big. for example yesterday in kurzick elite i had 50 dredge hitting on me, after 5 minutes i found out that i couldnt solo 50 atonce cause they seem to heal faster then i could kill. else they would be all dead.
for the curious guys( monk/ranger ) spiritbond style
just lern to pwn and may the blessing of dwayna be with you all.
Riken Chrono
this thread after i read it sounds more either like
A. Complaining about botters and farmers.
B. He doesnt haev enough money to buy what he wants so wants prices to go down so he can buy stuff.
A. Complaining about botters and farmers.
B. He doesnt haev enough money to buy what he wants so wants prices to go down so he can buy stuff.
Hyper Cutter
I'd like to see the merchant offer more for stuff, personally.
Numa Pompilius
Riken: pretty obviously B.
Because a crystalline sword and FoW armor is a human *right*, dammit!
Because a crystalline sword and FoW armor is a human *right*, dammit!
beleg curudin
Do not jump to conclusions, if anything, I am complaining about botters, not that i am dirt broke.
Shadow of Light
Pretty items cost so much because people are willing to do so. If it's a popular item, it costs more. If no one wants to buy something, it'll obviously be cheap (or sold to a merchant).
Originally Posted by beleg curudin
Having bought a platinum blade for 100k +60 ecto, and having 1400k between two accounts, i wish people would stop assuming this is me complaining i do not have enough gold. I have plenty and to spare. But I question why I should have to spend and out bid on so many items, with this 100k+.
I often go with collector items (tip: collector items cannot be salvalged, so no chance of recovering lost mods) But when I do want to treat myself to a fancy looking item, I have to pay almost a fortune for it. This is what is annoying. So do not jump to conclusions, if anything, I am complaining about botters, not that i am dirt broke. |
man how come everything is so broken.
Riken Chrono
hey someone agrees with me! rite on numa
I think it's fine the way it is because Anet added in a bunch of perfect greens with soloable bosses, therefore they are not that expensive as they could have been.
With the exception of the uber-rare skins, prices have fallen through the floor in the last few months.
Even the majority of perfect mods sell for very little these days.
This to me has taken a lot of the excitement out of the game. There is none of the "Wow!" factor on finding a weapon with a perfect mod, and then successfully salvaging it any more.
These days I merchant 99.9% of my drops as there are always a dozen other people trying to sell the exact same things I have picked up.
One example recently, I got a staff with a perfect +30hp Hale staff head. Salvaged it, got the mod, but could not sell it for even 2K. I eventually gave it away.
The has to be a balance between making it possible for everyone to get a shot at owning a perfect weapon without resorting to buying money on e-bay, and the feeling of excitement I used to get on finding a perfectly modded weapon. These days I just dont get that feeling of excitement any more and I feel the balance has swung too far in the favour of everyone having a "right" to perfect weapons within a week of owning the game.
As always, just my opinions.
Even the majority of perfect mods sell for very little these days.
This to me has taken a lot of the excitement out of the game. There is none of the "Wow!" factor on finding a weapon with a perfect mod, and then successfully salvaging it any more.
These days I merchant 99.9% of my drops as there are always a dozen other people trying to sell the exact same things I have picked up.
One example recently, I got a staff with a perfect +30hp Hale staff head. Salvaged it, got the mod, but could not sell it for even 2K. I eventually gave it away.
The has to be a balance between making it possible for everyone to get a shot at owning a perfect weapon without resorting to buying money on e-bay, and the feeling of excitement I used to get on finding a perfectly modded weapon. These days I just dont get that feeling of excitement any more and I feel the balance has swung too far in the favour of everyone having a "right" to perfect weapons within a week of owning the game.
As always, just my opinions.
huMptY DumPty
Originally Posted by beleg curudin
Having bought a platinum blade for 100k +60 ecto, and having 1400k between two accounts, i wish people would stop assuming this is me complaining i do not have enough gold. I have plenty and to spare. But I question why I should have to spend and out bid on so many items, with this 100k+.

You must be scammed or something ~~~ payback to the scammer!!!!
Deacon Roswell
Originally Posted by Hengis Stone
One example recently, I got a staff with a perfect +30hp Hale staff head. Salvaged it, got the mod, but could not sell it for even 2K. I eventually gave it away.
Selling isn't for everyone either. I hate standing around trying to sell stuff in game because there isn't much that is "rare" now so someone else is probably trying to sell the same thing too. I end up selling to the merchant alot of times because I simply won't sell good stuff at rediculously low prices to other players. You always here "how much? I could buy 10 of those for cheaper!". My reply is simple, then why are you here trying to haggle my fair price?
