What Class should i be?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

I know this is a stupid question and i should choose what class i should be myself, but what is the recommended class i should be? i.e: which is the most powerful or most affective class?

Thanks, Thugzz



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Mesmers are the most powerful class. If you want to get in the groups really fast, choose monk class.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


Angels Symphonys [AnSy]

every class has their place on the battlefield, you are right, you should just choose it by yourself, they all have their ups and downs.

Look not to others for knowledge...

It's down to you to play a class, see if you like it and whether or not to stick to it and besides you'll always have a minimum of 4 Character slots anyway...


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

Thanks guys


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

oh yea sorry, lol another question: if i become say...... a monk, what should i choose as my secondary class? same question goes for if i become a mesmer.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006


Originally Posted by Zakarr
Mesmers are the most powerful class. If you want to get in the groups really fast, choose monk class.
4/5 people I know who start playing GW choose mesmers for their first character.. I wonder why..

Anyway, although mesmers are powerful, they're difficult to play and require a completely different style then the other classes (in my opinion). Warriors are the most basic class, very simple to play, but boring since all you do is charge in, mash the enemy, charge in, mash the enemy etc.. Personally I think rangers have very interesting possibilities because of their expertise, but mesmers with fast casting can also make interesting combinations.

On a different note, Zakarr is absolutely correct, monks are almost always in high demand, and it's easy to get into a party while playing as one. Just be ware of the wammos who expect you to keep them alive no matter what they do

As for secondary, my favourite is mesmer for spellcasters since it gives good energy management, but for a monk it also gives skills needed for specialized builds (bonder for example).

But secondary is also a matter of taste... All combinations have possibilities, it's just up to you to get the most out of it.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

Monk, by far, is the most powerfull class.

- Always wanted in groups
- Always wanted in guilds
- Ultimate healing power. Seriously, with divine favor and healing prayers, youre a healing juggernaut.
- You're the lifeline of the party. If you fall, they all fall.
- You decide when it is time to pull. no energy = no pulls.
- Protection prayers? Oh hello damage soaking. Even ritualists can heal good if youre going protection! (i'm kidding, i love you ritsies!! <3<3)
- You're getting it with the ladies; clean, shaved look, strong calm and virile, they like that.
- Ascended kurzick 15k monk armor dyed black = hotness, go look on guildwiki!
- If someone dies, you can either:

a) blame the lag
b) "you were out of range"
c) low on energy

Cool uh? It's not like they're going to kick you. If they do that, they lose the heals, that would be stupid, so they blame the assassin instead, which is how it should be! (i'm not kidding, 99% of them are energy-sponge retards).

All these goodies because of one thing: ***people consider healing as a "boring" job***

Kids prefer smack with a big hammer or be "leet" with dual daggers! That's oh so cool! But with being a monk, you never wait for a group, you're spammed with guild invites, it's like being a rockstar!

Srsly, monks rule.

Erydan Ouragan [Mo/Me20]


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

In front of my PC



Originally Posted by Zakarr
Mesmers are the most powerful class. If you want to get in the groups really fast, choose monk class.
LMAO the only class LESS powefull than a mermer is a assissin. Avoid being a mesmer at ALL costs unless you like playing ONLY with henchmen.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

Multiplay Uk [MPUK]

for me it was w/mo, ytou know not getting alot of damage, and healing yourself. warrior (like everyone else) was the first class i could play. then i learned mesmers. mesmers can do anything, shut down casters, interupt, take out melee's etc. the last class i became good at was monk . now that i got the hang of it i find how important they can be and what support they can give. just pick by your stlye and what suites you best.

