A Call To Arms: Elliminating traders in local chat
I hope I’m posting this in the right forum... .If not admins please move it. I thought this is where it should go. To the best of my knowledge this is also an original thread… so here we go!
Are you tired of going into an area and trying to talk to someone on the local chat channel only to have your message lost in an over flow of "WTS...." or "WTB..." all on the local chat channel? You are not alone. Recently I have seen that some sellers are deciding that the best way to sell their items is to move into the local channel. I for one am not going to tolerate this, nor should you. People often say.... well just ignore them. I say this is unacceptable for 2 reasons 1) the ignore list is only so long.... and 2) why should I have to work more simply because others aren't following the rules? With this in mind I have started a campaign and a call for others who are also tired of this. If we ban together I’m sure there are enough of us to implement my plan. The more people involved the easier it will be to do. I have found that simply asking most people to cease and desist and to start using the trade channel is enough. There are some people who think that they have the right to just shout wherever they want and I’m asking the GW staff about this currently... if it is considered spam.... if it is reporting them will be the next step. ANYWAY.... here is where you the reader come in.... if you wish to join this little alliance (not an actual guild alliance.... just a group of concerned players that the game is taking a nasty turn) please let me know here.... or through a private message. All you have to do is if you see someone misusing the local chat.... let them know that it is best... for the thing they are selling/buying and for the rest of the community that they use the proper channel for the proper purpose. Thank you for your time and I hope you will support me in this endeavor.
Are you tired of going into an area and trying to talk to someone on the local chat channel only to have your message lost in an over flow of "WTS...." or "WTB..." all on the local chat channel? You are not alone. Recently I have seen that some sellers are deciding that the best way to sell their items is to move into the local channel. I for one am not going to tolerate this, nor should you. People often say.... well just ignore them. I say this is unacceptable for 2 reasons 1) the ignore list is only so long.... and 2) why should I have to work more simply because others aren't following the rules? With this in mind I have started a campaign and a call for others who are also tired of this. If we ban together I’m sure there are enough of us to implement my plan. The more people involved the easier it will be to do. I have found that simply asking most people to cease and desist and to start using the trade channel is enough. There are some people who think that they have the right to just shout wherever they want and I’m asking the GW staff about this currently... if it is considered spam.... if it is reporting them will be the next step. ANYWAY.... here is where you the reader come in.... if you wish to join this little alliance (not an actual guild alliance.... just a group of concerned players that the game is taking a nasty turn) please let me know here.... or through a private message. All you have to do is if you see someone misusing the local chat.... let them know that it is best... for the thing they are selling/buying and for the rest of the community that they use the proper channel for the proper purpose. Thank you for your time and I hope you will support me in this endeavor.
Crimson Ashwood
Selling in the chat channel only occurs because it's so hard to sell things, people wouldn't bother if it wasn't almost impossible to sell the amount you sell, in chat, by using the trade channel only.
You can't stop it, you can't "rise up and smite those who use chat to sell"... the idea is absurd. Most pople don't care when they're buying and inversely, don't care when they're selling (as long as they get what they want for the price they like).
There has to be incentive to not sell in chat.
The remidy for this is a new way to sell, whatever it be... and I'm sure that on the way soon. Hopefully people trying to sell things in a chat channel in Guild Wars won't shorten your life span or reduce your level of well being.
You can't stop it, you can't "rise up and smite those who use chat to sell"... the idea is absurd. Most pople don't care when they're buying and inversely, don't care when they're selling (as long as they get what they want for the price they like).
There has to be incentive to not sell in chat.
The remidy for this is a new way to sell, whatever it be... and I'm sure that on the way soon. Hopefully people trying to sell things in a chat channel in Guild Wars won't shorten your life span or reduce your level of well being.
Noble idea
However, as you will probably see in replies above and below this one not everyone will be nice about it.
I agree that it is irritating
I don't sell in all chat
I don't buy from anyone using all chat
thats what i can do without having to deal with all the BS people will dish out to you for saying this here and in-game.
Good Luck
However, as you will probably see in replies above and below this one not everyone will be nice about it.
I agree that it is irritating
I don't sell in all chat
I don't buy from anyone using all chat
thats what i can do without having to deal with all the BS people will dish out to you for saying this here and in-game.
