Red thoughts - on inventory slots limiting PvP/PvE ability
When I bought this game, I was under the impression that I would be able to enjoy myself in PvE and PvP with my characters. I knew about PvP characters that allowed for flexibility, but I was really looking forward to doing everything with each of my characters.
Anyone who pays any attention knows that PvE characters have an advantage in PvP due to such things as being able to have more than 2 main weapons and 2 offhands--which is all a rolled PvP allows you--and rune switching since PvEs can have all three levels while a PvP character must choose a single rune setup with each roll.
Thus, there are reasons beyond the sentimental ones for making PvE characters into PvP-ready characters... and now here's the issue. In order to be truly PvP-ready, you would need weapons for each of the probable configurations you'd run, as well as multiple armor sets for each given situation, and multiple versions of those sets to take full advantage of the PvE rune capabilities.
However, in doing this, your free inventory space takes a serious hit. Even if your PvE character will do nothing but PvP, there are still plenty of armors and weapons needed... but what if *GASP* you still want to play the rest of the game beyond the various GvG maps and the HoH Underworld? Yes, I hear that some people actually play both PvP and PvE. Wow.
I have provided for you a picture of my monk's inventory slots. Please click this Imageshack link if it doesn't show below:
As you can see, I have no real wasted space. Everything on my monk is either needed for PvP, or mostly necessary for PvE runs. I will not apologize for the 5 event helms I have in my belt pouch--because, even if I took those out, wouldn't I be out of space again as soon as I bought the +HP armor set and the +Armor Vs Enchanted set?
Storage is of no use here. Storage's 25 slots may seem like a helpful addition, and indeed it would just about cover my monk's PvP needs.
Guess what?
I play Warrior, Ranger, and Necro too; and am raising an Ele.
Shall I split storage between them, so each of my PvE's can only use 5?
There's no way around this one. If I want to truly get into high-end PvP, I need to take advantage of the many armor and weapon choices a PvE character can have; but if I do this, I'll have little to no room left for enjoying PvE on my PvE character. WTF?
ANet. Please. Material storage was cute (and to be honest, really helpful), but you need to find better ways of managing the economy and such, than limiting us in inventory as you have. I bought the game expecting to play multiple characters--finding out that I only had four slots when there were six professions (and that I should keep a PvP/free slot open moreover) was kind of disappointing, but adding inventory woes on top of that are a slap in the face?
Or are you prepared to argue that I should use one character slot as a mule?
I can understand, I think, the concept of paying $10 for a character slot for new characters...
.... but having to pay $10 in order to be able to fully utilize a pre-existing slot? Having to pay just so that my monk can both play in PvE and pick up items, yet still be PvP ready?
Here's your sign.
Anyone who pays any attention knows that PvE characters have an advantage in PvP due to such things as being able to have more than 2 main weapons and 2 offhands--which is all a rolled PvP allows you--and rune switching since PvEs can have all three levels while a PvP character must choose a single rune setup with each roll.
Thus, there are reasons beyond the sentimental ones for making PvE characters into PvP-ready characters... and now here's the issue. In order to be truly PvP-ready, you would need weapons for each of the probable configurations you'd run, as well as multiple armor sets for each given situation, and multiple versions of those sets to take full advantage of the PvE rune capabilities.
However, in doing this, your free inventory space takes a serious hit. Even if your PvE character will do nothing but PvP, there are still plenty of armors and weapons needed... but what if *GASP* you still want to play the rest of the game beyond the various GvG maps and the HoH Underworld? Yes, I hear that some people actually play both PvP and PvE. Wow.
I have provided for you a picture of my monk's inventory slots. Please click this Imageshack link if it doesn't show below:
As you can see, I have no real wasted space. Everything on my monk is either needed for PvP, or mostly necessary for PvE runs. I will not apologize for the 5 event helms I have in my belt pouch--because, even if I took those out, wouldn't I be out of space again as soon as I bought the +HP armor set and the +Armor Vs Enchanted set?
Storage is of no use here. Storage's 25 slots may seem like a helpful addition, and indeed it would just about cover my monk's PvP needs.
Guess what?
I play Warrior, Ranger, and Necro too; and am raising an Ele.
Shall I split storage between them, so each of my PvE's can only use 5?
There's no way around this one. If I want to truly get into high-end PvP, I need to take advantage of the many armor and weapon choices a PvE character can have; but if I do this, I'll have little to no room left for enjoying PvE on my PvE character. WTF?
ANet. Please. Material storage was cute (and to be honest, really helpful), but you need to find better ways of managing the economy and such, than limiting us in inventory as you have. I bought the game expecting to play multiple characters--finding out that I only had four slots when there were six professions (and that I should keep a PvP/free slot open moreover) was kind of disappointing, but adding inventory woes on top of that are a slap in the face?
Or are you prepared to argue that I should use one character slot as a mule?
I can understand, I think, the concept of paying $10 for a character slot for new characters...
.... but having to pay $10 in order to be able to fully utilize a pre-existing slot? Having to pay just so that my monk can both play in PvE and pick up items, yet still be PvP ready?
Here's your sign.
if you need more space buy a slot or 2 or 3 but dont expect them to provide you with an armor/weapon/item closet.
they may make a special event items tab but forget armor
Originally Posted by Redly (OP)
Of are you prepared to argue that I should use one character slot as a mule? I can understand, I think, the concept of paying $10 for a character slot for new characters... but having to pay $10 in order to be able to fully utilize a pre-existing slot? Having to pay just so that my monk can both play in PvE and pick up items, yet still be PvP ready?
Originally Posted by Loviatar
if you need more space buy a slot or 2 or 3 but dont expect them to provide you with an armor/weapon/item closet.
2) Actually, the ability to stash multiple armor/weapon sets is PRECISELY what I'm expecting. Every other game seems to manage with having tabs for such categories... or else a 'bags withing bags' setup, where you have one bag in your inventory slot, but that bag has within it many more slots. You might recognize them as "Bags of Holding" in the more traditional roleplaying/DnD sense.
english storm
I won't comment on the PVP side as i don't have experiance in it but yes storage is some what of a problem in guild wars but not as bad as what you make it look like! If you didn't have lots of sets of armour/weapons for farming you wouldn't be in such a bad place storage wise. You don't need all them armour types and weapons to play through the story.
Originally Posted by english storm
You don't need all them armour types and weapons to play through the story.
So what should I do with my character after I've gotten the Protector of Cantha and Protector of Tyria titles, and done all the available quests in the lands?
Play through the missions again? o_O;
You figgured out how to succeed with 8 skill slots, now figgure out how to succeed with 45 items slots - its the parameters of the game and you knew that from the start.
First off he isn't the first to suggest amor sets that work the same as weapon sets.
Anyone with a 55 build knows that if you die you need to switch off your offhand and if you further die you need to switch off your various armors so that your hp isn't always sitting at 1.
english storm, most players need basically one set of armor for completing the story and that isn't in debate or even a real topic of discussion. But if you do certain builds for certain explorable areas you need different armor and weapon sets for those areas. Farming armor, your typical pvp armor, your mutiple runes and armor sets for pvp... By the time you get done it really does take up a LOT of space.
One could also argue about the runes and how he could just buy the runes to replace the old ones and so forth, but as much as I have seen him change his build in one night of HoH or GvG that would take a hell of a lot of money!
He is saying that in order to be able to enjoy EVERY aspect you need those mutiple sets without the hassle of a reroll or rebuying all the things you need or hunting down your stashed away weapons for certain builds. Unlike some people he actually uses everything he has and all the bloody time. He doesn't really keep anything that isn't needed (meaning he uses at least all those things and more about once a week if not more often). The only exception are his event helms.
You can see from his inventory that he has one set of keys on him... How many different keys are their out there?