Selling is all about timing. It always has been. My advice, use the auction here at Guildwarsguru.com. It takes about 2 minutes to post an auction then it's hands free.
bad person
Originally Posted by beleg curudin
Having bought a platinum blade for 100k +60 ecto, and having 1400k between two accounts, i wish people would stop assuming this is me complaining i do not have enough gold. I have plenty and to spare. But I question why I should have to spend and out bid on so many items, with this 100k+.
I often go with collector items (tip: collector items cannot be salvalged, so no chance of recovering lost mods) But when I do want to treat myself to a fancy looking item, I have to pay almost a fortune for it. This is what is annoying. So do not jump to conclusions, if anything, I am complaining about botters, not that i am dirt broke. |
beleg curudin
Originally Posted by huMptY DumPty
Lmao... plat blade for 100k+60ectos... I feel sorry for ya dude.
![]() You must be scammed or something ~~~ payback to the scammer!!!! |
the fact of the matter is; if anything anet should MASSIVLY decrease gold item droprates. i G U E R E N T E E you GW players would play the game longer and be more likely to get later GW games.
because GW is not one of those games where you NEED an 8 15.50 crystalline or dwarven or +30 -2 magmas. you can easily get items with the exact same (usually better) mods from the weapons crafters for 3-15k (some have more expensive materials), which, you can EASILY get by playing the game from begining to end. noone in gw can claim they need high value vanity skins in order to operate. the sole reason for the existence of these items is to provide some level of meta-game incitation to continue. after you beat the game you move to pvp, building multiple chars, collecting precious items, whatever the case may be. its a form of non-essential post-plot game enhancement that is 100% optional and 100% seperate of the game itself.
look what happened to ch2; what is an 8 15>50 golden phoenix blade worth in comparison to an 8 15>50 crystalline? A: virtually nothing. why? because so many of them have flooded the market you cant take a leak without pissing on one lying on the ground; there are however (to this old-world high-end traders knowledge) less than a dozen 8 15.50 crystallines (i can substantiate no more than 8; out of tens of millions of items farmed). and do crystallines look good? almost unanimously people will agree: no. oni blades, sunqua blades, gothic swords, brute swords, longswords, etc, all have interesting, unique and eye-candy-like skins, while crystallines are farily bland and quite frankly ugly. would that stop rich players form paying tens of millions for a perfect one? no. why? rareity.
and this is an extreme example of the bottom line fact that the sole reason these items are worth a lot is because they are rare, and because they are rare few people can afford them, and because few people can afford them they become status symbols, and because of that, other people desire them. but imagine if everyone got a free 8 15.50 crystalline with the inception of their account, do you think they would be worth more than 50k inside of a month? probably not. and what would happen to the people who spent millions on their 8 15.50, 15 while enchanted, 15% while in a stance, etc crystallines? many would quit.
now some of you are thinking "good, they are stuck up richie rich ebayers anyway and the game is better that they are gone," perhaps, but imagine they did this with every item skin, or at least every one of value. all of a sudden you would wreck the time and effort put in by rich players, middle-class, lower middle class; and all of them would probably quit as well, and all that would be left are people with the same equipment all around, and very very quickly the pve content would get booring, as there would be nothing to strive for after beating the game content, and then these people would quit. and before you know it, gws population dwindles to a few thousand people with the exact same crap.
even if this didnt happen; if the rich players quit, who will the middle-class sell their fancy wares too? other middle-class players who ahve the same things? no, they would lose their item market, go broke, and quit, and once again we end up with the same enevitable scenario.
dont believe me that its possible? the same people who made diablo2 made gw, and look what happened with diablo2, after the rarest items in the game became commonplace the rich players quit, then the middle-class, then many of the poorer players with a penchant for pvp quit, and whats left of the game now? an empty shell of its former glory. and in d2, high end items were actually different in stats; in GW, they arent. the only thing that keeps thousands and thousands of people playing is the rarity of skins; sure you might not like the idea of people like me buying/selling things worth hundreds of thousands, if not millions, but if item drops increased enough and traders like me quit, then to what purpose is there farming? none. so when the traders quit, so do the farmers, and when the farmers quit, all of a sudden the supply for items becomes nil since the farmers arent going to spend 15 hours a day farming items only worth 10k, and sooner or later GW ends up as a barren wasteland of people with the same crap; in your quest to make the items you cant afford more common, you'd just make them worthless, and at the same time, even harder to come accross.
already hundreds if not thousands of people have quit or refuse to touch factions items due to their over-saturation fo the market and highly depreciated value; hundreds of people took massive losses by purchasing them in the opening days of factions, only to have them be worthless but a month later; and the economy is in the worst state of existence it has ever been in, its nearly impossible to sell anything since everyone already has 15 of them, and its impossible to buy rares (for most people) because the small amount of money they make off their factions items disallows them from trading for more rare equipment. anyone can become self-sufficient these days, but it is far more difficult now than it has ever been to bridge the gap of "average wealth" to "wealthy," simply because the few people who have rare items in general wont give them up for the ability to buy crap they can get from anyone at any time, for a next to nothing price.
