well, its been a while since my 1-million x-mas gold giveaway, which was an interesting contest with some great ideas, and entertaining stories.
but, ive have quite a few requests for another one, and to be fair, it has been a while. and after some thought, i came up with (what i think) is a rather good one. besides, as like before, this is an interesting, fair, and fun way to "give back to the community."
a guild-creation contest.
now, what do i mean by this?
in this contest the person who forms the most unique guild wins.
the different perameters are:
1: the guild name (must be allowed; ie not a name anet will ban)
2: the guild tag (must be allowed; ie not a name anet will ban)
3: the guild cape (using existing cape designs; the new ones are allowed)
4: recruitment spam (within guildwarsguru&anet rules)
thats 4 sections; now, you dont have to enter each category, you may only enter 1 if you wish, but each winning category has its own prize, as does the "final" winner.
example: you could submit 1 of the 4 categories, 2 of them, 3 of them or all of them, if you wish. its at your disgression. however, in order to win the top prize, all must be entered for reasons that i'll make obvious.
the prize distribution:
each category has a 1-3rd prize winner.
the guild name:
1st: 125k
2nd: 75k
3rd: 50k
the guild tag:
1st: 50k
2nd: 35k
3rd: 15k
the guild cape:
1st: 125k
2nd: 75k
3rd: 50k
the recruitment spam:
1st: 125k
2nd: 75k
3rd: 50k
grand prize:
the best in each category when taken as a whole guild theme.
the prize here is 500,000 gold.
runners up to grand prize:
150,000 gold
so, for each of the top 3 ranks in each category, there will be a prize. these will be decided by myself.
and then, the final prize.
in order to win the final prize, the guild will have, collectivly, the best in all 4 categories.
A: i do not intend on making any of the guild names, except to check that they are indeed allowed by anet. the exception is the top prize, which has some minor requirements listed below.
each category will be judged seperatly.
on the other hand, if a guild wins each category indipendantly then it would eb the obvious choise for the grand prize as well; and would end up taking home 1.1million.
now, a guild does not even have to win ANY of the 12 seccondary prizes to win the 1st prize; since, taken as a whole the guild would have the best of everything. in order to win this one, there should be an overal theme to the guild, origionality scores big.
the largest disclaimer of the top prize (only); is in order to win you must lead the guild. this is to keep people from profiting off of another persons guild, or their leader.
the method for judging will be posted at a later time; im toying with:
judging personally, picking 10 i like in each category and using the in-game /roll command (like i did with xmas event) or leading the judging up to you guys; the gw public.
contest duration: this contest will run for 1 month from tomorrow (to give people a full day to start noticing this thread).
anyway, have fun, and goodluck.

and, comments/suggestions ont he contest are welcome.
*****READ: i changed the prize winnings for the best tag; since thats obviously the least amount of work required, and we'll see the least amount of variation, i lowered that part of the contest winnings for 1st-3rd place. with the 150k (out of 250k) i took out of the guild tag share i decided to put into a runners-up category for the best all around; basically a minor grand prize. for the any 1st place prize or the grand prize you must be the leader of your guild; this does not apply for the 150k runners-up prize. because rules can be confusing, if there are any questions or misconceptions, please feel free to inquire*****