List of Keys
Prophecies Keys
Ascalonian Key (50 )
Steel Key (80 )
Northern Shiverpeaks
Krytan Key (200 )
Maguuma Key (300 )
Maguuma Jungle
Elonian Key (450 )
Crystal Desert
Shiverpeak Key (600 )
Southern Shiverpeaks
Darkstone Key (600 )
Ring of Fire Islands
Miner's Key (750 )
Sorrow's Furnace
Factions Keys
Shing Jea Key (80 )
Shing Jea Island
Canthan Key (450 )
Kaineng City
Kurzick Key (600
or 3 Equipment Requisitions)
Echovald Forest
Stoneroot Key (1 500
or 5 Equipment Requisitions)
Urgoz's Warren
Luxon Key (600
or 3 Luxon Totems)
Jade Sea
Deep Jade Key (1 500
or 5 Luxon Totems)
The Deep
Forbidden Key (600
or 3 Imperial Commendations)
Raisu Palace (Mission)
Raisu Palace (Explorable)
Core Keys
Phantom Key (750 )
The Underworld
Tomb of the Primeval Kings
Obsidian Key (1 500 )
The Fissure of Woe
.....How many keys will we have in Nightfall? Even if you eliminate the lower end keys that still leaves you with a heck of a lot of slots for just "keys". Just for arguments sake, say he buys only 3 keys before he goes out - what if he doesn't use that key or heck any of them? Does he merch them or trade them back and thusly lose money on them? Or he could pack them away on his mule (if he had one) and then forget he has them till suddenly he has even more keys that he has nowhere to put. (this has happened to me... I finally collected all my darkstone keys and I have 12! >_< Not to mention obsidian, phantom, kurzik, luxon.... you get the picture.)
How often have mules been deleted because people were in a rush? (Granted not exactly Anets fault at all but it happens because people are in a rush or just really forgetful.)
I'm also willing to bet that there will be other armor upgrades and such with Nightfall... I bought an extra account just so that my guild could have a place to store materials and weapon upgrades, runes and so forth so that they wouldn't constantly have to go out and find something because what they had didn't match up with the build or spend extra money on slots just so that they could have a place to put things. There are quest rewards in Tyria that are now kinda hard to come by, but we have them in storage and while they aren't used on an every day basis, they are there! Stuff for collectors armor and weapons as well. The list goes on and on.
Storage has been complained about in the past and a simple easy fix would be bags of holding or armor sets slots. Our weapons even though they are equipped in weapon slots still take up space when they aren't being used, but does that mean we never use them?
Go to and check out how many different builds there are just for monks alone and how many different armor setups are needed for them as well as rune setups/weapon setups. If we want to further seperate the pvp and pve then why not make a save button for certain builds with the runes, atts, weapons, skills, and armor all set to go for that build? (Something beyond prebuilds but similar) That wont help for the pve side but it will make the hassle a little less don't you think?
-One of the biggest time wasters for getting a group going in anything pvp oriented is having to reroll and reroll again... and again... and soon its taken about hour to have everyone setup correctly.-
I never thought I would have more than one to two armor sets for any of my characters but my necro has a 55 set, an MM set, and an energy set for SS. I rarely get the chance to 55 so it gets packed away on my mule which is my mesmer who I had HOPED I would get to play but by the time I clear back off the space to use her there isn't much time for anything but one mission win or lose.
It's something that needs to be worked on and honestly I don't need near as many armor or weapon sets as he does. He switches armor mid pvp if he gets to much dp, same in pve - I can attest to him actually using ALL of those armor sets at LEAST once a week if not more often. I'm sure he isn't the only one.
If you want to be critical and find flaws in what he says then at least be willing to put yourself into his shoes with the knowledge that nothing he has goes to waste and that he isn't really an item *hore.
Anyone with a 55 build knows that if you die you need to switch off your offhand and if you further die you need to switch off your various armors so that your hp isn't always sitting at 1.
english storm, most players need basically one set of armor for completing the story and that isn't in debate or even a real topic of discussion. But if you do certain builds for certain explorable areas you need different armor and weapon sets for those areas. Farming armor, your typical pvp armor, your mutiple runes and armor sets for pvp... By the time you get done it really does take up a LOT of space.
One could also argue about the runes and how he could just buy the runes to replace the old ones and so forth, but as much as I have seen him change his build in one night of HoH or GvG that would take a hell of a lot of money!
He is saying that in order to be able to enjoy EVERY aspect you need those mutiple sets without the hassle of a reroll or rebuying all the things you need or hunting down your stashed away weapons for certain builds. Unlike some people he actually uses everything he has and all the bloody time. He doesn't really keep anything that isn't needed (meaning he uses at least all those things and more about once a week if not more often). The only exception are his event helms.
You can see from his inventory that he has one set of keys on him... How many different keys are their out there?
List of Keys
Prophecies Keys
Ascalonian Key (50 )
Steel Key (80 )
Northern Shiverpeaks
Krytan Key (200 )
Maguuma Key (300 )
Maguuma Jungle
Elonian Key (450 )
Crystal Desert
Shiverpeak Key (600 )
Southern Shiverpeaks
Darkstone Key (600 )
Ring of Fire Islands
Miner's Key (750 )
Sorrow's Furnace
Factions Keys
Shing Jea Key (80 )
Shing Jea Island
Canthan Key (450 )
Kaineng City
Kurzick Key (600
or 3 Equipment Requisitions)
Echovald Forest
Stoneroot Key (1 500
or 5 Equipment Requisitions)
Urgoz's Warren
Luxon Key (600
or 3 Luxon Totems)
Jade Sea
Deep Jade Key (1 500
or 5 Luxon Totems)
The Deep
Forbidden Key (600
or 3 Imperial Commendations)
Raisu Palace (Mission)
Raisu Palace (Explorable)
Core Keys
Phantom Key (750 )
The Underworld
Tomb of the Primeval Kings
Obsidian Key (1 500 )
The Fissure of Woe
.....How many keys will we have in Nightfall? Even if you eliminate the lower end keys that still leaves you with a heck of a lot of slots for just "keys". Just for arguments sake, say he buys only 3 keys before he goes out - what if he doesn't use that key or heck any of them? Does he merch them or trade them back and thusly lose money on them? Or he could pack them away on his mule (if he had one) and then forget he has them till suddenly he has even more keys that he has nowhere to put. (this has happened to me... I finally collected all my darkstone keys and I have 12! >_< Not to mention obsidian, phantom, kurzik, luxon.... you get the picture.)
How often have mules been deleted because people were in a rush? (Granted not exactly Anets fault at all but it happens because people are in a rush or just really forgetful.)
I'm also willing to bet that there will be other armor upgrades and such with Nightfall... I bought an extra account just so that my guild could have a place to store materials and weapon upgrades, runes and so forth so that they wouldn't constantly have to go out and find something because what they had didn't match up with the build or spend extra money on slots just so that they could have a place to put things. There are quest rewards in Tyria that are now kinda hard to come by, but we have them in storage and while they aren't used on an every day basis, they are there! Stuff for collectors armor and weapons as well. The list goes on and on.
Storage has been complained about in the past and a simple easy fix would be bags of holding or armor sets slots. Our weapons even though they are equipped in weapon slots still take up space when they aren't being used, but does that mean we never use them?
Go to and check out how many different builds there are just for monks alone and how many different armor setups are needed for them as well as rune setups/weapon setups. If we want to further seperate the pvp and pve then why not make a save button for certain builds with the runes, atts, weapons, skills, and armor all set to go for that build? (Something beyond prebuilds but similar) That wont help for the pve side but it will make the hassle a little less don't you think?
-One of the biggest time wasters for getting a group going in anything pvp oriented is having to reroll and reroll again... and again... and soon its taken about hour to have everyone setup correctly.-
I never thought I would have more than one to two armor sets for any of my characters but my necro has a 55 set, an MM set, and an energy set for SS. I rarely get the chance to 55 so it gets packed away on my mule which is my mesmer who I had HOPED I would get to play but by the time I clear back off the space to use her there isn't much time for anything but one mission win or lose.