Plushie Penguin

Plushie Penguin

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2006

That plushie penguin on a shelf in your bed room


mesmers? stop joking with us.. a monk or a ranger, those classes are good to start with, since monk has been covered... ranger!
You get a pet![secondaries too]
You have the second best armor
3 energy regen arrows, beats the 2 warriors get
You get to use a bow! no front line combat, but you can still do alot of damage!
Tombs of the Primeval Kings! R/mo is used to farm/get alot of money from a place out in the desert, after the 3 missions in the desert!
Bows have the max damage of a axe, and the max minimum damage of a sword!

mesmers..... ha... heheheheha..
I made one and got her to divinity coast, henched it, no groups wanted a mesmer, and the skills recharge way too long



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

Multiplay Uk [MPUK]

Originally Posted by Spike
LMAO the only class LESS powefull than a mermer is a assissin. Avoid being a mesmer at ALL costs unless you like playing ONLY with henchmen.
sorry for the double but youve obviously never played a mesmer, thay have importance, but people look down at them thinking they cant do much damage. 100% incorrect. learn more about mesmers BEFORE you start calling them crap, which they are not.

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

Originally Posted by Spike
LMAO the only class LESS powefull than a mermer is a assissin. Avoid being a mesmer at ALL costs unless you like playing ONLY with henchmen.
complete BS

mesmer are serioulsy underated by the "average" nub, monks can only heal if they have the energy to cast the spells and the same goes for the rest of the casters

a mesmer can easily solo a warrior or any other melee based chars

a mesmer in the right hands is lethal

as for your first char if you have not decided i'd say go necro, they are good all round chars

blood magic - self healing/dmg
curses - support/dmg
death - dmg/support via minions (also minions can be used as meat shields)
soull reaping - energy managment


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

Doomlore Shrine

Just Us Gamers [JUGs]


Ranger because rangers own, it's the truth.

It really is.


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006



i have a monk as my first, but plz, if you're not a competent player, dont play a monk...ive seen so many incompetent ones in the game that i start to wonder if the henchy healer is better or not.

but for your first char i wouldnt recommend mesmer cause it is a class that requires a slightly higher learning curve to master...now w/ the varying opinions of MESMER SUCKS and MESMER IS THE BEST...i think the difference is (esp after reading the posts)...you guys arent separately pvp from pve...mesmers in pvp own hard, mesmers in pve...well they own hard too but they have little to no place in parties...pve parties do not LOOK for mesmers, its next to assassin in the LOVE list.

ps - dont make a wammo, we have like a horde of them running around everywhere

Sli Ander

Sli Ander

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Deep in Maguuma, by the Falls

Liberators of Agony


I've never played warriors, but it is a good base class to learn. You can always restart as something else once you learn the basics or if you figure you don't like that class. Whatever class you do pick, remember that each one plays differently. Monks can't tank well, etc...



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006


Defenders of the Blackblade [DotB]


Mesmer -> one of the more powerfull classes, very flexible buildwise, but very hard to play and not desirable in groups as most PUGs don't know the vallue of a Mesmer.

Monk -> you have all the power in the party if you choose to be a stuckup monk. Most people want you in their group, but it isn't for me. PUGs won't except you to do anything but be a healing monk. I didn't buy this game to watch red meters and try to keep them full (This is my opinion, i just dont like being a monk plus I suck at it )

Warrior -> Still the ultimate tank, stand in front and suck up the damage meatshield. I like being a warrior, esp. in parties with one or more warrior when you can change build to damage warrior if you talk about it with the other warrior(s).

Ranger -> Stand in the back and shoot your arrows, make your enemies bleed, cripple them, poison them. Have a pet tank for you or stand in the front line and lay traps for the incoming mob of enemies. Or go farming as a "touch ranger", nice to kill bosses but green farming costs a lot of time for little result.

Necromancer -> If you have factions you can get a group easy as a Minion Master, everybody and their mother wants a MM in their group. But even when setup as Spitefull Spirit they are very powerfull (maybe even more powerfull then a Elementalist who is set for full nuking). Good energy managment as you gain energy for everything arround you that dies.

