What title do you respect the most?
For me it has to be the "_____ of the Luxons/Kurzicks" titles. It shows you spent a lot of time to gain it and you "donated" a lot of money to your guild. Also it shows you know some basics of pvp.
"Protector of Cantha," because it is the only title in the game which requires skill, not time, luck, or money.
Of course, I may be biased because I am a Protector of Cantha.
Of course, I may be biased because I am a Protector of Cantha.

Kendar Muert
Kind of a big deal with both explorers, protectors, and a savious of the luxons title (yes, i saw a guy with saviour...he has NO life, lol)
The Skill Hunter titles are my favorite... takes 90+ elite captures just to get the first level of skill hunter, and 135+ for adept rank.
None. No title in the game has any meaning because they're all easily obtained/bought/grinded for.
The only one that has possibly any meaning amidst the grind is Champion because you've still got to be a decent GvG guild to achieve it.
The only one that has possibly any meaning amidst the grind is Champion because you've still got to be a decent GvG guild to achieve it.
Kendar Muert
Saviour of the luxons has meaning...it means you are dedicated enough to spen the 500+ hours it takes to get the title...so its the title insane wackos have, i guess, lol.
Mr Fizzle
Champion or rank titles.
Originally Posted by Zinger314 (edited)
"Protector of Cantha," because it is one of the many titles in the game that require time, luck and a minimum of coordination.
Protector of Tyria (not just running missions fast like cantha), The GM Cartographers (dedication, especially clearing areas like ice flow and the dreadnaughts drift in Tyria)
Least respect: lucky/unlucky, drunkard.
I'm strictly pve, and do not care about pvp titles.
Least respect: lucky/unlucky, drunkard.
I'm strictly pve, and do not care about pvp titles.
Champion, Gladiator Titles, Protector Of Cantha (finishing missions with time limit is lovely)
Poison Ivy
Gladiator Titles, Protector Of Cantha.
Rank titles (That arn't Iway tigers mind you.)
Rank titles (That arn't Iway tigers mind you.)
Merlin Munk
Kind Of a Big deal. It takes quiet a lot too get 5 Highest ranked Titles, My self is going for Treasure,Wisdom and Drunkard cause its a title with humor in it. Already have both Protecor titles. Might Trade Drunkard for 3rd Protector when Nightfall is out.
Grandmaster Explorer\Protector titles, and these are the ones I show, even if I were to get KOABD, I'd still show my GM of Tyria title, anyone who has tried to get this knows how much efforts involved ^^
king of a big deal
To max out 5 titles means youve been devoted to doin it so ya need to respect em :P
Yeah and it takes ages to get
To max out 5 titles means youve been devoted to doin it so ya need to respect em :P
Yeah and it takes ages to get
Champion, though I've never seen one in person. Of course I'm sure all the Champions are too busy GVG'ing to be hanging around my haunts.
Hero and Gladiator titles have somewhat been weakend because of some of the unsavory and controversial means used to pbtain those ranks, but I still respect the people who reached that point honorably (me, I SWEAR I only used a Dervish once... and I didn't inhale!!!)
Treasure Hunting and Cartography titles are cool as far as PVE goes, because it takes a lot of dedication to do all that running around. (I'm 90% Tyria, but I can't bear another tour of the Shiverpeaks and Ring of Fire missions).

