Halloween Event
rumor has it, you can get a skull and hood in nightfall's halloween event.
and an angel's halo from winter's day.
my dervish and paragon will be perfect.
and an angel's halo from winter's day.
my dervish and paragon will be perfect.
Funk ee Monk ee
Not to mention the future sales of Prophecies to those who have only bought Factions/Nightfall/etc if in fact a Prophecies even is the only place one could obtain Candy Canes, Spiked Eggnogs, Absinthes, and other goodies without paying hard earned gp for them.
It makes good business sense for them to keep the event "as is" and "where is".
It makes good business sense for them to keep the event "as is" and "where is".
Originally Posted by Funk ee Monk ee
Not to mention the future sales of Prophecies to those who have only bought Factions/Nightfall/etc if in fact a Prophecies even is the only place one could obtain Candy Canes, Spiked Eggnogs, Absinthes, and other goodies without paying hard earned gp for them.
It makes good business sense for them to keep the event "as is" and "where is". |
Originally Posted by Loviatar
/completely bas akwards
halloween was listed much earlier as part of the 3rd team for special and RECURRING events such as (named) halloween/wintersday somebody who has bought all 3 chapters can go back to halloween and say how nice Anet is giving us this extra and BTW i just started Nightfall and it is really worth getting. the best way to chase away customers is to take away something they have already had and are looking forward to again basic business 101 |
Still, they might do a little something in Prophecies too so people don't feel cheated and hold onto their money out of spite. Or to get new players who don't own Prophecies to consider buying it.
also i stated you could put the kettle/ring on any flat spot in chapter 2/3 and alter the mad king coming horsemans route for those chapters.
I dont care where it takes place as long as it happens... I mean they did kinda promise that mad king would be back and halloween and christmas were just the coolest things ever, even without all the collectable junk.
Altho since last years events I have been wondering how they would top it or if they are even going to try. I guess we shall wait and see eh?
Altho since last years events I have been wondering how they would top it or if they are even going to try. I guess we shall wait and see eh?
Originally Posted by Eviance
I dont care where it takes place as long as it happens... I mean they did kinda promise that mad king would be back and halloween and christmas were just the coolest things ever, even without all the collectable junk.
Altho since last years events I have been wondering how they would top it or if they are even going to try. I guess we shall wait and see eh? |
newcomers get it fresh oldtimers have had a years break so it isnt stale
keeping it the same allows for less bugs as well
Originally Posted by Loviatar
who cares if they top it or just do it the same each year.
keeping it the same allows for less bugs as well |
*cough*12 emperors*cough*
As far as I can remember, there weren't really serious bugs last Haloween, and starting from scratch + Nightfall would probably cause the servers to spontaneously combust.
I'm not sure they can simply drop last year's event in, as one of the Halloween areas(Lion's Arch, Droknar's Forge, Tombs of the Primeval Kings), TOPK, has changed from PvP HoH to a PvE Green run. There would likely be conflicts with that zone.
Originally Posted by Loviatar
who cares if they top it or just do it the same each year.
newcomers get it fresh oldtimers have had a years break so it isnt stale keeping it the same allows for less bugs as well |
I'm just saying I wouldn't mind seeing it topped but at the same time I could care less just so long as they bring it back. And I am always for less bugs =P
Sir Skullcrasher
zomg imagine if the Mad King were asian!
It should be simple:
Prophecies had the Halloween event
Factions has the Dragon festival
Nightfall will have whatever
If the devs dont get the Halloween event going it will show a sign of a downfall of the game. Events are important to the running of a MMO.
I understand the release issues but there are supposed to be different teams for the diff games...this should not be an issue.
Here's hoping for the halloween event
Prophecies had the Halloween event
Factions has the Dragon festival
Nightfall will have whatever
If the devs dont get the Halloween event going it will show a sign of a downfall of the game. Events are important to the running of a MMO.
I understand the release issues but there are supposed to be different teams for the diff games...this should not be an issue.
Here's hoping for the halloween event
Originally Posted by floppinghog
rumor has it, you can get a skull and hood in nightfall's halloween event.
and an angel's halo from winter's day. my dervish and paragon will be perfect. |
Originally Posted by floppinghog
rumor has it, you can get a skull and hood in nightfall's halloween event.
and an angel's halo from winter's day. my dervish and paragon will be perfect. |
What would be uber-cool would be headgear that LOOKED like a halo, but casted a shadow of horns.

