Tyria's Next Top Model - The Finale -- Winner: Jaden Stone!
Unlucky Slayer
That would be an interesting shot to do, but it'd be really freakin hard, I could see that shot being nearly the final and given two weeks to get a shot in specially for those people that Do not have photoshop or the like.
Yeah, i wouldnt know how to do that >.< But an interesting shoot for sure.

you know, that alter ego thing isn't that hard to photoshop o.o as long as you have the shots in the same spot it's really not that hard to manipulate. just have the two layers over one another and erase until you got the same spot overlapping and can't tell
*does this all the time when trying to figure out armor combos* xD
the trick is the two shots have to be very close to identical. so the same zoom and position and whatnot. otherwise it might be a little skewed.
you have one image, and then just "crop" out the other character from the other shot and paste it over the main image layer. *does this all the time as well*
i would be glad to help in that aspect if you guys ever did it :3
*does this all the time when trying to figure out armor combos* xD
the trick is the two shots have to be very close to identical. so the same zoom and position and whatnot. otherwise it might be a little skewed.
you have one image, and then just "crop" out the other character from the other shot and paste it over the main image layer. *does this all the time as well*
i would be glad to help in that aspect if you guys ever did it :3
Unlucky Slayer
Thats what I was getting at, you can make it sound really simple, but when it gets right down to it, those without the intermediate Photoshop knowledge would most likely be lost.
Not to mention most people don't even have Photoshop. Cursed over-expensive image editing programs! (I have Photoshop, but... well... let's just say I had a little help in obtaining it
). Other image editors work fine too, but they still need skill.
It's quite easy to paste another character in the same picture, but it's not so easy to get it to actually look good. You have to think about lighting, position, making the edges of the pasted image look smooth enough, and stuff like that. Most people have a hard time with it if they're not used to using image editing programs. I'd have hell with it if I didn't have my trusty drawing tablet, as a right-hand mouse doesn't suit a leftie. Lots of things like that to consider when wanting to make a good image.
Still, it would be a very interesting assignment, and I would love to do something like that. Maybe if there's ever a round where Photoshopping is allowed? I think if contestants needed to use image editing programs for other things besides cropping, then it should be clear right from the beginning.

It's quite easy to paste another character in the same picture, but it's not so easy to get it to actually look good. You have to think about lighting, position, making the edges of the pasted image look smooth enough, and stuff like that. Most people have a hard time with it if they're not used to using image editing programs. I'd have hell with it if I didn't have my trusty drawing tablet, as a right-hand mouse doesn't suit a leftie. Lots of things like that to consider when wanting to make a good image.
Still, it would be a very interesting assignment, and I would love to do something like that. Maybe if there's ever a round where Photoshopping is allowed? I think if contestants needed to use image editing programs for other things besides cropping, then it should be clear right from the beginning.
Oh no no! I don't expect anyone to actually photoshop their own pictures, in fact, that's against our rules lol what I did expect, was for each of our contestants to provide two separate frames in which we the judges would composite together to how you guys specify. Like so...

As Laenavesse said, the key to doing it is to shift/change/alter the screen as LITTLE as possible, otherwise lighting will be off and you can pretty much tell that the two shots dont belong together.
I just meant to say we don't have the time to photoshop everyone's pictures, so we swapped out the idea for a different one.