It's something that needs to be worked on and honestly I don't need near as many armor or weapon sets as he does. He switches armor mid pvp if he gets to much dp, same in pve - I can attest to him actually using ALL of those armor sets at LEAST once a week if not more often. I'm sure he isn't the only one.
If you want to be critical and find flaws in what he says then at least be willing to put yourself into his shoes with the knowledge that nothing he has goes to waste and that he isn't really an item *hore.
I agree with Loviatar. You're Need is a little much. But it is your inventory space, you decide how you want to go through with it. But the compromise to that is that you live with the alotted space, knowing full well how much you have available. There are more games than not that have even more limited storage than guild wars. They have been pretty generous. I would love to have some more though but really, it is already a bit unrealistic to be holding as much as we do. Bags isn't a good idea. However, being able to put things into one bag and then move that bag off into your storage vault or something would be nice. Then I could have a 20 slot armor bag, 20 slot weapon bag, 20 slot materials bag only taking up three slots in my vault for example.
I have a ton of weapons on my ele, ranger and warrior to deal with multiple situations. I have to live with that choice of flexibility. You don't absolutely NEED 5 different sets of armor to be successful in PvE and PvP. Many people make it through the game with just one set, maybe two if one is specific for farming (55 setup for example). Others have multiples just for looks.
You could try pairing it down a bit by just buying the pieces that get the highest percentage of hit (chest and legs) and keeping one set (the most commonly used) feet and arms. You have already reduced your armor need by 50%.
I have a ton of weapons on my ele, ranger and warrior to deal with multiple situations. I have to live with that choice of flexibility. You don't absolutely NEED 5 different sets of armor to be successful in PvE and PvP. Many people make it through the game with just one set, maybe two if one is specific for farming (55 setup for example). Others have multiples just for looks.
You could try pairing it down a bit by just buying the pieces that get the highest percentage of hit (chest and legs) and keeping one set (the most commonly used) feet and arms. You have already reduced your armor need by 50%.
Ole Man Bourbon
It's a real problem. If you ever try to diversify multiple PvE toons you run out of real estate in a hurry. With Eles, Mesmers, Necros, etc, classes with many used attributes, where you're using wands and offhands you're talking about around 50-100 items right there. O.O Then there's the armor, then kits, then actual space for loot drops. . .
At some point a mule becomes the only option for high-end activity.
At some point a mule becomes the only option for high-end activity.
Wow...I think someone needs a class in inventory management.
1. Armor Choices. This is exactly what it sounds like - you need to make CHOICES. No where in Guild Wars is there an explicit or implicit representation that you should be able to own every type of armor combination available. Right now, I count that you have 5 different armor sets AND want another 2 more.
You need to ask yourself - "do I really need all of these"? Going through your armor choices...
55HP Monk set - okay, if you like farming, this is one to have
+ Energy set - should be your staple
Spirit Bond farming set - to have a specific set JUST for Spirit Bond farming is way over the top. Why doesn't your + Energy set suffice?
PvP set - again, not sure what this means - but why doesn't your + Energy set suffice?
+ armor vs. physical set - again, you need to reconsider how much benefit you're truly getting from this bonus versus the other two
+ armor while enchanted set - why is this anywhere near necessary?
+ HP armor set - again, why would this be necessary?
Again, I think you're mistaken that you should have a different set of armor for every situation. I find myself carrying 2-3 armor combos maximum, and make do in those situations where another set would be "ideal", but no where near necessary.
2. Weapon Choices. Your weapons are completely out of control. You have a full set of wands and offhands, which I can completely understand based on which skill line you're focusing on. But then having other staves to add onto these? Why? "Green" staff and wand seem like the prime areas for cutbacks. Again, you need to make choices as to what weapons you truly need.
3. Alternative Storage You realize that, for your collector's items, that you can simply NOT carry the weapon all the time? It takes all of 5 minutes to get enough collectors materials to go visit the collector any time you find the need to use those rare collector weapons. Same thing goes for runes, can save a ton of space by just not carrying the weapons/armor/etc. combinations that you rarely use - just go get them when you need them.
1. Armor Choices. This is exactly what it sounds like - you need to make CHOICES. No where in Guild Wars is there an explicit or implicit representation that you should be able to own every type of armor combination available. Right now, I count that you have 5 different armor sets AND want another 2 more.
You need to ask yourself - "do I really need all of these"? Going through your armor choices...
55HP Monk set - okay, if you like farming, this is one to have
+ Energy set - should be your staple
Spirit Bond farming set - to have a specific set JUST for Spirit Bond farming is way over the top. Why doesn't your + Energy set suffice?
PvP set - again, not sure what this means - but why doesn't your + Energy set suffice?
+ armor vs. physical set - again, you need to reconsider how much benefit you're truly getting from this bonus versus the other two
+ armor while enchanted set - why is this anywhere near necessary?
+ HP armor set - again, why would this be necessary?
Again, I think you're mistaken that you should have a different set of armor for every situation. I find myself carrying 2-3 armor combos maximum, and make do in those situations where another set would be "ideal", but no where near necessary.
2. Weapon Choices. Your weapons are completely out of control. You have a full set of wands and offhands, which I can completely understand based on which skill line you're focusing on. But then having other staves to add onto these? Why? "Green" staff and wand seem like the prime areas for cutbacks. Again, you need to make choices as to what weapons you truly need.
3. Alternative Storage You realize that, for your collector's items, that you can simply NOT carry the weapon all the time? It takes all of 5 minutes to get enough collectors materials to go visit the collector any time you find the need to use those rare collector weapons. Same thing goes for runes, can save a ton of space by just not carrying the weapons/armor/etc. combinations that you rarely use - just go get them when you need them.
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
3. Alternative Storage You realize that, for your collector's items, that you can simply NOT carry the weapon all the time? It takes all of 5 minutes to get enough collectors materials to go visit the collector any time you find the need to use those rare collector weapons. Same thing goes for runes, can save a ton of space by just not carrying the weapons/armor/etc. combinations that you rarely use - just go get them when you need them. |
He "uses" all of that stuff at least once a week if not more often.
I have 4 sets of armor for my mesmer, and weapons for each skill line, and still have plenty of space in my main inventory bag. I've come to terms that I can't hold every style of armor out there, and that my mesmer has to choose between +10armor enchanted or in stance if he wants some free room. You just need to figure out what's important.
If I had your inventory, here'd what I'd do:
Festival items are neat, but they don't do anything. I have a dragon helm & that's it on one of my other characters.
Use staves as much as possible, wands/offhands take up too much space.
PvP characters are great because you don't need to horde inventory for them, I use them often. I don't really understand what 'pvp mods' for armor are, since I'd think they could be used for pve as well.
If I had your inventory, here'd what I'd do:
Festival items are neat, but they don't do anything. I have a dragon helm & that's it on one of my other characters.
Use staves as much as possible, wands/offhands take up too much space.
PvP characters are great because you don't need to horde inventory for them, I use them often. I don't really understand what 'pvp mods' for armor are, since I'd think they could be used for pve as well.
Ole Man Bourbon
You're asking him to be less specifically-equipped, but that's a bad option, because doing that can make you ineffective at lots of things. The better option is to simply eliminate certain builds (no more smite monking, no more mm-ing, no more spider runs, no more drok's runs, etc) so that you'd at least still be good at the other builds, but that's kind of a crappy option.
BTW often you need to use things like offhands: staves won't always work.
I realize that the argument of limited space being a challenge in and of itself has some validity. Still, it sucks not to be able to do something you want cause you have the inventory issue getting in the way.
BTW often you need to use things like offhands: staves won't always work.
I realize that the argument of limited space being a challenge in and of itself has some validity. Still, it sucks not to be able to do something you want cause you have the inventory issue getting in the way.
Here's my monk inventory for comparison. First screen is all of the stuff I use as a monk. Second screen is how I usually have my inventory/storage set up.
Ok here's what I use.
