Most Memorable moment in Guild Wars.
Story time!
This was back in the summer of '04. Guild Wars had been out a few months and people were just starting to really get into the realy meaty PvP, Tombs, after going through and getting unlocks in PvE. GvG was just a random side activity at the time, as it routinely took a very long time for matches to occur. At this time, Air Spike with Chain Lightning was king. Our guild was quite active with a good amount of PvPers, and I had a good amount of time to burn, being out of college and not in a summer job yet. We made a few tries at tombs but never got very far, because we were just an average group of mostly casual players.
Then one of our guild members mentions how they saw Nature's Renewal work really well in Team Areans, because at that time it stripped all enchantments and hexes, making a pure warrior/ranger damage team have a huge advantage over hexers and elementalists reliant on attunements. Being in love with Oath Shot+Lightning Reflexes+Whirling Defenses, I adopted the role of NR spammer. At this time ranger rituals were completely overlooked by everyone; people usually found out that they affected everyone and just let them alone. But another guildmate had an insane idea: dedicate one team member to just laying a whole crapload of rituals. We tried it out and it worked extremely well. Nature's Renewal handled hexes and enchantments and Fertile Season protected us from spikes and helped support our 2-WoH monk backline. It also played the very important role of making all of our spirits incredibly tough to kill. One variant included Greater Conflagration and Winter, with Mantra of Frost on our monks. After getting trounced in GvG by #1 guild Negative Zero with a crazy energy denial build, we adopted Quickening Zepher, which doubled the rate of spirit spam, and put further strain on enemy monks and elementalists with expensive spells.
All this comes together to make a team that simply crushed every other build played at the time, in straight combat. Now keep in mind that we aren't that elite a guild; we just by accident, invented the next game-breaking FOTM. And we did quite well on halls, but often lost altar maps or free-for alls when people decided to gang up on us. But once we got our act together we made it to halls, and finally won.
That moment, seeing the big green "Victory!", our guild name displayed for everyone to see and having those ever-so-precious sigils drop was the most memorable moment in Guild Wars for me.
This was back in the summer of '04. Guild Wars had been out a few months and people were just starting to really get into the realy meaty PvP, Tombs, after going through and getting unlocks in PvE. GvG was just a random side activity at the time, as it routinely took a very long time for matches to occur. At this time, Air Spike with Chain Lightning was king. Our guild was quite active with a good amount of PvPers, and I had a good amount of time to burn, being out of college and not in a summer job yet. We made a few tries at tombs but never got very far, because we were just an average group of mostly casual players.
Then one of our guild members mentions how they saw Nature's Renewal work really well in Team Areans, because at that time it stripped all enchantments and hexes, making a pure warrior/ranger damage team have a huge advantage over hexers and elementalists reliant on attunements. Being in love with Oath Shot+Lightning Reflexes+Whirling Defenses, I adopted the role of NR spammer. At this time ranger rituals were completely overlooked by everyone; people usually found out that they affected everyone and just let them alone. But another guildmate had an insane idea: dedicate one team member to just laying a whole crapload of rituals. We tried it out and it worked extremely well. Nature's Renewal handled hexes and enchantments and Fertile Season protected us from spikes and helped support our 2-WoH monk backline. It also played the very important role of making all of our spirits incredibly tough to kill. One variant included Greater Conflagration and Winter, with Mantra of Frost on our monks. After getting trounced in GvG by #1 guild Negative Zero with a crazy energy denial build, we adopted Quickening Zepher, which doubled the rate of spirit spam, and put further strain on enemy monks and elementalists with expensive spells.
All this comes together to make a team that simply crushed every other build played at the time, in straight combat. Now keep in mind that we aren't that elite a guild; we just by accident, invented the next game-breaking FOTM. And we did quite well on halls, but often lost altar maps or free-for alls when people decided to gang up on us. But once we got our act together we made it to halls, and finally won.
