Tyria's Next Top Model - The Finale -- Winner: Jaden Stone!

Diddy bow

Diddy bow

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2006


looking for one :p


Originally Posted by ZenRgy

Such style, such finesse. I think I've set the bar for modelling, you could all learn a lot from me. Rank 50 dolphin emote



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006

The Shadow Tower


just so you know, the next cover might not look the greatest due to the amount of GREEN all of the shots will have _._ red is the natural color to use against green but it's..bleh. so i tried my best (i'm no expert, and note, it's been ages since I've done real graphic stuff before i started making the mag covers) so whenever it's posted, if you hate it, that's fine >_>;

mojave mango juice

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2006

I'm sure it will look as good as it always does Laena



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

Silver Millenium


It does look great! Laenavesse, is just being modest!!! The background was a bit iffy I know, but it was either the petrified dolphins or the Spear of Archemorous...and since our contestant could figure out creative ways to use the spear...we decided to go with the dolphins instead, it makes for an equal-level playing field. It was all about the pose, and how it was executed. For the most part...

Anyways, we will post the results for 9-A and 9-B probably later today! So far, we had to ask for alot of redo's, but once we get the redo's all done, we will show what 9-B was all about, and of course the pictures from 9-A too!

Of course, the no posting rule for our final five is still in effect until I say otherwise, so don't get tempted!



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006



what's up with the luxon area anyway?
the bosses, the dual-stuff, now this.
just wondering..



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

Silver Millenium


Originally Posted by broodijzer
what's up with the luxon area anyway?
the bosses, the dual-stuff, now this.
just wondering.. That is their "Fashion Destination" for this Cycle. We're kinda simulating the show, like every cycle of the top model shows, they all head to a particular Fashion Destination (fashion capitals around the world) and do photoshoots that fit that countries theme. For instance, they did Jungle Animals when they we're in South Africa, they did Harajuku Anime Girls when they were in Tokyo, Japan, and Model Matadors when they were in Barcelona, Spain. Since our fashion destination is Cavalon, we're doing Luxon themed stuff.

And it's nice to hear from you! Like I said, its rare that any of the past contestants visit the thread anymore lol I didn't expect any response, but nice to see that some still come to take a look see.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2006

Southern California

Charter Vanguard [CV]


I couldn't post for a few days ... so yea. ._.
So much happened lol. G'luck on this next assignment. ><



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

Silver Millenium


Assignment 09-B: Secondary Portion

"This is not a sorority, this is a modeling competition!"

Welcome to the second portion of this assignment, for the duration of this week, all of you must fulfill the additional instructions to this assignment:

1. You have each been sent links to each other's picture included in this message. By yourself, you are to evaluate and critique each picture.

2. After you finish evaluating, you are to rank each picture, including your own, from a scale of 1-5. (1 Being the worst, and 5 Being the best)

3. After you've done that, you are to assume that you have claimed one of the spots in the final three, now you must tell us which other two contestants deserve to be in the final three with you (and why), and which two deserve to be eliminated from this competition (and why).

When you are done, you are to send your data back to me no later than Thursday, February 8, 2007.

Keep in mind, that this is not by any means a time to flame each other or sabotage each other, but also, not a time to be ms. apple pie. This is a competition, and I need to know what you knew and what you've learned throughout this whole process.

To shut out any temptations of "alliances" and what not...if anyone has been approached in any way shape form to conspire, send me a screenshot or any other proof of this, I will automatically eliminate the conspirator. This will give you one less person to worry about in this competition.

And here is the collected data:

9-B-1. Critique/Evaluate each other's pictures.

Burnout Chic

Jaden Stone's Critique: I think you've got some really positive things going for this shot. The placement of your body was well done, It doesn't intersect with any of the dolphin parts or obsticles. It's also niceley Cropped, your body is well framed by the wooden sidings. The armor(although not your choice) really excentuates your long model legs. Good write up. For the negative I must say the pose just does not scream model to me. I think it's got attitude, but lacks sexy. Also, I'm not sure you should have kept the top dolphin in the shot as it detracts from the focus on your character. This is a competition to define your signature pose and any other distractions should be removed in my opinion.

Malefic Mistress' Critique: I have always thought that Burnout had a very strong and confident look about her, and poses to match that. I think this pose is perfect to define Burnout. It is great that you got all of the Luxon Attire into your shot, But I personally would have felt it to be more strong if you would have zoomed in somewhat. I think that Burnout's face is one of her strongest features, and zooming in just a little closer would have given this shot a greater edge.

Mortissia Faust's Critique: I want to start off with a compliment to Burnout for including both dolphins in this shot. It was not a requirement, but the two dolphins do give a more beautiful atmosphere and it does accentuate the femininity you wanted to portray. The taunt emote was not a bad choice, for I do remember you talking about the models attitude however, the pose itself was a little lacking. Due to the poor lighting, I believe it would have been better if you waited for the moment you stick your head out, so your neck and head is clearer. Right now, your face is shadowed, and your hand is entirely covering your neck. As for the explanation, it was iffy. In no way, is that the classic posture used in art, but is the shape feminine body types are portrayed.

Perynne Walker's Critique: I quite like Burnout Chic's pose, even though it doesn't really speak "signature pose" for me. What bothers me about this image is her left hand, and the way it makes the whole pose a bit closed. It makes her chest area unclear, and doesn't really convey the same kind of attitude the rest of her pose does. A different angle might have helped maybe, or if possible, a pose where her left hand was more open? As it is, this pose falls a bit flat for me since I was hoping for something with a little more of the spark and energy Burnout Chic normally shows. I think this pose would have been great in another assignment, but as it is, it doesn't quite seem to fit in this one.