<> Full +energy armor <> Full +health armor <> Full -hp 55ing armor <> Full +AL vs. elements armor <> Shirt/Pants +AL while enchanted <> Arms/Pants 15AL shirtless build armor <> 4 Headgears <>
-Full set of +energy
-Full set of +health
-Shirt/pants only of +AL while enchanted: You're usually not going to get hit in the arms or feet.
-Arms/Pants only for shirtless monking. If you rune your armor right, you should only get the arms and shirt, and then you could use either your 55 feet or normal feet.
-Full +AL vs. elements armor. I could improve my storage space by getting rid of the feet and arms of +al vs. elements. I should only need the shirt and pants. For feet and arms I can use +health and +energy
-I still need to buy +AL vs Physical shirt and pants. This will fill my storage up more.
<> +5e +20%enchant sword <> +5e +5AL sword <> -5e +5AL sword <> Brohn's Wand <> pulling longbow <> +5e +20%enchant 20/20 heal staff <> +5e +20%enchant 20/20 prot staff <> 20/20 Ankh <> 20/20 Icon <> +5AL/+45HP while enchant Symbol <> smiting req Idol <> -5e offhand <> -50 HP cesta <>
There is little reason to have my heal and prot staves, they are made obsolete by the +5e sword and 20/20 offhand combos. If need be I could always drop those. I keep one wand for when I need to wand things. Mostly I use Brohn's to wand things when I'm 55ing. I also don't really have a need for that longbow, I usually get a longbow drop while I'm PvEing so it's just a temporary slot.
My two +5 AL swords as well as the divine symbol are for booning. With the +AL while enchant, the +5AL sword and the +5AL symbol. I have 80 AL when I'm booning. O.o I rarely ever use that smiting idol either. I just got it actually for one thing. Usually I can use my divine favor req symbol when i'm doing smiting stuff.
The first picture shows all of the stuff I use, the second is how my inventory/storage would look when I regularly PvPing or doing standard monk stuff. I keep my farming armors/weapons mainly in storage unless I'm using them. When I farm I put a lot of stuff into storage so I'll have plenty of inventory slots for drops.
Analyzing Redly's inventory
The Armors:
I think you could do better with your armors. You shouldn't need 4 pieces of 15AL armor. Get rid of the shirt and feet and redo your runes so it works. Try and use either your 55ing armor or normal armor rune set up to work with your 15AL armor set up. Not using the shirt helps set off spirit bond more often, which keeps you alive.
If you follow the guideline for only having the shirt/pants of the +AL armors then you should only need 19 slots for armor:
4 for headgear, 4 for +energy, 4 for +health, 4 for 55ing, 2 for 15ALing, 2 for AL vs elements, 2 for AL vs. physical, 2 for AL while enchant, and 0 for AL while conditioned because it's pretty much useless.
If you do the math that adds up to 24, but 5 of that 24 is the armor you're wearing, so you'd only need 19 inventory slots. Again, when using +AL armor, only use the shirt and pants and then use either +energy or +health for the arms/feet.
The weapons:
First off, I don't think you need a -20 hp icon. When I die once while 55ing, I simply change my -50 cesta off for my 20/20 ankh or 20/20 prot. This gives me 33 health. If I die more than once, but i still want to keep going, I change my armors. See my runing section on how I fix health for that.
Second, I think you have way to many staves and wands. Having the heal and prot wands is sometimes useful if you want double 20/20s, but other than that I think you should just use a sword/offhand combo for most other things.
You shouldn't really need to specialize your wands/offhands so much. You noted at the bottom that you want a 20/+hp offhand for prot/heal/smite. I think a 20/+hp would only be useful for a smiting offhand, so you won't get fast cast on smite when spiking. I can't see how one for healing and prot would be very useful.
The inspiration offhand I can only assume is being used for booning. If you use e-drain I guess this would be ok, but if you're using mantra of recall it's just wasting your time. If you get a fast recharge in mantra, you have to first strip it off with contemplation, then reapply boon, then recast mantra. those three tasks use 20 energy, so you'd only get a bonus 2-3 energy from all that work.
Other than that, in general you don't need all those wands. What's the use in the divine favor wand and staff?
Energy Swapping
I guess you use the +15e offhands for when you're getting e-drained, but I think you should instead use a -21e setup. You do this by getting a -5e sword and a -5e offhand (which is actually -2e) with a req of something you'll never have like fastcasting or soul reaping.
You can figure the math out on your own time, but if you go from a +5e sword with a +12e offhand to the -5e sword and -2e offhand you get a difference of 21. This hides 21 energy from the enemy that they can't drain until you switch it back on when you're casting. Hide the energy again when you're done casting. This is better than the +15e weapons, because the +15e weapons give only a difference of 15, and knock down your energy regen by one.
Runing Armors
It's helpful to rune all of your armors in a similar fashion, to make mixing and matching armors do-able without messing with rune setups. My first common rule is to have the primary attribute always on the pants, in this case the divine favor rune. I also always put the vigor on the feet. I put the prot minor on the arms and healing minor on the chest. I rarely need a smiting minor, so if I do, I can just temporarily change one of my healing minors into a smiting minor.
My 55 armor and shirtless armor is messed up a little. For 55 armor I still have the divine sup on the legs, and the healing sup on the chest, but then I have the prot sup on the feet and the smiting sup on the arms. If I die once, I switch to my healing offhand. If I die twice and still don't want to give up, I switch off my sup divine favor pants for my minor divine favor pants. You don't need divine favor very high after you've cast blessed aura on yourself. If I die three times I can mess around with vigor boots and other things til I get more than 1 hp.
Ok then. That's about that. I wonder how many ppl will read this entire thing O.o Hopefully at least you do, Redly.
EDIT: Blah other ppl made long posts too :O
Also I forgot to ask what "15k PvP mods" means. My rune set up is the same for PvP as it is for PvE, and what type of armor is that? +energy, +AL? Could you give the specifics on what that armor is?
Ok here's what I use.
<> Full +energy armor <> Full +health armor <> Full -hp 55ing armor <> Full +AL vs. elements armor <> Shirt/Pants +AL while enchanted <> Arms/Pants 15AL shirtless build armor <> 4 Headgears <>
-Full set of +energy
-Full set of +health
-Shirt/pants only of +AL while enchanted: You're usually not going to get hit in the arms or feet.
-Arms/Pants only for shirtless monking. If you rune your armor right, you should only get the arms and shirt, and then you could use either your 55 feet or normal feet.
-Full +AL vs. elements armor. I could improve my storage space by getting rid of the feet and arms of +al vs. elements. I should only need the shirt and pants. For feet and arms I can use +health and +energy
-I still need to buy +AL vs Physical shirt and pants. This will fill my storage up more.
<> +5e +20%enchant sword <> +5e +5AL sword <> -5e +5AL sword <> Brohn's Wand <> pulling longbow <> +5e +20%enchant 20/20 heal staff <> +5e +20%enchant 20/20 prot staff <> 20/20 Ankh <> 20/20 Icon <> +5AL/+45HP while enchant Symbol <> smiting req Idol <> -5e offhand <> -50 HP cesta <>
There is little reason to have my heal and prot staves, they are made obsolete by the +5e sword and 20/20 offhand combos. If need be I could always drop those. I keep one wand for when I need to wand things. Mostly I use Brohn's to wand things when I'm 55ing. I also don't really have a need for that longbow, I usually get a longbow drop while I'm PvEing so it's just a temporary slot.
My two +5 AL swords as well as the divine symbol are for booning. With the +AL while enchant, the +5AL sword and the +5AL symbol. I have 80 AL when I'm booning. O.o I rarely ever use that smiting idol either. I just got it actually for one thing. Usually I can use my divine favor req symbol when i'm doing smiting stuff.
The first picture shows all of the stuff I use, the second is how my inventory/storage would look when I regularly PvPing or doing standard monk stuff. I keep my farming armors/weapons mainly in storage unless I'm using them. When I farm I put a lot of stuff into storage so I'll have plenty of inventory slots for drops.
