A warning.
I was looking at the weapons you posted yesterday at the armor thread and was bummed when I saw this thread this morning.
But anyway grats that you are back in the game and I hope you feel better soon.
But anyway grats that you are back in the game and I hope you feel better soon.
First of all : Very much Gratz to get ur account back.
But I dont think thread should be closed allrdy because there more people having the same problem. Like me
. I got the same Error=50 and the same e-mail saying 'An ingame moderator saw (
) you using a third party program' . Since you got ur account back i still got hope, but same as you I dont use bots or any other third-party programs.
I really think Anet is going a bit crazy with the banning based on "a ingame moderator saw you using a third party program"
. Ima email them a link to this tread, theyll see they are wrong and we, as loyal GW-players are in our right to say: "Plz give us our accounts back, we are not bots
If there anymore people having this same problem: let them see this tread and let them see there not right banning our accounts.
But I dont think thread should be closed allrdy because there more people having the same problem. Like me

I really think Anet is going a bit crazy with the banning based on "a ingame moderator saw you using a third party program"

If there anymore people having this same problem: let them see this tread and let them see there not right banning our accounts.
Originally Posted by Loviatar
people making that statement are not thinking, are botters, or just plain bandini for brains.
*ok botters here is exactly what we are looking for in a bot so you can avoid doing any of the above to avoid being detected* /total complete bandini brains (bandini-the finest name in fertilizer) |
Yay after posting my reply i checked my mail and had the response i hoped for!
So now i got my account back same as wilderness. Im very happy, but still find it weird these problems could occour.
Have fun playing Gw! (So am i
Have fun playing Gw! (So am i

warren hun, we just ignore posts like that, because he's obviously baiting people.
However people who use bots "KNOW" that they look like bots and don't really care! I mean I think if they can figure out how to use a bot program, then they are smart enough to know that it doesn't look real and they likely don't care! If they did they would spend the time to create more original runs for it.
They care about fast efficiencey and nothing more. Logical thinking FTW!
However people who use bots "KNOW" that they look like bots and don't really care! I mean I think if they can figure out how to use a bot program, then they are smart enough to know that it doesn't look real and they likely don't care! If they did they would spend the time to create more original runs for it.
They care about fast efficiencey and nothing more. Logical thinking FTW!
you are completely wrong on that.
if you really think they should give out the complete details of what the bot programs are flagging you truly are mistaken
Originally Posted by Eviance
warren hun, we just ignore posts like that, because he's obviously baiting people.
if you really think they should give out the complete details of what the bot programs are flagging you truly are mistaken
Darkgift Risen
damn didn't know u could get banned for being afk for too long..guess i gotta stop the dance partys on the RA ship..

I guess this means I gotta stop chest running out of Sledge because I just go in and out every time.. so it probably looks suspicious.
o_O my point was that calling people names was baiting and while putting it in the Eula is in my opinion senseless, so are many of the bannings that are happening..... Basically go back and read through this entire thread (or my posts in this thread). Reguardless the whole situation was fairly obvious, as are bot users and ways for those bot users to circumvent Anet if they wanted to.
The fact is, it is not the PROGRAMS that are getting flagged, its the impression Anet is getting from bot and regular farmers that is making them become flagged as bots. - They are NOT scanning for 3rd party programs - they are watching some people and then banning them (real human players - NOT bots) based on what they saw and not facts or examples, just "You "looked" like you were using a third party program to the GM so we banned your account!"
And in the end, what makes us look like bots? Repeatedly doing the same action over and over or lack thereof in some cases. You could auto run to the merchant and be flagged as a bot by a GM - does that mean you are?
Maybe... maybe not...
The fact is that now whether you were running a bot program or not, you have been flagged once and thusly if you run the wrong way again you are so screwed!
If Anet is banning innocent players then those players have the right to know at least personally/privately what they did that Anet saw as "bot like". That's the point people are trying to get across...
