Can the AI tell what you're about to do?
Cottage Pie
I've been noticing some weird AI behavior on my mesmer (lady spaff), boss's and other enemies not casting spells when i have my mouse cursor hovering above an interupt...some boses just don't cast for the entire duration of the battle like they have no spells if I keep it hovering...but they do cast when i change target...using hotkeys negates this of course :P
perhaps other people have experianced this 'AI telepathy' thing, or i'm just imagining it O_o
perhaps other people have experianced this 'AI telepathy' thing, or i'm just imagining it O_o
I've not really noticed it. I just recently made a mesmer so I've been playing her a lot. Playing a Dom mesmer means that I have a few interrupts on my bar and when I have my mouse hovering I haven't noticed any change.
Cottage Pie
It's probably just me being a mentalist
Curse You
I sometimes throw SS on things, only to watch them suddenly become statues. Also, when on my ranger, they always cast the spells AFTER I accidentally fire off my interupt.

Former Ruling
They know as soon as you cast something though.
Since makes their Interupts PWN FACE because they dont have the Human Reaction Time in the way - with is why you see them interupting your 1/4 sec cast with 1/2 sec interupts..They used their interupt as soon as you hit the spell icon.
Since makes their Interupts PWN FACE because they dont have the Human Reaction Time in the way - with is why you see them interupting your 1/4 sec cast with 1/2 sec interupts..They used their interupt as soon as you hit the spell icon.
Carl Butanananowski
Yeah, godly interrupts going on.
I noticed the SS thing too. My lvl 12 SS necro would cast it on graspin ghouls.. they just freeze up.
I noticed the SS thing too. My lvl 12 SS necro would cast it on graspin ghouls.. they just freeze up.
This type of AI behavior has been going on for a while. I have seen enemy casters do nothing while my mesmer has them targeted (even monks). On the flip side I have seen enemy mesmers, wanding other targets but still interrupt me (wish I could see someone I don't have targeted about to cast a spell, be able to switch target, and interrupt a 1 second cast)
I suppose the AI needs a few tricks to keep them challenging but I wish they would increase the challenge without resorting to cheap AI tactics. Better (or changing) skill sets would be a better choice rather than allowing the AI to cheat in certain instances.
I suppose the AI needs a few tricks to keep them challenging but I wish they would increase the challenge without resorting to cheap AI tactics. Better (or changing) skill sets would be a better choice rather than allowing the AI to cheat in certain instances.
Carl Butanananowski
I just tested this.
On my monk, I ran out into The Black Curtain. The mob infront of the warp to ToA started spell spamming me. I died pretty fast.
Ok, I went out a second time, and used Spell Breaker, and noted that they didnt even attempt to use spells.
... O.o
On my monk, I ran out into The Black Curtain. The mob infront of the warp to ToA started spell spamming me. I died pretty fast.
Ok, I went out a second time, and used Spell Breaker, and noted that they didnt even attempt to use spells.
... O.o
I've had Vengeful weapon inturrupted twice in a row by 2 Exhausting Assaults. =/
I wouldn't be so sure, i can cast anywhere from a 3/4 second to a 1/4 seond spell and be interupted.