Analyzing Redly's inventory
The Armors:
I think you could do better with your armors. You shouldn't need 4 pieces of 15AL armor. Get rid of the shirt and feet and redo your runes so it works. Try and use either your 55ing armor or normal armor rune set up to work with your 15AL armor set up. Not using the shirt helps set off spirit bond more often, which keeps you alive.
If you follow the guideline for only having the shirt/pants of the +AL armors then you should only need 19 slots for armor:
4 for headgear, 4 for +energy, 4 for +health, 4 for 55ing, 2 for 15ALing, 2 for AL vs elements, 2 for AL vs. physical, 2 for AL while enchant, and 0 for AL while conditioned because it's pretty much useless.
If you do the math that adds up to 24, but 5 of that 24 is the armor you're wearing, so you'd only need 19 inventory slots. Again, when using +AL armor, only use the shirt and pants and then use either +energy or +health for the arms/feet.
The weapons:
First off, I don't think you need a -20 hp icon. When I die once while 55ing, I simply change my -50 cesta off for my 20/20 ankh or 20/20 prot. This gives me 33 health. If I die more than once, but i still want to keep going, I change my armors. See my runing section on how I fix health for that.
Second, I think you have way to many staves and wands. Having the heal and prot wands is sometimes useful if you want double 20/20s, but other than that I think you should just use a sword/offhand combo for most other things.
You shouldn't really need to specialize your wands/offhands so much. You noted at the bottom that you want a 20/+hp offhand for prot/heal/smite. I think a 20/+hp would only be useful for a smiting offhand, so you won't get fast cast on smite when spiking. I can't see how one for healing and prot would be very useful.
The inspiration offhand I can only assume is being used for booning. If you use e-drain I guess this would be ok, but if you're using mantra of recall it's just wasting your time. If you get a fast recharge in mantra, you have to first strip it off with contemplation, then reapply boon, then recast mantra. those three tasks use 20 energy, so you'd only get a bonus 2-3 energy from all that work.
Other than that, in general you don't need all those wands. What's the use in the divine favor wand and staff?
Energy Swapping
I guess you use the +15e offhands for when you're getting e-drained, but I think you should instead use a -21e setup. You do this by getting a -5e sword and a -5e offhand (which is actually -2e) with a req of something you'll never have like fastcasting or soul reaping.
You can figure the math out on your own time, but if you go from a +5e sword with a +12e offhand to the -5e sword and -2e offhand you get a difference of 21. This hides 21 energy from the enemy that they can't drain until you switch it back on when you're casting. Hide the energy again when you're done casting. This is better than the +15e weapons, because the +15e weapons give only a difference of 15, and knock down your energy regen by one.
Runing Armors
It's helpful to rune all of your armors in a similar fashion, to make mixing and matching armors do-able without messing with rune setups. My first common rule is to have the primary attribute always on the pants, in this case the divine favor rune. I also always put the vigor on the feet. I put the prot minor on the arms and healing minor on the chest. I rarely need a smiting minor, so if I do, I can just temporarily change one of my healing minors into a smiting minor.
My 55 armor and shirtless armor is messed up a little. For 55 armor I still have the divine sup on the legs, and the healing sup on the chest, but then I have the prot sup on the feet and the smiting sup on the arms. If I die once, I switch to my healing offhand. If I die twice and still don't want to give up, I switch off my sup divine favor pants for my minor divine favor pants. You don't need divine favor very high after you've cast blessed aura on yourself. If I die three times I can mess around with vigor boots and other things til I get more than 1 hp.
Ok then. That's about that. I wonder how many ppl will read this entire thing O.o Hopefully at least you do, Redly.
EDIT: Blah other ppl made long posts too :O
Also I forgot to ask what "15k PvP mods" means. My rune set up is the same for PvP as it is for PvE, and what type of armor is that? +energy, +AL? Could you give the specifics on what that armor is?
Originally Posted by Eviance
Anyone with a 55 build knows that if you die you need to switch off your offhand and if you further die you need to switch off your various armors so that your hp isn't always sitting at 1.
One could also argue about the runes and how he could just buy the runes to replace the old ones and so forth, but as much as I have seen him change his build in one night of HoH or GvG that would take a hell of a lot of money! He is saying that in order to be able to enjoy EVERY aspect you need those mutiple sets without the hassle of a reroll or rebuying all the things you need or hunting down your stashed away weapons for certain builds. Just for arguments sake, say he buys only 3 keys before he goes out - what if he doesn't use that key or heck any of them? Does he merch them or trade them back and thusly lose money on them? |
Unfortunately, when it comes to storage management, a player HAS to make some decisions. If he wants to have the full functionality of playing multiple builds multiple times a week, each requiring 2, 3 or even 4 unique armor sets...I'm sorry, but there's a cost to that.
Whether that's sacrificing the event helms, or having to *gulp* repurchase armors....that's the tough choice he has to make.
There are also clear alternatives in many aspects of the game that you describe as well. For example, if you have a problem with DP as a 55 monk, why carry another armor set/offhand? Simply pop a candy cane into your mouth and PRESTO - no DP problem. Candy canes take up 1 slot, a new armor set/offhand takes up 5 slots.
"But then I need to go buy candy canes and they are expensive!" I'm sorry, but that is a cost of storage management. Just like your key example above, I would not hesitate in selling my keys to the merchant. Yes, I have a 50% loss on the transaction - but that is the cost to taking them into the explorable area and not using them.
Again, going back to my original post - it's all about choices. The inability to sacrifice is not an option when you're faced with limited storage and, honestly, it isn't A-Net's responsibility to help you manage your storage. Granted, I would love to have that additional flexibility...but I wouldn't call it a crisis as the OP claims.
Originally Posted by Mournblade
You figgured out how to succeed with 8 skill slots, now figgure out how to succeed with 45 items slots - its the parameters of the game and you knew that from the start.
Originally Posted by excerpts from JetDoc
+ Energy set - should be your staple
Spirit Bond farming set - but why doesn't your + Energy set suffice? + HP armor set - again, why would this be necessary? 2. Weapon Choices. Your weapons are completely out of control. You have a full set of wands and offhands, which I can completely understand based on which skill line you're focusing on. But then having other staves to add onto these? Why? "Green" staff and wand seem like the prime areas for cutbacks. Again, you need to make choices as to what weapons you truly need. |
You want me to take an Ascetic set as my staple into a GvG? Oh. My. God. gg.
Why doesn't my energy set work with some Spirit Bonding? You've never done it, have you? Spirit Bond will only trigger when the damage done is (equal to, or over?) 60. If you Drok's Armor Level 60 keeps all damage 59 and below, Spirit Bond will never trigger and you'll die. You need a low armor (that's Shing Jea level 15) so that all damage is over 60, and then after that Prot Spirit will reduce the damage to manageable levels. Saying that you can blindly use max armor with all Spirit Bonding is like saying that I will be fine using an HP level of 480 while trying to run a 55 farming build. In fact, why don't you try that. Go into the Underworld with the 55 farming build (Prot Spirit + enchants galore), but have your HP at 480. You tell me what happens.
And, my weapons are out of control? WTF?
4 attribute lines (healing, protection, divine favour, and smiting)
2 wands in each line (20/20 ... 20% recharge and energy+5^50)
3 offhands in each line (20/20 ... 20% recharge and HP+30 ... Energy+15 and -1 regen)
4 lines * 5 weapons (2 wands, 3 offhands) = 20 total weapons for complete versatility.
Notice that I only have 15 in inventory, plus the bow and prot icon I'm holding. ((and yes, you CAN hold an offhand while using a two-handed weapon. It just doesn't help you any, but at least it gets it out of your inventory))
Thus, I have not achieved monk weaponry perfection, but have already had to compromise in places, in order to keep other weapons like the -50hp offhand, a bow for pulling, offhands with different bonuses than those listed above...
Originally Posted by JetDoc
... If he wants to have the full functionality of playing multiple builds multiple times a week, each requiring 2, 3 or even 4 unique armor sets...I'm sorry, but there's a cost to that.