That moment, seeing the big green "Victory!", our guild name displayed for everyone to see and having those ever-so-precious sigils drop was the most memorable moment in Guild Wars for me.
completing my first fow armor ! it was so great !
I mean, we started out with a full party
5 mins later, bonder leaves
10 mins later , the mm leaves
15 mins later , one tank leaves
so there we were, with only 1 tank ( who didn't even know whatfor the agro buble was :| ) , 1 healer who did nothing but healing breeze, Hehe
I was so amazed we made it, and I even learned the warrior how to tank !
I mean, we started out with a full party
5 mins later, bonder leaves
10 mins later , the mm leaves
15 mins later , one tank leaves
so there we were, with only 1 tank ( who didn't even know whatfor the agro buble was :| ) , 1 healer who did nothing but healing breeze, Hehe
I was so amazed we made it, and I even learned the warrior how to tank !
shadow ranger
The last day of the E3 for everyone, there was a quest added to beat rotscale and his stone summit companions, the PUG i was in spent so long doing that mission.
We finally get to the end, and barely manage to beat rotscale.
I was so happy after that, then i go to rurik in ascalon, who tells me to go kill rotscale again.
And the original fort koga, that was amazing too.
We finally get to the end, and barely manage to beat rotscale.
I was so happy after that, then i go to rurik in ascalon, who tells me to go kill rotscale again.

And the original fort koga, that was amazing too.
some guy
Getting my first set of 15k armor.
When I first bought the game, every 1 is so rich, I thought I will never get a set of 15k armor, but I got it
When I first bought the game, every 1 is so rich, I thought I will never get a set of 15k armor, but I got it
Well, my favorite moment so far has been the dragon festival. But not the whole thing. I was there for the first visit from the emperor for the event. We all got our masks, running around, dancing, typical dorky stuff they do. Then suddenly the town is invaded. Monsters are all over, people are dropping dead, everyone just flipped out...haha. Ok, I hope I'm not the only one that found the whole thing just freaking great. (: It was just such a surprise. Everyone was excited, working together (not like later...with people yelling 'stupid noobs, get the orbs, you all suck'. Just when no one knew what was going on, it was a level playing feild. And then we won...and this is so cheesy but...I thought the fireworks were beautiful. (:
When I ran from LA to Yaks alone on my Ritualist (today :P)
me and 12 guildie elementalists all had full 15k pyro armour dyed black (supplied mostly by me). we put on our santa hats and we danced all through christmas eve while i left it there and me and some frends went to a party heh, 3 guys err7d while away

Riken Chrono
when i was gvging last night and we went against a guld with 4 henches and 2 level 15s
X of Thulcandra
Probably first loading into LA when the Halloween event began. Everyone was like "OMG WTF!!!" Ah, the good old days...
Ilya Khan
My most memorable moments was as a monk and it was more of a series of moments. I didn't realize that you could do missions until I hit Sanctum Cay. I basically walked from Ascalon to Sanctum Cay mapping almost all of Tyria. Granted, it was a lot of fun to explore all these different places and find NPCs in the middle of nowhere, but it took me so long to do. I must admit that this particular journey was probably the most fun I had in Guild Wars.
Here are my most memoral moments:
- When I first discovered that beating Ascalon wasn't the end of the game, the map actually expanded (this followed after I realized there was more to the game than presearing). LOL...
- By far the first time I did a run from Beacons to Droks after dying countless times and trying too many of the wrong builds.
- Ascending my necro for the first time (he was my first character).
- Going to UW for the first time as a lvl 13 necro with no idea of what a build is. The warrior buddy of mine invited took our lvl 13 group down there and didn't tell us what was up. We died in like 30 seconds... lol.
Mine would be when i read everyone complaining about THK then went in with a random PUG and beat it first try with 1 or two deaths then went and bragged about ti to all my guildies
getting to Halls with a randomway party
or clearing Sorrows furnace as the only monk in a PuG
or clearing Sorrows furnace as the only monk in a PuG
Neo Nugget
1:getting to halls and winning
2:beating urgoz and getting the longbow
woooo me!
