Increasing Skills Slots ...
didnt even read the OP, but i bet its about skillslots being slim
if eight isnt enough, try 32(4 different people), or 64(8 different people) guild wars is a TEAM GAME
if eight isnt enough, try 32(4 different people), or 64(8 different people) guild wars is a TEAM GAME
I've managed to do quite well for the past 2 1/2 + years with 8 skills. I see no need to change it now.
/not signed
the original concept of 8 skills was each one being a ring u wore on your fingers.. 8 fingers = 8 rings = 8 skills (thumbs not included)
it works at the moment, and doesnt need any more fixing.
heck even adding just 1 more skill slot makes so many teams and builds imba.
the original concept of 8 skills was each one being a ring u wore on your fingers.. 8 fingers = 8 rings = 8 skills (thumbs not included)
it works at the moment, and doesnt need any more fixing.
heck even adding just 1 more skill slot makes so many teams and builds imba.
One of the single most game destroying suggestions I've ever seen on Sardelac, and that's saying something.
/emphatically notsigned
/emphatically notsigned
Tamuril elansar
/notsigned thousands of time, seriously, whats hard about playing this game with 8 skill slots?
8 skills works fine, and the more you have, the less fun it is. Keep it at 8.
Originally Posted by tehshadowninjar
Well, IMO, I think there should be 12 skill slots. Just like in most MMO games. With Assassins, you need 5 slots for your one combo. Offhand, Dual, Special off-hand, Dual, (insert special skill that follows dual.) Then you need an enchant, because 85% of Assassin builds require Golden Phoenix Strike, which requires you to be enchanted to skip the lead attack. That's 6. Then you need another for mabye an attack speed/moving speed boost. That's 7. Finally, you would need a healing skill or a rez sig... in which most cases Assassins choose healing, attack/moving speed boost, and the 5 combo. With 12 slots, it would help newbies MUCH more to get used to the game. Some people may only need 8 slots, but for those newbies who just want to enjoy the game with as much leisure as possible, why not do that for them? o.o
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
I bet that GW2, even after the changes, will have a pretty similar system.
Made In Ascalon
12 skill slots you say? Why, yes, I WOULD like to see ether renewal be broken again.
........LOL NO
8 skill slots aren't enough? BS. It's been perfect since the beginning of the game in regards to allowing flexibility while forcing people to make important choices and sacrifices. The argument that assassins need 12 skills to not be shit doesn't mean that the core gameplay needs to be completely overhauled, it means that assassins are shit.
........LOL NO
8 skill slots aren't enough? BS. It's been perfect since the beginning of the game in regards to allowing flexibility while forcing people to make important choices and sacrifices. The argument that assassins need 12 skills to not be shit doesn't mean that the core gameplay needs to be completely overhauled, it means that assassins are shit.
Brilliant Idea.
How is this not closed yet?
Originally Posted by Made In Ascalon
12 skill slots you say? Why, yes, I WOULD like to see ether renewal be broken again.
........LOL NO 8 skill slots aren't enough? BS. It's been perfect since the beginning of the game in regards to allowing flexibility while forcing people to make important choices and sacrifices. The argument that assassins need 12 skills to not be shit doesn't mean that the core gameplay needs to be completely overhauled, it means that assassins are shit. |
Olim Chill
Originally Posted by holymasamune
How is this not closed yet?
Not that it matters to the "powers that be" - I want 9 or 10. Then I can decide to use them all or be a "true master" and use 3 or 4 or 5 or 6. If overpowered foes can outnumber you 4 to 1 then characters should have always had a bit more power at their disposal depending on the area. And no, 8 slots have not been "perfect" since the beginning.
Not that it matters to the "powers that be" - I want 9 or 10. Then I can decide to use them all or be a "true master" and use 3 or 4 or 5 or 6. If overpowered foes can outnumber you 4 to 1 then characters should have always had a bit more power at their disposal depending on the area. And no, 8 slots have not been "perfect" since the beginning.
Olim Chill
If overpowered foes can outnumber you 4 to 1 then characters should have always had a bit more power at their disposal depending on the area |
if you /signed this you kinda should stop playing guild wars...
gamebreaking suggestion of stupidity
gamebreaking suggestion of stupidity
Hai, I has an idea.
-How bout we increase level cap to 100. Then all the current level 20 chars automatically get bumped to that level.
-We have unlimited attribute points and Major and Sup runes dont cost health.
-We don't have an attribute cap.
-Monsters are only allowed to have one skill
-Give us handicaps that we can set for ourselves if we suck too much.
-Eliminate the sin, rit, derv, and para because I don't like them.
-Eliminate HM because its too hard.
-Skills shouldn't have progression. They should always be set at the same level.
-Eliminate gold so u can get everything for free.
-Make the storage have an interest rate of 100%
-Automatically give everyone 100k every week.
(This post is sooooo dripping with sarcasm that you could put a bucket under it and you could live off it for a week)
-How bout we increase level cap to 100. Then all the current level 20 chars automatically get bumped to that level.
-We have unlimited attribute points and Major and Sup runes dont cost health.
-We don't have an attribute cap.
-Monsters are only allowed to have one skill
-Give us handicaps that we can set for ourselves if we suck too much.
-Eliminate the sin, rit, derv, and para because I don't like them.
-Eliminate HM because its too hard.
-Skills shouldn't have progression. They should always be set at the same level.
-Eliminate gold so u can get everything for free.
-Make the storage have an interest rate of 100%
-Automatically give everyone 100k every week.
(This post is sooooo dripping with sarcasm that you could put a bucket under it and you could live off it for a week)
You fail at making threads
OP seems to thin that GW has 8-skill skillbars due to some technological limitations or some other crap.
What I'm trying to say is, he failed.
What I'm trying to say is, he failed.
Why did people bring a 1 year old failure of a thread back?????
Hott Bill
/You people need to stop trying to make this game like WoW, I'm sick and tired of it. To play WoW you need to have the mind of an infant and no idea of the concept of SKILL BALANCING means. With 8 skills 1 person can Solo the underworld, farm almost ANY area, and beat other teams across the country in the Hall of Heros with a team of 8!
/end rant
/end rant
Onarik Amrak
Originally Posted by I MP I
Why did people bring a 1 year old failure of a thread back?????


The only way I'd agree with extra skill slots is if Anet added skills that are always active and have some minor benefit, like charm animal. But then you'd probably have to add 5 or so for each class and I'm not sure anet is up to adding 50 more skills.
OP 08-24-2006 /failed
Some people really need to look a bit more into the game mechanics before making silly suggestions.
Some people really need to look a bit more into the game mechanics before making silly suggestions.
Thread necromancy! WOOHOO!
If you are incapable of creating/using a build with 8 skill slots, having 8+x skill slots will make no difference: You will still be incapable.