Originally Posted by Quozz
This type of AI behavior has been going on for a while. I have seen enemy casters do nothing while my mesmer has them targeted (even monks). On the flip side I have seen enemy mesmers, wanding other targets but still interrupt me (wish I could see someone I don't have targeted about to cast a spell, be able to switch target, and interrupt a 1 second cast)
Feminist Terrorist
I noticed this behavior today, while out skill capping on my ranger. Mouse hovering, and the darned enemy just bashes away, without using the spell I just know it's dying to use. Capped five skills, so I wasn't out there for just a few minutes. Took me hours. (also cause i was chatting)
idk, but AI isnt the best at interupting anyway, i make them cast too late often.. its easy if you watch their wanding motion
Originally Posted by Quozz
This type of AI behavior has been going on for a while. I have seen enemy casters do nothing while my mesmer has them targeted (even monks). On the flip side I have seen enemy mesmers, wanding other targets but still interrupt me (wish I could see someone I don't have targeted about to cast a spell, be able to switch target, and interrupt a 1 second cast)
I suppose the AI needs a few tricks to keep them challenging but I wish they would increase the challenge without resorting to cheap AI tactics. Better (or changing) skill sets would be a better choice rather than allowing the AI to cheat in certain instances. |

Originally Posted by Quozz
This type of AI behavior has been going on for a while. I have seen enemy casters do nothing while my mesmer has them targeted (even monks). On the flip side I have seen enemy mesmers, wanding other targets but still interrupt me (wish I could see someone I don't have targeted about to cast a spell, be able to switch target, and interrupt a 1 second cast)
Silent Kitty
I have notice when I was searching for a target for my assassin, every monster that strayed a bit to far, suddenly ran back to the pack when I targettted it. I was just using [tab], to select it. I didn't do anything.
I also have seen monstermobs with aggro circles bigger than the radar screen, after I had attacked them once. They could chase you much further away, once I had attacked them.
Personally I think this kind of behaviour makes the job of mesmer and Assassin les worth, because you're fighting a paranormal AL.
I also have seen monstermobs with aggro circles bigger than the radar screen, after I had attacked them once. They could chase you much further away, once I had attacked them.
Personally I think this kind of behaviour makes the job of mesmer and Assassin les worth, because you're fighting a paranormal AL.
And yet, they just cannot make sister tai heal worth a damn.
Originally Posted by Quozz
This type of AI behavior has been going on for a while. I have seen enemy casters do nothing while my mesmer has them targeted (even monks). On the flip side I have seen enemy mesmers, wanding other targets but still interrupt me (wish I could see someone I don't have targeted about to cast a spell, be able to switch target, and interrupt a 1 second cast)
I suppose the AI needs a few tricks to keep them challenging but I wish they would increase the challenge without resorting to cheap AI tactics. Better (or changing) skill sets would be a better choice rather than allowing the AI to cheat in certain instances. |
I tried the mes interupt thing in the drazach thicket place, they didnt cast when I was hovering on power spike....but...even worse - I pressed enter to open the chat thing to PM my friend to confirm it...and the boss I was targetting start casting...he knew I couldnt activate my skills whilst talking to my friend, it was freaky. I tried it a second time and the same happened.
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by Cottage Pie
I've been noticing some weird AI behavior on my mesmer (lady spaff), boss's and other enemies not casting spells when i have my mouse cursor hovering above an interupt...
I don't know if they're psychic (or, really, the games prediction routines keep track of your mouse movement AND feeds this information to the mob AI), or if it's just so that mobs sometimes act really stupid and don't cast, and you just notice it more when you're waiting to interrupt.
My vote is for the second.
Originally Posted by Quozz
On the flip side I have seen enemy mesmers, wanding other targets but still interrupt me (wish I could see someone I don't have targeted about to cast a spell, be able to switch target, and interrupt a 1 second cast)
You'll keep using your normal attack on the original target until you use an interrupt on another target, only THEN do you switch active target.
It's mainly useful against long casts, like rez signets, meteor showers, and siege turtle attacks.
Originally Posted by Orinn
The AI ALSO seems to know what enchantments you have on you.
But the Shadow Mesmers in FoW will not shatter the enchantments on anyone else, but if I come slightly near them, or sometimes even if I don't, they will move quite a long way just to shatter the enchantment on me. I think it's unbelievable. They do the same thing to Divine Boon, everyone has enchantments on them, and they spend all their time shattering Divine Boon from the monk again and again. It's funny because it's so cheap and fast recharge.

Once when there were only three of us left in FoW, a warrior, an ele, and me as a bonder, I put Balthazar's Spirit on everyone as a cover enchantment. The mesmers didn't strip it from the other two players, but if I came slightly near, they ran past everyone to strip it from me.

Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
Oh, I do this all the time. You do a normal attack on someone, then flip around (using the 'target next nearest enemy' button) and check on what the other enemies are doing, or check up on a key enemy - a siege turtle, say - and interrupt them as needed.