2:beating urgoz and getting the longbow

woooo me!
Seeing the new login screen for Factions.
some guy
Winning halls for the first time!!
After seeing our guild name in the green, winning favor for America, I felt so good!!
Too bad my screenies are on my old computer
After seeing our guild name in the green, winning favor for America, I felt so good!!
Too bad my screenies are on my old computer

Alas Poor Yorick
Buying a new monitor 2 weeks ago and seeing what this game looks like at 1600x1200
I do have to give them their due, Anet did a tremendous job with the graphics, especially when you see how they did it so that people with lower end equipment could enjoy the game too.
Sometimes I just go out and kill everything in Pongmai valley just so I can walk around and look at the waterfall in peace - and I had not realized the dragon lighthouse at Panjiang Peninsula had fire coming out of its mouth! Even a quick run up Saoshung trail is awesome!
I do have to give them their due, Anet did a tremendous job with the graphics, especially when you see how they did it so that people with lower end equipment could enjoy the game too.
Sometimes I just go out and kill everything in Pongmai valley just so I can walk around and look at the waterfall in peace - and I had not realized the dragon lighthouse at Panjiang Peninsula had fire coming out of its mouth! Even a quick run up Saoshung trail is awesome!
Mad King Corn
I have a few fond memories:
1.- In majesty's rest before anet made rotscale, I took my ranger and grabbed some henchies and slayed all the dragons and I recieved a Fiery Dead Bow of Defense. This was my first gold drop and is still with my ranger today!
2.- Before I even knew green weapons existed or what they were I went into Sorrows Furnace to see what it was all about. On my first run, I managed to kill Drago and get his Flatbow. I went online to see what I had, and I discovered that at the time it was one of the most desirable bows in the game and worth quite a chunk of change.
3.- I was playing with my monk who had some crappy purple staff and was just returning from a quest somewhere in the desert when I saw someone posting that they were giving away green weapons for free, I opened trade with him and he gave me a kephets refuge for my monk, I almost died I was so happy! I thanked him and told him that there needed to be more people in the world like him. Since then I often offer free help to low level characters as well as giving them nice weapons. People don't usually forget things like that and perhaps they will pass on the good deeds.
4.- I had GW for only a couple of weeks and my first character was an Elementalist, I thought that superior runes would make me a better and more powerful player, so I applied several of them to my armor. One day I was out questing with a couple of friends somewhere near Ascalon and I was killed, once my DP reached a certain point every time someone would try and rez me I would just flop back over dead immediately! This was so hillarious to watch I think I almost fell off my chair with laughter.
There are more but the above 4 are my most memorable moments in GW.
1.- In majesty's rest before anet made rotscale, I took my ranger and grabbed some henchies and slayed all the dragons and I recieved a Fiery Dead Bow of Defense. This was my first gold drop and is still with my ranger today!
2.- Before I even knew green weapons existed or what they were I went into Sorrows Furnace to see what it was all about. On my first run, I managed to kill Drago and get his Flatbow. I went online to see what I had, and I discovered that at the time it was one of the most desirable bows in the game and worth quite a chunk of change.
3.- I was playing with my monk who had some crappy purple staff and was just returning from a quest somewhere in the desert when I saw someone posting that they were giving away green weapons for free, I opened trade with him and he gave me a kephets refuge for my monk, I almost died I was so happy! I thanked him and told him that there needed to be more people in the world like him. Since then I often offer free help to low level characters as well as giving them nice weapons. People don't usually forget things like that and perhaps they will pass on the good deeds.
4.- I had GW for only a couple of weeks and my first character was an Elementalist, I thought that superior runes would make me a better and more powerful player, so I applied several of them to my armor. One day I was out questing with a couple of friends somewhere near Ascalon and I was killed, once my DP reached a certain point every time someone would try and rez me I would just flop back over dead immediately! This was so hillarious to watch I think I almost fell off my chair with laughter.
