Halloween Event
Just came by, because i saw a Gayle Gray post, saying that this event may not come.
Why? It's like.. One of the best things that Guild Wars have, events like halloween, and many people will by NightFall in chirstmas, me for example.. And a event would be great for those people.
Also, i dont get the point people saying:
- Anet has better things to do!
- Let them developt better things!
Blah blah blah.
If this continues, then we wont get updates, i just see PvP'ers complain everytime we give a sugestion.
Like for example, Mini-Pets, if someone would have sugested that, everybody would say:
" U are an idiot, anet has better things to improve then go do mini-pets".
If this mentality goes, and you guys transmit this kinda of stuff to them, they will never improve.
They will sit in theyre chair, and say "lets do that in the 11chapter, its hard and i am lazy".
We must have halloween, if not, then Anet employs are lazy. Dont tell me that you have very work, i know you might have, but if you want Guild Wars to be bigger, and want more players online, and want more respect from us players, then do the event, and everybody will be happy, and say Anet is the best company that listens to the players, and sacrifice some hours to do things that we like.
Why? It's like.. One of the best things that Guild Wars have, events like halloween, and many people will by NightFall in chirstmas, me for example.. And a event would be great for those people.
Also, i dont get the point people saying:
- Anet has better things to do!
- Let them developt better things!
Blah blah blah.
If this continues, then we wont get updates, i just see PvP'ers complain everytime we give a sugestion.
Like for example, Mini-Pets, if someone would have sugested that, everybody would say:
" U are an idiot, anet has better things to improve then go do mini-pets".
If this mentality goes, and you guys transmit this kinda of stuff to them, they will never improve.
They will sit in theyre chair, and say "lets do that in the 11chapter, its hard and i am lazy".
We must have halloween, if not, then Anet employs are lazy. Dont tell me that you have very work, i know you might have, but if you want Guild Wars to be bigger, and want more players online, and want more respect from us players, then do the event, and everybody will be happy, and say Anet is the best company that listens to the players, and sacrifice some hours to do things that we like.
It's not really improving is it?
It would be "chapter exclusive" anyway, since Nightfall is coming before Halloween as far as I know. I don't really imagine a Celtic holiday in African scenery but I guess boosting the sales has a priority here.
Originally Posted by TiNkLeR
Just came by, because i saw a Gayle Gray post, saying that this event may not come.
Bye. |
i couldnt find a sign of it
I dont think that they should remove halloween from prophecies, especially since they already did invest time on the pumpkin king, etc. and all that lore, items, etc. If they want to do different things with halloween with different chapters, let them go right ahead, but i dont think it is fair to the proph-only people that their once-cherished holiday has now been banished.
Count Feanor
It would be sad if there was no Holloween event with the MAD KING, but I can understand that they may already have too much on their plate with Nightfall releasing just days before.

Knightsaber Sith
I'd say they'll be too busy monitoring how Nightfall takes off to worry about a holiday event.
Here is the link where ANET says the halloween event is unsure because of NightFall Release.
also it makes sence that they would need to have all hands watching for launch bugs
Sir Skullcrasher
If we missed one event, i don't think it matter that much. I mean half the population of Guild Wars is probably going out to trick-out-treat that day. But i sure do miss Mad King and his bad jokes!