Jaden Stone

Burnout Chic's Critique: normally i always enjoy Jadens pictures, but im not found on this one. she looks alittle stiff. perhaps this emote would look better from a diffrent angle, but in general its not a bad shot.

Malefic Mistress' Critique: I really don't feel like this pose is you at all. I think that this pose is very feminine, and I don't personally think that any of your previous shots have been this feminine. A stronger pose is what I view as signature to Jaden. Your signature pose may be something that is over the top, or crazy to some, But it is who defines you. I don't feel that this pose defines you at all.

Mortissia Faust's Critique: Jaden, you took a risk, and I commend you for that. Your character is the masculine character this cycle, and to be able to show such gentleness (rather than your normal athletic shots) is great. The pose is nice; I like how the arc of your hand contrasts with the arc from the dolphin. Your explanation of the signature pose is well thought out as well. The only thing I would say that can improve this shot is to turn Jaden a little to the left. The hand touching your hip right now clearly shows scratch, but if you turned her a bit, you could have covered that while showing the arms jutting out as well. Good job!

Perynne Walker's Critique: I've had some problems liking some of Jaden's more over the top posing and (I don't mean to be rude, I've just never really had a chance to talk with her) my first impressions of her personality haven't been too great, but I have to admit that her signature pose really works for me. I like the elegant curve and smooth "movement" that is visible in this, and the pose definetly works for a signature pose. She has managed to come up with a middle ground between safe and wild, while showing us something elegant and eyecatching. I can just imagine this pose in the cover of a magazine, or the catwalk. Pure model, and definetly signature.

Malefic Mistress

Burnout Chic's Critique: this is not a bad shot, but through the competition she seemed more of a sensual model then an "in your face". its a good shot, good pose, could be a signature pose as well for her, but i still feel that she is more of a sensual and somewhat romantic model.

Jaden Stone's Critique: To be honost I don't like it. The pose looks awkward and forced. The left arm is just "out there" and doesnt look natural. I really liked some of your out takes and I think you chose a weaker shot compared to what else you produced. Another thing I dislike is that you kept part of the wooden sides in the picture. Very poor cropping, these could have been easily eliminated without hurting the picture at all. Sorry to be harsh, but I just dont like it.

Mortissia Faust's Critique: Nice pose! I like the arm jutting out; it gives it a sharp edge. However, the cropping was bad. You can clearly see leftovers of the poles and the cropping suggests you wanted to hide them. If you were to incorporate the poles (Like Burnouts or Mortissias), then that would be acceptable, but in this case it isnt. I do enjoy how the bubbles seem to be wrapping around the left side of your body, but the empty space between the dolphin and you makes it seem like the dolphin was just pasted into the shot. The explanation was fair, but seems a little generic, as in the case of burnouts.

Perynne Walker's Critique: Most of Malefic's previous poses haven't really impressed me (there are a couple of exceptions, though), and the same goes for this one. Her pose certainly is "in your face".... I'm having some difficulties in fitting the "model" part into it though. Sure, a model can be confrontational and strong, but I think she is coming on a bit too strong with this. A good model should be able to show her fierceness without needing to resort to aggressiveness or completely wild posing. This pose could work for a specific assignment, but as a signature pose... well... it's certainly different from what models would normally do. It goes a bit over the top.

Mortissia Faust

Burnout Chic's Critique: i really like this shot, it shows her as she is in the competition, sensual and reminds of her usually curvy poses in most of her shots. thsi can defenetly be a signature pose for her

Jaden Stone's Critique: I must say I'm impressed by the pose you chose. I think it pulls away from your dance dance revolution and says "I can do more." I like the pose as it's sexy and reusable enough to be a signature pose. There are some issues with this shot however. First, the wooden pole really detracts from the shot, I think better positioning would have made for a better shot (see burnout chicks). Also, there is a massive deformity in your hand! it looks like it's being held on by a tendon, you really have to look over your shot long and hard to catch those imperfections. Excellent write up BTW.

Malefic Mistress' Critique: I really like this. Although you have only used this pose once before, I think that it ties in nicely with previous poses, and If defiantly says to me that this is your shot. I totally get you from this and from your explanation. I do notice the glitch with your hand though, I'm not sure if you could have captured this moment at a different time, but maybe a different angle could have prevented it, I do feel like this is one of the best shots.

Perynne Walker's Critique: Mortissia's pose is definetly one of the best signature poses in this round. She has an exotic elegance that really suits her profession, and she shows it again in her signature pose. She looks fragile, yet strong at the same time - every bit the professional model who is in control of her poses. In the beginning her poses weren't much to look at and most of the time just seemed a little too off for what was asked, but she really has developed as a model very much and her newer work is just amazing. This is also visible in this pose, where she shows off all that she has learned and in a very eyecatching way too.

Perynne Walker

Burnout Chic's Critique: i like this shot. its alittle dark tho, but the description works perfectly with it. Perryne's character is all what she described

Jaden Stone's Critique: I really like this shot. It's powerful and sexy and just plain works for me. The positioning is excellent and the cropping again is perfect. There is a bit of a clipping problem with your armor and your legs, but it really doesnt detract that much from the shot. This is a well done shot!

I really think you could have done more on your write up though. I guess you shouldnt be judged to harshly for that (or at all) but it just doesn't look like you put a lot of effort into it.

