Hottest NPC or (Henchie) poll?
I admit I am a little sick of finding cartoon to be hot if you think that attracted by pixel is sick. you can't blame me of falling into these pixel charactor. the one you should blame is the REAL LIFE women. they simply sucks. the skin are like burnt moon-surface, the body are porky curved and the look just make me feel I am in nuclear explosion refugee camp. the worst is that when they open their month, I got scared by the words they say.
OMG, i am really sick. I lost interest of real women because most of them just so low quality compare to these fantasy world charactor. good look and good charactor.
OMG, i am really sick. I lost interest of real women because most of them just so low quality compare to these fantasy world charactor. good look and good charactor.
Female Seaguard Hala (mmmm....)
Male Redemptor Karl. You just KNOW he's a wildman when the mask comes off.
Male Redemptor Karl. You just KNOW he's a wildman when the mask comes off.
Originally Posted by Curse You
Finally, next time you go to your porn sites (and I'm pretty sure you will), rember that what you are seeing is simply a bunch of pixels on your screen, because you will very likely never meet any of the people shown.
Oh, and while you're all remembering that, remember all the debates that have been going on, dealing with whether or not 'pornography' should be considered art.
Then remember that the pixel is a major aspect in most, if not all digital art, like the atom is to human creation, and ... yeah, basically I guess all people who love some form of art must be mentally ill ... pity, at the rate I'm going I'll be in a straight jacket in no time.
Might as well remember that anything visually appealling is considered art, which is the majority of the world. Considering how most, if not all things are designed in some way, and ... well, design is a basic foundation of art.
Yup, straight jacket for me.
I hope they have built-in consol controllers in those things and a wireless mouse or I'll be doomed.
On a different note:
Does anybody else feel at all emotionally driven when one of their 'visually appealling' henchies dies?
I do.
I just witnessed Devona get slaughtered by Wardens for the umpteenth time, and, I'm beginning to feel guilty for not protecting her pixels as they fight in all their pixelated glory.
Shrouded Waffle
Elder Rhea for sure!
eve ! < 333333333
Eve, by far.
Lateley, my eyes are drawn to my monk's saintly pants wile she is running around. Getting urges to slap something.
Originally Posted by The Admins Bane
finding anything remotely appealing about a animated char is pretty sad, the thread about the decline in the quality of posts includes rubbish like this.
this isnt a flame but a reminder that there is a life beyond gaming and seriously if you are attracted to millions of little pixels then its time to visit a "doctor" |
Jeez. We're definitely not the ones who need to go outside or visit 'doctors', so take your smugly condescending attitudes out of the thread already and let us have our fun. If it bothers you so much, I'm fairly certain there's no one holding a gun to your head and forcing you to read the thread.
Topic: half the fun of Cynn IS the attitude :P. Eve's nice too, but biting off girls' ears is just a tad too crazy for me.
Seaguard Hala, imo. And Lina. And Sister Tai, too XD
Energizer Deth Buni
God people this is out of hand.. I started this topic to be amusing. Now its a politically debate. At the request of the OP, please close this...
Have you ever talked to elder Rhea wile in boreas seabed? Even the Luxon leader cannot shut up about Mhenlo.
Chicks dig the bald boy!
Chicks dig the bald boy!
Rabid China Girl
Originally Posted by EPO Bot
Have you ever talked to elder Rhea wile in boreas seabed? Even the Luxon leader cannot shut up about Mhenlo.
Chicks dig the bald boy! |
No vows of chastity in the GW world. Even your tiny cutie monk in her pink ascalon robes can get it on if she feels like it and she wont get kicked out of Serenity temple for it
Tsk tsk tsk.
Anyway, if its hard for some KIDS to think that what a 'number of pixels put together' - is hot (yes hot), than try tho think about it this way -
If Devona would be flesh and blood, how hot would that be?
And yes, thats partly what dreams are for kids. Im sure noone here is sitting infront of the screen and refuses to socialize with real women - until that HOT Devona comes out!!!
So pull yourself together and get back to playing the game while having fun looking at hot npcs.
Anyway, if its hard for some KIDS to think that what a 'number of pixels put together' - is hot (yes hot), than try tho think about it this way -
If Devona would be flesh and blood, how hot would that be?
And yes, thats partly what dreams are for kids. Im sure noone here is sitting infront of the screen and refuses to socialize with real women - until that HOT Devona comes out!!!
So pull yourself together and get back to playing the game while having fun looking at hot npcs.
cynn, jamei or maybe devona... XD
Originally Posted by Amadei
Lighten up and look at the pretties, 'kay?