Elementalist -> choose an element and play your part. As earth ele you can be a tank, as fire ele you will be a nuker (and a vital part of a party), I have no idea what you can be as water of air ele in PvE though

Assassin -> die a lot. Seriously, playing an assassin is hard and you will have trouble getting a group. If you play an assassin wrong you will die a lot. If you play it right you'll kill a lot. Just started an assassin, so can't really tell you a lot about it

Ritualist -> never played it, but I'm affraid that PUGs will probably ask you to come as backup healer. Not sure about it though.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006


It totally depends on what you want to do. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that you're going to be more focused on PvE. If that's the case, I would not recommend mesmer until you've played through the game at least once. Nothing against the class, they're amazing for PvP, but for PvE you'll be making very good friends with the henchmen. Monk wouldn't be a bad place to start, especially because when you try a different character you'll appreciate the healing abilities of the monk and make for a more team-friendly player. Warriors are powerful, and probably the most simple to learn. But despite what anyone may suggest, don't worry about making a wrong choice. For the most part, this game is very well balanced, and there is not one profession that is infinitely more powerful or better than the others.

Plushie Penguin

Plushie Penguin

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2006

That plushie penguin on a shelf in your bed room


to pick off some of what gonzo didn't put in, water eles can help a team kite[agro a foe, slow it down, damage it, run, and repeat], air eles are good for nuking one foe, with the benefit of 25% armor penatration[fire is aoe but no armor penatration]
ritualists are good for support with their spirits, like shadow song, that blinds foes, one takes 15 damage off of you when you get hit by a non mele attack, and some others



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Thousend Tigers Apund Ur Head [Ttgr]


Please do not make a W/Mo whatever you do. Please. PLEASE!!!



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


To be honest I actually think starting with a W/Mo would be a sensible thing for the simple reason that it's easy and you won't die all the time - it's actually a good way to get familiar with the game.

Playing a 'domination' Mesmer is my favorite build in the game, but it can be hard to play if you're a beginner since you don't really have any direct damage spells at all and you don't have any unconditional self heals either.

Reine Stormshroud

Reine Stormshroud

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

Valkyrie Einherjer [VE]


Originally Posted by Spike
LMAO the only class LESS powefull than a mermer is a assissin. Avoid being a mesmer at ALL costs unless you like playing ONLY with henchmen.
Lol. Some people are so ignorant it's sad.

Mesmers are some of the most versatile classes ingaame. Collect some data and make points how mesmers are so weak and prove that statement. I assume you are one of those people who hop around with PuGs, and believe the 'cookie-cutter build' only works. Nukers, MMs, Tanks, Monks. - Look into some in-depth Mesmer explanation/guides.. because, no, they are not weak.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Originally Posted by Spike
LMAO the only class LESS powefull than a mermer is a assissin. Avoid being a mesmer at ALL costs unless you like playing ONLY with henchmen.
Actually Mesmers can pwn every professions even other Mesmers. It just requires a bit skill.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005


I have 6 lvl20 chars. Don't rememeber how many lvl20 I deleted, but a lot. I am working on assassin and mesmer right now to complete my collection (I deleted lvl20 assassin right before they allowed to buy new slots Oh, well, I didn't like her hair anyway).
My first character was a monk. It is very easy to find a party for missions and quests, which is quite important for a newcomer. I remember someone was looking for a party in Nolani and I asked him "Need a monk?" and he said "Always ". IMHO monk is the best profession to start with. Take mesmer as your secondary for energy management.
When you finish the game, make W/Mo. Now, the reason for that is to explore Tyria. Simply put, make a runner and go places that you never been with your monk.
Necro, ranger, ele are all fine after that. Eles are not that great anymore, but at least they look sexy (I am talking about female eles of course ). Necro and rangers are probably the best classes for farming. Minion Masters are always welcomed in PUGs. I soloed "Captured Son" with mine, that's how powerful they are. And I killed Urgoz with my ranger yesterday (EoE lvl11 ).
Now, ritualist is quite a boring class to play, cause if you don't use spirits you a pritty much useless. And setting spirits is not that hard. Ritualists are welcomed in PUGs and it's easy to do quests with henches. I actually opened 100% Cantha with my rit, so you can go eveywhere. Plus Rt/Me is a real money maker
Well, let's talk about assassin and mesmer. I play both and I have a very strong opinion that they should not be used in PvE. There are places where you must take at least 1 mesmer (like FoW, UW, Ring of Fire), but otherwise your team can be much happier without them. Assassins are useless in PvE, period (ok, putting Shroud of Silence on Argo was kinda funny, but that is about it).
If we are talking about PvP, assassin and mesmer are the most powerful of them all. But that is a completely different story.