Malefic Mistress' Critique: I think this pose is perfect for you. I have always thought of you as quiet, yet very strong. I totally get that from your picture. I do want to point out that it is hard to see your face, but I also know that the lighting in Lev. isn't great and that you have a darker skin tone. You could have possibly tried a different angle to shine more light on your face, or something where your face is looking up instead of down.

Mortissia Faust's Critique: There were a few obstacles for you this week that I have taken into consideration. The poor lighting does hide your face, but you also hid your face even more with the downward look. Like Burnout, try to time emotes till your face is shown better. Secondly, your right leg looks like it was just glued onto your leggings but that is not your fault, as GW armor sets do have unpreventable clipping issues. One suggestion for this entire shot is to play around with the angles. Right now, your arms are in a nice position, but if you were to turn it on an angle, you would be able to see the fingers much more clearly with the front hand, and your legs wont appear like theyve been glued on. I must commend you for your nice armor colour choice; it really matches with the dolphins!

9-B-2. Rank each other.

Here we're the scores that our contestants gave to each other.

(BC, JS, MM, MF, PW)
Burnout Chic - 3, 3, 3, 2, 2 = 12
Jaden Stone - 1, 5, 1, 4, 4 = 15
Malefic Mistress - 2, 1, 5, 3, 1 = 12
Mortissia Faust - 5, 2, 4, 5, 5 = 21
Perynne Walker - 4, 4, 2, 1, 3 = 14

So the group though Mortissia and Jaden did the best, and Burnout and Malefic doing the worst.

9-B-3. Which two would you take to the final three with you and which two would you eliminated?

Burnout Chic: (Mortissia and Perynne for Final Three / Jaden and Malefic for Elimination)

Mortissia's shots are all great, she can do wounders with her Rit. i always enjoy her shots and everysingle of them has been unique (not like her other shots)

Perryne is a strong model, even tho rangers might be more limited with their emotes then castrers/assassins, she pulled it all together very well and grew alot through the competition.

Jaden: i like her shots but she seems to consentrate on "action" too much, which is not necessarly a bad thing, but she seems to forget that her chracter is a fashion model and not a sports athlete or an action movie poser. her shots are generally good, but besides the "lingerie" shot, it seems that she is posing an Art shot, and not for a fashion shot.

Malefic: Most of her shots are very similar, even when she is choosing a diffrent emote. i dont see any progress about the modeling part, its mostly similar screens, and alot of them are not very creative from my point of view. I think that what makes a model, a tru model is when she shows versatility in her look, showing that she can match any backround, outfit, show mood. righ now im refering to the acting part of ANTM show, which is a very important aspect of modeling.

Jaden Stone: (Burnout and Mortissia for Final Three / Malefic and Perynne for Elimination)

Well I'm going to start with the two I think should be eliminated first. My first choice would be Malefic Mistress as I really have seen very little improvment over the last few shoots. I think you started off so strong but havnt been able to continualy produce quality shoots. A lot of your shots have been rather awkward and I feel you arnt paying enough attention to the little details. By no means have any of your shots been absolutly terrible, I mean you've made it this far. I just think you are the worst of the best. The next one I think is a bit of a toss up between Burnout and Perynne. On one hand we have Burnout who started off so strong, She has unique poses and is probably the most creative person with her shoots. However I've seen you constantly produce better out takes than the shots you're submitting. I think you've shown a lot of poor judgement on the shots you've selected over the shots you've thrown out. Again like Malefic you are on a downhill run. On the other hand we have Perynne, she has been up for elimination numerous times for poor shots. Your poses were so static and bland. However you have been improving greatly. Your last few shoots were fantastic, and this one is probably your best yet. This is such a close decision, but I'm going to have to chose Perynne to go. Although improvemnet is great I really think that burnout has and can out produce you in shot quality. I think that burnout has made some poor decisions but has the ability to create something amazing.

As for the two I think deserve top 3 well of course that would be Burnout chick and mortissia faust. Burnout has produced some of the most amazing shots in this competition, unfortunatly most of them wern't submitted. I think she has the potential to create fabulous shots if she only takes the time to really go over her portfolio and choose the right one. Mortissia was really up in the air for me until this shoot. I was really thinking she was going to submit another /dance and if she did I'd have to say she needed to go. I think She's been very consistant with the quality of her shots. Her two model of the weeks were well deserved and she has really produced beautiful shots. On top of that her shots have had a lot of variety. Some dark and sinister, some dazzeling, and some pretty. Don't doubt his/her knowledge of ANTM. Everyone in this competition has worked hard and produced great shots, But these two have great potential to be the best.

Malefic Scores: (Burnout and Mortissia for Final Three / Jaden and Perynne for Elimination)

Assuming that I would be in the final 3, I think that Mortissia Faust and Burnout Chic should be standing with me.
Mortissia always has something special to her shots. I always feel an energy and see something unique about her. I think that she has worked very hard from the beginning, and I also think she has strong feelings for this competition. She has produced excellent shots before, and when she made a mistake she would fix it next time around.
When I think Burnout Chic, I think black armor and confidence. She defiantly described that and showed it in her shot this week. I felt that she should have zoomed in more, But otherwise she defined herself well. I think that she has done well in this competition and continues to do better each and each week. I think she has learned from mistakes and trys to improve. She shows good variety in poses, and seems to always be trying new things.