If I decided to PvP only, I could ditch some PvE items on my monk and have the perfection described above... but because I want to PvE, I already have to make some compromises. The end result?
I have to choose between pure PvP preparedness, and gimped PvP in order to participate with my guildmates in PvE.
And that isn't right.
************************************************** ******************
Hollerith: lol, thanks, but... I'm kinda sentimental about those items; and moreover, what's the bloody point of HAVING the event helms, if ANet is only going to force us to delete them later just so we can play the bloody game?
I always took it that helms are made for fun. Wear them during the festival and it's like walking around with a lampshade on your head at parties: it increases fun threefold.
I was quite attached to two parchment I crafted the 2nd day I played (since I saw people WTB'ing it). I collected a lot of stuff over my 1.xx years of playing that are ditchable - the HOD sword, the 'blue' superior runes, now the -50maj runes. I fancied ANet employees reading some databases and thinking to themselves, "man, that dude still has the same 2 parchment in his inventory after a full year." But alas, I had to let go. They weren't doing me any good (still have the HOD sword tho).
Maybe it's because the closest thing I have is a Mesmer, but all I need are two sets of armor for PvE, the enchanters set and virtuoso's set. Screw the +armor while enchanted/stanced, enchanters will be good enough - and if I change my mind I'll replace the virtuoso. I don't need all sets of armor to play the bloody game, I make the choice which is most effective.
Maybe it's because I played MtG when I was younger, and am comfortable streamlining.
I was quite attached to two parchment I crafted the 2nd day I played (since I saw people WTB'ing it). I collected a lot of stuff over my 1.xx years of playing that are ditchable - the HOD sword, the 'blue' superior runes, now the -50maj runes. I fancied ANet employees reading some databases and thinking to themselves, "man, that dude still has the same 2 parchment in his inventory after a full year." But alas, I had to let go. They weren't doing me any good (still have the HOD sword tho).
Maybe it's because the closest thing I have is a Mesmer, but all I need are two sets of armor for PvE, the enchanters set and virtuoso's set. Screw the +armor while enchanted/stanced, enchanters will be good enough - and if I change my mind I'll replace the virtuoso. I don't need all sets of armor to play the bloody game, I make the choice which is most effective.
Maybe it's because I played MtG when I was younger, and am comfortable streamlining.
The fact is that when Nightfall gets here, are we gonna be even further gimped? In no other game that I personally know of is there such an issue... You can keep BS things that you don't need, so why not here? Why is it such a stretch of the imagination to have more space or better ways of holding/storing things?
Personally I am tired of picking up Redly's crap that he leaves behind but then again his lack of space leaves a lot of gold in my pocket so I really shouldn't complain =P
Personally I am tired of picking up Redly's crap that he leaves behind but then again his lack of space leaves a lot of gold in my pocket so I really shouldn't complain =P
Ole Man Bourbon
I'm becoming convinced that those arguing against storage expansion are closeted Communist Reds.
Originally Posted by Redly
JetDoc - the more you speak, the more unintelligent you're proving to be.
And, my weapons are out of control? WTF? 4 attribute lines (healing, protection, divine favour, and smiting) 2 wands in each line (20/20 ... 20% recharge and energy+5^50) 3 offhands in each line (20/20 ... 20% recharge and HP+30 ... Energy+15 and -1 regen) 4 lines * 5 weapons (2 wands, 3 offhands) = 20 total weapons for complete versatility. Why doesn't my energy set work with some Spirit Bonding? You've never done it, have you? I have to choose between pure PvP preparedness, and gimped PvP in order to participate with my guildmates in PvE. And that isn't right. |
Second, regarding the weapons - read my suggestions thoroughly regarding alternative storage. When was the last time that you were in mid-battle and had to switch from your healing weapon set to your smiting weapon set to your protection weapon set? Honestly, you don't NEED to keep each of these items in your simply need to acquire them when needed.
Here is an excellent resource to finding those items that are readily available from collectors...
Third, regarding armor selection - you're absolutely right that I do not have any experience in Spirit Bonding. USING YOUR OWN WORDS, the requirements for Spirit Bonding is Shing Jea Level 15 armor. Last I checked, Shing Jea Level 15 armor costs 14 Cloth, 7 Plant Fibers, 1 parchment and 250 gold. Seems like having 5 slots taken up for a total armor set that you can craft with a whopping 500 gold isn't the most efficient use of your storage space.
Again, these are suggestions in ways that you can better manage your inventory. You can take some of them and attempt to utilize your storage to its fullest capacity, or simply dismiss them and, in your own words "gimp" your playing experience out of the inflexibility to sacrifice. That's your choice in the end.
Dougal Kronik
Redly, what exactly are you asking for?
You have serious storage issues, agreed. I think everyone that plays wishes they had more storage. You have pointed out areas that you want/need to be viable in PvE and PvP, Eviance has seconded your use of all your armour and weapoons, but what would your solution be?
And don't ask for unlimited storage as there is no way Anet could accomodate all the players with unlimited storage. It's not possible from a programming/hardware perspective.
The contributors to the forums can't support you if you don't ask for something.
You have serious storage issues, agreed. I think everyone that plays wishes they had more storage. You have pointed out areas that you want/need to be viable in PvE and PvP, Eviance has seconded your use of all your armour and weapoons, but what would your solution be?
And don't ask for unlimited storage as there is no way Anet could accomodate all the players with unlimited storage. It's not possible from a programming/hardware perspective.
The contributors to the forums can't support you if you don't ask for something.
Originally Posted by Eviance
Why is it such a stretch of the imagination to have more space or better ways of holding/storing things?
What I take exception to is when people like Redly post their inventory and simply state that they are effectively "forced" to purchase an additional character slot for $10 because they simply cannot play PvP and PvE with the amount of storage slots allotted.
I would love the extra space, but I can manage with what has been provided.
I have 4 sets of armour for my warrior. One is the 100 AL armour [15k luxon] 2 are the glad sets [I got the 15k tyrian glads first, 15k kurzick when factions was released] and I have a 15k platemail se5.. for not much reason. I have my kurzick+luxons wearing/in a bag, with weapons+shields also in that bag. top row of backpack is for ID and salvage. Wow. Thats for one character. =/ ANET. HOW ABOUT STOP DOING THESE CRAPPY WEEKEND EVENTS [Twice xp from scrolls. Powerlevel ftw..] AND GIVE US WHAT WE WANT! STORAGE! BTW, i spelled it s-t-o-r-a-g-e and not m-o-u-n-t-s or r-a-c-e-s. Listen to the public.
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
First off, please do not insult my intelligence. In absolutely no part of my post did I flame you, and I would ask that you show me the proper respect as well.
Second, regarding the weapons - read my suggestions thoroughly regarding alternative storage. When was the last time that you were in mid-battle and had to switch from your healing weapon set to your smiting weapon set to your protection weapon set? Honestly, you don't NEED to keep each of these items in your simply need to acquire them when needed. Third, regarding armor selection - you're absolutely right that I do not have any experience in Spirit Bonding. USING YOUR OWN WORDS, the requirements for Spirit Bonding is Shing Jea Level 15 armor. Last I checked, Shing Jea Level 15 armor costs 14 Cloth, 7 Plant Fibers, 1 parchment and 250 gold. Seems like having 5 slots taken up for a total armor set that you can craft with a whopping 500 gold isn't the most efficient use of your storage space. |
2. ... when was the last time you PvP'd for a while with guildmates and/or PUGs? "Hold on, let me roll up a dom mesmer" after the first round, then "ok, let me reroll an illusion mesmer" gets old -real- quick.
Likewise, can you imagine what it would really mean, to have to ask your guildmates everytime you wanted to GvG "oh, you want me to go Heal monk? Hold on, guys, I need to make my way to Kegai." One battle later: "Oh, you want me to go RC Prot? K brb I need to see Gelinda and Yiwong."