Here's a non-GWonline link for Lovitar...
In that chat, she says:
"I sure don't know what towns will be involved in the Halloween event, should one take place. I would hope this town, since Froggie so loves Halloween."
Definitely not a "the Halloween event won't happen this year" quote, but it is still interesting her choice of words.
In that chat, she says:
"I sure don't know what towns will be involved in the Halloween event, should one take place. I would hope this town, since Froggie so loves Halloween."
Definitely not a "the Halloween event won't happen this year" quote, but it is still interesting her choice of words.
Sir Skullcrasher
They probably don't know if this event will happen in Tyria, Cantha, or the new place in Nightfall.
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
Definitely not a "the Halloween event won't happen this year" quote, but it is still interesting her choice of words.
the kettle/ring of skulls could be dropped anywhere there is a flat spot
Sir Skullcrasher
Originally Posted by Loviatar
or all 3 as most of the art has been done and you would only need to adjust the path of the mad king is coming horseman.
the kettle/ring of skulls could be dropped anywhere there is a flat spot |
I'm thinking each 'special event' will be held only in its native land - its an incentive for each ANet customer to own all the stories. If you want to celebrate Wintersday or Halloween, then you need to own Prophecies. If you want to celebrate the Dragon Festival, then you'll need to buy Factions. And I'm thinking they'll find something special to celebrate in Nightfall as well. It just makes sense to me.
Originally Posted by Mournblade
I'm thinking each 'special event' will be held only in its native land - its an incentive for each ANet customer to own all the stories. If you want to celebrate Wintersday or Halloween, then you need to own Prophecies. If you want to celebrate the Dragon Festival, then you'll need to buy Factions. And I'm thinking they'll find something special to celebrate in Nightfall as well. It just makes sense to me.
Wouldn't it suck if they couldn't celebrate Halloween?
Phaern Majes
Originally Posted by TiNkLeR
We must have halloween, if not, then Anet employs are lazy. Dont tell me that you have very work, i know you might have, but if you want Guild Wars to be bigger, and want more players online, and want more respect from us players, then do the event, and everybody will be happy, and say Anet is the best company that listens to the players, and sacrifice some hours to do things that we like.
/serious sarcasm
Curse You
Doing an event does NOT take ANYONE away from the game making process.
Notice that all these near-pointless events are still going on, even so close to Nightfall release?
Maybe if they stoped with the poorly done little events, and focused on one big one, it would actually be a fun time, rather than a lesson in how many morons play GW.
Notice that all these near-pointless events are still going on, even so close to Nightfall release?
Maybe if they stoped with the poorly done little events, and focused on one big one, it would actually be a fun time, rather than a lesson in how many morons play GW.
Yeah, minipets are pointless. They make the game more laggy and add visual clutter to PvE. But some people like them, so it was a cool little extra for them to add.
Holiday events are nice, but I don't care too much. It helps the community, which in turn helps the game. So for marketing reasons I don't know why they wouldn't at least turn on the old LA Halloween at the very minimum. I just assumed there'd be some Nightfall event like the Day of the Tengu or Dragon Festival that would be the Halloween event. And a hint of storyline things to come. I prefer having the new game and playing it in the standard fassion, like Prophesies was. A Halloween event right before Nightfall would help get people into thinking about the game again before Nightfall comes out. Either way I'm ok though. No event means no temptation for me to burn inventory slots. Event means neet little things to see. So whatever.
Holiday events are certainly better than double your fun weekend, which to me reads "double rewards for X means we encourage you to grind X even if that's not what you feel like doing if you play this weekend".
Holiday events are nice, but I don't care too much. It helps the community, which in turn helps the game. So for marketing reasons I don't know why they wouldn't at least turn on the old LA Halloween at the very minimum. I just assumed there'd be some Nightfall event like the Day of the Tengu or Dragon Festival that would be the Halloween event. And a hint of storyline things to come. I prefer having the new game and playing it in the standard fassion, like Prophesies was. A Halloween event right before Nightfall would help get people into thinking about the game again before Nightfall comes out. Either way I'm ok though. No event means no temptation for me to burn inventory slots. Event means neet little things to see. So whatever.
Holiday events are certainly better than double your fun weekend, which to me reads "double rewards for X means we encourage you to grind X even if that's not what you feel like doing if you play this weekend".
Originally Posted by Sir Skullcrasher
They probably don't know if this event will happen in Tyria, Cantha, or the new place in Nightfall.
Have one in Lion's Arch.. with the Mad King. I missed last year and I would like to obtain a pumpkin head.
Lets Get to Healing
Originally Posted by Mordakai
Ah, but what about those new players who only bought Nightfall?
Wouldn't it suck if they couldn't celebrate Halloween? |
Wouldn't it suck if they couldn't celebrate the events in NightFall?
Rice Is Good
Guys, you wouldn't be complaining for a Halloween Event if they never did one. Thats like saying lets have an Easter egg hunt for Easter.
Originally Posted by Lets Get to Healing
Ah, but what about those players who only bought Propheciesl?
Wouldn't it suck if they couldn't celebrate the events in NightFall? |
you get what you paid for
It would be a bummer if they didn't have the Halloween event. It was a blast last year. But I'm not worried about it. I've got a ghost-in-the-box or two left over from last year.