/end rant.
because GW is not one of those games where you NEED an 8 15.50 crystalline or dwarven or +30 -2 magmas. you can easily get items with the exact same (usually better) mods from the weapons crafters for 3-15k (some have more expensive materials), which, you can EASILY get by playing the game from begining to end. noone in gw can claim they need high value vanity skins in order to operate. the sole reason for the existence of these items is to provide some level of meta-game incitation to continue. after you beat the game you move to pvp, building multiple chars, collecting precious items, whatever the case may be. its a form of non-essential post-plot game enhancement that is 100% optional and 100% seperate of the game itself.
look what happened to ch2; what is an 8 15>50 golden phoenix blade worth in comparison to an 8 15>50 crystalline? A: virtually nothing. why? because so many of them have flooded the market you cant take a leak without pissing on one lying on the ground; there are however (to this old-world high-end traders knowledge) less than a dozen 8 15.50 crystallines (i can substantiate no more than 8; out of tens of millions of items farmed). and do crystallines look good? almost unanimously people will agree: no. oni blades, sunqua blades, gothic swords, brute swords, longswords, etc, all have interesting, unique and eye-candy-like skins, while crystallines are farily bland and quite frankly ugly. would that stop rich players form paying tens of millions for a perfect one? no. why? rareity.
and this is an extreme example of the bottom line fact that the sole reason these items are worth a lot is because they are rare, and because they are rare few people can afford them, and because few people can afford them they become status symbols, and because of that, other people desire them. but imagine if everyone got a free 8 15.50 crystalline with the inception of their account, do you think they would be worth more than 50k inside of a month? probably not. and what would happen to the people who spent millions on their 8 15.50, 15 while enchanted, 15% while in a stance, etc crystallines? many would quit.
now some of you are thinking "good, they are stuck up richie rich ebayers anyway and the game is better that they are gone," perhaps, but imagine they did this with every item skin, or at least every one of value. all of a sudden you would wreck the time and effort put in by rich players, middle-class, lower middle class; and all of them would probably quit as well, and all that would be left are people with the same equipment all around, and very very quickly the pve content would get booring, as there would be nothing to strive for after beating the game content, and then these people would quit. and before you know it, gws population dwindles to a few thousand people with the exact same crap.
even if this didnt happen; if the rich players quit, who will the middle-class sell their fancy wares too? other middle-class players who ahve the same things? no, they would lose their item market, go broke, and quit, and once again we end up with the same enevitable scenario.
dont believe me that its possible? the same people who made diablo2 made gw, and look what happened with diablo2, after the rarest items in the game became commonplace the rich players quit, then the middle-class, then many of the poorer players with a penchant for pvp quit, and whats left of the game now? an empty shell of its former glory. and in d2, high end items were actually different in stats; in GW, they arent. the only thing that keeps thousands and thousands of people playing is the rarity of skins; sure you might not like the idea of people like me buying/selling things worth hundreds of thousands, if not millions, but if item drops increased enough and traders like me quit, then to what purpose is there farming? none. so when the traders quit, so do the farmers, and when the farmers quit, all of a sudden the supply for items becomes nil since the farmers arent going to spend 15 hours a day farming items only worth 10k, and sooner or later GW ends up as a barren wasteland of people with the same crap; in your quest to make the items you cant afford more common, you'd just make them worthless, and at the same time, even harder to come accross.
already hundreds if not thousands of people have quit or refuse to touch factions items due to their over-saturation fo the market and highly depreciated value; hundreds of people took massive losses by purchasing them in the opening days of factions, only to have them be worthless but a month later; and the economy is in the worst state of existence it has ever been in, its nearly impossible to sell anything since everyone already has 15 of them, and its impossible to buy rares (for most people) because the small amount of money they make off their factions items disallows them from trading for more rare equipment. anyone can become self-sufficient these days, but it is far more difficult now than it has ever been to bridge the gap of "average wealth" to "wealthy," simply because the few people who have rare items in general wont give them up for the ability to buy crap they can get from anyone at any time, for a next to nothing price.
/end rant.