leeky baby

leeky baby

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Surrey University

Starting to play again... need a guild


warrior was my first class iv found it fun to play ever since and im on my second warrior now

i say w/mo cause you can learn to farm also after you complete the game to get better weapons/armour

mitch herbort

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006


... idk


i started with something simple, warrior/monk i thought i was thinking outside the box but apparently a million other people have paladins, they are easy to play with but if your looking for a challenge i would go monk either that or think of a first and secondary that would be hard to play with like a a a a, assassin/elementalist or something like that.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

In front of my PC



Originally Posted by Reine Stormshroud
Lol. Some people are so ignorant it's sad.

Mesmers are some of the most versatile classes ingaame. Collect some data and make points how mesmers are so weak and prove that statement. I assume you are one of those people who hop around with PuGs, and believe the 'cookie-cutter build' only works. Nukers, MMs, Tanks, Monks. - Look into some in-depth Mesmer explanation/guides.. because, no, they are not weak.

Right so my 15 months of playing GW and seeing how useless mesmers are in PVE make me ignorant does it, oh well. As for pvp I could'nt give a damm if thier the best thing ever. As I don't play pvp.

Yes I do play in pugs, as do probley most people. I don't belive that ONLY "cookie-cuter builds" work. BUT since the only things left for me to do now is play the elite missions or farming in SF. Where you HAVE to have certain builds or you don't get a party. Yes these builds maybe "cookie cuter" but SO WHAT. Like I have said in THREE other posts now if YOU want to play some wierd build that works for you that great BUT DO NOT EXPECT to get invites to pugs if you DO NOT have a build they want. Mesmers and sins are NOT welcome in pve pugs. So not just me who thinks thier not worth a slot but the majority of GW pve players.

Bad Apache

Bad Apache

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006


I feel you should stick to a more damage dealing class, rather than a Mesmer, Necro, Monk or Ritualist.

Assassins are usually considered weak and are rumored to die in a matter of seconds. This is not true. I clever player can teleport in, do a bit of spike damage, and teleport back without taking a hit. During PvE, finding a group for missions is a hard life as an Assassin, generally due to this stereotyping that goes on amongst other classes. The way they're considered weak is ridiculous. A Ranger being hammer spiked will die just as fast as an Assassin being hammer spiked. Do Rangers get kicked out of mission groups to make room for a Mending Warrior? Nope.
In PvP however, the Assassin is treated completely different, atleast for GvG that is. In a single GvG, a single undisturbed Assassin can wipe out an entire base of NPCs without even blinking an eyelid. GvG is the main use for Assassins, and for single target spiking. However, popular skills and attack chains that deal vast amounts of damage with little thought, will often be nerfed.
To sum up, being an Assassin in PvE is tough, but if your willing to Henchway to level 20 and then be ran to the popular spots, and are willing to pay for the skills, then go for it. Being an Assassin in general PvP is okay, however for the true Assassin feel, go for GvG and gain the experiance of pooning a base of NPCs or pooning an unprotected flag runner.