I feel that Jaden Stone and Perynne Walker should be eliminated.
With Jaden, I have always thought she was strong. She has unique and powerful poses each week. And although she had been told that maybe she needed to tone down a bit, or try something different, I feel that this week she should have used one of those strong poses again. I was shocked to see that she felt such a feminine pose was her signature pose, Because to me, It looks like an entirely different model. I feel that if she can't identify who she really is, then maybe she shouldn't be here.
Perynne has showed some excellent shots before, but a lot of her shots end up being very similar to something she just did. She was often described as being 'stiff' in her shots, and I would have to agree that she doesn't seem to play with emotes enough. I think in order to be a top model it is important to have variety, and although I thought she did great this week in her signature pose, I don't know that she is top model material.

Mortissia Scores: (Burnout and Jaden for Final Three / Malefic and Perynne for Elimination)

If I were to claim one of the Top 3 spots I believe Jaden Stone and Burnout Chic deserve being in the Top 3 as well. Burnout Chic did not do very well this shot, in my opinion, however her past performances have been all very consistent. She is probably one of the more consistent competitors with many top 2 scores, and 1 MOTW. As well, her creativity has been known since the start, and she still carries them over now. Jaden, I believe is one of the most improved competitors. Like her explanation for this shot, she started off safe, later went over the top, and now finally achieving her medium. She has risked more than most of the other competitors, and her shots always show a beautifully unique character.
Malefic Mistress and Perynne Walker are both very good competitors, and it was great to compete against them, however, both of them lack a certain attribute. Malefic started off great, going head to head nearly every single time for MOTW, and winning one for the gods statue shot. However, instead of improving, she seems to be losing confidence, and seems to be running out of ideas. She has indeed taken very nice shots, but her process has been a very jagged and declining path. Perynne on the other hand has not really lost confidence or ideas at all. However, she doesnt seem to be improving either. Her shots have been safe, and sometimes even plain. She has won MOTW for two weeks, but both were assignments that were not normal photo shoots (Go-see, and Double Trouble Shot). Even in this shot, she remains with the direct shot, with no play on angles, lighting, but only poses.

Perynne Scores: (Jaden and Mortissia for Final Three / Burnout and Malefic for Elimination)

Mortissia Faust definetly deserves to be in the final three with me. She has come a long way, and has revealed that she has great potential to be Tyria's Top Model. Her shots have rarely ever been poor and although at first they showed an unrefined elegance, they have slowly gotten better and better. As for the other model, I'm a bit torn between Jaden Stone and Burnout Chic. They have both shown some good solid work, but both of them have also had some less-than-good stuff. They are both amazing models, and have come a long way with perfecting their style, so it's a hard choice. Burnout has some very original takes in previous assignments, and Jaden has some interesting posing that looks great. After careful consideration (so hard to choose!), I think Jaden deserves to make it into the top three. Her signature pose eventually convinced me that she has potential and has learned a lot during this competition, moving on from her wild poses to something a bit more mature and model-like. Burnout is a wonderful model and a person that I admire very much for her talent, but she is still missing something. I think she is more of an artist serving her own path, rather than a model who serves the audience.
As for Malefic Mistress, she is a very good model and definetly deserves to have made it this far. Still, I feel that her talent is not enough to bring her further, as her shots tend to be pretty medicore and it seems like she has not matured as a model as much as Mortissia, Jaden and Burnout. With the exception of a couple good shots, most of her work has been pretty plain and they don't seem to be improving any.

Alright guys, I think everyone did a fair job of evaluating each other, and I know it must've been hard to do as well as to see what everyone thought of each other, but it is something that you have to do. Tomorrow, we will post our evaluations and name our MOTW!

***Again, the no posting rule is still in effect, so please do not comment unless you want to be eliminated!***



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2006

Southern California

Charter Vanguard [CV]


This is harsh. All I can say. >_<

Stalker Haras

Stalker Haras

I Didn't Do It

Join Date: Jul 2005


Interesting to see. From the looks of the above "elimination" votes it's

Burnout Chic = 1 vote
Jaded Stone = 2 votes
Malefic Mistress = 4 votes
Perynne Walker = 3 votes

interesting to see how this will play out.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006

The Shadow Tower



*just stunned* o.o...

*wonders what to think of this* i should not post anymore since i've already done the cover so i know who won >.>;



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006


soo much to read... =[

il do the rest later. lol



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005



I can't stand the suspense! This has become the most addictive thread ever. Hats off to everyone taking part and those who have already been eliminated, I'm totally hooked on TNTM. Good luck to the remaining contestants, though it'll be sad to see two go this week



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

Silver Millenium


Here are the evaluations from our point of view:

Burnout Chic:

When I created my Burnout, I created her with an intention to make her look like she has attitude, this is probably why most of her armors are black and she is my only chracter with black hair. When I enrolled her in TNTM, I described her as a talented model who has a whole lot of attitude, in other words, who is mean. All along the competition I have been using diffrent emotes, yet I tried to keep her in the "bitchy" yet strong character.

I have used the /taunt emote for this screen shot. the whole meaning of taunt speaks for itself, Burnout is not afraid of confrontation, she is bald and is ready for any challenge that the job will bring her.

She is standing in an "S" stance (which you observe in many classical paintings and statues, this is the classic feminine posture) which highlighs her femeninity, yet shows her attitude and personal strengh in the tigh fist.

Judge 1: I like this shot, and I love how you incoporated who you we're into the shot. Out of all of our contestants, this registers to me as the most "signature". You said you we're all about attitude since the application round, and here you are again, bam, attitude. The evaluations you gave we're iffy, but picture rocks.

Judge 2: I don't like this shot, this looks more like you flashing gang signs. I just feel like the caption that should go with this shot is "What's up dawg!?". It just looks very bad to me. Your critiques we're very plain jane to me, I think very little effort was made.

