FOW Armor takes too long
Anarion Silverhand
I do not get why people think that they must have FoW armor, Spider Pet, 15^50 Req 8 Crystalline in order to play this game.
The people who have FoW have earned it. You should too. Don't expect plat to be raining down in your face without you doing anything. Earn it.
The people who have FoW have earned it. You should too. Don't expect plat to be raining down in your face without you doing anything. Earn it.
rarest armour in game? i dont think so, in my view rarest armour in game is full knights :P
I spend 6 months in profecies campaing until i got my fow armor.
The only thing u need is patience and store all ur money.
I farmed UW with my Trapper ranger, SS necro & 55 monk, and is funny if u change ur style of play.
I farmed FOW with my warrior & SS necro and is fun too.
I farmed Greens in the Grenth's Footprint with 4 ppl groups and is very fun.
The point is, play for fun and store the gold for u goal.
The only thing u need is patience and store all ur money.
I farmed UW with my Trapper ranger, SS necro & 55 monk, and is funny if u change ur style of play.
I farmed FOW with my warrior & SS necro and is fun too.
I farmed Greens in the Grenth's Footprint with 4 ppl groups and is very fun.
The point is, play for fun and store the gold for u goal.
....Can I complain about not having enough money to buy all the luxurious stuff, from Gucci, Prada, Channel, to D&G wears and what not, too?
Wow. People still care about FoW/15K?
eternal pho
You don't see people complaining how ferrarri's cost so much. It's like you're trying to say that fow should be easier to get. It's already ez to get if you know the game. I read one article in the farming forums to get rich. You can do the same and it has very useful builds.
People also buy their fow cuz they like the looks...well for me. It's not 100% showing off and bragging, because no one really gives a crap.
Farming nerfs haven't been significant enough to make getting fow armor a lot harder. I got my FoW AFTER the farming nerfs and it took me 2 weeks to get it.
FoW is not a must, but if you really do like the looks, then go ahead, otherwise buying it for bragging is worthless.
People also buy their fow cuz they like the looks...well for me. It's not 100% showing off and bragging, because no one really gives a crap.
Farming nerfs haven't been significant enough to make getting fow armor a lot harder. I got my FoW AFTER the farming nerfs and it took me 2 weeks to get it.
FoW is not a must, but if you really do like the looks, then go ahead, otherwise buying it for bragging is worthless.
The Herbalizer
You have 1.5k armor which is AS GOOD as FOW armor.
I have never grinded for any of my sets of FOW armor and I dont ebay or scam. Its not my fault you dont know how to make gold other than farming for 10k an hour. Ill think of you when im next wearing my FOW armor which I bought from only a few hours trading
I dont cry that people got rich off the trader reset. FOW armor is for showing off.
Yes. Yes you can.
See, in real life I wana have a Bentley, nice house and have other luxurious things so how to do get them? Whine and hope they lower the price? Hell no. I go out and get a high paid job. Go find a way of making lots of gold in Guild Wars and quit whining as you are just embarrassing yourself.
I have never grinded for any of my sets of FOW armor and I dont ebay or scam. Its not my fault you dont know how to make gold other than farming for 10k an hour. Ill think of you when im next wearing my FOW armor which I bought from only a few hours trading

I dont cry that people got rich off the trader reset. FOW armor is for showing off.
Originally Posted by madman420
They included FoW armor in the game for those people, and not for the casual gamer who for some reason thinks that just because they paid their $50 they are entitled to every perk that the game offers.
Originally Posted by Anarion Silverhand
I do not get why people think that they must have FoW armor, Spider Pet, 15^50 Req 8 Crystalline in order to play this game.
The people who have FoW have earned it. You should too. Don't expect plat to be raining down in your face without you doing anything. Earn it. |
Originally Posted by Cacheelma
....Can I complain about not having enough money to buy all the luxurious stuff, from Gucci, Prada, Channel, to D&G wears and what not, too?