To say put it in the Eula just seems to be a waste of time for them since half the bloody people playing haven't bothered to read the damned thing anyways! It says the "use" of third party programs is prohibitted but in the case of the OP, Anet could not say with certainty that he was using a third party program and refused to give any indications that they themselves had any real proof to offer.
If you were not a bot and caught up in this same situation, wouldn't you want to know what the hell you did, so you could avoid it a second time?
Again I state this is not the first time for mistaken bans by Anet in which they stated "It was your own doing for using a third party program" and then later taking it back and saying "Well we MIGHT have made a mistake."
It's better to know then to risk it again when you KNOW Anet was wrong the first time!
you are completely wrong on that. if you really think they should give out the complete details of what the bot programs are flagging you truly are mistaken |
The fact is, it is not the PROGRAMS that are getting flagged, its the impression Anet is getting from bot and regular farmers that is making them become flagged as bots. - They are NOT scanning for 3rd party programs - they are watching some people and then banning them (real human players - NOT bots) based on what they saw and not facts or examples, just "You "looked" like you were using a third party program to the GM so we banned your account!"
And in the end, what makes us look like bots? Repeatedly doing the same action over and over or lack thereof in some cases. You could auto run to the merchant and be flagged as a bot by a GM - does that mean you are?
Maybe... maybe not...
The fact is that now whether you were running a bot program or not, you have been flagged once and thusly if you run the wrong way again you are so screwed!
If Anet is banning innocent players then those players have the right to know at least personally/privately what they did that Anet saw as "bot like". That's the point people are trying to get across...
To say put it in the Eula just seems to be a waste of time for them since half the bloody people playing haven't bothered to read the damned thing anyways! It says the "use" of third party programs is prohibitted but in the case of the OP, Anet could not say with certainty that he was using a third party program and refused to give any indications that they themselves had any real proof to offer.
If you were not a bot and caught up in this same situation, wouldn't you want to know what the hell you did, so you could avoid it a second time?
Again I state this is not the first time for mistaken bans by Anet in which they stated "It was your own doing for using a third party program" and then later taking it back and saying "Well we MIGHT have made a mistake."
It's better to know then to risk it again when you KNOW Anet was wrong the first time!
i'm very concerned. since im done with pve, while i wait for nightfall, i decided to farm for the materials for a fow set for my new dervish.....which involves many, many hours 55 monking in uw, and solo fow trips.
am i gonna be banned for killing time, and saving up for fow armor? how the hell am i supposed to get all the materials, without farming?
i wish the devs would chime in, to give the legit players some hope....maybe tell us that it is ok to farm? im sure im not the only one concerned about this.
am i gonna be banned for killing time, and saving up for fow armor? how the hell am i supposed to get all the materials, without farming?
i wish the devs would chime in, to give the legit players some hope....maybe tell us that it is ok to farm? im sure im not the only one concerned about this.
Gun Pierson
I'm a little worried... I always thought it was easy for A-net to see someone using a bot program. That they had the utilities/technology to discover this 3rd program bot and ban someone based on facts. It seems it doesn't work like that though.
Darkgift Risen
they should ask blizzard for the technology..they got rid of thousands of accounts with actual proof..(think they checked for a certain exe. thing) sorry not great with comp basics...but blizzard did that in D2 with actual proof..why not a-net?
Originally Posted by Darkgift Risen
they should ask blizzard for the technology..they got rid of thousands of accounts with actual proof..(think they checked for a certain exe. thing) sorry not great with comp basics...but blizzard did that in D2 with actual proof..why not a-net?
Blizzard was able to ban accounts for botting because the most popular bots in D2 required you to modify the exe file for the game. From there it was simply for their servers to detect. If the bot doesn't modify the exe file, or mess with the actual data being transfered to and from the server, it's nearly impossible for the server to detect.
Darkgift Risen
figured as much..like i said..don't really know how that worked..does the acount user have any rights as far as being banned without solid proof?..if we pay for it does a-net have the right to just ban an account for "bot-like movement"?