There are more but the above 4 are my most memorable moments in GW.
Gotta say, Just from exploring a new game and the tyria continent was the best experiences of my GW life. I had amazing times with my friends at VKON.
Every time they bought a new chapter out I would get that same thrill again just slightly faded, friends went and excitement shrunk. But I still had good times.
Now I will have a new set of good times to discover with GW2 in the future and I'm even hoping my old friends will return. But what ever happens I always love the spark of finding a new world.
Every time they bought a new chapter out I would get that same thrill again just slightly faded, friends went and excitement shrunk. But I still had good times.
Now I will have a new set of good times to discover with GW2 in the future and I'm even hoping my old friends will return. But what ever happens I always love the spark of finding a new world.
Extinguisher Nex
First time me and two friends were going to map out Lornar's pass (way back when the first chapter had been recently released). We started in Camp Rankor with hench and worked our way all the way up into Dreadnought's Drift. We were still pretty noob back then and it took us a LONG time. We got into the southern door of Lornar's Pass and were mapping out around the statue of Grenth. At this point in the game we'd heard of the Underworld and FoW but had no idea how to get there. We were used to paying small tributes to the statues to get the bonus, but had never seen a 1k tribute.
Friend 1 (talking to statue): What do you get when you pay 1k?
Friend 2: No idea.
Me: Go ahead and try it, that must be really cool.
Friend 2: WTF just happened?
Me: I don't know.
Friend 1: Where the hell are we?
Me: I don't know. Hey look, that guy has a quest!
Friend 1: What the hell is running at us?
Friend 2: Jesus, they're level 29!
Me: <screams like a little girl>
Cut to the three of us in Camp Rankor, stunned and just starting to realize that we have to start all over again...
Friend 1 (talking to statue): What do you get when you pay 1k?
Friend 2: No idea.
Me: Go ahead and try it, that must be really cool.
Friend 2: WTF just happened?
Me: I don't know.
Friend 1: Where the hell are we?
Me: I don't know. Hey look, that guy has a quest!
Friend 1: What the hell is running at us?
Friend 2: Jesus, they're level 29!
Me: <screams like a little girl>
Cut to the three of us in Camp Rankor, stunned and just starting to realize that we have to start all over again...
Completing the ROF missions with bonus on first tries. For some reason I found excellent PUGs for those missions.
Exploring the Shiverpeaks with my heroes, god its beautiful. Wish, other campaigns had such scenic places.
My first gold drop. It was from a chest in LA and was valued at 40-45k on the forums.
My first Colossal drop a few days back.
Exploring the Shiverpeaks with my heroes, god its beautiful. Wish, other campaigns had such scenic places.
My first gold drop. It was from a chest in LA and was valued at 40-45k on the forums.
My first Colossal drop a few days back.
Miss Puddles
realizing at henge of denravi with my first mesmer that you periodically had to buy new armor.
every time i found an armor crafter, i thought it was all the same armor since it always said rogue's, enchanter's, etc...not realizing that they were, in fact, very different than the set of ascalon armor i had been wearing thus far.
every time i found an armor crafter, i thought it was all the same armor since it always said rogue's, enchanter's, etc...not realizing that they were, in fact, very different than the set of ascalon armor i had been wearing thus far.
Thorondor Port
Originally Posted by TheProject
Trying to beat THK 20 times with my warrior, making a ranger later and beating it on my first try
Yoom Omer
When prince rurik died.
I even cried...
When prince rurik died.
I even cried...
Hmm... Rebirth-ing the full party at urgoz after a 4-hour work ^^ (with warrior ^^)
And.. Sanctum Cay, I saved the vizier as a lvl 4 healer monk
And a lot more which I cant remember now
And.. Sanctum Cay, I saved the vizier as a lvl 4 healer monk

And a lot more which I cant remember now