See, in real life I wana have a Bentley, nice house and have other luxurious things so how to do get them? Whine and hope they lower the price? Hell no. I go out and get a high paid job. Go find a way of making lots of gold in Guild Wars and quit whining as you are just embarrassing yourself.
There should be something for the hardcore PvE fans to grind at, since there are a considerable number of people who put in several hours a day into PvE. However, I think that the FoW armor is probably the number one reason why farmbots and ebay gold exists. If you look on ebay, there is an auction for a FoW set (120 ecto and shards) getting sold every day for about $100. If ANet wants to provide a long term goal, they should make it so it is not transferable (i.e. someone gives it to you for real life money). Most of the people who have FoW either got it from farming early, back when it was possible to earn 60k-100k per hour or from trader resets, where they got thousands of ecto for only 100 gold each, or from ebay.
to OP: just give it some time, a-net will sell FOW armors sooner or later.
Even they now saying they are not going to sell FOW armor. they will make new justificative statements about selling FOW armors when its in GW store.
Even they now saying they are not going to sell FOW armor. they will make new justificative statements about selling FOW armors when its in GW store.
I don't need Fow armour for my monk because her bottom looks much nicer in Grotto pants

Knightsaber Sith
I'd say it's overkill that the op made pretty much identical threads in Riverside and Sardelic......
Originally Posted by coldplay
to OP: just give it some time, a-net will sell FOW armors sooner or later.
Even they now saying they are not going to sell FOW armor. they will make new justificative statements about selling FOW armors when its in GW store. |
this thread made me lol. There's another name for easy-to-get fow armor: 15k armor.
if you can't hack it, then don't complain.
<--fissure necro scars, and I earned every ecto and shard.
if you can't hack it, then don't complain.
<--fissure necro scars, and I earned every ecto and shard.
You are on of those cry-babyies?
FoW armor was ment to be hard to get/high cost armor with NO advantages over other armors. The only advantage of FoW armor is that prophecies only chars can get + hp sets(and other Faction only sets). This is the only know advantage for FoW armor, but to whine about +35 hp :S.
I am getting my FoW aror because is looks nice, I have created a male ranger and after I caped major elites and got most of the skills, I discovert that none of the ranger 15k male doesnt looks realy nice to me, the only nice thing was FoW. So I am in the middle of getting it, I farm UW/FoW - solo or PuG, and I sell the drops to merchant + golds to other ppl and I end up with ecto/shards + gold, so I buy ecto/shards off ppl with this gold whih I got while farming for ecto. Its realy easy, Getting 5 shards per day is no big deal. 5 e/s per day and you have your fow armor in 3 weeks. Along the way the drops have to cover the materials. Its realy not hard.
When you come home from school, eat-homework-study-go out/GW until bed time. Realy so hard thing to do?
You are on of those cry-babyies?
FoW armor was ment to be hard to get/high cost armor with NO advantages over other armors. The only advantage of FoW armor is that prophecies only chars can get + hp sets(and other Faction only sets). This is the only know advantage for FoW armor, but to whine about +35 hp :S.
I am getting my FoW aror because is looks nice, I have created a male ranger and after I caped major elites and got most of the skills, I discovert that none of the ranger 15k male doesnt looks realy nice to me, the only nice thing was FoW. So I am in the middle of getting it, I farm UW/FoW - solo or PuG, and I sell the drops to merchant + golds to other ppl and I end up with ecto/shards + gold, so I buy ecto/shards off ppl with this gold whih I got while farming for ecto. Its realy easy, Getting 5 shards per day is no big deal. 5 e/s per day and you have your fow armor in 3 weeks. Along the way the drops have to cover the materials. Its realy not hard.
When you come home from school, eat-homework-study-go out/GW until bed time. Realy so hard thing to do?
