Originally Posted by Gun Pierson
Imo you got lucky you found someone who wanted that skin and those mods and had no problem to pay for them.
People will pay that extra for convenience(saved time)
Originally Posted by Gun Pierson
Imo you got lucky you found someone who wanted that skin and those mods and had no problem to pay for them.
Originally Posted by Gun Pierson
People should know by now that custom upgrades don't influence the value of a weapon that much. Skin, inherent mod and req do. So sell that 20/20 and +30hp seperetaly, you'll get much more that way.
Just want to inform you that's all, in the end it's up to you. |
Originally Posted by Russell.Crowe
its also all about how you sell it
Originally Posted by boxterduke
I would like to add that 20/20 mods are crap and everyone with a sound mind will change that mod.
I got a 15>50 fell that has 20/19 on it and changed it for furious 10%. |
Originally Posted by wilderness
And yes, 20/20 is nice for spiking
Originally Posted by Spallenzani
The fact that almost every high end weapon for sale - on trade forums, auction sites, or in-game spam - has a perfect 20/20 sundering mod and a perfect +30 fortitude mod...
Originally Posted by Savio
...shows that a large portion of sellers and buyers are idiots who want epeen-boosting weapons.
Originally Posted by Spallenzani
How does it show that sellers are idiots? If buyers are willing to pay more for a pre-modded skin than it costs to buy an un-modded skin and the two mods, wouldn't it be idiotic for sellers not to pre-mod their rare skin items before sale?
Again, there is evidence that nearly all sales of rare skin, high end weapons (100k+) come with expensive max mods. |
Originally Posted by Savio
There is evidence that people are selling 20/20 +30 weapons for obscene prices, but evidence of them sold for those prices is lacking. Show some proof that weapons with perfect mods are consistently sold for more than the weapons and mods sold separately.
Originally Posted by Mynghul
And +30 gets better when you have morale, whereas +5 stays the same.
Originally Posted by Spallenzani
I think the observation is reasonable enough, and certainly more substantial than any evidence provided in this thread to support the opposite conclusion.
Arya Nibelrund
Originally Posted by Spallenzani
The fact that almost every high end weapon for sale - on trade forums, auction sites, or in-game spam - has a perfect 20/20 sundering mod and a perfect +30 fortitude mod provides some evidence that investing in expensive mods does increase the value of a rare skin beyond the cost of the mods themselves.
Originally Posted by CalypsoX
Here's a rather crude way to judge whether the 20/20 +30 mods actually do anything. Go to the guru auctions, search on high-end auctions that have closed and see what prices people are paying for them (this is of course assuming the transaction actually happened). It's no where near representative, but it's some data to work with. Just based on my observations, high-end items usually go for higher on guru auction than if they were sold in-game, since the buyer has the opportunity to bargain, whereas in auctions, the price can only go up.
Gun Pierson
Originally Posted by Savio
Translation: I don't care what anyone can prove, I'm just going to state something and it's right no matter what. Glad you feel that way, but it makes for crappy discussion.
Now to contribute something actually worthwhile to the thread: Let's take a look at 15^50 Mursaat Hammers sold (or at least didn't have any new offers or bumps) in the High End forum or in Auctions over the past few weeks. (@Calypso: I was running searches for a few hours before you suggested this; pain in the ass is all I can say.) req 8, 20/20 sundering, +30 health = 100k+65e req 8, 20/20 sundering, +30 health = 100k+60e req 8, 20/20 sundering, +30 health = 100k+60e req 8, 20/20 sundering, +30 health = 400k (~100k+43e) req 8, 20/20 sundering, +30 health = 600k (~100k+63e) req 8, 10% furious, +30 health = 390k (~100k+42e) req 8, 20/20 sundering, +30 health = 620k (~100k+75e) req 9, 20/20 sundering, +30 health = 550k (100k+65e) req 9, zealous, +29 health = 100k+30e req 9, 20/20 sundering, +30 health = 100k+25e req 9, 20/20 sundering, +30 health = 100k+38e req 9, 20/20 sundering, +30 health = 250k (~100k+22e) req 9, 20/20 sundering, +30 health = 260k (~100k+23e) req 9, 20/20 sundering, +30 health = 349k (~100k+36e) req 10, 20/20 sundering, +30 health = 100k+10e req 10, 20/20 sundering, +30 health = 210k (~100k+16e) req 11, 20/20 sundering, +30 health = 100k+6e req 11, 20/20 sundering, +29 health = 100k+7e req 11, 20/20 sundering, +30 health = 100k+11e req 11, 20/20 sundering, +30 health = 260k (~100k+23e) req 12, 20/20 sundering, +30 health = 180k (~100k+12e) Things of note: People often remove the b/o price when someone takes the b/o. That eliminated a good portion of threads. Damn you Sell forum people. The few times that "nonperfect" weapons were sold, they received comparable offers to other "perfect" weapons. Powertraders (such as the OP) are probably seeing this trend too, though that's hard to back up with solid evidence. Also, I found b/o's for non-15^50 weapons with perfect mods to be 1. really high (sometimes even higher than comparable 15^50 weapons), and 2. not getting any offers. So at the very least, stop sticking good mods on crappy weapons. I'd look for more data, but I'm having difficulty finding a good weapon skin that is costly and has abundant threads/auctions here. |
Originally Posted by wilderness
When you can provided the same evidence with swords where the combined value of the mods equates to almost half of the base items value, then you'll be making a valid point.