Judge 3: I think this shot is pretty good, I do like the fact that you did tied in your personality, but I don't think this is signature. My biggest problem is your critique, you kinda contradicted yourself when you made that comment about Jaden's more "art" shots versus fashion shots, and then in your explanation, you said you wanted to pose like a classical painting. Overall, your critiques we're a little choppy to me.

Jaden Stone:

Throughout this contest I've been known for my over the top and unique poses. I've recieved praise from some, and warning from others. During this round I've been asking myself "what is a signature pose?" and I've struggled to understand it. I chose this pose because I felt it defined who Jaden stone is. This pose is graceful yet powerful, strong yet dainty, it accentuates her masculine presence but still remains beautiful. I started this competition being told I was too safe and should branch out. As time progressed I went a little to far in some of my shots. I think this pose is the perfect median between the two, it's not safe or boring and it's not too crazy. It looks like a pose a model would use on a regular basis. To me, this is Jaden's signature pose.

Judge 1: Our risk taker just took a dive. This is by no means "signature" whatsoever. You are known for outrageous poses, and this is nothing. While I can appreciate you trying to move away from that, this is not what you do, this is not what you're known for, and I think you know that. In your explanation, you we're pretty much trying to sell us something great, but looking at your picture, I didn't buy a single word. I also think your critique we're a bit rocky, I was particularly confused when you pointed out Malefic's arm sticking out, and not Mortissia's arm. Quite frankly, both of them look like they're just waiting for a parrot to fly over and land on it. Other than a few lapse, I think your critiquing was on point and memorable.

Judge 2: I like this picture, this show some movement by the contour of your back, and its still sleek as a model. I think this is a tamed version of what you normally do, this shows you are listening and taking in what we say, and molding it into your own. I think your critiquing was pretty good, but I did feel some slight favoritism, what really caught me off guard, was how poor your critique matched up with your rankings.

Judge 3: Of all the times to make a change, you do it when we wanted you to stick to your style. This picture is simply not you. It's not necessarily bad, I do see some validity to what you said, there is definitely some balance between movement and pose. But this is pretty your last chance to impress us, and you pretty much turned it down a couple of notches. As for your evaluations, I thought you had well written ones.

Malefic Mistress:

Malefic is using the /taunt emote. I choose this because I feel that as a model it shows who Malefic really is. It is her signature pose because Malefic has grown into a more fierce model throughout the competition, she has gained confidence and likes to show that she doesn't care about peoples typical stereotype of her profession. It is both an 'in your face' pose and a modeling pose, which is what Malefic is all about.

Judge 1: This is essentially the weakest picture of the group. It really is upsetting to me, last week, you we're very close to being eliminated, and I really expected you to surprise us on panel, and this is not what I wanted to see from you. Your critique on the other hand, was rather more impressive than your picture, but not by much.

Judge 2: I think this is a good shot for you, you've always been very tough, so I think this is very signature. From staring down tigers, to waving your fist with your beau, I think you have it for this shot.

Judge 3: What happened to our commanding player? I know you've stated you have school and work to tend to, and we would never want to make you put this over that...but our other contestant's have work/school also and some of them even manage to stun us weekly. I do think that this is very signature for you, but I just think you could've really put more edge into it.

Mortissia Faust:

For this assigment, I used the /beckon emote. As with anything, there was a learning curve in this competition... I had gotten the lowest application score... and so for my first week, I knew I had to stand out right then and there. For that very first shoot, I had used this beckon emote. So, I believe that beckon is my true signature shot as a model, because it reflects my determination from the start. It was from the beginning that I wanted to standout and prove to various people that, even though I got the lowest score in applications, I can DO this! With a new perspective on the same emote, I want to show how much I still want to standout and prove myself... the same determination I had at the start, I still have now!

Judge 1: Not signature. We're not asking for one hit wonders, we're looking for what you've done. I think the pose is a bit strange, if you're going to put your hand out, it needs to mean something. It looks like your begging for change. Your critiquing was iffy, just don't say something and then take it back.

Judge 2: This isn't signature to what you normally do, but I like the reasoning behind it! Looking back, I didn't realize that you used /beckon for the first shoot.

Judge 3: I'm going to have to agree with the weird posing, I had to laugh when I saw this picture, because oddly enough, when we we're rewatching the ANTM episode for Camille's "This is my signature walk, and this is what's going to make me famous" quote, Camille did the exact same pose you did, and Jay and the photographer, quickly told her that was not something she should do! Here are screencaps...


In short, that's not a good shot. It's forced and doesn't convey anything other than just having your hand out and looking pretty.

Perynne Walker:

I used /flex. This is her signature pose because it shows her as the dark skinned mystery beauty that she is. Compelling and inviting, yet also slightly eerie.
Perynne invites all to come for a closer look at what she can do.

Judge 1: Picture is not bad, but its not signature. It is dark, so you probably could've angled yourself a little better. Your critiquing was pretty on point.

Judge 2: My favorite picture, and I totally disagree with those saying this isn't signature. People say that you are the stiff poser, and technically this is stiff, but with a modelesque edge. I love the intensity your character shows in this picture! This is the more refined version of your signature, and I love it, best picture of the lot!

Judge 3: I'm going to have to incoporate another famous quote from ANTM, and say this is FIERCE! You never cease to amaze me, for me, you've been the most improved. While everyone else have been pretty static (to say the least), you've been advancing in your journey to the top going from strength to strength. You've made leap and bounds compared to the other contestants. Your critiques we're also very well thought out, this is very reminiscient of your work during the fashion capital go-sees challenge. You really know this industry.

The judges agreed, the winner of MOTW for this week is...