One battle later: (etc.)...
3. Likewise, while it would technically work, I'm not sure that buying a new set of armor (and runes to go with them!) everytime I wanna farm is very efficient...
In the end, I'm glad you can manage; but I don't think my guildmates should have to wait up on me, because ANet isn't giving me enough room to really have PvP-ready PvE characters.
Dougal: read post #3 in this thread?
Originally Posted by Redly
Mournblade, you think I should make do?
If I decided to PvP only, I could ditch some PvE items on my monk and have the perfection described above... but because I want to PvE, I already have to make some compromises. The end result? I have to choose between pure PvP preparedness, and gimped PvP in order to participate with my guildmates in PvE. And that isn't right. |
And to 'ol Bourbon... i'm not actually against more slots - who wouldn't want more? I'm just opposed to people saying they can't play the game properly without the extra slots. :\
Dougal Kronik
So Redly, you just want armour storage - I agree!
/signed for some sort of armor storage
/signed for some sort of armor storage
Hint: When you pvp, put the pve stuff on storage, login with other char and put those on that char's invetory, OR
use the same id kit, and salave kit, and keys for ALL your chars....and...event helms?wtf ? you are complaning about inventory space and you are using 5 slots with them ? that does not make any sense to me.
use the same id kit, and salave kit, and keys for ALL your chars....and...event helms?wtf ? you are complaning about inventory space and you are using 5 slots with them ? that does not make any sense to me.
Scavenger Rage
Originally Posted by Opeth
Hint: When you pvp, put the pve stuff on storage, login with other char and put those on that char's invetory, OR
use the same id kit, and salave kit, and keys for ALL your chars....and...event helms?wtf ? you are complaning about inventory space and you are using 5 slots with them ? that does not make any sense to me. |
I don't know how many bows your rangers have, but mine has at least 9: vamp, 4 different elemental, candy cane, crippling, poisonous (farming), -2 dmg/stance (quest reward). I use the Factions preorder staff for +10en if I need it for trapping or whatever. I "loaned" the zealous I don't use to my assassin, but I would like to get a replacement. I have 2 sets of armor, 3 masks, and a horns of grenth.
My mesmer: green illusion staff, collector dom staff (+1 dom wrapping), Rockmolder, Gorrel's Cane, Garbok's Cane, presear +5 ar while enchanted sword, Garbok's Chalice, Peppermint Shield, +ar vs fire focus, air staff. I've saved on space by going with staves, even though they are slightly less optimal. I have 4 holiday hats, 3 masks, and 3 sets of armor (I do plan on dumping 1 set, maybe 2, after I see what mods/artwork are available with Nightfall). I don't even have a -en weapon yet.
After the major rune change, I switched my armors on those characters to only use 2 majors instead of a superior... but I would like to have a set of masks and gloves that accomodate the use of a superior rune as well. For now,at least I, still have most of my first bag for item drops.
Weapons are definitely the worst offender when it comes to being a storage hog. If there was some sort of storage for customized items, it would make life easier.
My mesmer: green illusion staff, collector dom staff (+1 dom wrapping), Rockmolder, Gorrel's Cane, Garbok's Cane, presear +5 ar while enchanted sword, Garbok's Chalice, Peppermint Shield, +ar vs fire focus, air staff. I've saved on space by going with staves, even though they are slightly less optimal. I have 4 holiday hats, 3 masks, and 3 sets of armor (I do plan on dumping 1 set, maybe 2, after I see what mods/artwork are available with Nightfall). I don't even have a -en weapon yet.
After the major rune change, I switched my armors on those characters to only use 2 majors instead of a superior... but I would like to have a set of masks and gloves that accomodate the use of a superior rune as well. For now,at least I, still have most of my first bag for item drops.
Weapons are definitely the worst offender when it comes to being a storage hog. If there was some sort of storage for customized items, it would make life easier.
Why won't you spend $10 for more storage (a mule), again?
You can keep all the stuff on you for PvP, then empty it out to a Mule when you're farming or playing PvE.
$10 is a heck of a deal for more storage.
That said, of course I'm for more storage. Who isn't? But don't act like there's no options available to you. There are.
You can keep all the stuff on you for PvP, then empty it out to a Mule when you're farming or playing PvE.
$10 is a heck of a deal for more storage.
That said, of course I'm for more storage. Who isn't? But don't act like there's no options available to you. There are.
Originally Posted by Mordakai
Why won't you spend $10 for more storage (a mule), again?
Stop trying to say that I should trade out a playable slot for a storage character. That's unfair, when you get right down to it.
Originally Posted by Opeth
event helms?wtf ? you are complaning about inventory space and you are using 5 slots with them ? that does not make any sense to me.
And, see, that's my point. Not only do we have enough inventory issues as it is--but then they drop stuff like the event helms in our laps. How am I supposed to feel? Doesn't it cheapen the whole event helm idea, if I know I'm going to be accused of being an inventory idiot for keeping them after the event?
That just seems... wrong, kinda like giving a kid who lives in an apartment building a Go Kart for her birthday, and then punishing her when she drives it outside and the engine makes noise.
I feel a little set up to be honest.
Originally Posted by Redly
I feel a little set up to be honest.
I think you'll agree, though, that buying an extra slot just for a mule is really a good buy if this storage issue is keeping you from enjoying the game.
Hell, I already have a couple of characters holding crap like collector's drop. I'm not using them at the moment, so why not?
EDIT: Just see you've replied to my orginal post.
Look, your character right now is in no way "unplayable." You just can't farm with him, is all. You don't need all that stuff just to play the game! If you feel you need all that stuff to play the game the way you want to, maybe you should consider paying a little extra.
That's all I'm saying. And yes, I consider $10 for more storage very cheap in a game that charges NO monthly fees.
Sli Ander
Here's a question: When you first started having this problem, why didn't you just start a second monk? It sounds like you're trying to do too much with one guy(over-multi-task). Jack of all trades, master of none?
I know it will take some time to level up a second guy, but then you have one for farming and pve, and the other can stick with pvp and something else. Or you could just get a mule like everyone is saying.(I don't use one myself, I only play casual)
I know it will take some time to level up a second guy, but then you have one for farming and pve, and the other can stick with pvp and something else. Or you could just get a mule like everyone is saying.(I don't use one myself, I only play casual)
note to OP
have you considered that you are not the developers target selling audience?
that most of the players have (and have fun ) with a fraction of what you consider necessary?
that there are players at the other end of the curve that still have empty slots after more than a year of playing?
most of the players are doing fine as it is .
and yes many of those would be happy with more room but still manage to have fun with what they have.
if you want space to hold farming run items get a mule to hold the things the farming character doesnt need to do his farming.
have you considered that you are not the developers target selling audience?
that most of the players have (and have fun ) with a fraction of what you consider necessary?
that there are players at the other end of the curve that still have empty slots after more than a year of playing?
most of the players are doing fine as it is .
and yes many of those would be happy with more room but still manage to have fun with what they have.
if you want space to hold farming run items get a mule to hold the things the farming character doesnt need to do his farming.
Make another monk specifically for PvP.
Lovi: It's becoming rather evident that I'm not the target audience. Weird, though, that they don't choose to cater to people who would like to do both PvE and PvP, with the same characters. Wonder why people defect to WoW, hm......
I understand other people are saying 'just get another character / make a mule'... but I'm sorry, I don't at all understand this mentality that my monk shouldn't be able to do all things a monk can do.
When I bought Guild Wars, I was looking forward to doing many things with my characters... not having to say "ok, this one will farm, and this one will PvP, and..."
It might be different if we had enough slots to cover everything, but when the default is to give us 2 slots LESS than the amount of primary professions you can make--and moreover, to be expected to keep a PvP slot open..... well, I already don't have enough to make all the PvE professions so I'll have to buy slots. Now you want me to pay even more above THAT to make a mule for my PvEs?