My account was perma banned on monday. I sat here at work and farmed the same area for awhile, then just let my char sit in an outpost for 2 hours because connections speeds were poor, and my laptop isnt the best, unsupported Vid card Radeon 7000...woohoo. I contacted GW support, heres what they had to say:
Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars Support Team.
In response to your question about the termination of your Guild Wars account for the use of a bot program, we want you to know that we use great care when analyzing accounts prior to terminating an account. We are both diligent and conservative in determining which accounts are botting, and we take action only after we are able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that an account is using a bot program.
We do not have an appeals process for this action because of the depth of the analysis prior to the termination. We regret the necessity of terminating accounts, but we will continue to take all necessary actions to protect the Guild Wars economy and to assure that players are meeting the requirements of the User Agreement and Rules of Conduct.
The Guild Wars Support Team
I asked them for proof and they never gave me any proof. I was reading on their support website that players in game, can take screen shots of suspected bots, and submit them to support for further consideration. After sending message after message to support and complaining about wrongful injustice, I got this message.
Your account has been unblocked and you should be able to log in. If you display bot like activities in the future, the account will be permanently closed.
Take care,
The Guild Wars Support Team
My question, what do they condsier bot like behavior. I will admit I did farm the same area over and over again, and I did go afk for about 3 hours, but that was because I got a call at work. Im so paranoid, I dont even want to return to the game now, Im afarid to put any time into it, just knowing that if I use the same skill over and over, or walk the same line twice in a row, I might be accused of using a bot. I mean D2 was able to handle the bot problems pretty well? Why can Anet? sorry for the long post.
Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars Support Team.
In response to your question about the termination of your Guild Wars account for the use of a bot program, we want you to know that we use great care when analyzing accounts prior to terminating an account. We are both diligent and conservative in determining which accounts are botting, and we take action only after we are able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that an account is using a bot program.
We do not have an appeals process for this action because of the depth of the analysis prior to the termination. We regret the necessity of terminating accounts, but we will continue to take all necessary actions to protect the Guild Wars economy and to assure that players are meeting the requirements of the User Agreement and Rules of Conduct.
The Guild Wars Support Team
I asked them for proof and they never gave me any proof. I was reading on their support website that players in game, can take screen shots of suspected bots, and submit them to support for further consideration. After sending message after message to support and complaining about wrongful injustice, I got this message.
Your account has been unblocked and you should be able to log in. If you display bot like activities in the future, the account will be permanently closed.
Take care,
The Guild Wars Support Team
My question, what do they condsier bot like behavior. I will admit I did farm the same area over and over again, and I did go afk for about 3 hours, but that was because I got a call at work. Im so paranoid, I dont even want to return to the game now, Im afarid to put any time into it, just knowing that if I use the same skill over and over, or walk the same line twice in a row, I might be accused of using a bot. I mean D2 was able to handle the bot problems pretty well? Why can Anet? sorry for the long post.
Knightsaber Sith
Everyones ban stories are starting to get me paranoid O.o
Curse You
I guess the only real solution would be to use a "third party program" of their own. Basically a program that runs with Guild Wars and checks for any odd things.
However, in the process, they would be violating our computer privacy, and might not be able to make th program "know" what is a third party program, and what is just Xfire, or TeamSpeak.
This is tricky stuff, and for now, the best solution is to tone down on the bannings.
If 1 player sends in a screen shot acusing a person of being a bot, you cannot be sure that they are telling the truth. You need to have at least 10 people verify this before you can be sure.
The best trick for a GM, is to simply Whisper the suspect, and wait for a response. They can't just send a single whisper and think that is enough, many people play with sound off, and when they are farming, a lot of text is filling their screen.
Another method may be to request to join their party. If they turn it down right away, they are probably a real person, if they ignore it, they are probably a bot. If they send a whisper asking why they requested, then they are obviously a person.
However, in the process, they would be violating our computer privacy, and might not be able to make th program "know" what is a third party program, and what is just Xfire, or TeamSpeak.
This is tricky stuff, and for now, the best solution is to tone down on the bannings.
If 1 player sends in a screen shot acusing a person of being a bot, you cannot be sure that they are telling the truth. You need to have at least 10 people verify this before you can be sure.