Good Luck
tear... i thankyou for you very constructive comments.... but Crimson... i'm not saying smite them... i'm saying moving from trade to local isn't solving thier problem and it isn't heloing the rest of them. People turn off trade becasue they don't want to trade.... so why on earth would going to local chat fix that? it doesn't. it is far better if those wishing to sell something or buy something turn on thier trade chat and there you go.... start trading. If it continues as it is.... eventually people sick of not being able to communicate with others outside of PM will also just turn thier local chat off and the GW community will lose out on the fun the local chat can bring... from making parties for quest/missions to just talking about random things. I too hope for the GW staff to come up with a good remidy to this but am not counting on it... unless the institute a trade district (or districts policy) however until that happens I still think that the best way to fix the problem is nicely asking them to stop. i'm not sure where you get "smiting" from that.... but ok... I think the incentive should be that 1) it is the right way to do it and 2) your stuff sells quickly.
Crimson Ashwood
Originally Posted by Quince
i'm saying moving from trade to local isn't solving thier problem and it isn't heloing the rest of them. People turn off trade becasue they don't want to trade.... so why on earth would going to local chat fix that?
The fastest and most effective way to sell things, at the current time, is a combination of local chat and trade chat. So, that's why it happens and will continue to happen as long as it works.
When selling it local chat stops getting the results sellers are looking for, then you'll see it decrease.
I sell in local and trade, because for me, sometimes I see something in local chat (because trade is off) and say to myself "hey, that'd be pretty neat, I'll get that".
Auction house/alternative method of selling is the only thing that will stop this... so keep your ear to the ground for that change.

yea.... not getting it. Does it look like i'm going around policing spam? no... when i see it i try and tell those who are doing it to stop. If more people were doing this Trade channel would be ressurected... and the use of local channel for trade would no longer be needed. I'm just trying to get more people to do this as well... not take up your play time doing it... just if you happen to see it while breifly in town (who hasn't) to ask those doing it to move to trade chat. The reason it isn't effective to use trade chat right now is quite frankly because people who SHOULD be using it aren't. If that changed.... which is what i'm going for..... then i think both the traders and non-traders will do what they are trying to do much more efficently. I hope i clarified that a bit. a little "could you please use the trade channel" every now and then would fix most of the problem. Especially if more people are doing it.
A good fix to stopping local chat spam by sellers/traders is eliminating the possibility to type numbers into local chat, instead restricted to using words for numbers, so instead of saying WTS 15>50...you would be forced to say WTS fivteen over fifty, otherwise go to trade chat and use whateven numbers you want. This way people will get too lazy to type words for numbers and use trade channel. Usual local channel however wont suffer from using words for numbers, since they rarely use them, unlike traders with all the statistical numbers.
I once sat in a town (possibly Deldrimor war camp) and sent a message along the lines of "please use the trade channel" to every person that posted a WTB/WTS in the local chat channel.
Most of the replies were along the lines of "do you tell everybody this" to which I replied "yes". It wasn't hard to do clicking on a name and hitting up arrow and enter.
After a while I did find either people had me on their ignore list, but there were also a lot using the trade channel instead.
Some people are just didn't realise there was a trade channel.
I too have been wishing for an auction hose for a long time. The issue I can see with it is the sheer number of auctions required to be going on at any one time. Even small items would be getting put up for auction. Perhaps a fee per item put up for auction would be incurred to stop the attempted selling of worthless junk.
Another kind of half solution could be creating a upgrades merchant, similar to a dye trader/ rare material trader. The prices paid for components would vary according to demand. This way people could buy their zealous mods or whatever. This however would not stop the selling of green items or miniatures etc.
Another idea is why not make the marketplace a true marketplace? Why is it called the marketplace but have no merchants? Maybe a dedicated sort of town for buying and selling goods can be created. If there are no quests to do in the town, nobody will complain about not being able to see the local chat.
Whatever alternative it won't stop spamming the local chat unless as suggested by a previous poster banning numbers in local. There are ways around this of course such as "selling shiros blades...msg me".
Most of the replies were along the lines of "do you tell everybody this" to which I replied "yes". It wasn't hard to do clicking on a name and hitting up arrow and enter.
After a while I did find either people had me on their ignore list, but there were also a lot using the trade channel instead.
Some people are just didn't realise there was a trade channel.