Treasure Hunting and Cartography titles are cool as far as PVE goes, because it takes a lot of dedication to do all that running around. (I'm 90% Tyria, but I can't bear another tour of the Shiverpeaks and Ring of Fire missions).
Lena A
champion at 1500+ was too much, but 1200+ is not enough.
s t o m p y
Treasure title.. lots of running and also my personal favorite.
Grandmaster explorer of Tyria (atleast when achieved properly, not runned) because some of the areas in Tyria are rather impossible to do with henchmen.
Protector of Tyria because the bounus missions are much tougher then getting master reward.
Protector of Tyria because the bounus missions are much tougher then getting master reward.
Carl Butanananowski
Originally Posted by JMFD
Protector of Tyria (not just running missions fast like cantha), The GM Cartographers (dedication, especially clearing areas like ice flow and the dreadnaughts drift in Tyria)
Least respect: lucky/unlucky, drunkard. I'm strictly pve, and do not care about pvp titles. |
or WHY.
Drunkard. Titles are all about grind anyway, so I might as well respect the humorous one.
at one time, champion.
Now I'd say none of them, 1200 can be thumped in no time :\ Hell even i have a few champion points and i don't even have a guild, it's a crap title now, no better than HA ones
Now I'd say none of them, 1200 can be thumped in no time :\ Hell even i have a few champion points and i don't even have a guild, it's a crap title now, no better than HA ones
Originally Posted by yesitsrob
at one time, champion.
Now I'd say none of them, 1200 can be thumped in no time :\ Hell even i have a few champion points and i don't even have a guild, it's a crap title now, no better than HA ones |
The Last Preacher
Really good rank titles and gladiators. Having a title thats protector of... just seems too lazy to work at any other.
1.) Protector of Tyria
2.) Protector of Cantha
It takes time and patience to get these. And you can't pay for your title by paying some "service" to run you through just to build fame. Talk about lazy.
2.) Protector of Cantha
It takes time and patience to get these. And you can't pay for your title by paying some "service" to run you through just to build fame. Talk about lazy.
I swear we had this thread already, but I can't find any trace of it.
Ah well.. my votes go to any protector title, and also the skill hunter titles. As someone trying to get skill hunter myself, it means doing Ring of Fire and South Shiverpeak missions/areas many times. Some of these areas are really hard, and I do them with henchmen. For places like Frozen Forest, Snake Dance, Mineral Springs etc I have no choice. There is nobody in the nearby outposts, and my guild doesn't really like helping with this.
There are these ridiculous groups of stone summit with 5 dolyak riders, 3 heretics, 10 axe wielders, 10 rangers... oh god! And then you get azure things popping up, I just have a really hard time of it, and respect someone who has all 90.
However I have got very good at doing the later game missions with henchmen after all this skill capping.. I used to have them all dying a lot of the time. Now I can do it with no deaths most of the time. Got the aggro and routes I take down to perfection.
Ah well.. my votes go to any protector title, and also the skill hunter titles. As someone trying to get skill hunter myself, it means doing Ring of Fire and South Shiverpeak missions/areas many times. Some of these areas are really hard, and I do them with henchmen. For places like Frozen Forest, Snake Dance, Mineral Springs etc I have no choice. There is nobody in the nearby outposts, and my guild doesn't really like helping with this.
There are these ridiculous groups of stone summit with 5 dolyak riders, 3 heretics, 10 axe wielders, 10 rangers... oh god! And then you get azure things popping up, I just have a really hard time of it, and respect someone who has all 90.
However I have got very good at doing the later game missions with henchmen after all this skill capping.. I used to have them all dying a lot of the time. Now I can do it with no deaths most of the time. Got the aggro and routes I take down to perfection.
I felt very respectful when I got my head cut off by a Fierce Champion (2)

Elites. Some of them are inredibly tricky to cap.
Gladiator too, that doesn't come easy.
Gladiator too, that doesn't come easy.
Savior title is insane. Even if you farm faction everyday you actually have to win the matches to go anywhere. It is actually 10mil faction donated, even if you donate 25k a day, which is hard enough, it would take more than a dam year to get the title. I swear I want this title so bad.
war Veteran
I think that GM cartogropher deserves some respect for the dedication it takes. along with Protector of cantha(alot harder than tyria due to time limit, also having to do both kurzick and luxon missions) and ____ of the Luxons/Kurzicks.
Currently working towards all lol
Elites level 3 and Cartographer (100%) .. protector ones are way to easy to get and I don't care about PvP at all.
I say Grand Master Cart of Cantha on a Tyrian character. (I have it and it was a pain!)
wisdom titles, i just love them i saw someone with r5, means 2,500 golds idented, thats ALLOT
Survivor titles are nice too, especially on assassins. They say assassins sucks cause they die sooo fast but i saw an assassin with Legendary Survivor title, that was nice

Survivor titles are nice too, especially on assassins. They say assassins sucks cause they die sooo fast but i saw an assassin with Legendary Survivor title, that was nice

Means the assassin is a quitter or he got run through everything by a guildy/friend. The majority of survivors get run to a late game area and then pay to have someone power level them.
Bane of Worlds
Protector of Cantha since it's harder to get than Protector of Tyria since you can mess up on the time limit many times because someone made a mistake, an AFKer, or occasional 1st timers getting into groups.
Explorer titles take dedication to achieve and sometimes the game absolutely refuse to reward those last few percentages you need to achieve 100%. only the 95 and 100 are respectable IMHO
Kind of a big deal since it means someone actually spent the time to get 5 maxed out titles
Gladitor title
Explorer titles take dedication to achieve and sometimes the game absolutely refuse to reward those last few percentages you need to achieve 100%. only the 95 and 100 are respectable IMHO
Kind of a big deal since it means someone actually spent the time to get 5 maxed out titles
Gladitor title