The best trick for a GM, is to simply Whisper the suspect, and wait for a response. They can't just send a single whisper and think that is enough, many people play with sound off, and when they are farming, a lot of text is filling their screen.
Another method may be to request to join their party. If they turn it down right away, they are probably a real person, if they ignore it, they are probably a bot. If they send a whisper asking why they requested, then they are obviously a person.
Astraea Zopyros
Well, as has been stated, it's hard to tell a bot from a person (or vice versa) at times. ANet doesn't just randomly pick accounts to ban--there has to be some reasonable cause for the banning. Thus said, I believe that ANet has probably increased the total number of bannings--this seems reasonable, as it's now over a year since GW was released, and the population of GW (along with the number of exploits) has logically increased. Therefore, it could also be surmised that the number of legit bannings has increased--as have the number of "wrong" bannings. However, I believe the percentage of "wrong" bannings is probably nearly the same as in the beginning. I do not believe that this is as grave an issue as it is represented. Naturally, those wrongly banned will be noisy about it. It's human nature. However, you forget that in most of the legit bannings, the owner of the offending account is disinclined to advertise that they are poor cheaters. Of course we get worked up about "wrong" bannings. However, I believe (as previously stated) that this is proof that ANet is trying their best, but are not perfect. Give them a chance.
I agree, it could just be that the stance Anet has taken on bots is to just ban accounts based on what a mod suspects to be a bot or third party program user. Maybe it's not perfect since some innocent accounts will get banned in the process, but I'm sure for the 1 time "assumed" offenders who plead their case, the ban will be lifted.
Heck maybe Anet takes an aggresive in-game stance, knowing that they'll ban more farmers that way, and also knowing that the actual players they ban will message them regarding the incident. I mean the bot farmers couldn't even get their own -50 hp items after Anet banned all those bots I doubt they have the means or desire to message Anet...
Then again I did get banend for the name "I dated your sister" so who knows...
But I like to think that the company I'm pumping my money into is making an honest mistake here and there in order to catch more of the real rule-breakers, rather than assume they're godless heathens making mistakes simply because they don't give a damn.
Heck maybe Anet takes an aggresive in-game stance, knowing that they'll ban more farmers that way, and also knowing that the actual players they ban will message them regarding the incident. I mean the bot farmers couldn't even get their own -50 hp items after Anet banned all those bots I doubt they have the means or desire to message Anet...
Then again I did get banend for the name "I dated your sister" so who knows...
But I like to think that the company I'm pumping my money into is making an honest mistake here and there in order to catch more of the real rule-breakers, rather than assume they're godless heathens making mistakes simply because they don't give a damn.
I'm not worried at all, because I dont farm.
King Kong
Originally Posted by Curse You
The best trick for a GM, is to simply Whisper the suspect, and wait for a response. They can't just send a single whisper and think that is enough, many people play with sound off, and when they are farming, a lot of text is filling their screen.
Another method may be to request to join their party. If they turn it down right away, they are probably a real person, if they ignore it, they are probably a bot. If they send a whisper asking why they requested, then they are obviously a person. |
pork soldier
Apparently playing more efficiently than other players makes you a botter, GG.
Astraea & Jiggy
- While I completely agree, it is the fact that if the innocent was indeed innocent Anet says another screwup and you are gone - when there was no real screwup to start with? This makes no sense to me and shouldn't to the "innocent offender".
The harsher reality of such a case is that you are technically being punished for something you didn't do wrong but if you do what you didn't do again you gone for life? It's all in the eye of the beholder in the OPs case and they refuse to say what they "think" they saw, only that they "think" they saw it? My brain goes automatically WTF?!