Lack of Halloween event in Tyria will send a clear message to the community- Anet only cares about people who bought the latest chapter. It will be a marketing disaster, so I think the devs should really think twice before removing the Halloween and Wintersday events, or only holding them in the latest chapter (african Christmas, holy f**k)
Originally Posted by floppinghog
rumor has it, you can get a skull and hood in nightfall's halloween event.
and an angel's halo from winter's day. my dervish and paragon will be perfect. |
Originally Posted by Rivalor
It should be simple:
Prophecies had the Halloween event Factions has the Dragon festival Nightfall will have whatever If the devs dont get the Halloween event going it will show a sign of a downfall of the game. Events are important to the running of a MMO. I understand the release issues but there are supposed to be different teams for the diff games...this should not be an issue. Here's hoping for the halloween event |
But I also agree with the other poster in that I don't care where it happens so long as it happens.
Sir Skullcrasher
I can't wait until Mad King slays all who lost in "Mad King Says" game!
well, to respond to those that say ANet has to spend their time watching for new release bugs, well.. quite frankly they didn't have to choose to release right before Halloween in the first place. It could have been a few weeks before or a week or so after... Who knows, maybe the date was chosen so that they would have a reason not to deal with a Halloween event.
that was MY idea to release at a different time----but as was pointed out to me....10/27 is exactly 6 months after the release of the last chapter. Why it needs to be exact, who knows. I think they could have waited like 2 weeks and then made the halloween event, but thats just me (and they would have had more time to kill bugs too)
Oh well, we will find out soon enough, and if there is no halloween event, will they do a winters day one?
Oh well, we will find out soon enough, and if there is no halloween event, will they do a winters day one?
IMO events if we should have them (unless chapter specific release promos) should be global for all chapters regarless, for the best interest of game cohesiveness. A successful bussiness model does not just concentrates all its efforts into merely promoting its newest product, but should also highlight the benefits of owning other titles within the franchise and reward customer loyalty far above anything else.....
maybe except Factions cause i think it sucked lol but thats just me.
maybe except Factions cause i think it sucked lol but thats just me.
Put the halloween event in Anet...
I reallyhope that ANet does this. Halloween was my favorite event out of the 3 i know.
The towns are very cool !!! And I still like to sport the pumpkin head every once in awhile.
I am also a player of CoH and they released City of Villains at Halloween time so there was no Halloween event that year...they said CoV was the event.
I am not saying they are the same game but they are related. I really hope that they don't cop-out of the Halloween event. Seriously, that is what it would feel like if they dont do it. There are multiple teams working on GW and they have already done a Halloween event...they are not starting from scratch. While it is a great game they really need to keep showing the players that they are not only as good as their last GW game.
If they don't have the Halloween event, do you know what I will do? Well, probably nothing but be disapointed. But still, it would worry me about the game and that would put a crack in the foundation of my excitement for this game.
The towns are very cool !!! And I still like to sport the pumpkin head every once in awhile.
I am also a player of CoH and they released City of Villains at Halloween time so there was no Halloween event that year...they said CoV was the event.
I am not saying they are the same game but they are related. I really hope that they don't cop-out of the Halloween event. Seriously, that is what it would feel like if they dont do it. There are multiple teams working on GW and they have already done a Halloween event...they are not starting from scratch. While it is a great game they really need to keep showing the players that they are not only as good as their last GW game.
If they don't have the Halloween event, do you know what I will do? Well, probably nothing but be disapointed. But still, it would worry me about the game and that would put a crack in the foundation of my excitement for this game.
Originally Posted by Rivalor
I reallyhope that ANet does this. Halloween was my favorite event out of the 3 i know.
The towns are very cool !!! And I still like to sport the pumpkin head every once in awhile. I am also a player of CoH and they released City of Villains at Halloween time so there was no Halloween event that year...they said CoV was the event. I am not saying they are the same game but they are related. I really hope that they don't cop-out of the Halloween event. Seriously, that is what it would feel like if they dont do it. There are multiple teams working on GW and they have already done a Halloween event...they are not starting from scratch. While it is a great game they really need to keep showing the players that they are not only as good as their last GW game. If they don't have the Halloween event, do you know what I will do? Well, probably nothing but be disapointed. But still, it would worry me about the game and that would put a crack in the foundation of my excitement for this game. |