I too have been wishing for an auction hose for a long time. The issue I can see with it is the sheer number of auctions required to be going on at any one time. Even small items would be getting put up for auction. Perhaps a fee per item put up for auction would be incurred to stop the attempted selling of worthless junk.
Another kind of half solution could be creating a upgrades merchant, similar to a dye trader/ rare material trader. The prices paid for components would vary according to demand. This way people could buy their zealous mods or whatever. This however would not stop the selling of green items or miniatures etc.
Another idea is why not make the marketplace a true marketplace? Why is it called the marketplace but have no merchants? Maybe a dedicated sort of town for buying and selling goods can be created. If there are no quests to do in the town, nobody will complain about not being able to see the local chat.
Whatever alternative it won't stop spamming the local chat unless as suggested by a previous poster banning numbers in local. There are ways around this of course such as "selling shiros blades...msg me".
the fact that it is easier to avoid, tear, is exactly why it endangers part of the game. If it is simply avoided then no one... aside from traders.... will be using the chat.... maybe that is what you want... i don't know. I do know however that will elliminate a large part of the game for some players. i thank you for your increase in civility but think a bit more wouldn't hurt you. I liked M1h4iL idea quite a bit and think i will start a petition in the appropriate forum if one does not already exist. I do hope for this change.... and a diffrent way of selling things. If you don't think it is an issue at all... i recently was trying to get a group together for Kaeineg (sp??? ) Quests. I couldn't even sort through the local chat because of all the WTSs and WTBs. I looked on the trade channel and there weren't many people using that. NO i wasn't in District 1... i know better then that... so why on earth the excessive trading in local? You are right on one thing... it is a minor annoyance, but it is one we, the players can fix without doing a lot of work or "going on a crusade" or anything ridiculous like that. just a simple.... could you use the trade channel... thank you very much... is all it takes to elliminate some of the problem as Yobz pointed out. Some people don't realize it is there. So why not let them know?
I just try to ignore them, and if they decide to just keep spamming...ignore list they go.
The only time i really hate this is when im in Lions Arch and trying to form a party, i hate how its become the "market" for GW and to the point that if you're not selling or buying there...you're getting in THEIR way...
The only time i really hate this is when im in Lions Arch and trying to form a party, i hate how its become the "market" for GW and to the point that if you're not selling or buying there...you're getting in THEIR way...
Kiri I could not have said it any better than that. I normally have local and trade turned off except for when I am trying to form a party. Then I get to try and notice the party requests through all of the recruiting and selling spam. Granted it is a lot worse in some places than others.
Sometimes I really wonder if these so called sellers even have their trade channel on. I won't buy from people using local, and I put my WTB in trade chat where it belongs. It is very erksome when I see in spam local chat for that very thing I have been saying I want to buy.
Sometimes I really wonder if these so called sellers even have their trade channel on. I won't buy from people using local, and I put my WTB in trade chat where it belongs. It is very erksome when I see in spam local chat for that very thing I have been saying I want to buy.
The problem lies with the people responding to ads in local chat, not with the people selling their wares there. I was selling a 20% enchantment wrapping some time ago, after 5 spams in trade I tried local once and immediatly sold my wrapping, so I can understand why people do it. Still I will try trade first. When I'm buying I turn of local and turn on trade chat, simply because I refuse to buy stuff from people advertising in local.
There is exactly one way to fix this - a system that will anonymously sell your items for you that can be accessed on all servers.
Trade is broken in guild wars. Selling in the chat channel occurs because it's hard to sell things. Banning people or censoring words like wts/wtb is not the right way to fix local chat traders. The only correct way to eliminate traders in local chat would be a working auction hose.
Since Anet put in a small change which moves "WTS" messages from local to trade channel, people have deliberately got around it by using "W T S" or " *W*T*S* " or some other variation.
What does this tell you? They know exactly what they're doing and that they're doing it deliberately... because they know other people may turn off the trade channel altogether to avoid the spam.
It also makes me wonder if this will continue when/if an auction house is implemented. Since people are deliberately getting around the Trade channel, they'll just as likely ignore the auction house and continue to spam even after that (for the same reason as mentioned above)
If they spam it you could technically report it as a violation of the RoC since I'm pretty sure it has some clause about spamming, but in reality I rather suspect that's one part of the rules which is probably never upheld.