Originally Posted by Energizer Deth Buni
Material amounts need to be cutdown for FOW armor. This is unfair for the people who have to try to get it now. Think about the people who got their FOW when you could make 100 plat an hour. Why should new people have to Grind and Grind, when the old people had an unfair Pre-nerf advantage. I have a job, cant grind 8 hours a day just to get it. Why should we further encourage people to buy plat online? Im not saying it should be easy but I didnt think this game was about grinding. Your thoughts anyone?
Maybe you need to work on your method of making money? For example: STOP FARMING. Farming is the poor man's way. Watch auctions and sales, learn the prices of things, and make your money trading. There's a lot to be made doing it.
Malice Black
i think FoW armor is too easy to obtain..making 1.5mill isnt all that hard if you work hard and do a little thinking
i only bought male necro fissure because ppl kept telling me to buy it..i much prefered my black 15k bonelace
i only bought male necro fissure because ppl kept telling me to buy it..i much prefered my black 15k bonelace
Dirty Panda
here is what i read:
i want to get credit for finishing the race but i only want to run half way, can you plese move the finish line to the half way mark?
i want to get credit for finishing the race but i only want to run half way, can you plese move the finish line to the half way mark?
Why do people hate grind? Grind is great fun!
Its been said loads before but Droks Armour = FoW armour. The only difference being the appearance, and aesthetics do not give players any advantages under any circumstances.
Keep in mind that FoW armour is probably the biggest gold-sink in GW which keeps the economy stable and wealth marigns [failry] even.
Its been said loads before but Droks Armour = FoW armour. The only difference being the appearance, and aesthetics do not give players any advantages under any circumstances.
Keep in mind that FoW armour is probably the biggest gold-sink in GW which keeps the economy stable and wealth marigns [failry] even.
Or if 1000k+ is too much, go halfway like I am on my Male Mesmer. For 60 shards and 60 ectos, I can grab the boots and chest and get the look I want for less. You may find that gloves and other parts of the armor aren't exactly needed and the difference is negligible. Other than that, the complaint department is *CLOSED*
ddraeg cymru
Originally Posted by Alfrond
My view on FOW armor always was that it was supposed to incredibly hard to get. It was supposed to take a long, long time. It is pretty much the ultimate material accomplishment for pve players so one would expect it to live up to its reputation. However, I realize that for many players trying to get FOW is probably really boring. I could never do it. Luckily, there is a solution! 15k armor is also cool looking and many people respect it almost as much as FOW (at least I do). Why don't you set 15k as your new goal?
Toilet Monster
this is SILLY.. i have my own ways to make up to 400k / hour.. (NO ILL NOT GIVE YE MY SECRET) Just make something up for yourself, it is still possible! be creative, dont say u can't make 100k/hour =O
Whine Whine Whine, I'm not rich and am mad I don't have FoW.

Ryld Baenre
I think the time it takes to get FoW is reasonable. If your determind to get it you could get it in a month or 2 from 0g. Myself it took me 3 months of on and off farming to get my complete set (This was January-March).
eternal pho
Buying and reselling ftw. I made a huge profit from doing that a while ago.
Wow, I cant believe some people are too dense to realize that you dont need FoW armor.
xDusT II
ANet put the FOW armor in most probably because everyone would start complaining after they got there 1.5k armour because there was nothing left to do.
FOW armor is not a necessity, it's more of a personal challenege. It's kind o like grandmaster cartography, you could argue they should make that easier to get so you dont have to grind for it.
If they made FOW armour easier to get people would complain that there is no challenge item in the game and then ANet would make a challenge item and people would complain the challenge item is too hard to get...
FOW armor is not a necessity, it's more of a personal challenege. It's kind o like grandmaster cartography, you could argue they should make that easier to get so you dont have to grind for it.
If they made FOW armour easier to get people would complain that there is no challenge item in the game and then ANet would make a challenge item and people would complain the challenge item is too hard to get...
Originally Posted by The Herbalizer
farming for 10k an hour.
I think the OP has the ghost of a point because working for FoW armor is currently pure grind. I would not be sad to see a little bit of skill worked into it.