This means you have a guaranteed spot in the final three, and have a 1/3 chance of being Tyria's Next Top Model!!! Congratulations, you are a finalist!

For winning MOTW for this week, you win 7 lucky globs of ectoplasms! Please arrange for a time to your nearest convinience for pick up!

As for our remaining four contestants, we are going into a second deliberation, so you guys will have to wait for your fate.

Everyone is still not permitted to post in the thread until the results post for this week is posted. Good luck to everyone, and again, congratulations to our MOTW!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2006

Southern California

Charter Vanguard [CV]


Congrats! =)



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006

The Shadow Tower


@_@;; aaaahhh this is too much @_@



Bad Romance

Join Date: May 2006

Aussie Trolling Crew HQ - Grand Matron


Ooh.. it's so suspenseful ... and what a surprising assignment!

Stalker Haras

Stalker Haras

I Didn't Do It

Join Date: Jul 2005


Issue #4

Unlucky Slayer

Unlucky Slayer


Join Date: Apr 2006

Sitting at The Guild Hall 2, being happy.

Nerd Clan [NK]


I didnt even get paid for that pic! T_T


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006

Passionate Kiss Of The Tiger [KISS]


Love the cover!

Gratz to Perynne for MOTW

Who will go? Jaden, Burnout, Mortissia, or Malefic.
And now here's my co-host with TNTM live news, DAN DUDLEY
Dan what do you think so far?
Well, I'm stunned as far as I can tell. There were so many great shots and looking back to the all the models pics, frankly I would've picked either burnout or mortissia as they have been GIVEN it so much throughout this whole competion. It would be a shame to see them go. MY pick for the TOP 3:
Obviously the first has to be Perynne for MOTW
Then Burnout
Then Mortissia

Well Dan thanks for that fascinating report. We'll be back later after elimanations.

BACK TO ME: HAHA i like doin this anchor news type thing reporting about what goes on. Anyone agree with me?

mojave mango juice

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2006

Wheeeee I'm on the cover =D
Ugg...the suspense is killing me x.x
And penguin, the reporter thing is cute =D

Stalker Haras

Stalker Haras

I Didn't Do It

Join Date: Jul 2005


Are they allowed to post again?


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006

Passionate Kiss Of The Tiger [KISS]


And here again is DAN DUDLEY with his report on the elimination

Well Penguin, I am amazed that Mortissia will not be in the running anymore. I also feel sad for Malefic for going away too. Hooray Burnout Chic. I'm rootin for her in the finals. LETS GO BURNOUT! HEAT UP THE FINAL 3!

Thanks Dan. We'll be comin to you live from the FINAL 3 SHOWDOWN. See ya soon.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

Silver Millenium


Originally Posted by Stalker Haras
Are they allowed to post again? Yeah, the results have been posted, so they are all welcome to post!

Jaden Stone

Jaden Stone

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006

Rebel Rising [rawr]


OH my god! I really had no hope after last night reading the comments against me. I was so sure I was eliminated! I can't believe mortissia didn't make it! I was just shocked! And wow did the claws come out on most of our critiquing, I was pretty harsh and so were some others.

On another note my computer has been dead since last monday, my new mainboard should be in on monday. Lets hope everything goes smoothly so I can at least finish out this competition.



Site Contributor

Join Date: Oct 2006


Runners of the Rose [RR]


Aaah! I've wanted to post so many times this week, replying to other posts and just generally being in awe of the results. I was totally not expecting to be picked MOTW, since I thought some of the other models had way better poses than me. Congratulations to Burnout and Jaden for getting to the top three! And I'll miss you, Mortissia and Malefic. Lots of mixed feelings about who deserves to stay and who deserves to go...

This has been a hard week in a lot of ways. I was kind of surprised the judges didn't have our comments anonymous, as they prefer to stay anonymous themselves... but still, I guess it makes for more DRAMA to have them this way.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006

The Agonized


lol, im freeee!

But yeah, these two days were total different emotions of spectrum. One end, i was delighted on thursday to know I had a chance. Yesterday, learning how theu judges rated my shot (with obvious misunderstanding). And today, IM FREEEE!

If I have ANY advice to future competitors. Explain your shots 100% clearly.

Ill elaborate on that once I have the time to write this wonderfully negative essay ^.^

BTW: DONT FORGET ME, Im Mortissia in the house ^.^

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

ZOMG im not eliminated! thx thx thx thx

im sad to see Malefic and Motrissia go
it was such fun to compete against u, and u guys deserve to be in top 3 as much as all 5 of us.
congradz Perryne and Jaden, its gonna be so fun to compete against u 2 for that #1 place

now if u excuse me ladies, gotta win this thing

Unlucky Slayer

Unlucky Slayer


Join Date: Apr 2006

Sitting at The Guild Hall 2, being happy.

Nerd Clan [NK]


Congrats to everyone and the Final Three!

Freedom is great Enjoy it!


I wanna get paid still! T_T

Stalker Haras

Stalker Haras

I Didn't Do It

Join Date: Jul 2005


You don't get paid.

Unlucky Slayer

Unlucky Slayer


Join Date: Apr 2006

Sitting at The Guild Hall 2, being happy.

Nerd Clan [NK]


I should, for all the work I do around here. =P



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006

The Agonized


Im actually really relieved this is done and over. Thank you judges for this fun competition. Though I have had many disagreements with you guys, it was still fun.

But no seriously, the blatant favouritism already spoils the winner for this competition. But good luck to the girls anyways, awaiting your interviews.