Elementalists are extremely popular. They get accepted into groups without being asked their build, and will never go out of style. As a PvE Elementalist, you can fight your way to the end of the game without the chance of not finding a group. Lots of spike damage, lots of AoE damage, and lots of spike damage. I know, I've mentioned spike damage twice, but there is so much damage! You can set groups of enemies on fire, freeze them inplace and then send in a shower of meteors to finish them off.
For PvP, there are many Elementalist builds out there, and I don't know too much about them all, but Elementalist is definately a contender for the top class.

Ranger . My favourite. You can do just about anything with a Ranger. For PvE, you can make money running people places, or you could do it for free just to be nice. There are many PvE builds that are effective, but the most popular in most in-demand is the Barrage Bot. As a Barrage Bot you will almost never get turned down for a group. If you do get turned down as a BB, then switch to Interrupt! Rangers are here and here to stay, play a Ranger today!
PvP wise, Rangers are worth while all over. In Random Arenas, you can play Interrupt to annoy that Healer Monk, you can play as a Trapper, to annoy that group of melee fighters over there. The possibilities are endless... The most known PvP build would have Cripshot. A Cripshot can solo a base of NPCs not quite as fast as the Assassin, but just as effectively. When teamed up with a Melandrus Arrows Ranger, you will be causing -7 Health Degen to almost every foe in the area. Play a Ranger today. I almost forgot, Ranger Fow armor is the bee's knees.

Warrior. I can't be bothered to explain the different ways to slay those lone casters sent off the bring the flag, but Warriors are good. Maybe theyre basic? I don't really know. From what I've been told, playing as a Warrior and being effective in a GvG takes co-ordination, speed and lots of DPS! I don't want to recomend playing a Warrior, because there are many out there.

I'm going to bed



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Originally Posted by Spike
Right so my 15 months of playing GW and seeing how useless mesmers are in PVE make me ignorant does it, oh well. As for pvp I could'nt give a damm if thier the best thing ever. As I don't play pvp.

Yes I do play in pugs, as do probley most people. I don't belive that ONLY "cookie-cuter builds" work. BUT since the only things left for me to do now is play the elite missions or farming in SF. Where you HAVE to have certain builds or you don't get a party. Yes these builds maybe "cookie cuter" but SO WHAT. Like I have said in THREE other posts now if YOU want to play some wierd build that works for you that great BUT DO NOT EXPECT to get invites to pugs if you DO NOT have a build they want. Mesmers and sins are NOT welcome in pve pugs. So not just me who thinks thier not worth a slot but the majority of GW pve players.
15 months and you haven't discovered their potential? Have you even played with those two professions? Sounds like you haven't.

Cookie cutter builds are good for farming to optimize consumed time. However, in missions or quests cookie cutter builds are just so damn boring. The beauty of GW is the amount of ways to kill enemies. Some ways need more team work than others to be effective.

You are right that most PUGs don't want assassins or mesmers. It just tell how narrow-minded most players are. Using own brains is so unreasonable requirement nowadays. Maybe that is a one reason why WoW is more popular.

You have right to have your own opinion. However, fact is that assassins and mesmers are pretty equal with other professions. If majority of players can't play with, it is just stupid to assume that no one can.

Someone should make videos from proper PvE playing assassins and mesmers so these haters can copy the skills and finally experience something different? Oh wait...copying skills is not enough...you have to understand them first...hmmmm


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

In front of my PC



Originally Posted by Zakarr
15 months and you haven't discovered their potential? Have you even played with those two professions? Sounds like you haven't.

Cookie cutter builds are good for farming to optimize consumed time. However, in missions or quests cookie cutter builds are just so damn boring. The beauty of GW is the amount of ways to kill enemies. Some ways need more team work than others to be effective.

You are right that most PUGs don't want assassins or mesmers. It just tell how narrow-minded most players are. Using own brains is so unreasonable requirement nowadays. Maybe that is a one reason why WoW is more popular.

You have right to have your own opinion. However, fact is that assassins and mesmers are pretty equal with other professions. If majority of players can't play with, it is just stupid to assume that no one can.