As for crushes on book characters, ppreeeettty muucch the entire female cast of the Dragonlance series ................ I'm not a dork, I SWEAR.
I am.
I wonder which NPC/Henchie would be most like Kitiara ...
I don't recall any of them having an attitude such as, "I'm going to have sex with you, because I can do that. Then you're going to look at me incorrectly and I'm going to slit your throat."
Maybe Cynn, but I don't think her attitude breeds violence, she'd probably just set her own box on fire.
Fred Kiwi
<3 that jungle babe.
<3 that jungle babe.
Vizu hands down (The cinematic version, not the in game one. She has the body of a 14 year old. Urgh...). If not her then Devona. Always loved strong girls :P.
Anyways, chill-out guys. It's only a bit of fun .
Anyways, chill-out guys. It's only a bit of fun .
Cynn or Reyna :F
Necromancer Munne in Sardelec Sanitarium.
funniest thread evar :P
Maybe Aurora? She's great to have when facing a bunch of naga archers.
Skyy High
Jamei's a kinky monk, I swear:
"Have I told you of the adventures Mhenlo and I used to go on together?"
"Mhenlo and I had some wild adventures together back in the day."
"I will put to good use what I have learned from the Monastery."
When I first saw her say the second one in-game, I nearly spit my soda onto the keyboard laughing. XD
"Have I told you of the adventures Mhenlo and I used to go on together?"
"Mhenlo and I had some wild adventures together back in the day."
"I will put to good use what I have learned from the Monastery."
When I first saw her say the second one in-game, I nearly spit my soda onto the keyboard laughing. XD
unholy guardian
She also seems to scream "for mhenlo!" At least i think she does, mhenlo is guild wars biggest pimp :P
I so want Eve's outfit. Cynn is bitchy, yet hawt.
EDIT: How could I forget about Kasha Blackblood and Necromancer Munne?
I'm a sucker for necro chicks :B
EDIT: How could I forget about Kasha Blackblood and Necromancer Munne?
I'm a sucker for necro chicks :B
some guy
Seaguard Gita looks pretty good, cute hair and face.
Gita is maybe fourty years old
Men: Master Togo, by far. Sorry girls but Mhenlo has no personality likes too much to play with girls and has fallen in the "arms" of Cynn. ( Oh well maybe that not bad at all)
Women: My first thought was Devona, but know i've to check all of them again
Men: Master Togo, by far. Sorry girls but Mhenlo has no personality likes too much to play with girls and has fallen in the "arms" of Cynn. ( Oh well maybe that not bad at all)
Women: My first thought was Devona, but know i've to check all of them again
Eve and Cynn
(Suddenley remembers Devona's not so subtle juggies in the intro)
And that was the last thing that executioner saw. Not such a bad way to go.
And that was the last thing that executioner saw. Not such a bad way to go.
Eve or Nika. Either or both.
I'd love to have Eve's (Canthan) armor for my female necro.
My wife of 25 years thinks Mhenlo is rather hot. Of course, I shave my head, so...
I'd love to have Eve's (Canthan) armor for my female necro.
My wife of 25 years thinks Mhenlo is rather hot. Of course, I shave my head, so...
rofl, last two comments made my day.
devona ftw.
devona ftw.
Giga Strike
kisai and sister tai
Mhenlo, seeing as he's shiny bald as I am ^^
Oh yes, and Cynn due to the thong ^^;;
Oh yes, and Cynn due to the thong ^^;;
Cynn and her body. Devona and her body. Just Eve's body. Alesia can go burn. I'd go gay for Aidan. NPC wise.. I haven't noticed.
So, who's winning now?
My caculations:
Evennia: 16
Cynn: 16
Devona: 14
Eve: 12
Jamei: 11
Mehnlo: 9
Brutus: 3
Aidan: 2
Panaku: 2
Evennia: 16
Cynn: 16
Devona: 14
Eve: 12
Jamei: 11
Mehnlo: 9
Brutus: 3
Aidan: 2
Panaku: 2
some guy
lol, Mhenlo is the pimp of GW,
Sheena has nice legs.
I am surprised no one mention one of the lowest quests they had in pre and post.I am talking about Rurik's Love of Lady Althea.You did do those quests with bull who btw had an elite skill and the other one in Wizards Folley.Then there is the 2 in post the Ghost of Althea and the Big one up there Althea's Ashes.How could you forget about that quest at a low level?