Originally Posted by Rice Is Good
Guys, you wouldn't be complaining for a Halloween Event if they never did one. Thats like saying lets have an Easter egg hunt for Easter.
Yes please!!!
It'd be disapointing if they didn't have one, I'd like to see a return of the Mad King. Maybe throw us a bone, with some piddly quest with a Mad King minipet reward or something.
Oh well. I understand if they won't do anything.
Oh well. I understand if they won't do anything.
The code is in place... Anyways, I am hoping us Tyrians do not get left behind. While I understand the need to push the new game, there is a huge portion of players that love Tyria. Halloween and xmas? Sure, we can call them Tyrian events and make sure there is reason for new players to buy "older" chapters over the years.
They've said before they won't be making updates to old chapters, and they've even been nice enough to go back on that by introducing new greens to prophecies. I don't think this will continue, if you want events, buy the new chapter. Simple as that.
There will be an event of some kind with the release of nightfall anyway, won't there? I seem to recall the day of the tengu with Factions.
There will be an event of some kind with the release of nightfall anyway, won't there? I seem to recall the day of the tengu with Factions.
There was no "Halloween" in Guild Wars. Nor Christmas, or any other Earth holiday.
They just have some Tyria festivals which just happen to be on same dates and kinda look a bit similar in some ways. Tyria is not Earth
They just have some Tyria festivals which just happen to be on same dates and kinda look a bit similar in some ways. Tyria is not Earth

Halloween is one of my fav holidays...
Why would they take these events away? Are they focused on improving keeping this game growing?
Why would they take these events away? Are they focused on improving keeping this game growing?
What would be nice is to have these events so all can join in. Say maybe at the Battle Islands, everyone has access, so no one will be left out.

Originally Posted by Rice Is Good
Guys, you wouldn't be complaining for a Halloween Event if they never did one. Thats like saying lets have an Easter egg hunt for Easter.
1) People like the holiday events
2) They DID already have a Halloween event and if they can't be reliable one year later, well that doesn't score them any points for me.
3) There is two teams. So if the prophices team is too busy with Nightfall the Faction teams could add it Cantha.. OR the Tyira team could just insert the old code.. it's really not that hard once it been done before.
I like A.Net and GW ect but I would be disappointed in them if they didn't have the event.
Shadowspawn X
We are getting an October Event which is going to be the release of Nightfall. Who wants to rehash the same thing every year? Time to move on, people how many pumkin helms do you need?
they could change the helm. Besides it would be a smart marketing strat if there were events that we could look forward to each year.
Knightsaber Sith
Personally I don't much care for the mad king and winter's day events that were so obviously based on halloween and christmas from the real world. I prefer the events that seem to have originated in the game like the Day of the Tengu or the Dragon Festival. They were more creative rather than just copying real holidays. (some people have claimed the Dragon Festival to be a rip off of Chineese new year but I really wouldn't know)
Originally Posted by bigwig
They've said before they won't be making updates to old chapters, and they've even been nice enough to go back on that by introducing new greens to prophecies. I don't think this will continue, if you want events, buy the new chapter. Simple as that.
. |
they stated in an interview that besides the 2 chapter teams there ws a third event team for special events and recurring seasonal events and specifically mentioned halloween/wintersday.
with the concurrent release of Nightfall halloween may be skipped and who can blame them for not wanting to introduce event bugs along with launch bugs
I can't imagine that they won't add Halloween. They just use everything from the last time at least, it'd be a shame if Cantha wouldn't have Halloween, but at least add it to Tyria. If you ask me, ANet is just lazy.
Sir Skullcrasher
I can't wait till wintersday event!
Snowball fight ftw!