Originally Posted by Savio
If 20/20 +30 is the norm, how do you go about proving that those mods increase the price above nonexistant non-perfectly modded weapons?
The Herbalizer
Originally Posted by The Herbalizer
If say a Req 8 Longsword 15>50 is worth 40k ish. Then the person is like, "OMG if I mod this it will be worth hundreds of thousands of gold." So he adds a +30 Hp and 20/20 Sundering upgrades onto it. Lets say they cost 50k each so the sword is worth 40k and the upgrades are worth 100k. However, I truely doubt that the person will get 140k for it. |
Originally Posted by The Herbalizer
At the end of the day you will only reduce the amount of potential customers. |
The Herbalizer
Originally Posted by wilderness
Remember, this isn't about what's the sensible thing to do, it's about how the sales actually happen with a lot of people assuming only 20/20 +30 is perfect.
Originally Posted by Savio
No it's not.
Originally Posted by Savio
Translation: I don't care what anyone can prove, I'm just going to state something and it's right no matter what. Glad you feel that way, but it makes for crappy discussion.
Originally Posted by Russell.Crowe
This thread is 100% opinion based on prior experience.
Okay Mr. Bigshot, how about backing your statement with proof(this was regarding the 20/20 not being good for spiking). |
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
Savio is a big shot on these forums and in game.
More on topic, the way I understand it sundering only triggers on the the base damage of the weapon (ie the 15-22 on a sword, etc), not on the attack skill's damage. So, you are getting around 3-5 extra damage once every 5 attacks (it may even be attack skills I'm not 100% certain). Vampiric = 3 extra damage per attack. Do research. Thus, sundering = noobish. |
Originally Posted by Fender (In another thread, as well as on Team-iQ)
posted this in another thread, but it is probably worth repeating here, with a little more information.
Against an AL 60 target w/ perfect vamp your damage increases over base by: sword 8.8% axe 8.4% hammer 9.7% bow 12.4% Against an AL 60 target w/ perfect 20/20 sundering your damage increases over base by 4.6% for all weapons. Much better than the 1.1% a 10/10 sundering mod would get, but still well below vamp. vamp vs AL 70 sword 10.4% axe 10.0% hammer 11.6% bow 14.7% sundering 20/20 vs AL 70 compared to base all weapons 6.4% (10/10 = 1.3%) vamp vs AL 100 sword 17.6% axe 16.9% hammer 19.4% bow 24.8% sundering 20/20 vs AL 100 compared to base all weapons 8.3% (10/10 = 1.9%) |
Originally Posted by Russell.Crowe
The thing you fail to realize is that a spike is meant to kill a target. You want have the chance to maximize the damage of your spike, in which case the sundering would be better for something such as an axe or a sword because the vamp. is only 3/1 and you are generally chaining only 2-3 attack skills for your spike. A hammer on the other hand it would probably be better to use a vamp. because of the high ratio, 5/1, and you generally chain 3-4 skills together with it.
At least this is the way I see it. I would like to maximize the damage of a single spike if possible. |
Originally Posted by Spallenzani
Um, you do realize that if Sundering is crap, Furious is super crap?
Originally Posted by Y.T.
well i saw alot of ppl mentioning that furious is crap in lots and lots of diff treads, but somehow i never can get the answer on the simple question - why is it so crappy? i mean lets say i dont want to use zealous and i'm not into sundering, and i dont want any elem damage mods for some reasons (say rangers/eles around) whats left? vamp and furious. now if the build is adren-based, isnt it logical to use furious just for the hell of it? what makes it so crappy?
Originally Posted by CalypsoX
Bad example on two fronts. First, you've effectively eliminated most of the other mods from the decision. If you don't have a choice, your only option is to pick the one left. Doesn't mean that option is any good when you do have a choice. Second, you're comparing vamp and furious - if you're going for damage, why would you pick furious over vamp?
Malice Black
Vahn Roi
Originally Posted by The Admins Bane
this debate will never be settled so why bother?
i say...play your way and let others play their way, looking into the mathematical equations is just taking it too far imo it is just a game after all |
Malice Black
Originally Posted by Savio
There is evidence that people are selling 20/20 +30 weapons for obscene prices, but evidence of them sold for those prices is lacking. Show some proof that weapons with perfect mods are consistently sold for more than the weapons and mods sold separately.
Malice Black