hopefully they have Kwanza around winter time for Nightfall, this has me very worried they wont.
Lord Sojar
You better do Halloween Anet..... you better. I have saved Charr Carvings, Singed Gargoyle Skulls, Orr Emblems, and Stone Summit Badges like a mad man for those fun Halloween items! The Mad King was great last time, I loved "Mad Kings Says!" and loved dying! You take that away from me, I will have no choice but to hurt myself. :P JK. REDRUM!!
Anyways........here's Johnny!!!!!!!!!

Anyways........here's Johnny!!!!!!!!!
Anet, do it!
Originally Posted by TiNkLeR
Just came by, because i saw a Gayle Gray post, saying that this event may not come.
This tells me that there is a good chance that something will happen. It may not be as grand as the past "Big Events", but they'll do something.
If you can find a copy of the October 2nd, 2006 Gaile Gray chatlog, you can see that she commented on this very subject. Unfortunately, the link I was going to show, the one located in this thread, is down due to high bandwidth usage.
It won't be as grand as the other events? All the art and scripting is done. Even if it's just a mirror of last event, which I was expecting anyway, it's better than some little bonus event weekend.
Anet should either A) Postpone Nightfall till after Halloween B) if not, cancel the event altogether. Otherwise they are just going to screw everything up! There are already enough issues in the overall game, they should risk adding in more.
The Halloween Event, as presented last year, should NOT cross over into other Chapters. Each Chapter should have it's own events, thereby encouraging sales of those specific Chapters.
The Halloween Event, as presented last year, should NOT cross over into other Chapters. Each Chapter should have it's own events, thereby encouraging sales of those specific Chapters.
I sincerely hope they do have one and with a decayed orr emblem collector. Why that certain type, you ask?
Yes, I have 2,000 of them. I was gonna stop there but might add more to it anyway. My monk, the "queen of the undead", has nothing better to do. =)
Yes, I have 2,000 of them. I was gonna stop there but might add more to it anyway. My monk, the "queen of the undead", has nothing better to do. =)
well, idk if this has been suggested i dont feel like reading through 6 pages, but i was thinking they could maybe add the event decorations to the main citys of all 3 chapters, and throw in some special quests here and there for each one, and for the finale have the mad king pop up in all of them at the same time, it sounds like a really big job but it could work, who knows. things like this are hard to think about because since our last halloween/x-mas event 2 chapters will have been released, so i think it really complicates things.
Originally Posted by bryann380
Yes, I have 2,000 of them. I was gonna stop there but might add more to it anyway. My monk, the "queen of the undead", has nothing better to do. =)

Riken Chrono
i wont be able to participate in it
at girlfriends house the WHOLE week. i'll get my brother to do it! child labor!

A solution to having it in more than one town at a time: Dont. Instead, they could make a new island similar to the Battle Isles and have it there, so owners of all chapters can access it. Representatives could be at all the major cities to tell you about it and take you there. It would mean less work for the dev team at the same time as everyone being able to do it. There should of course be chapter-specific events(like the dragon festival only celebrated in Cantha) but "worldwide" events like Halloween, Wintersday, etc could all be put on that island.. Just an idea..
Electric Sky
Im speaking for those who want the event: "We want Halloween Event! We want Halloween Event! We want Halloween Event!"
Sir Skullcrasher
Any confirmations from A-Net that there will be a Halloween Event this year and at which town? Cuz Halloween is just 3 weeks away!

Smile Like Umean It
Originally Posted by Riken Chrono
i wont be able to participate in it
![]() |
the Halloween event was awesome.
At the very least, I'd like to see Halloween decor in the major towns like last year. That was very cool.
LoKi Foxfire
I wouldn't mind if they had to redo last years event I guess. I missed the hat from that one so it would be cool to get it. :3