I'm with you Alias. All except the WoW PvP thing, I think their PvE is their strong point, and PvP very weak. But HA and GvG always has PUGs looking for the same one of half a dozen builds. It's become too much of a science. I see the problem with guild groups and PUGs actually.
I'm getting more and more attracted to TA because there's more willingness to experament. Just because GvG has more esteem amongst "leet" players (if the word leet or 1337 isn't godawfully annoying enough), doesn't mean it's better. Plus in 4v4 every single player on both sides is more important. And there's less waiting time.
And don't overlook skirmishes, those can be fun too, and your small group of people playing can come up with little rules for a skirmish for a twist.
But yesterday, I "joined" a new guild that just formed. The guild addresses these issue and the gvg rank issue*. It's basically people from serious guilds, that just want to have fun. Very few actual members, but when we want to play, we pay the low cost to guest people in (that's why "joined" is in quotes, I didn't leave my old guild). People are free to bring the builds they want, with 100% perfect PvP characters, or 90% perfect PvE characters. Surly we will loose a lot, but we should win enough, and have much more fun when doing so.
*The rank issue is guilds wanting to be top 100 so badly that they sacrifice playing gvg. And you can't say unrated is good enough, because it takes much more to orgainize two teams to play than one.
Originally Posted by Alias_X
This is my opinion, and I realize you might not agree.
I don't like the PvP side of Guild Wars because it seems too organized. You set up a build thats popular, get into a group that needs your build, and enter the game. That is the first thing I don't like. To me, PvP should have some danger, some consequences. You lose match or die? You can get into another group and do it all over. Now I hate World of Warcraft, but their style of PvP seems more fun to me. (Style does not include all the super armor and weapons that take months to farm. I am talking about the way it is set up.) There is danger, you see other people and either you are going to kill them, or they are going to kill you. Then what should happen? You lose gold or some random item in your inventory. To me that would make PvP more exciting. Sure, it isn't an FPS, but these organized matches just feel too boring.
Next, the feel of PvP. We are warriors, mesmers, with swords, wands, canes, you name it. These are all fantisful things. What happens in PvP? You stand in territories and a ring of light changes color to your side. It just doesn't fit in.
I haven't played GW PvP for long because I never took a liking to it, but as PvE gets more and more boring for me, I see myself trying the PvP side more often. I don't want PvP to be geared towards ZoMG R()x0r ADHD !!!1111 Kids whose attention can only be held by PvP that is extremely fast paced without endless respawns, but I can see some improvements.
Anyone other thoughts?