So let me get this straight... I create a bunch of bots and farm tons of gold for ebay and one of my accounts is flagged and banned... I choose to fight the issue and they say: since this was your first offense you are free to go. Hey look I can go back to farming ebay money! ... If it truly was a bot do you think Anet would let it back in? It just reaks of "Anet messed up but are unwilling to come flat out and say they screwed up." Or if they are, they still want to lay the blame on the OP... for what? *sighs* Anet lacks logic or conviction... not sure which at this point >_<
(Jiggy how do you get banned for a name like that? It's not even offensive >_< Well ok not offensive in america or most likely not in the UK... but still... banned? I've seen names that scream ban stick and yet they are still there lol.)
- While I completely agree, it is the fact that if the innocent was indeed innocent Anet says another screwup and you are gone - when there was no real screwup to start with? This makes no sense to me and shouldn't to the "innocent offender".
The harsher reality of such a case is that you are technically being punished for something you didn't do wrong but if you do what you didn't do again you gone for life? It's all in the eye of the beholder in the OPs case and they refuse to say what they "think" they saw, only that they "think" they saw it? My brain goes automatically WTF?!
So let me get this straight... I create a bunch of bots and farm tons of gold for ebay and one of my accounts is flagged and banned... I choose to fight the issue and they say: since this was your first offense you are free to go. Hey look I can go back to farming ebay money! ... If it truly was a bot do you think Anet would let it back in? It just reaks of "Anet messed up but are unwilling to come flat out and say they screwed up." Or if they are, they still want to lay the blame on the OP... for what? *sighs* Anet lacks logic or conviction... not sure which at this point >_<
(Jiggy how do you get banned for a name like that? It's not even offensive >_< Well ok not offensive in america or most likely not in the UK... but still... banned? I've seen names that scream ban stick and yet they are still there lol.)
Hi Wilderness, just to let you know mate you not alone.
The exact same thing happened to me.
I also got banned for the same reason for apprantly using a third party programme. After what 5 days of wiating for the reason i did reply stating my innocence and got a reply:
Hello Jason,
Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars customer support team. A game moderator did witness automated behaviour in game while observing your character, this indicated the use of an automated third-party program, which is why we closed the account. In this case, as you are a one-time offender, we will remove the ban. However, please be aware that if we notice similar behaviour in the future, we will have to close your account permanently. Please allow 24 hours for this to take effect.
Please feel free to contact the support team again if you encounter any other problems.
GM Trent
Guild Wars Customer Support
NCsoft Europe
So i have had my account back for the last 3 days playing normally as usual, but i realy am upset with A-Net for banning me. It seems that the responses where automated since you got EXACLY the same posts in E-Mail as i did, and form the same person "GM Trent".
The exact same thing happened to me.
I also got banned for the same reason for apprantly using a third party programme. After what 5 days of wiating for the reason i did reply stating my innocence and got a reply:
Hello Jason,
Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars customer support team. A game moderator did witness automated behaviour in game while observing your character, this indicated the use of an automated third-party program, which is why we closed the account. In this case, as you are a one-time offender, we will remove the ban. However, please be aware that if we notice similar behaviour in the future, we will have to close your account permanently. Please allow 24 hours for this to take effect.
Please feel free to contact the support team again if you encounter any other problems.
GM Trent
Guild Wars Customer Support
NCsoft Europe
So i have had my account back for the last 3 days playing normally as usual, but i realy am upset with A-Net for banning me. It seems that the responses where automated since you got EXACLY the same posts in E-Mail as i did, and form the same person "GM Trent".
also that using a form letter does not necessarily mean that it is an automated response
Sir Skullcrasher
Think all the online transaction from trading with other peoples.. to farming location and time is being recorded?
Oh come on Loviatar we all know that GM Trent is a bot... Heck he is the only one that ever answers my emails and he responded to both the OPs and this guys email.... If GM Trent is a real person he is either overworked or overpaid >_>
And I've seen that EXACT email response posted on the board many times before. I've seen GM Trent's name attached to nearly every email unless it isn't an automated reponse.
If it isn't an automated response then I would LOVE to have that job, cause not once have I seen a response from mister GM Trent that isn't the same as what everyone else gets....
And just once someone here on this board managed to reach a real person but only after 4-5 emails. Draw your own conclussions.