As Laenavesse said, the key to doing it is to shift/change/alter the screen as LITTLE as possible, otherwise lighting will be off and you can pretty much tell that the two shots dont belong together.
I just meant to say we don't have the time to photoshop everyone's pictures, so we swapped out the idea for a different one.
i don't use photoshop btw, i use Jasc Paint Shop Pro (though Corel bought them out, i think Jasc's last version was either 9 or 10 and Corel came out with 11 recently...i have 9 and i got for $30 on eBay xD) .
I don't see what the hullaballoo about Photoshop is, I do just as well with PSP :O Plus it's cheaper and I wouldn't even use half of what Photoshop offers.
and again, the real, REAL key in merging two shots is now really how you do it, but how you take the shot. if you have two completely different shots, well that's a hard enough task for anyone. so it's also heavily dependent on the shots themselves.
but yeah i would offer my services to the judges if they ever did it, cos it is a cool idea :3
I don't see what the hullaballoo about Photoshop is, I do just as well with PSP :O Plus it's cheaper and I wouldn't even use half of what Photoshop offers.
and again, the real, REAL key in merging two shots is now really how you do it, but how you take the shot. if you have two completely different shots, well that's a hard enough task for anyone. so it's also heavily dependent on the shots themselves.
but yeah i would offer my services to the judges if they ever did it, cos it is a cool idea :3
Originally Posted by Laenavesse
I don't see what the hullaballoo about Photoshop is, I do just as well with PSP :O Plus it's cheaper and I wouldn't even use half of what Photoshop offers.
PSP is quite good, I used to have it before I started doing graphic design and illustrations as a serious part-time job. I have to say that at least for illustrating jobs, Photoshop beats PSP clearly, but for things like simple image manipulation and stuff there isn't a big difference and PSP works just fine. 
Huh, and finally managed to get started on the assignment with Burnout Chic... seven hours time difference is a killer, especially when both of you have full days with school and a job. Oh well, tomorrow there's a nice, 6 am wakeup call for me to meet up with her to take even more screenies before going to work. I feel like a real model with the early morning "working" hours and all.

Huh, and finally managed to get started on the assignment with Burnout Chic... seven hours time difference is a killer, especially when both of you have full days with school and a job. Oh well, tomorrow there's a nice, 6 am wakeup call for me to meet up with her to take even more screenies before going to work. I feel like a real model with the early morning "working" hours and all.

Unlucky Slayer
When I was talking about photoshop I was using it as a general term. I know there are other good picture programs out there, hell for a while I was using GIMP.
But now adays I use photoshop 7 for typesetting, I tried CS2 but its just too slow on my pile that I consider my computer.
But now adays I use photoshop 7 for typesetting, I tried CS2 but its just too slow on my pile that I consider my computer.
Originally Posted by LadyNilene
Oh no no! I don't expect anyone to actually photoshop their own pictures, in fact, that's against our rules lol what I did expect, was for each of our contestants to provide two separate frames in which we the judges would composite together to how you guys specify. Like so...

As Laenavesse said, the key to doing it is to shift/change/alter the screen as LITTLE as possible, otherwise lighting will be off and you can pretty much tell that the two shots dont belong together.
I just meant to say we don't have the time to photoshop everyone's pictures, so we swapped out the idea for a different one.
Ohhh that is really neat! I love that

As Laenavesse said, the key to doing it is to shift/change/alter the screen as LITTLE as possible, otherwise lighting will be off and you can pretty much tell that the two shots dont belong together.
I just meant to say we don't have the time to photoshop everyone's pictures, so we swapped out the idea for a different one.
Ohhh that is really neat! I love that

Hey Nilene, I don't think you ever told the "models" when this challenge is due.

lol yeah, I'm a flake go figure! Thanks for pointing that out! the pictures will be due on February 2, 2007!!! I guess everything just feels so routine now... Friday Due Date/Saturday Evaluations/Sunday Results and New Assignment... before you know it, we will be down to our final two!
It really is bitter sweet, I'm so anxious to get to the contest finale, but at the same time, we wont get to do this every week anymore with the same people! I think all of us on panel have really grown to like our first group of contestants!
I'm pretty sure that Cycle 2 will happen, alot of people really expressed to me that this is something they would love to do, but I do want to make note that we are going to be really brutal for the next application process! Well not brutal, but we will definitely screen the applicants much more in depth than the first time!
It really is bitter sweet, I'm so anxious to get to the contest finale, but at the same time, we wont get to do this every week anymore with the same people! I think all of us on panel have really grown to like our first group of contestants!
I'm pretty sure that Cycle 2 will happen, alot of people really expressed to me that this is something they would love to do, but I do want to make note that we are going to be really brutal for the next application process! Well not brutal, but we will definitely screen the applicants much more in depth than the first time!
Originally Posted by LadyNilene
I'm pretty sure that Cycle 2 will happen, alot of people really expressed to me that this is something they would love to do, but I do want to make note that we are going to be really brutal for the next application process! Well not brutal, but we will definitely screen the applicants much more in depth than the first time!
Hope we didnt disappoint you guys too badly this cycle.
I actually REALLY want to stay safe till the interviews, dont know why, bit ill feel speciall hehe!
I actually REALLY want to stay safe till the interviews, dont know why, bit ill feel speciall hehe!
I want to stay for the interviews too, it would feel like I'd actually accomplished something great!
And usually the first rounds of anything large like this is just kind of like testing the ice, so to speak. Everything isn't perfect, but people still have great fun.
Thank you for coming up with this, LadyNilene!
And usually the first rounds of anything large like this is just kind of like testing the ice, so to speak. Everything isn't perfect, but people still have great fun.