What does this tell you? They know exactly what they're doing and that they're doing it deliberately... because they know other people may turn off the trade channel altogether to avoid the spam.
It also makes me wonder if this will continue when/if an auction house is implemented. Since people are deliberately getting around the Trade channel, they'll just as likely ignore the auction house and continue to spam even after that (for the same reason as mentioned above)
If they spam it you could technically report it as a violation of the RoC since I'm pretty sure it has some clause about spamming, but in reality I rather suspect that's one part of the rules which is probably never upheld.
<local chat>
WTS urgoz longbow, 100k+1000 ectos........1
WTS urgoz longbow, 100k+1000 ectos........2
WTS urgoz longbow, 100k+1000 ectos........3
WTS urgoz longbow, 100k+1000 ectos........4
WTS urgoz longbow, 100k+1000 ectos........5
WTS urgoz longbow, 100k+1000 ectos........6
WTS urgoz longbow, 100k+1000 ectos........7
WTS urgoz longbow, 100k+1000 ectos........8
WTS urgoz longbow, 100k+1000 ectos........9
WTS urgoz longbow, 100k+1000 ectos........1
WTS urgoz longbow, 100k+1000 ectos........2
WTS urgoz longbow, 100k+1000 ectos........3
WTS urgoz longbow, 100k+1000 ectos........4
WTS urgoz longbow, 100k+1000 ectos........5
WTS urgoz longbow, 100k+1000 ectos........6
WTS urgoz longbow, 100k+1000 ectos........7
WTS urgoz longbow, 100k+1000 ectos........8
WTS urgoz longbow, 100k+1000 ectos........9
I saw someone in KC yesterday doing this to cause the trade spam to go by faster and make it harder to sell:
Trade Spam belongs in Trade Channel (making chat move faster so no one can read)...1
Trade Spam belongs in Trade Channel (making chat move faster so no one can read)...2
Trade Spam belongs in Trade Channel (making chat move faster so no one can read)...3
Trade Spam belongs in Trade Channel (making chat move faster so no one can read)...4
Trade Spam belongs in Trade Channel (making chat move faster so no one can read)...5
They would do this each time someone spammed local with trade. I was cracking up laughing. Funny thing was, what little you could catch within the flying text was that people were thanking her for doing that and further insulting the traders for continuing to try and spam the channel with their overpriced junk.
Trade Spam belongs in Trade Channel (making chat move faster so no one can read)...1
Trade Spam belongs in Trade Channel (making chat move faster so no one can read)...2
Trade Spam belongs in Trade Channel (making chat move faster so no one can read)...3
Trade Spam belongs in Trade Channel (making chat move faster so no one can read)...4
Trade Spam belongs in Trade Channel (making chat move faster so no one can read)...5
They would do this each time someone spammed local with trade. I was cracking up laughing. Funny thing was, what little you could catch within the flying text was that people were thanking her for doing that and further insulting the traders for continuing to try and spam the channel with their overpriced junk.
This is something that will continue until there is a new way to trade.
Turn off the local and trade buttons and your game will be better for it.
BTW why do the spammers number their spam? Do they want everyone to know they are spamming?
Turn off the local and trade buttons and your game will be better for it.
BTW why do the spammers number their spam? Do they want everyone to know they are spamming?
Originally Posted by tommarrow
BTW why do the spammers number their spam? Do they want everyone to know they are spamming?
Silent Kitty
Sorry, but 75% of these spammers will be posting in this thread. They will tell you it's impossible, and others will think they are right.
Spam is what spam keeps alive.
Spam is what spam keeps alive.
*sigh*... A Little Anal don’t you think?
Yeah it annoys me as much as the next guy the crazy spam fest some fools go on to attempt to sell there stuff...
But for the most part it has to be said that it wont really change... and who cares, if your going to have a conversation, form a party or whisp... its better that way anyway.
if it really upsets you... try going out for a cigarette or maybe a spliff... ull soon relax. xD
Yeah it annoys me as much as the next guy the crazy spam fest some fools go on to attempt to sell there stuff...
But for the most part it has to be said that it wont really change... and who cares, if your going to have a conversation, form a party or whisp... its better that way anyway.
if it really upsets you... try going out for a cigarette or maybe a spliff... ull soon relax. xD
this been going on since GW came to be, spending time telling people to use the proper channels and reporting them isnt the greatest thing to do unless you are really bored or sadistic or both. Otherwise theres no point in this.