(And Loviatar I am not picking on you, I just tend to disagree with you more than anyone else who has posted =P)
And I've seen that EXACT email response posted on the board many times before. I've seen GM Trent's name attached to nearly every email unless it isn't an automated reponse.
If it isn't an automated response then I would LOVE to have that job, cause not once have I seen a response from mister GM Trent that isn't the same as what everyone else gets....
And just once someone here on this board managed to reach a real person but only after 4-5 emails. Draw your own conclussions.
(And Loviatar I am not picking on you, I just tend to disagree with you more than anyone else who has posted =P)
Originally Posted by Eviance
(And Loviatar I am not picking on you, I just tend to disagree with you more than anyone else who has posted =P) |
maybe it was becuase you played non stop farmed a lot and spammed selling things in chat lots
that is what bots do
that is what bots do
Originally Posted by Astraea Zopyros
Well, as has been stated, it's hard to tell a bot from a person (or vice versa) at times. ANet doesn't just randomly pick accounts to ban--there has to be some reasonable cause for the banning. Thus said, I believe that ANet has probably increased the total number of bannings--this seems reasonable, as it's now over a year since GW was released, and the population of GW (along with the number of exploits) has logically increased. Therefore, it could also be surmised that the number of legit bannings has increased--as have the number of "wrong" bannings. However, I believe the percentage of "wrong" bannings is probably nearly the same as in the beginning. I do not believe that this is as grave an issue as it is represented. Naturally, those wrongly banned will be noisy about it. It's human nature. However, you forget that in most of the legit bannings, the owner of the offending account is disinclined to advertise that they are poor cheaters. Of course we get worked up about "wrong" bannings. However, I believe (as previously stated) that this is proof that ANet is trying their best, but are not perfect. Give them a chance.
I was one of many who got banned in that mass banning fiasco right after the dragon festival. Was I farming? Not at all. Hell, I probably only farm once a month. So what the hell flagged me as a bot? Whatever measuring stick they're using to determine what a bot is really really needs a lot of work.
ANET is being far too liberal in their banstick use. Yes, it's great they're trying to get rid of bots and scammers. But what good is getting rid of bots when you're banning the innocent people that you're trying to better the game for?
Sir Skullcrasher
Originally Posted by Eviance
Oh come on Loviatar we all know that GM Trent is a bot... Heck he is the only one that ever answers my emails and he responded to both the OPs and this guys email.... If GM Trent is a real person he is either overworked or overpaid >_>
And I've seen that EXACT email response posted on the board many times before. I've seen GM Trent's name attached to nearly every email unless it isn't an automated reponse. If it isn't an automated response then I would LOVE to have that job, cause not once have I seen a response from mister GM Trent that isn't the same as what everyone else gets.... And just once someone here on this board managed to reach a real person but only after 4-5 emails. Draw your own conclussions. (And Loviatar I am not picking on you, I just tend to disagree with you more than anyone else who has posted =P) |
Amity and Truth
After a friend of mine got banned as well (And he is as Anticheater as one can be, he helped develop an Anticheat Tool for HL) i'm starting to think that the new detection method is utterly flawed.
I wouldn't be surprised if those that were banned were farming with one of the two monk builds that are out there as they both require you to activate skills at a certain time.
Well anyways, once i get banned for legit playing i'll be gone for good and make sure to let everyone know what happened. *shrugs*
I wouldn't be surprised if those that were banned were farming with one of the two monk builds that are out there as they both require you to activate skills at a certain time.
Well anyways, once i get banned for legit playing i'll be gone for good and make sure to let everyone know what happened. *shrugs*
Well, it seems this issue has not been resolved.
The last email I recieved from Areanet on the 23rd of august clearly stated that my account would be unlocked within 24hours. I had to leave for a five day trip that afternoon and so was unable to check that they would keep their promise.
I got home this afternoon to find the ban message intact and my account still locked. Upon inspection of my inbox, I have found no further correspondence from Areanet. It would seem that not only do this company enjoy banning innocent players, but that their also in no rush to rectify their errors.
I have sent yet another email.