Judges, thanks... Im really trying to keep myself civilized, just know that your comments are severely lacking in detail for some, and over the top for some others. For example, you ONCE again, neglected to talk about my comments (Judge 1 did, but it was hypocritical, for I had no contradictions, whereas he contradicted himself in the first two sentences. gg.)

Not neccessarily a bad thing, like LadyNilene said, its ALL edited. Just dont edit it to the point where it has no point at all.

Once again, thank you, enjoy yourselves, Ill be here to cheer you on, and since im gone from the competition, Ill critique the judges comments... and point out to threadviewers ALLL the mistakes the judges have made ^.^

Fun times.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

Silver Millenium


R.I.P. Anna Nicole Smith 1967, 2007
In memory of Anna Nicole Smith, fellow model, whether you liked her or not, she was a courageous person who suffered many losses. May she be reunited with her son in heaven, and finally, rest in peace.


The competition started back in November 2006 where casting calls we're made. After coming back from a brief hiatus status, the competition brought in an array of old and new faces. Many applied, but twelve managed to outshine the rest, Aure Fatali, Burnout Chic, Catherine Divine, I Only Protect You, Jaden Stone, Malefic Mistress, Mortissia Faust, Naga Xaviera, Perynne Walker, Raselle Deathblade, Summer Newmentz, and Xo Katina Xo. After eight difficult cuts, three contestants remain...Fan favorite Burnout Chic, Outrageous Jaden Stone, and Fashionista Perynne Walker...

Starting the competition as the clear fan favorite, Burnout Chic has been a fierce competitor, showing her tough edge in many of her photoshoots. With the support of her legion of fans, she quickly became a household name. However, can she break out of her tough veneer and show us a personable person that a top model needs to be?

During casting, the judges we're skeptical of accepting Jaden Stone's last minute entry. Having already selecting the perfect cast, the judges had only one choice to make, to increase the number of contestants from ten to twelve. Over the chorus of the competition, Jaden's posing has impressed the judges time and time again...and again...and again...Pose after pose, Jaden's talents has been one dimensional, being stuck on movement. Can Jaden break out of her mold and show us a true top model?

Being one of the underdogs, Perynne Walker has been underestimated many times, even by her competitors. But as the competition progressed, it was clear that she was a force to be reckon with, taking the competition by storm. With her knowledge of fashion, and her vast improvement in performance, Perynne has claimed the most MOTW wins, but can Perynne break expectations and take it all the way to the top?

Now the final three will put everything they have to the test! With their final photoshoot and interview to do with none other than head judge, Lady Nilene, the contestants will have their last impressions to make before another cut is to be made! Three contestants remain, but only one will win, who will be Tyria's Next Top Model?


As you can see from our banner, the final picture of every winner (excluding Adrianne) of ANTM has been the shoot with Tyra, so in attempt to uphold that tradition, the last picture for this cycle and every other possible cycles will be done with me. This way, I can personally evaluate our finalist on how they perform. In addition to the final photoshoot, you will also be interviewed by myself! So at this time, I would like for everyone to schedule a meet date for your final assignment...here are the times I generally availiable...

(Feb 12) Monday - 2 PM PST - 4 PM PST
(Feb 13) Tuesday - 10 AM PST - 4 PM PST
(Feb 14) Wednesday - 2 PM PST - 4 PM PST
(Feb 15) Thursday - 10 AM PST - 4 PM PST
(Feb 16) Friday - 10 AM PST - 4 PM PST
(Feb 17) Saturday - 10 AM PST - 4 PM PST

So everyone will have a decent chunk of time to try and schedule a meeting with me, if there is just no time that works for you within the range I provided you, please contact me and give me your schedule and we will work something out!

I'm hoping everyone will be able to complete this by Sunday, 02/18/07, but if not, we will work around that.

Hope to hear from everyone soon!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Lost in the sands of time...

Blood Of Orr [BoO]


Where to begin, where to begin...

Firstly, I would like to invite Mortissia to a freedom party lol I'll bring some ale

Secondly, I want to give some advice that I have been holding back since about week 4ishly. I didn't say anything, because well, I was scared to. But to all 3 of the Judges, I want to give some advice for the future. Sometimes i think that the comments were very unhelpful, It seemed like the first few weeks that I was really learning something from you guys, and then as it went on, the comments became less and less effective for me. For example, during the first part of the go-see's challenge, All that i got out of the comments were "sloppy" Well you neglected to tell me how so at all. You didn't tell me what i did wrong, or what i could have done better, and personally I feel that is the best things to give in a critique. Maybe in your full deliberations you do mention that, But i would HIGHLY suggest being sure to post that in each evaluation, because if you want the models to learn, they need to know what they did that was excellent, and what they can improve on.

Now, moving away from that, I feel terrible, and this week did a nice number on my feelings. Every person in the competition disliked me and my photo's...Stalker having to go and point out that for 10 minutes I took a break in town to talk to Slayer and Mango, and making it seem like i didn't do anything but 'socialize'. So I am happy this is done. I have NEVER been so hurt in my life as I was this week. Which makes me wish I would have been eliminated last week instead of Katina...Because my emotions are insane right now. And I hate it. Badly.

Anyways, Congrats to the final 3, You all are amazing, and Mortissia, I personally want you to know, that out of the final 5, I wanted you to win. You actually talked to me and were nice to me Some of the other contests never spoke to me, even when I tried speaking to them...I felt like as far as being a model, that you were the ultimate package. You were nice to everyone, you took great shots. And I'm really shocked to not see you in the final 3.