Unlucky Slayer
You could always have a special interview for the moderator/contestant that watched this thread constantly editing and keeping it safe for all of those that watch. (Sorry, shameless plug.) =P
Stalker Haras
*Stalker slaps Unlucky Slayer with a large Trout.*
and the paperazi shots have been taken.
and the paperazi shots have been taken.

Unlucky Slayer
*dodges said trout and breaks the cameras* HA! =P
mojave mango juice
Uh oh, Mod Fight! 
I'm really excited for Cycle Two, I was pretty new at Guru during the first application time. I hope i can participate in Cycle Two
Good luck to everyone left ^_^

I'm really excited for Cycle Two, I was pretty new at Guru during the first application time. I hope i can participate in Cycle Two

Good luck to everyone left ^_^
Maria The Princess
ahh this assigment is so fun! im really enjoying working with Perryne. If i would have to nominate someone who deserves it the most, (excluding myself of curse, cuz we all know we all want it really badly) I would say she deserves to be TNTM more then anyone.
i got to know Perryne personally, and let me tell you, im impressed by the amount of efforts she puts in the competition! she woke up at 6 am because we could shedule any meeting at a diffrent time besides friday (which is way too late) and shes a real sweethearth.
Good luck to everyone!
i got to know Perryne personally, and let me tell you, im impressed by the amount of efforts she puts in the competition! she woke up at 6 am because we could shedule any meeting at a diffrent time besides friday (which is way too late) and shes a real sweethearth.
Good luck to everyone!
Stalker Haras
Originally Posted by Maria The Princess
ahh this assigment is so fun! im really enjoying working with Perryne. If i would have to nominate someone who deserves it the most, (excluding myself of curse, cuz we all know we all want it really badly) I would say she deserves to be TNTM more then anyone.
i got to know Perryne personally, and let me tell you, im impressed by the amount of efforts she puts in the competition! she woke up at 6 am because we could shedule any meeting at a diffrent time besides friday (which is way too late) and shes a real sweethearth.
Good luck to everyone!
Not only that, but shes a sneaky screenshot taker, and threatened to expose nude pictures of my monk!
i got to know Perryne personally, and let me tell you, im impressed by the amount of efforts she puts in the competition! she woke up at 6 am because we could shedule any meeting at a diffrent time besides friday (which is way too late) and shes a real sweethearth.
Good luck to everyone!
Not only that, but shes a sneaky screenshot taker, and threatened to expose nude pictures of my monk!

Originally Posted by Stalker Haras
Not only that, but shes a sneaky screenshot taker, and threatened to expose nude pictures of my monk!
Uh Oh
, Here come the threats and a little more drama.
EDIT: Anyone know what these titles under our usernames are about? Example: I'm an ascalonian squire. And how do we change them?

Uh Oh

EDIT: Anyone know what these titles under our usernames are about? Example: I'm an ascalonian squire. And how do we change them?
Originally Posted by GWpenguin
Uh Oh
, Here come the threats and a little more drama.
EDIT: Anyone know what these titles under our usernames are about? Example: I'm an ascalonian squire. And how do we change them? Lol, post more
well really thats how you do it, Im not encouraging spam or anything though. But your post count is related to your title.

EDIT: Anyone know what these titles under our usernames are about? Example: I'm an ascalonian squire. And how do we change them? Lol, post more

Stalker Haras
Originally Posted by GWpenguin
Uh Oh
, Here come the threats and a little more drama.
EDIT: Anyone know what these titles under our usernames are about? Example: I'm an ascalonian squire. And how do we change them?
Why would there come threats and drama?