You'll keep using your normal attack on the original target until you use an interrupt on another target, only THEN do you switch active target. It's mainly useful against long casts, like rez signets, meteor showers, and siege turtle attacks. |
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
Oh, I do this all the time. You do a normal attack on someone, then flip around (using the 'target next nearest enemy' button) and check on what the other enemies are doing, or check up on a key enemy - a siege turtle, say - and interrupt them as needed.
You'll keep using your normal attack on the original target until you use an interrupt on another target, only THEN do you switch active target. It's mainly useful against long casts, like rez signets, meteor showers, and siege turtle attacks. |
The Dredge assassins are another example of nasty AI. You literally can't cast a one second casting time spell on one before he has shadow stepped over to you and disrupting stabbed you. Fortunately that is easy to counter once you realize the assassins first attack is always disrupting stab. Just wait it out and then start casting. Over all I find the AI and skill sets far better in Fations than they were in Prophecys. I just wish the AI didn't also have telepathic powers of knowing who has them targeted.
Originally Posted by Carth`
It seems to be: monks, elementalists, other casters.... rangers and warriors last - regardless of what the enchantment is.
Silent Kitty
Originally Posted by XvArchonvX
I don't believe that rule is limited to enchant stripping, enemies tend to go for lower AL targets in general and often try to take out the monk first from my experience. .
My Mo/Me with 510+ life is often the least targetted character and the last one standing. You can ask my guildies. 9 out of 10 times I am ignored as healer.
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by Sekkira
No, you can use spells on your selected target while keeping to wand the other target.
Count to Potato
Ive realized that the mesmers will only cast backfire on my characters with spells, like they "know" my skillbar
There's nothing really wrong with most of the AI mentioned:
-not attacking with SS on
-not casting with backfire
-not trying to cast spells on you when you have SB
-using skill after a misfired interrupt
Most of this is used by anyone with common sense...
However, I do agree that having ungodly interrupting ability is a bit overkill, but that's the only way the enemies can keep up with us. Though most of the aforementioned things about AI being too good are easily doable on a human player (who's either very experienced in pve or is r6+ with lots of pvp exp)
-not attacking with SS on
-not casting with backfire
-not trying to cast spells on you when you have SB
-using skill after a misfired interrupt
Most of this is used by anyone with common sense...
However, I do agree that having ungodly interrupting ability is a bit overkill, but that's the only way the enemies can keep up with us. Though most of the aforementioned things about AI being too good are easily doable on a human player (who's either very experienced in pve or is r6+ with lots of pvp exp)
nirhan shadowmauler
i love when i get stances interrupted by ai rangers. the ai is totally sick with interrupts. but yea ive noticed that if i wtfpwn with an interrupt that sometimes the AI im targetting stops casting. and if i put like spinal shivers on it. itll stop casting then too.
Seef II
Stances can't be interrupted.
I really hate it when the AI interrupts attack skills, though. I can only pull that one off about 10% of the time on axes and swords.
I really hate it when the AI interrupts attack skills, though. I can only pull that one off about 10% of the time on axes and swords.
This AI thing IS freaky. I was casting a 1 second spell (flare) last night and I had barely struck the hotkey that I was BAM interrupted by 4 rangers. Thank goodness i have not enountered this thing of mobs not attacking with SS on and the sort. What i DID notice is that no matter what the situation the mobs always, and i mean ALWAYS target me as soon as i'm at range. (I do NOT go and break the aggro btw) OC with rangers this is a bit of an advantage if there are corners as all their attacks end up against a wall. 
I also noticed that when you aggro too much stuff and retreat, I barely make a step towards them again that i see them charging at me again. and FFS they would be outside my RADAR, let alone my aggro bubble.
I also noticed that when you aggro too much stuff and retreat, I barely make a step towards them again that i see them charging at me again. and FFS they would be outside my RADAR, let alone my aggro bubble.