Diddy bow

Diddy bow

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2006


looking for one :p


Originally Posted by Geishe
But no seriously, the blatant favouritism already spoils the winner for this competition. But good luck to the girls anyways, awaiting your interviews.

Judges, thanks... Im really trying to keep myself civilized, just know that your comments are severely lacking in detail for some, and over the top for some others. For example, you ONCE again, neglected to talk about my comments (Judge 1 did, but it was hypocritical, for I had no contradictions, whereas he contradicted himself in the first two sentences. gg.)

Not neccessarily a bad thing, like LadyNilene said, its ALL edited. Just dont edit it to the point where it has no point at all.

Fun times. Too bad you fell that way hope i see you in ra again though (and accually win this time )



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

Silver Millenium


Originally Posted by xxSilhouette
Secondly, I want to give some advice that I have been holding back since about week 4ishly. I didn't say anything, because well, I was scared to. But to all 3 of the Judges, I want to give some advice for the future. Sometimes i think that the comments were very unhelpful, It seemed like the first few weeks that I was really learning something from you guys, and then as it went on, the comments became less and less effective for me. For example, during the first part of the go-see's challenge, All that i got out of the comments were "sloppy" Well you neglected to tell me how so at all. You didn't tell me what i did wrong, or what i could have done better, and personally I feel that is the best things to give in a critique. Maybe in your full deliberations you do mention that, But i would HIGHLY suggest being sure to post that in each evaluation, because if you want the models to learn, they need to know what they did that was excellent, and what they can improve on.

Now, moving away from that, I feel terrible, and this week did a nice number on my feelings. Every person in the competition disliked me and my photo's...Stalker having to go and point out that for 10 minutes I took a break in town to talk to Slayer and Mango, and making it seem like i didn't do anything but 'socialize'. So I am happy this is done. I have NEVER been so hurt in my life as I was this week. Which makes me wish I would have been eliminated last week instead of Katina...Because my emotions are insane right now. And I hate it. Badly. I will definitely take that into account, I have been trying to edit for suspense, but I will try to incorporate more helpful notes for our posts!

As for your feelings, there should be no hard feelings what-so-ever. You should be very proud for making it into the top five and being in the competition, its cliche, but a lot of people would love to trade spots with you, so be happy for the time you spent in the competition! It was rough for everyone I'm sure, but I do apologize and wish you well for the rough week!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Lost in the sands of time...

Blood Of Orr [BoO]


Good Luck to the Final 3, and Thank you Nilene for putting this together and giving me a chance

Storm Crow

Storm Crow

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

With Vanatiel by the Lion's Arch Lighthouse, waiting for the storm with which we are accoustomed

Children of the Order [CoO] -True Heroes Fight to Keep the Balance-

Originally Posted by xxSilhouette
Where to begin, where to begin...

Firstly, I would like to invite Mortissia to a freedom party lol I'll bring some ale

Secondly, I want to give some advice that I have been holding back since about week 4ishly. I didn't say anything, because well, I was scared to. But to all 3 of the Judges, I want to give some advice for the future. Sometimes i think that the comments were very unhelpful, It seemed like the first few weeks that I was really learning something from you guys, and then as it went on, the comments became less and less effective for me. For example, during the first part of the go-see's challenge, All that i got out of the comments were "sloppy" Well you neglected to tell me how so at all. You didn't tell me what i did wrong, or what i could have done better, and personally I feel that is the best things to give in a critique. Maybe in your full deliberations you do mention that, But i would HIGHLY suggest being sure to post that in each evaluation, because if you want the models to learn, they need to know what they did that was excellent, and what they can improve on.

Now, moving away from that, I feel terrible, and this week did a nice number on my feelings. Every person in the competition disliked me and my photo's...Stalker having to go and point out that for 10 minutes I took a break in town to talk to Slayer and Mango, and making it seem like i didn't do anything but 'socialize'. So I am happy this is done. I have NEVER been so hurt in my life as I was this week. Which makes me wish I would have been eliminated last week instead of Katina...Because my emotions are insane right now. And I hate it. Badly.

Anyways, Congrats to the final 3, You all are amazing, and Mortissia, I personally want you to know, that out of the final 5, I wanted you to win. You actually talked to me and were nice to me Some of the other contests never spoke to me, even when I tried speaking to them...I felt like as far as being a model, that you were the ultimate package. You were nice to everyone, you took great shots. And I'm really shocked to not see you in the final 3. Aww! You plucked my heartstrings with that! Don't be sad! *hug*

Also, congratulations to the Final Three.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Center of Attention

Dangerous And Moving [DM]


Originally Posted by LadyNilene

R.I.P. Anna Nicole Smith 1967, 2007
In memory of Anna Nicole Smith, fellow model, whether you liked her or not, she was a courageous person who suffered many losses. May she be reunited with her son in heaven, and finally, rest in peace.
This really sadden me. Anna Nicole I absolutely loved. I loved her show, I loved her before the show, and she looked AMAZING these past 2 years. It really hit me hard that she is now gone. Her life has been filled with struggles and upsets. Her struggle with the father of the newborn and her son's death all hitting at once. I really felt bad. She kept it cool for a while, but I guess it was too much. It really shows that life is short and anyone can be taken at anytime. I really am going to miss Anna Nicole....

Malefic sweetie I'm sorry that the week had to be so rough! =/ You're an absolute great and fun person and shouldn't be down. Its all over and you should take the time to wind down. Your pictures were amazing, the Holiday themed one was absolutely stunning. You were great competition, no matter what anyone says. I'll always be on msn if you want to talk! <3 ya! =]

I wish all the best to the final three!

Xo Xo