this is no lamentation thread per se

That said, let's get to the point:
Dear ArenaNet,
do you think it wisely to release a full standalone add-on every six months?
Just think about it, for a second, what this will do to PvE players who have been loyal to the game since day one . . .
I already had to drop one of my four Tyria characters (and degrade him to a mule for hoarding items and stuff) in order to be able to create a new Factions character.
Finishing both, Prophecies and Factions, with all four characters is quite a challenge and extremely time consuming. But I'll make it until the relase of Nightfall.

Still, thinking that with Chapter 3 (Nightfall) and Chapter 4 there will be 4 new professions and, let's say, one new PvE character per add-on, my mind starts spinning . . .
How on Earth do you think anyone will be able to keep up with the amount of new professions etc.? -- The answer is simple: They won't.
What do you think will be the result of this dilemma? -- There are four possible outcomes:
#1 - Consumers will stop buying further add-ons until they have finished the previous ones. This would probaby hurt you more than us.
#2 - Consumers will not play the new professions. Unsatisfying.
#3 - Consumers will have to stop playing their old, beloved characters in favor of new ones, which consequently means all the time one spent into those old characters was in vain. Out of question.
#4 - Consumers will stop to play the game at all, due to sheer frustration.

So, here's my actual plea:
Please, ArenaNet (and NCsoft),
don't make flooding the market with new add-ons twice a year a habit !! (unless, of course, those add-ons are small expansions to one of the big standalones
A one-year cycle for huge expansions such as Factions and Nightfall is more than satisfying, especially since I don't recall the "late" release of Factions, one year after Prophecies, resulting in a lack of interest, neither within the GW community, nor regarding the new clientele.
My kindest regards,
(a GW devotee)