This entire dialogue sounds a bit like a battered wife talking about wanting the abuse to end, and everyone just tells her "well stop doing the things that makes your husband mad and it won't happen". That's entirely unfair. There shouldn't be a NEED for this discussion at all.
Other games manage to have armor/weapon/category slots similar to the new materials tab in Storage. Others have expandable inventory, where you might have a single bag in your inventory--but if you hover your mouse over that bag, you can see 20 more slots inside of it for storing items.
Why can't ANet manage this?
I understand other people are saying 'just get another character / make a mule'... but I'm sorry, I don't at all understand this mentality that my monk shouldn't be able to do all things a monk can do.
When I bought Guild Wars, I was looking forward to doing many things with my characters... not having to say "ok, this one will farm, and this one will PvP, and..."
It might be different if we had enough slots to cover everything, but when the default is to give us 2 slots LESS than the amount of primary professions you can make--and moreover, to be expected to keep a PvP slot open..... well, I already don't have enough to make all the PvE professions so I'll have to buy slots. Now you want me to pay even more above THAT to make a mule for my PvEs?
This entire dialogue sounds a bit like a battered wife talking about wanting the abuse to end, and everyone just tells her "well stop doing the things that makes your husband mad and it won't happen". That's entirely unfair. There shouldn't be a NEED for this discussion at all.
Other games manage to have armor/weapon/category slots similar to the new materials tab in Storage. Others have expandable inventory, where you might have a single bag in your inventory--but if you hover your mouse over that bag, you can see 20 more slots inside of it for storing items.
Why can't ANet manage this?
/signed coz red is my friend.
I have to agree with red here, $10 is not a good deal for another character if you intend to use it for a mule. I dont think that storage should be for real life currency at all.
Also he is saying that even though he has the option to reroll a new monk for pvp, It still wouldnt be as versitile, so if he was healing, he would have to reroll, then reroll again for prot. Instead of just switching out armor/weapons/skills/attribute points on his pve character.
I also use my PVE characters when i PVP (seldom) I dont have as many sets of armor now, In fact my necro still wears her mm armor when ss'ing. But I fear that if I do start pvping more, I will need extra room to be as helpful to my guild as I can be.
/signed for additional storage improvements. (thanks for the material storage. time for the next installment.) However.
/notsigned if that additional ingame storage costs real life money. Anet already has my money.
Also he is saying that even though he has the option to reroll a new monk for pvp, It still wouldnt be as versitile, so if he was healing, he would have to reroll, then reroll again for prot. Instead of just switching out armor/weapons/skills/attribute points on his pve character.
I also use my PVE characters when i PVP (seldom) I dont have as many sets of armor now, In fact my necro still wears her mm armor when ss'ing. But I fear that if I do start pvping more, I will need extra room to be as helpful to my guild as I can be.
/signed for additional storage improvements. (thanks for the material storage. time for the next installment.) However.
/notsigned if that additional ingame storage costs real life money. Anet already has my money.
All I have to say is GG when Nightfall comes out people.
The cry for more storage has been an issue for FOREVER, but yet because they keep putting us off and making us wait and so on and so forth, that gives you good reason to go oh well life is shit lets just wallow in it?
Even if he has more stuff than YOU think he needs, he seems quite convinced that everything he has is needed and quite often. If I were you I would think he were over accesorizing as well if I haven't with my own eyes watched him run through at least 5 slots in his inventory a pvp match!
The fact is, they led us to believe that our Tyrians would have more storage space and they have only slightly altered it. Even if he IS over accesorizing we are STILL in need of more storage and that battle cry shouldn't stop just because people are content to wallow in the fact that it hasn't come yet.
If Anet listens so much then why do people like you tell us not to speak our minds and thoughts? If you don't agree, say so - he doesn't agree with what you agree and thusly has every right just like any other yahoo on this forum to post what he thinks will better the personal overall enjoyment of the game. He thinks more space will make a lot of things easier - and IT WOULD! So why argue over it. If you think he has too much crap thats one thing, but saying he doesn't have a right to ask for a better and more enjoyable playing experience where he sees he needs it, is telling him that he has no right to feel how he does... and thats just wrong -_-
He wants more space, someone else wants a hair dresser *rolls eyes*, some others want an auction house.... It doesn't all end from asking for something that in essence would make playing a bit more enjoyable and for others like the OP a lot more enjoyable.
So other people want storage as well but because he has used up MORE space than those people it makes it more fun to rag on him for it and tell him he needs to downgrade? Is it so wrong that he stated his plee differently than others?
My gawd how many ideas have been posted that just seem crap and everyone wants them and then still no ones happy....
Good grief get over it, it's not like this one idea will make things WORSE so what's the point of arguing against it? -_-
If there is a LOGICAL reason for why we SHOULDN'T have more storage space other than "I don't need it why should you?" then post it. Is it difficult to code? Will it cause the economy to crash?
The cry for more storage has been an issue for FOREVER, but yet because they keep putting us off and making us wait and so on and so forth, that gives you good reason to go oh well life is shit lets just wallow in it?
Even if he has more stuff than YOU think he needs, he seems quite convinced that everything he has is needed and quite often. If I were you I would think he were over accesorizing as well if I haven't with my own eyes watched him run through at least 5 slots in his inventory a pvp match!
The fact is, they led us to believe that our Tyrians would have more storage space and they have only slightly altered it. Even if he IS over accesorizing we are STILL in need of more storage and that battle cry shouldn't stop just because people are content to wallow in the fact that it hasn't come yet.
If Anet listens so much then why do people like you tell us not to speak our minds and thoughts? If you don't agree, say so - he doesn't agree with what you agree and thusly has every right just like any other yahoo on this forum to post what he thinks will better the personal overall enjoyment of the game. He thinks more space will make a lot of things easier - and IT WOULD! So why argue over it. If you think he has too much crap thats one thing, but saying he doesn't have a right to ask for a better and more enjoyable playing experience where he sees he needs it, is telling him that he has no right to feel how he does... and thats just wrong -_-
He wants more space, someone else wants a hair dresser *rolls eyes*, some others want an auction house.... It doesn't all end from asking for something that in essence would make playing a bit more enjoyable and for others like the OP a lot more enjoyable.
So other people want storage as well but because he has used up MORE space than those people it makes it more fun to rag on him for it and tell him he needs to downgrade? Is it so wrong that he stated his plee differently than others?
My gawd how many ideas have been posted that just seem crap and everyone wants them and then still no ones happy....
Good grief get over it, it's not like this one idea will make things WORSE so what's the point of arguing against it? -_-
If there is a LOGICAL reason for why we SHOULDN'T have more storage space other than "I don't need it why should you?" then post it. Is it difficult to code? Will it cause the economy to crash?
I have to agree with red here, $10 is not a good deal for another character if you intend to use it for a mule. I dont think that storage should be for real life currency at all.
Also he is saying that even though he has the option to reroll a new monk for pvp, It still wouldnt be as versitile, so if he was healing, he would have to reroll, then reroll again for prot. Instead of just switching out armor/weapons/skills/attribute points on his pve character.
I also use my PVE characters when i PVP (seldom) I dont have as many sets of armor now, In fact my necro still wears her mm armor when ss'ing. But I fear that if I do start pvping more, I will need extra room to be as helpful to my guild as I can be.
/signed for additional storage improvements. (thanks for the material storage. time for the next installment.) However.
/notsigned if that additional ingame storage costs real life money. Anet already has my money.
Also he is saying that even though he has the option to reroll a new monk for pvp, It still wouldnt be as versitile, so if he was healing, he would have to reroll, then reroll again for prot. Instead of just switching out armor/weapons/skills/attribute points on his pve character.
I also use my PVE characters when i PVP (seldom) I dont have as many sets of armor now, In fact my necro still wears her mm armor when ss'ing. But I fear that if I do start pvping more, I will need extra room to be as helpful to my guild as I can be.
/signed for additional storage improvements. (thanks for the material storage. time for the next installment.) However.
/notsigned if that additional ingame storage costs real life money. Anet already has my money.