Good luck anyways.
Good luck anyways.
Turn off local-chat in trade hubs.
Don't buy from local-chat sellers.
Otherwise, don't waste your time worrying about it. The kind of person who circumvents the trade filter isn't going to pay any attention to your complaints.
Don't buy from local-chat sellers.
Otherwise, don't waste your time worrying about it. The kind of person who circumvents the trade filter isn't going to pay any attention to your complaints.
ArenaNet should implement item linking in chat, but making it available in all chats except local chat. You would see a lot more people using trade chat over local chat then.
3 ways to fix this.
1) stay out of district 1 of LA, Kaineg center, Ascalon city, Shing Jea Monestary, or Droknars Forge. simple
2) only go to those districts when you need to bbuy something.
3) A GOD DAMNED AUCTIONHOUSE THAT WAS PROMISED 937846598734068734690734067346 times
1) stay out of district 1 of LA, Kaineg center, Ascalon city, Shing Jea Monestary, or Droknars Forge. simple
2) only go to those districts when you need to bbuy something.
3) A GOD DAMNED AUCTIONHOUSE THAT WAS PROMISED 937846598734068734690734067346 times
unholy guardian
must shoot spammers
but eh, it is kinda hard, people will think of new things.. they will spell around the censor, like s3lling longbow or something...
but eh, it is kinda hard, people will think of new things.. they will spell around the censor, like s3lling longbow or something...
If Anet would allow the player base to submit the variations on the WTS to them within the game; and they updated the filter at least weekly, we would see a decline in the possible use of the spam in local channels. Treat it like a anti-virus with constant updates.
Aera Lure
Its an easy solve in the mean time. When I am looking to buy or sell something, I turn off Local chat and turn on the Trade channel. Otherwise, I tend to have both channels off. I never sell in the Local channel and I never buy from anyone in the Local channel. Sometimes when in town I want the Local channel on, but I will either have it on and not be in district 1 or, if I am in district 1 I throw the main Local channel offenders in ignore. They only stay there until I forget why they are there or until I move to another district when I need to use ignore again. Our ignore list max SHOULD be as long as friends if not longer - and even that would be easy to fill.
That's what I do. No need to PM anyone or start arguing. I do my part imho by simply ignoring them and that's what I choose. Other people dont mind it at all and buy from and sell in the Local channel. Fine. We cant stop that by discussing it here. The implementation of an Auction House will cut down on some spamming, but rest assured, not all.
That's what I do. No need to PM anyone or start arguing. I do my part imho by simply ignoring them and that's what I choose. Other people dont mind it at all and buy from and sell in the Local channel. Fine. We cant stop that by discussing it here. The implementation of an Auction House will cut down on some spamming, but rest assured, not all.
While I appreciate your end goal, I have absolutely no confidence that it will work. Anet already put in a filter that routed WTS messages to the trade channel. What happened? An influx of \/\/TS messages in the local channel. If they ban thoes, you'll just see more `//TS messages.
This is Anets fault for their continued reluctance for making a decent in-game auction system, and any attempt to cut the spam prior to getting an auction system will fail.
This is Anets fault for their continued reluctance for making a decent in-game auction system, and any attempt to cut the spam prior to getting an auction system will fail.
What the spamming had down with me is completely tune out the local channel.
There is no easy way, Anet not updating the trade filters work arounds after the simple WTS / WTB varations is something they could do.. but not fix the real issue.
They need a trade house auction house system to truly clean it up.
There is no easy way, Anet not updating the trade filters work arounds after the simple WTS / WTB varations is something they could do.. but not fix the real issue.
They need a trade house auction house system to truly clean it up.
The only reason i personally sell in chat is because when every1 is selling in the trade channel, all of the items blur together, and it is hard to see. I try to use the trade channel as much as possible, but sometimes i will use all chat in order to make my items more visable.
I really think the best way to do it would be to have a merchant island. This island would have 250 booths per district. The booths are designated spots for your created character to reside during its alloted store duration (see below). This prevents people from crowding and making an indistingushable blob of store descriptions and allows everybody's store to be seen and accessed.