The last email I recieved from Areanet on the 23rd of august clearly stated that my account would be unlocked within 24hours. I had to leave for a five day trip that afternoon and so was unable to check that they would keep their promise.
I got home this afternoon to find the ban message intact and my account still locked. Upon inspection of my inbox, I have found no further correspondence from Areanet. It would seem that not only do this company enjoy banning innocent players, but that their also in no rush to rectify their errors.
I have sent yet another email.
Man that's so ridiculous.
Thankfully you're unbanned, but honestly, I think the punishment for 'supposed' use of bots is uncalled for.
True, if someone really IS using bots, that's different.
But the proof they have could easily be refuted and could easily be dubbed incorrect and false.
A 'one time offense' for something as simple as a bot is ridiculous. At least you're not hacking every account you can and stealing 100's of thousands of in-game money and items. THAT would be an offense, whether it be in-game theivary or not.
I agree when they ban actual bot users though, as much as I think it may be stupid. But either way, a permanent ban, after you put hundreds of hours in-game for something so miniscule? A false accusation to boot?
It's stupid.
If they were consiously aware that you WERE indeed using a bot program, and not just playing the game as you have always played it, then maybe, MAYBE there would be some justification to their actions, but no, they assume because they observe 'unregular' activity in their little lines of coding.
They need a more fullproof way to observe player behavior and judge whether what the player is doing is right or wrong, because the amount of people getting banned for stupid shit like this is appaulling.
Anybody recall the events that took place after the finale of the Dragon Festival?
How many people were banned for no reason?
How many people complained to Anet support?
How many people were unbanned for wrongful accusation?
You'd think they would have learned their lesson and observed more carefully from thereon out, but no.
ANY behavior even remotely resembling an automative program results in a ban now.
GG ANet, GG.
So what happens if you decide to do 4 or 5 mission runs in a row, and happen to do them all in the same fashion?
Are they going to permanently ban your account? An account with over hundreds of hours of play, and hardearnings, simply because they 'witnessed' behavior that 'resembled' an automated program.
Ban the frigging game moderators for Christ sake.
I wonder if I can get banned for saying that ...
Thankfully you're unbanned, but honestly, I think the punishment for 'supposed' use of bots is uncalled for.
True, if someone really IS using bots, that's different.
But the proof they have could easily be refuted and could easily be dubbed incorrect and false.
A 'one time offense' for something as simple as a bot is ridiculous. At least you're not hacking every account you can and stealing 100's of thousands of in-game money and items. THAT would be an offense, whether it be in-game theivary or not.
I agree when they ban actual bot users though, as much as I think it may be stupid. But either way, a permanent ban, after you put hundreds of hours in-game for something so miniscule? A false accusation to boot?
It's stupid.
If they were consiously aware that you WERE indeed using a bot program, and not just playing the game as you have always played it, then maybe, MAYBE there would be some justification to their actions, but no, they assume because they observe 'unregular' activity in their little lines of coding.
They need a more fullproof way to observe player behavior and judge whether what the player is doing is right or wrong, because the amount of people getting banned for stupid shit like this is appaulling.
Anybody recall the events that took place after the finale of the Dragon Festival?
How many people were banned for no reason?
How many people complained to Anet support?
How many people were unbanned for wrongful accusation?
You'd think they would have learned their lesson and observed more carefully from thereon out, but no.
ANY behavior even remotely resembling an automative program results in a ban now.
GG ANet, GG.
So what happens if you decide to do 4 or 5 mission runs in a row, and happen to do them all in the same fashion?
Are they going to permanently ban your account? An account with over hundreds of hours of play, and hardearnings, simply because they 'witnessed' behavior that 'resembled' an automated program.
Ban the frigging game moderators for Christ sake.
I wonder if I can get banned for saying that ...
Oh, and to further conclude my response, I just witnessed THIS in-game:
Now, whether there's any rule against advertising for the selling of virtual money for REAL money, I don't know.
But it seems to me, if I remember correctly, this offense was almost as bad as the selling of one's account for real money, or buying an abundance of money off E-bay.