Someone should make videos from proper PvE playing assassins and mesmers so these haters can copy the skills and finally experience something different? Oh wait...copying skills is not enough...you have to understand them first...hmmmm
Yes I have tried a mesmer and found it not to be worth bothing with. As for sins no I have'nt. I have a w/mo and don't see the need for another meele class esp one as week as they are. I aslo prefer playing spell casters. I am however intrested seeing how the dervish plays. As it sounds like its whats sins SHOULD of been.

I'm not saying NO ONE can play sins or mesmer but the problem with them esp sins is that you have to be a VERY VERY good sin or else theres no point and that means there are just SOO few of them. That most people rightly assume that the sin who wants to join them is not one of the good ones.

Its not really narrow minded, its just that most people don't want to waste time and have to redo a mission/quest because the person playing a sin or the wierd build caused the rest of the party to die and so they have to start again.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006

in the wired

Perplexian Argonauts


Originally Posted by Spike
Yes I have tried a mesmer and found it not to be worth bothing with. As for sins no I have'nt. I have a w/mo and don't see the need for another meele class esp one as week as they are. I aslo prefer playing spell casters. I am however intrested seeing how the dervish plays. As it sounds like its whats sins SHOULD of been.

I'm not saying NO ONE can play sins or mesmer but the problem with them esp sins is that you have to be a VERY VERY good sin or else theres no point and that means there are just SOO few of them. That most people rightly assume that the sin who wants to join them is not one of the good ones.

Its not really narrow minded, its just that most people don't want to waste time and have to redo a mission/quest because the person playing a sin or the wierd build caused the rest of the party to die and so they have to start again.
I find the notion of 'don't waste my time unless you have Conformist Build A, B, or D' to be extremely narrow minded. I understand that a lot of people out there (you included, it seems like) are motivated by the run/ drop/ gold/ score/ whatever. I'm playing an assassin now precisely *because* it's gotten such a bad rep, I just had to see what all the fuss was about, and I must admit that while you'll never see me in Leipzig, I'm having a blast with it. Here's a news flash that got overlooked in the 'this build is 1337 and this build suxx0rz' report: assassins are fun. Zipping in, dishing out damage, and being gone before the body hits the ground is cool. I'm not about to say one class is better than the other, because (with like just about everything else) it's the user, not the tools. Give me the most uber W/Mo in existence and I'll find a way to wipe.

But then again, maybe I'm just ignoring the 'competitive' part of 'Competitive Online Roleplaying Game'. Oh well.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Richmond, British Columbia, Kanada

Demon of the Fall [Opet]


Originally Posted by Spike
Its not really narrow minded, its just that most people don't want to waste time and have to redo a mission/quest because the person playing a sin or the wierd build caused the rest of the party to die and so they have to start again.
That's like saying that you don't want to waste your time because a stupid whammo charged in and got the enemy to overwhelm you.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

Doomlore Shrine

Just Us Gamers [JUGs]


Originally Posted by Bad Apache
Ranger . My favourite. You can do just about anything with a Ranger. For PvE, you can make money running people places, or you could do it for free just to be nice. There are many PvE builds that are effective, but the most popular in most in-demand is the Barrage Bot. As a Barrage Bot you will almost never get turned down for a group. If you do get turned down as a BB, then switch to Interrupt! Rangers are here and here to stay, play a Ranger today!
PvP wise, Rangers are worth while all over. In Random Arenas, you can play Interrupt to annoy that Healer Monk, you can play as a Trapper, to annoy that group of melee fighters over there. The possibilities are endless... The most known PvP build would have Cripshot. A Cripshot can solo a base of NPCs not quite as fast as the Assassin, but just as effectively. When teamed up with a Melandrus Arrows Ranger, you will be causing -7 Health Degen to almost every foe in the area. Play a Ranger today. I almost forgot, Ranger Fow armor is the bee's knees.
Definitely, I run around 8 builds on my ranger now and I haven't needed to use my other characters for anything other than a change of pace...but usually barragers take interrupts anyway, so it's never a problem getting into a group :P I still need to set up for trapper though