You would travel there with a character, open a store using an npc where you would specify what you want in your store (up to the amount you can have in storage) by dragging and dropping items from one window to another, just like how you interface with storage. You'll then set the prices on the items, designate a duration the the store will be open. The duration can be set in increments of 5 minutes with a maximum duration of 4 hours. This prevents the same people hogging the spots all the time.
It will then transport your character and place you in an open booth in your district, and have a dialog box with your store's description appear above your head. If there is no open booth in the current district, it will switch you to the first district that does have one. Naturally, if you log off, your shop will disappear. Also, local and trade chat channels will be disabled on this island so you don't get spammers there.
When people are looking for items they want to buy, they can go up to an npc (Cataloger) placed throughout the trading island building and do a search. It will then proceed to search the district for that item and return a list of booth numbers that have stores carrying the item. Searches will be limited to 1 per person every 15 seconds as to not flood the server with requests. The buyer can then go to those booth numbers and click on the stores attendant (the character that was created along with the store) and the store is displayed just like an npc merchant. Each item has it's price in gold and any materials (such as ecto) that are required listed next to it.
That's about all I can come up with at the moment. I'm still working on how setting up a buying booth would work. It might actually be a bad idea though but who knows.
- Riplox
You would travel there with a character, open a store using an npc where you would specify what you want in your store (up to the amount you can have in storage) by dragging and dropping items from one window to another, just like how you interface with storage. You'll then set the prices on the items, designate a duration the the store will be open. The duration can be set in increments of 5 minutes with a maximum duration of 4 hours. This prevents the same people hogging the spots all the time.
It will then transport your character and place you in an open booth in your district, and have a dialog box with your store's description appear above your head. If there is no open booth in the current district, it will switch you to the first district that does have one. Naturally, if you log off, your shop will disappear. Also, local and trade chat channels will be disabled on this island so you don't get spammers there.
When people are looking for items they want to buy, they can go up to an npc (Cataloger) placed throughout the trading island building and do a search. It will then proceed to search the district for that item and return a list of booth numbers that have stores carrying the item. Searches will be limited to 1 per person every 15 seconds as to not flood the server with requests. The buyer can then go to those booth numbers and click on the stores attendant (the character that was created along with the store) and the store is displayed just like an npc merchant. Each item has it's price in gold and any materials (such as ecto) that are required listed next to it.
That's about all I can come up with at the moment. I'm still working on how setting up a buying booth would work. It might actually be a bad idea though but who knows.
- Riplox
the point that a trade system is needed is obvious.... however i haven't seen anything saying Anet is going to implement these changes.... maybe i missed it, i don't know. Turning off local chat is not the solution i'm going for, it is actually the thing i am trying to avoid by setting up this system. I applaud those of you not buying from local channel traders. Unfortunitly for that to work, everyone will have to do that, and i already know not everyone will. I thought about this with a friend of mine and we both came to the same conclusion. The only way to stop it without EVERYONE on GW getting involved is have a group of people messaging local channel traders when they are in a town to please move to the trade channel. Given, these results will not be 100% effective doing this, but they won't be 0% effective either. I'm sure not everyone posting in local for trade is violently opposed to moving to trade channel. I know this because so far.... it is working to some extent. Once again... i'm NOT talking about D1s... i appreciate that at some point trade districts are needed and i guess D1s have been designated, by the players, as those districts. So i only try this in districts >=2 or >=4 in larger cities (KC, AC, LA ect.) so far it has worked. the people that i messaged have either moved to trade channel or have moved districts, for the most part that is. Some people have objected and been rather rude about it.... but that is to be expected. some people just don't care about the community, only about selling thier own goods. But still.... trade spam was reduced in the tested towns. I figure doing this is better then not doing anything at all.....
Originally Posted by M1h4iL
A good fix to stopping local chat spam by sellers/traders is eliminating the possibility to type numbers into local chat, instead restricted to using words for numbers, so instead of saying WTS 15>50...you would be forced to say WTS fivteen over fifty, otherwise go to trade chat and use whateven numbers you want. This way people will get too lazy to type words for numbers and use trade channel. Usual local channel however wont suffer from using words for numbers, since they rarely use them, unlike traders with all the statistical numbers.
Hey, uh Quince? Would you mind making normal sentences instead of putting "..." in between them? Also, could you format it so it's not just one blob of text? It makes it very hard to read like that. Here. I formatted it for you.
