Originally Posted by Cancel Skill
I think you haven't read all the replies, but it's okay, it's a bit long to read. The guy got his account back.
I read everything you guys wrote and I have a question: How is it possible to make a bot able to solo farm? I have to say I know only some bases in programming. I think any type of solo farming needs a human controller. Spawns often change each time you exist a town or outpost. I thought a bot was like: go there, then do that. get drops then go back to town. rinse and repeat.
But how can you tell a bot to: Use prot spirit before it flashes, so if it gets interupted, you can cast it again without dying. Don't use Hb if you have only 1 or 2 foes attacking -> Mending will heal you enought. If you use Hb, you may get out of energy, and those 1 or 2 foes could kill you.
I mean, this may look stupid, but if I could be able to get a bot able to solo stuff as well as I do,(Sf, Uw, Fow, Giants, Bosses, Desert, and some others) I'd get it. I'd buy another Guildwars, run the bot, let it farm, transfer the good items and money to my account. If they ban my "bot" account, haha okay, thx. I buy another Guildwars, run the bot, let it farm, etc. I'd really do it(I would not really do it, read till the end please), but I really, really doubt someone can do such a bot. Even as a human, I get to like 10-15hp, and save myself by using a certain skill, using certain skill in an unusual order, running away, I don't know.
This is mostly to know if today, the 23th of august (year=2006), it is possible to make a bot able to think? If yes and since the 2 last paragraphs you are like: "Omg, this guy has to get off his bike and learn about programming, what a no life!" then I'm really sorry, I didn't know. If you think it is not possible, then my point is: Why arena net could have thought wilderness was a bot if he was soloing stuff? Do soloers really need to worry about being mistaken for bots?
I will address your points later, but simply, no it is not possible to make a bot 'think'. It is however possible to have a bot make decisions and act on those decisions in such a manner that even active observation would reveal nothing suspicious.
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
I'm no programmer, but I would think that making a bot for a game like GW would involve capturing incoming packets and knowing what information is being transmitted. That information can tell the program what enemies are where, what drops to pick up, etc. Then a series of commands tell the character to use which skills in which scenario/mob setup. That's how I'd do it, at least.
Luckily, I am. Capturing packets is a bit tricky to do in Guild Wars, as best as I can remember it is all encrypted (but the last time I looked at that was when I reverse-engineered the move speed/perma regen hacks in the Prophecies Beta/early post release days).
What most amateur botters do is make a script in the language au3 (AutoIt v3), which is really just a scripting language running off of a collection of C++ functions that interface with the Windows Application Program Interface (API). This does not give them access to packets, or allow them to look into the memory of the client, but it does enable them to read pixels off of the monitor, and send keyboard/mouse movements. These sorts of bots are amongst the most harmless, as they are often simple, limited in functionality, and require use of your mouse and keyboard (ie, you cannot surf the web while the bot is running).
Alot of those functional limitations are removed when people switch to a program which hooks itself into the memory of Gw.exe, which allows them to directly call functions native to Guild Wars, and read variables in real time. Thankfully this requires more technical knowledge then your average teenager has, and is easily detectable. (Or, at least it should be - GW does not check for memory hooks, like D2, WoW, and so many other games do!) The bots which you see captured in the picture below use such a technique:
After I took that picture I was inspired to hunt down the script they were using, and see what sort of botters ANet was having to compete with. After around an hour, I found what I was searching for, and it was laughable. I obviously wont go into details of how to obtain this script here, as it would do nothing but worsen the problem (though there is something to said about making the problem SO bad it MUST be addressed).
The script was the most advanced and capable of several available at a free-ware website distributing a program that used a memory hook and the LUA scripting language to allow amatuers to make their own bots. It was capable of farming several locations (Droks, Elona, and Gates of Kryta appear to be the most common places for botting), and demonstrated some (ultimately weak attempts at) randomization.
Every time the bot walked out from Droknars to Talus, it always went to an area within the box inclosed by the points (-160, 10843) and (-150, 10883). The actual destination was randomized evenly, so each point within that box has an equal chance of being the destination. This bot also makes no checks to see if it is near the destination before it tries to walk to it.
If ANet wanted to get a list of botters together for their next mass ban, a damn good start would be watching people who path out into Talus Chute using ONLY those points for many runs a day, day after day. Also, having the server check if you were, say, next to the Armor Crafter when you began pathing to the exit (something thats impossible to do on an unmodded client, due to line of sight).
Of course this is not a long term solution, people would use different scripts, different programs, etc. But the simplest way to combat botting is through reaction: as most, commonly used, bots are publically available ANet can simply find a weakness and detect it. After that is done, it is feasible to make the move to pro-active efforts, which is where you try to find closed-exploits, bots and programs which are NOT available to the public, and you assume you are unaware of.
Originally Posted by Loviatar
people making that statement are not thinking, are botters, or just plain bandini for brains.
*ok botters here is exactly what we are looking for in a bot so you can avoid doing any of the above to avoid being detected*
/total complete bandini brains (bandini-the finest name in fertilizer)
Your premise is right, in this explicit situation your logic is flawed.
While technical specifics of bot combation techniques should be left obscured, the simple truth is that to obtain many of the things which people like to have (15k armor, a shiny weapon or two, etc) you have to farm. Farming is what bots do, and its by its current nature a repetitive, nigh mindless task. And this is only aggrivated by the fact that bots farming gold (as most bots farm gold, not rare drops) causes inflation and drives up the prices of the things which everyone likes to have.
It is only common sense that if ANet has a policy of 'farming for 6+ hours a day 5+ days a week = ban' it should be publically known.
As the OP brings up, many (I would say most) people who are chronically ill will take refuge in online games, often playing them to excess - and I say this because I include myself in those numbers.
I have no doubt that if not the OP, then many other people, have been wrongfully banned. Case in point, a friend of mine was banned for saying something to the effect of "lol virgoods sucks" (virgoods being an ingame gold distributer). He contacted support about it, and got some bullshit answer back about how they agreed the banning was in error, but were unable to restore his account until the week long ban had run its course. The spam bot he was mocking continued to advertise in (pre zaishen) Tombs for a good couple of weeks.
Combine all this with the lawsuit pending against NCSoft for having a company policy AGAINST deleting bots on the Lineage games (for purposes of profit), and I can only come to the conclusion that ANet closes botting accounts to cause botters to buy new accounts, and generate more revenue... not as a deterrent to botting itself. [again, why I favor ANet just selling ingame gold and or items in their store over this current policy]
Originally Posted by Future Response
Wait, how do you know so much about this sort of thing!?
That answer your question?
PS: Oh, and Star Force IS a joke, and no, no it is not a funny one.