Originally Posted by Carth`
I swear we had this thread already, but I can't find any trace of it.
Ah well.. my votes go to any protector title, and also the skill hunter titles. As someone trying to get skill hunter myself, it means doing Ring of Fire and South Shiverpeak missions/areas many times. Some of these areas are really hard, and I do them with henchmen. For places like Frozen Forest, Snake Dance, Mineral Springs etc I have no choice. There is nobody in the nearby outposts, and my guild doesn't really like helping with this. There are these ridiculous groups of stone summit with 5 dolyak riders, 3 heretics, 10 axe wielders, 10 rangers... oh god! And then you get azure things popping up, I just have a really hard time of it, and respect someone who has all 90. However I have got very good at doing the later game missions with henchmen after all this skill capping.. I used to have them all dying a lot of the time. Now I can do it with no deaths most of the time. Got the aggro and routes I take down to perfection. |

Originally Posted by Carth`
and respect someone who has all 90.
I'm at 145 and counting. The Mursaat elites are by far the hardest; or the ones in Unwaking Waters (Explorable).
So yeah, I'm biased, but awfully proud of my skill hunter title. Always makes me happy to see others with it.
The Vitt
There are a lot of titles and all of them, imo are respectable. If I had to choose one though it would be(I'm biased here) any Wisdom Seeker titles. I have the first one, 150+ golds identified; but I also have others and never display those because I am most proud of my Seeker of Wisdom

Originally Posted by KamikazeChicken
None. No title in the game has any meaning because they're all easily obtained/bought/grinded for.
Spot the one with the sense of fun!
For the record, it isn't easy for me to get these titles. Aside from not having as much time as I'd like, Grandmaster is not actually that easy to get - I'm at 98.6% and really struggling to find any more!
I think I'd say Grandmaster Cartographer is most respected - and hence, Kind of a Big Deal, even though I only have Protector of Cantha! I think Grandmaster Cartographer is more impressive!
Numa Pompilius
1) Protector of Tyria (because Protector of Cantha is just completing the game faster, and often quite cheesily, like using the backway in Gyala).
Yeah yeah, PoT can also be cheesed, but cheesing is not as likely as for PoC.
2) Any Master Cartographer. Means you've actually explored, not just been rushed through missions. No way in heck anyone is going to run you this title, as it'll take several days of straight running to get. Grandmaster cartographer means you've explored AND have no life, so I rate it lower.
Less respect: Gladiator. Because half the people who have it got it in some cheesy way like farming RA by sync-entering with a guild team, or exploiting the bug which gave gladiator points in Zaishen Challenge. Mucho respect to those who got it fair & square, though.
Can't rate the other pvp titles.
No respect: lucky / unlucky. Totally pointless titles showing that a) you had money to buy enough tickets and b) you were AFK for a couple of hours during an event.
Yeah yeah, PoT can also be cheesed, but cheesing is not as likely as for PoC.
2) Any Master Cartographer. Means you've actually explored, not just been rushed through missions. No way in heck anyone is going to run you this title, as it'll take several days of straight running to get. Grandmaster cartographer means you've explored AND have no life, so I rate it lower.
Less respect: Gladiator. Because half the people who have it got it in some cheesy way like farming RA by sync-entering with a guild team, or exploiting the bug which gave gladiator points in Zaishen Challenge. Mucho respect to those who got it fair & square, though.
Can't rate the other pvp titles.
No respect: lucky / unlucky. Totally pointless titles showing that a) you had money to buy enough tickets and b) you were AFK for a couple of hours during an event.
each title shows how much time you are willing to spend on the game, I respect everyone who has the first tiers of any title, (exceptions is the rank titles, since most of them are iway'ed anyway).
If i was to choose one, I would say XXXXX of the Luxons/Kurzicks, because this title shows that your don't think about yourself and money! and that your willing to invest your time for your guild to make it better.
For me, the least respected is the Hero Title track.
If i was to choose one, I would say XXXXX of the Luxons/Kurzicks, because this title shows that your don't think about yourself and money! and that your willing to invest your time for your guild to make it better.
For me, the least respected is the Hero Title track.