How about giving 1 ecto/shard as reward for the really hard quests in the UW and FoW? I'm thinking quests like Terrorweb Queen, Restore the Monuments and Four Horsemen int he UW or Khobay, Slave of Menzies and Gift of Griffons in the FoW. This would also force people to clear more than the first few areas of the UW/FoW, which would revitalize interest in one of the best designed areas in the entire game.
How about giving 1 ecto/shard as reward for the really hard quests in the UW and FoW? I'm thinking quests like Terrorweb Queen, Restore the Monuments and Four Horsemen int he UW or Khobay, Slave of Menzies and Gift of Griffons in the FoW. This would also force people to clear more than the first few areas of the UW/FoW, which would revitalize interest in one of the best designed areas in the entire game.
Isaac Lunoa
What everyone is missing is that it is still possible to make quite a bit more than 100k per hour...
Kais Unduli
Can't wait to see the OP try and come back to this.
As for FoW armor, I was saving up for a set at 1 point, but instead decided to spread the money around all my characters, which I ended up enjoying much more. Of course, all the money is gone now, but it was fun buying and selling sets of 15k armor and weapons instead of buying 1 set of armor.
As for FoW armor, I was saving up for a set at 1 point, but instead decided to spread the money around all my characters, which I ended up enjoying much more. Of course, all the money is gone now, but it was fun buying and selling sets of 15k armor and weapons instead of buying 1 set of armor.
You can still make 100k an hour anyway.
I made 60 ectos and 60 shards just by farming FoW and UW in the last seven days, I don't play 8 hours a day... only 2-3. I'm not a trader and I usually end up merching valuable items so.. FOW Armor does not take too long

FoW armor, imo, is just a way to "show off", it doesnt do anything but look different than Droks armor(same AL). Hell I wont even go to FoW, because it cost gold to get in(Yeah, Im too cheap to put up 125g). For some people, it DOES take "too long", for them, because they dont have the same level of in-game marketing/farming, ect skill that some people do, and it takes thm a long time to make money. Ive had a couple sales jobs IRL, and will NEVER do it again, as I probably couldnt sell a cure for cancer. Dont know why all these people think FoW is so great, but to each their own, I guess...
extra bacon
my first set of FoW armour took me 1 week to obtain from the time i decided to get it. when i made the decision to go for it, i had about 400k or so sitting in storage and figured, what the hell, why not? it's not like i was doing anything else with it, and at that time, FoW armour was still pretty uncommon. this was months and months and months ago just before prot bond got nerfed. so with the 400k-ish i had in storage, i made a monk for the sole purpose of farming the UW with the 55hp build. monk runes at that time were incredibly pricey but it was a justified investment for the potential return. ectos at that time were hovering around 9-12k per if i recall correctly. so anyway, i farmed the UW for the ectos i needed and bought shards using those ectos and had almost collected everything i needed (was about 20 ectos short) when anet released an update which nerfed prot bond.
but as we know, that didn't stop the invincimonk, minor variations were made and i farmed the last 20 ectos i needed, and got my first set of FoW armour for my warrior.
2nd set of FoW armour took a bit longer, but i had everything i needed for my ele within 2 weeks.
so, is there grind? depending on your chosen method of raising funds for materials, probably yes (although i must admit that first week of solo monking was lotsa fun as it was something completely new to me). did it take long? no. was it worth it? to me, hell yea.

2nd set of FoW armour took a bit longer, but i had everything i needed for my ele within 2 weeks.
so, is there grind? depending on your chosen method of raising funds for materials, probably yes (although i must admit that first week of solo monking was lotsa fun as it was something completely new to me). did it take long? no. was it worth it? to me, hell yea.
eternal pho
You just need skill at marketing.
Vahn Roi
You can buy "FoW Kits" on ebay now (100k, 120 ecto, 120 shards)
FoW isn't impressive anymore.
FoW isn't impressive anymore.
This thread has a distinct lack of redeeming qualities.