Also, I'm not sure if the "turn off local chat" in your first part of your post was directed at me or not. If it is, then you misread. I wanted local and trade chat turned off for ONLY the trade island.
Also, I'm not sure if the "turn off local chat" in your first part of your post was directed at me or not. If it is, then you misread. I wanted local and trade chat turned off for ONLY the trade island.
The point that a trade system is needed is obvious, however, I haven't seen anything saying ANet is going to implement these changes. Maybe I missed it, I don't know. Turning off local chat is not the solution I'm going for. It is actually the thing I am trying to avoid by setting up this system. I applaud those of you not buying from local channel traders. Unfortunitly for that to work, everyone will have to do that, and I already know not everyone will. I thought about this with a friend of mine and we both came to the same conclusion. The only way to stop it without EVERYONE on GW getting involved is have a group of people messaging local channel traders when they are in a town to please move to the trade channel. Given, these results will not be 100% effective doing this, but they won't be 0% effective either. I'm sure not everyone posting in local for trade is violently opposed to moving to trade channel. I know this because so far it is working to some extent. Once again, I'm NOT talking about D1s. I appreciate that at some point trade districts are needed and I guess D1s have been designated, by the players, as those districts. So I only try this in districts >=2 or >=4 in larger cities (KC, AC, LA ect.). So far it has worked. The people that I messaged have either moved to trade channel or have moved districts, for the most part that is. Some people have objected and been rather rude about it, but that is to be expected. Some people just don't care about the community, only about selling thier own goods. But still, trade spam was reduced in the tested towns. I figure doing this is better then not doing anything at all. |
Ah yes, the spammers. I'd love to announce my true opinions of their kind, but I probably shouldn't. Generally I just ignore it, though disabling Local Chat isn't the answer as that makes it really hard to form a group for the mission / quest I'm trying to complete. Occasionally if it gets really bad to the point where I can't communicate enough to get a group formed, I start attacking them. Why not? They certainly deserve it. I'll start with whispers until I get ignored... then I'll start responding to them in the all chat which usually results in support from other annoyed players of the game. Can't have fun playing the game, then might as well have fun some other way. And I do take great pleasure out of tormenting spammers.
There's a special corner of the Devil's domain reserved for spammers. Not only the type of spammer that Guild Wars suffers from.
There's a special corner of the Devil's domain reserved for spammers. Not only the type of spammer that Guild Wars suffers from.

I like your idea Riplox. Especially since it could double as a money sink. There could be a transaction fee/percentage paid to each NPC by the person selling merchandise.
I like the idea of making a "Market town" like LA, that is big, has alot of traders and that is all that happens there.
The new update by Anet that all WTB/WTS are moved to trade is not enough, as posted you see W T B and W*T*B which shows they are doing it on purpose.
Also if you are tired of the mass spam chat, move to a higher distric, lower ones are full of traders i find if i move to like 3-4 in high selling areas their are more ppl looking for parties.
The new update by Anet that all WTB/WTS are moved to trade is not enough, as posted you see W T B and W*T*B which shows they are doing it on purpose.
Also if you are tired of the mass spam chat, move to a higher distric, lower ones are full of traders i find if i move to like 3-4 in high selling areas their are more ppl looking for parties.
Enchanted Warrior
We need a bazzare or vendor to which we can add things for "x" amount of time , for "y" amount (value). Trouble is people selling stuff for way more than it is worth (well trying to) will scream like crazy since people will see the real values and buy the lowest. To which I reply.. "Who cares, I'm tired of the spamming".
That said, it would require a large modification to the existing system and most likely will not be considered by gw as viable. That coupled with people posting stuff for sale and forgetting about it, or they quit etc.., then what happens to it? Does it sit forever, does it get thrown out, after a period of time, what if they return six months later and want it back? A real nigthmare..
That said, it would require a large modification to the existing system and most likely will not be considered by gw as viable. That coupled with people posting stuff for sale and forgetting about it, or they quit etc.., then what happens to it? Does it sit forever, does it get thrown out, after a period of time, what if they return six months later and want it back? A real nigthmare..
I would suggest a district devoted for trade untill an auction house is implemented.You could have other districts like LFG or needing a service.Then you could have district for recruiting guildies or them looking for guilds to join.