I've had healing hands (1/4 second cast) interrupted by enemy mesmer NPCs before so I'm going to have to say "yes" on this one.
I have noticed that when I have my mouse over my interupts that the enemy casters wont cast anything....well at least it keeps my energy high!
I have switched to using the keyboard more now because of that.....
and yes the enemy npcs seem to be able to cast interupts waaaaay faster than the normal human can!
I have switched to using the keyboard more now because of that.....
and yes the enemy npcs seem to be able to cast interupts waaaaay faster than the normal human can!
I've had a mesmer with 13 fast cast have his power spike interupted by an opposing mesmers interupt skill. It's rather rediculous.
I've noticed this when trying to get the bonus for "The Wilds".
I clicked on an enemy NPC, who of which was all the way on the edge of my radar,only to have my henchmen rush it without me even calling it.Which of course caused over aggro completely wiping the group out (It was at the entrance to the bonus,where 4 or 5 groups of Maguuma Centaur patrol about.)
Quite frustrating especially because I spammed "I'm Targeting Myself!" over course of the occurence and they didn't even respond.
I clicked on an enemy NPC, who of which was all the way on the edge of my radar,only to have my henchmen rush it without me even calling it.Which of course caused over aggro completely wiping the group out (It was at the entrance to the bonus,where 4 or 5 groups of Maguuma Centaur patrol about.)
Quite frustrating especially because I spammed "I'm Targeting Myself!" over course of the occurence and they didn't even respond.
Carl Butanananowski
My friend today, while running me to Seekers, got mobbed by the jade scarab things. He used Glads Defense, and everything stopped attacking him..
It was weird.
It was weird.
Hephaestus Ram
I don't think it can "tell" what you're gonna do. But it can try to guess. I've
done a ton of Grenths Footprint runs, and one thing that is undenyable is
that gnashers will begin to animate minions before anything is dead.
Part of my stratagy is to kill the first carver that heads for one of my
casters, and just before the carver dies I'll switch focus to the nearest
gnasher to interrupt it before it raises a minion from the corpse. Now we
all know that if a minion master tries to do that before there is an actual
body the spell will cancel. But every time, the gnasher will be raising a
minion from a corpse that doesn't exist, because we haven't killed
anything yet.
Another situation where the server side makes assumptions about what's
going to happen is when I'm attempting to aggro a group. My strategy is
to rush a group and us "x" to reverse direction as soon as my aggro
bubble touches the closest enemy. At least half of the time the server side
refuses to acknowladge that I ever reversed direction. It seems like the
server already decided what it expected to happen that when it gets feed-
back from the client side that isn't what it planned, the server side just
decides to ignore the client side.
done a ton of Grenths Footprint runs, and one thing that is undenyable is
that gnashers will begin to animate minions before anything is dead.
Part of my stratagy is to kill the first carver that heads for one of my
casters, and just before the carver dies I'll switch focus to the nearest
gnasher to interrupt it before it raises a minion from the corpse. Now we
all know that if a minion master tries to do that before there is an actual
body the spell will cancel. But every time, the gnasher will be raising a
minion from a corpse that doesn't exist, because we haven't killed
anything yet.
Another situation where the server side makes assumptions about what's
going to happen is when I'm attempting to aggro a group. My strategy is
to rush a group and us "x" to reverse direction as soon as my aggro
bubble touches the closest enemy. At least half of the time the server side
refuses to acknowladge that I ever reversed direction. It seems like the
server already decided what it expected to happen that when it gets feed-
back from the client side that isn't what it planned, the server side just
decides to ignore the client side.
Plushie Penguin
same as me with SSing, yesterday I finally got defend denravi done, on the first try I tried to SS them, and I was wondering why when I put it on, there was no -31s all over... if only our npcs had the adapting AI program like them.....
Originally Posted by RudyNam
I've had a mesmer with 13 fast cast have his power spike interupted by an opposing mesmers interupt skill. It's rather rediculous.
Curse You
I once got lucky and interupted another ranger's interupts. It was hilarious, I think I disabled their Distracting Shot for 20 seconds too.