So, where are all the moderator's while this advertising (and often succeeded avertising) is going on? On their break?
[Oh, and, to the OP ... a five month illness certainly doesn't sound anything wonderful. So get better, alright? At least now you can continue enjoy GW more thoroughly. All the best.]
This advertising, which started about 20 minutes ago, is still going on.
Now, whether there's any rule against advertising for the selling of virtual money for REAL money, I don't know.
But it seems to me, if I remember correctly, this offense was almost as bad as the selling of one's account for real money, or buying an abundance of money off E-bay.
So, where are all the moderator's while this advertising (and often succeeded avertising) is going on? On their break?
[Oh, and, to the OP ... a five month illness certainly doesn't sound anything wonderful. So get better, alright? At least now you can continue enjoy GW more thoroughly. All the best.]
This advertising, which started about 20 minutes ago, is still going on.
Originally Posted by Curse You
The best trick for a GM, is to simply Whisper the suspect, and wait for a response. They can't just send a single whisper and think that is enough, many people play with sound off, and when they are farming, a lot of text is filling their screen.
Another method may be to request to join their party. If they turn it down right away, they are probably a real person, if they ignore it, they are probably a bot. If they send a whisper asking why they requested, then they are obviously a person. |
so basically anyone who is afk is a bot then? Many times I have had to answer the phone or door or run to the wc and I wont be logging off my account, but I wont be answering any whispers either! And many people play with the text off as well...or just ignore it. (lions arch dist 1 for example)
But I understand what you are trying to get at. There needs to be a more ingame approach to these bannings.
This is making me laugh now...
I have already recieved an email from Areanet (which I posted earlier in this thread) that clearly stated that my account would be unlocked in 24 hours.
It has been five days and still nothing, so after sending yet another email to ask what the problem is, they send the same automated response I recieved before.
Another semi-automated response, this time from a different GM who hasn't even bothered to read the rest of my ticket's thread, it seems.
This company has little or no idea how to handle customer relations. I will fight for my account to be unlocked, as a matter of principle, then I think I will be leaving this game.
The way they've handled this situation is a joke.
I have already recieved an email from Areanet (which I posted earlier in this thread) that clearly stated that my account would be unlocked in 24 hours.
It has been five days and still nothing, so after sending yet another email to ask what the problem is, they send the same automated response I recieved before.
Originally Posted by Areanet
Hello Bracken,
Thanks for taking the time to contact us regarding your Guild Wars account. We can confirm that in this case the incident was witnessed by a games moderator, who can confirm a third-party program was being used. Due to this we will not be reversing the decision as we feel that this was a fair judgment in this case. For your convenience, more information regarding our "Rules of Conduct" and "Conduct Breaches & Outcomes" are available at the URLs listed below. - Rules of Conduct: - Rules of Conduct: http://www.guildwars.com/support/leg...sofconduct.php - Conduct Breaches & Outcomes: http://www.guildwars.com/support/leg...d_outcomes.php Regards, GM GUS Guild Wars Customer Support NCsoft Europe http://www.guildwars.com |
This company has little or no idea how to handle customer relations. I will fight for my account to be unlocked, as a matter of principle, then I think I will be leaving this game.
The way they've handled this situation is a joke.
Sorry, but I think I missed something. I thought your account got unbanned. What happend?
EDIT: Oh ok...I see that you only got an email saying you were unbanned but not actually unbanned. Man that sucks.
EDIT: Oh ok...I see that you only got an email saying you were unbanned but not actually unbanned. Man that sucks.
I hope you saved the 2nd email they sent you as proof that they agreed to unlock your account.
Else I have a feeling they will reply stating that it's been your '2nd warning' and thus you are permanently banned.
I would be pissed.
If worse comes to worse, start a petition on here, I'd sign it 100 times if every signing counted.
Else I have a feeling they will reply stating that it's been your '2nd warning' and thus you are permanently banned.
I would be pissed.
If worse comes to worse, start a petition on here, I'd sign it 100 times if every signing counted.