EDIT: Anyone know what these titles under our usernames are about? Example: I'm an ascalonian squire. And how do we change them?
Why would there come threats and drama?
Originally Posted by Stalker Haras
Why would there come threats and drama?
Well when you said Perryne is a sneaky screenshot taker, and threatend to expose nude pictures...
...either some threat or just a joke i guess.
Well when you said Perryne is a sneaky screenshot taker, and threatend to expose nude pictures...
...either some threat or just a joke i guess.

Stalker Haras
it was a joke from when we hung out last night.

Ou... thank you, Maria the Princess. ^^ You've been wonderful to work with too! You've really helped me out with finding ways to bring my character out more, and you're just great at finding the right kind of poses. I very much enjoy our screenshot and chat sessions and we really have a freaky amount of stuff in common with each other....
And Stalker, I might not have nude pictures of you, but I got something even better... pictures of you trying to hide your true identity behind a snowman mask!
Good luck to everyone with this assignment. ^^ Can't wait to see what everyone's come up with!

And Stalker, I might not have nude pictures of you, but I got something even better... pictures of you trying to hide your true identity behind a snowman mask!

Good luck to everyone with this assignment. ^^ Can't wait to see what everyone's come up with!
Some outtakes!
Was SO hard deciding on one shot! But we did and I hope it was good enough! Malefic was a great partner! <3! ;p
Xo Xo!
Was SO hard deciding on one shot! But we did and I hope it was good enough! Malefic was a great partner! <3! ;p
Xo Xo!
Hehe - I loved working with you Katina!!!! =) It was really hard to find a good pose that didn't have a glitch in it =( But still, I had so much fun!
Great shots Katina and Malefic

Hot shots Katine and Malefic. :P
Good luck to you girls and Maria and Perynne and all the rest of you wuvable models. XD
Good luck to you girls and Maria and Perynne and all the rest of you wuvable models. XD
Franco Power
Guys!! You're not suppose to let them know we watching them ;o, anyways good luck

Jaden Stone
finally done! that was tough. Here are some close to great shots we decided to pass on.
And a little spur of the moment group shot.
And a little spur of the moment group shot.
/Highfive Jaden!!
And thanks group for teaching the magic of /jump * LOL
Perynnnne, we missed you, we must take one more again!
And thanks group for teaching the magic of /jump * LOL
Perynnnne, we missed you, we must take one more again!
Unlucky Slayer
Looks like a lot of fun. Though I'm glad I didnt have to do it. The first partner shot was annoying enough.
I tend to wait til later in the week for shots and I'd end up being a burden on my partner for this one if I had to do it.
I tend to wait til later in the week for shots and I'd end up being a burden on my partner for this one if I had to do it.
Maria The Princess
i have a #7 on my *cough* armor *cough* chest

Unlucky Slayer
You know, I didnt even notice that until you said that.
hehe - cute group shot
i didn't really notice the #7 either until i looked at it again.

i didn't really notice the #7 either until i looked at it again.

Originally Posted by Geishe
Perynnnne, we missed you, we must take one more again!
Ah, the pains of being the only one from Europe.... I miss out on fun things like that! Cursed time difference.
I think the only way you're going to catch me is either to come online around midday, or try to arrange for a specific time when everyone can be online.
Agh, I hate being the only problematic one.
Great shots from everyone! This round looks like it's going to be a toughie to see who's going to win. I'll put up some of our scrapped shots later when I get home from work.

Agh, I hate being the only problematic one.

Great shots from everyone! This round looks like it's going to be a toughie to see who's going to win. I'll put up some of our scrapped shots later when I get home from work.

I must admit, Jaden and I took quite a huge risk picking the shot we chose. We like it, and hope you all do too. Especially the judges ^.^
AND, since i'm such the terrible secret keeper, Im going to post a spoiler to how our picture looks:
Yes, oh yes, beware Jaden-tissia!
AND, since i'm such the terrible secret keeper, Im going to post a spoiler to how our picture looks:
Yes, oh yes, beware Jaden-tissia!