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

<snip>I feel you should stick to a more damage dealing class, rather than a Mesmer, Necro, Monk or Ritualist <snip>

i laughed when i read this..necro's one of THE biggest dmg dealers IF played CORRECTLY


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

In front of my PC



Ok zsasz and others lets says there the last mission in nightfall takes at least 45 mins to do with a "good party" usualy much longer. All but then end of this mission can be done with most professions but the final part has to done with the following 2 dervishs 2 eles 1 mm 1 Paragon and 1 prot monk 1 heal monk or its REALLY REALLY hard. (the party build is JUST AN EXAMPLE so don't moan I have'nt included your fav prof) This has been tested and showen to be the best way though an otherwise VERY difficult mission.

Why WOULD you want to waste your time and effort takeing groups or builds you KNOW are not going to get though or at the least are make it VERY hard to finish this mission.

Maybe I've been playing this game to long but now I don't bother to stay in groups in outposts that I don't think will complete the mission/quest I'm looking to go on. Yes I have been supprised by the odd group I did'nt think would work and has done but thier pretty rare.

As for which builds are leet and which ones sucks I could'nt give a monkies. If I like the build, it works for me and its fun. I will use it. I don't care if its the commenst w/mo mending build or one noone has thought of. I can remember back when most people (even me) thought rangers where not worth bothering with. But I made one and found out how good they can are. Maybe the same with happend with sins, I doubt it but you never know.

I don't curently have a slot spare to try a sin even if i wanted to. I would much rather have a character mucking about in per-sear if I got another slot than sin. I just don't see the point in them.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

SHEESH!!! Every time someone asks about a good profession to start out with, it turns into a Mesmers Suck / Mesmers Rock in PvE arguement. The truth of the matter is that a good Mesmer can make ripping through mobs much easier. A bad Mesmer (*Dunham*) can spell trouble. GUESS WHAT? Every single profession has the SAME PROBLEM! It's the ignorant that dismiss the capabilities of Mesmers in PvE.

I love playing my Mesmer, but I would recommend starting out as a Ranger for your first character. It's not overly complicated and you can better see what's going on with the teammates around you. A Warrior is an easy one to start with too, but you can't watch what's happening in the back lines.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006



Im just starting this game as well and on the edge aabout a class...has anyone played a ranger/monk? any good?


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

In front of my PC



Yes I got a ranger/monk. I think thier good and enjoy playing him.

Jack Hood

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006




I have a lvl 18 Me/N and being a domination MM is fun but extremly hard to do,managing your minions health and the foes energy and attack is tough but you take like no damage at alll!! While the minons are meat sheilds,your foes cant even cast a spell to wipe thier butt!!In the long run mesmers will be worth the hard learning and rough times but if you want a quick fun in searing ascalon go for the Necro/Ele,its good for learning how to use the sklls to your advantage and thier all around fun.

Stupid Shizno

Stupid Shizno


Join Date: Jan 2006

Madison, Wisconsin, USA



a mesmer? who the hell would want to play a mesmer


the mesmer is the ultimate class in the game, i seriously began thinking Anet made them super elite since they knew no one would play them. a mesmer can take on any class in the game...cant say that for any other class.

Stupid Shizno

Stupid Shizno


Join Date: Jan 2006

Madison, Wisconsin, USA



spike, your problem isnt that you played the game too long, your problem is you dont try anything new. you find a build that works, 2 monks 2 tanks, 1 interupt, 1 mm or whatever and you think you must use it every single time.

try something dumb, its fun. me and some friends ran thunderhead with no monks. 6 warriors and 2 rangers. quess what? we beat it with ease. why? because intellegence > google builds