too may little guilds, doing nothing...

Mesmer in Need

Mesmer in Need

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006


alot of people, as soon as they get enough money, like to start teir own guild, recruit a few people, then just sit wallowing in among the many guilds. they dont do anything really- no gvg, no ha, pvp etc. my question- why do we have these. i have skipped through many guilds, and so far i have only done 1 gvg. Most of my people are never on. I think alot of the smaller inactive guilds should break up, and siphon into other guilds. and also- if you are going to join a guild- dont disapear. i mean, if yoy dont get one like every weeks atleast once, you shouldent be in a guild. and if you are on alot, but dont really like gvg or stuff like that, you dont have too. i mean, no ones forcing you. my idea would be to have a huge non- interested, non- ranked guild, but have alot of active people. even if you dont like pvp, its always nice having some friends whoe will hep you in a mission if all there are are wothless pugs. so i ask all the leaders of the smaller guilds to break up. its not thar we dont like you, it just your members could be put to better use in big active guilds. somne people in smaller guilds probably have potential, but it isnt getting used.



The Greatest

Join Date: Feb 2006


Umm...all the little guilds aren't hurting anybody. Leave them alone. Having a guild of 5 inactive people never hurt anybody. If somebody wants to move to a bigger guild, let them. If they want to stay in a small inactive uneventful guild, so be it. Nobody is forcing them to stay in the little guild.

Mesmer in Need

Mesmer in Need

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006


my point is that people have potential that dont know it are wasting their time in non active guilds, while bigger guilds could use their help. i mean, being in one of the top guilds will really get you some fame withing the game. alot of good people are out there hiding in these guilds. and big pvp builds are not without their bonuses. you can get 100k +xxx ectos from a nice crystalin sword that only drops from HOH which is pvp, and alot of good guilds do this.



The Greatest

Join Date: Feb 2006


If they have potential, they'll seek another guild. If they wanna GvG/HoH, they'll seek a bigger guild. Stop trying to force people to join big active PvP guilds, not everyone with potential wants in one.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

Nix Guild (NG)


Originally Posted by Mesmer in Need
alot of people, as soon as they get enough money, like to start teir own guild, recruit a few people, then just sit wallowing in among the many guilds. they dont do anything really- no gvg, no ha, pvp etc. my question- why do we have these. i have skipped through many guilds, and so far i have only done 1 gvg. Most of my people are never on. I think alot of the smaller inactive guilds should break up, and siphon into other guilds. and also- if you are going to join a guild- dont disapear. i mean, if yoy dont get one like every weeks atleast once, you shouldent be in a guild. and if you are on alot, but dont really like gvg or stuff like that, you dont have too. i mean, no ones forcing you. my idea would be to have a huge non- interested, non- ranked guild, but have alot of active people. even if you dont like pvp, its always nice having some friends whoe will hep you in a mission if all there are are wothless pugs. so i ask all the leaders of the smaller guilds to break up. its not thar we dont like you, it just your members could be put to better use in big active guilds. somne people in smaller guilds probably have potential, but it isnt getting used.
Why should they.I have my own Guild.I am the only member and dont recruit.I was tired of being spammed or someone sending a invitation.
As far as not haveing to GVG.Well before I joined a guild I made it clear I dont PVP or FF.Let me tell you from expierence that it doesnt sink in.I was tired of being pestered or out right told to go to GH for GVG.Hit G click the icon leave guild.It has happened to often.Also when you let them no you dont FF it dont work.
As far as guild helping...sure some low lev but most of the high level ones few volunteer to help.I never did ask for help mainly because I played for awhile so I can manage too get thru.I know I would help on missions and those that had been in the guild didnt.Shoot first day or two with guild and that ticks you off.The ones who had been in the guild should of jumped in but did'nt.
The irony of this is you want to GVG and most of the guilds I been in that was their focus.Even though they said it was a PVE guild.
You cant force people(General statement) to do what you want.Everyone pays the same price for a game.They should be allowed to play the game the way they want to as long as it doesnt goof someone else up.....AFKers and such and scammers....oh well

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005


Its easier to get your point across if people can actually read what you have posted.

From what I can understand you want people to leave their cosy little guilds to join vast PvP guilds....HELL NO

PvP guilds will be of little interest to a fair chunk of the community including me. If people want to join a PvP guild they will seek out one when they are ready.

Small and friendly guilds FTW



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Richmond, British Columbia, Kanada

Demon of the Fall [Opet]


I'm in a small guild becuase:

1 - I don't like being flooded with other people's stupid questions and comments.

2 - I don't like GvG.

3 - I don't like Faction Farming

4 - I don't like people.

5 - I would rather chat with all my friends at once without having someone else invade our privacy.

6 - I could have the cape I want, the name I want, the tag I want, the hall I want, and the people I want.

I don't see what's wrong with the small guilds. OH NO, THEY'RE IDLE, I'M DOOMED.

Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006




Originally Posted by Mesmer in Need
my point is that people have potential that dont know it are wasting their time in non active guilds, while bigger guilds could use their help. i mean, being in one of the top guilds will really get you some fame withing the game. alot of good people are out there hiding in these guilds. and big pvp builds are not without their bonuses. you can get 100k +xxx ectos from a nice crystalin sword that only drops from HOH which is pvp, and alot of good guilds do this.
OMG I gota Crystalline, this game is fun and this guild rocks and I'm gonna be rich! Ok, so that's the type of person you are.

But what about the people who don't care about money, who just want to have fun with some family and friends online without being too disturbed by other people, what if they see Guild Wars simply as an entertainment, as a simple side dish. We should ask them to break up and join big guilds and do hardcore PvP or PvE and loose their life to GW and go crazy when they finally get that Crystalline after months of grinding.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Diary of a Madman [SiKK]

I think you'll find that PvP guilds will tend to be smaller than PvE guilds.

Simply because the politics will be easier since you don't need to rotate in people and you will always be able to practice with a set team. Sooner or later you learn where each person's weaknesses and strengths are.

As for small inactive guilds, if they are inactive anyway, what help is it going to be if these people joining bigger guilds?

Originally Posted by Opeth11
4 - I don't like people.
I think you are playing the wrong kind of game.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005



I'm in a one man guild right now to stop the whisper spam about joining a guild (specially when I played my monk).

I do enjoy GvG'ing and AB's and I do both, I guest for other guilds and for ab I find a group once entered.

To my expense I've found that getting into a proper pvp guild can be incredibly tiresome, long winded and then you still have to put up with the egos, especially when it's known that I also enjoy pve.

A lot of the smaller guilds I've come across are guilds setup with groups of friends that happen to add another person every now and again because they fit in with the rest of the people. There is no valid reason I can think of for those guilds to disband their own mini community to join a sprawling spam fest of a huge generic guild.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005


Talk Less More [Sekz]


Originally Posted by Mesmer in Need
and big pvp builds are not without their bonuses. you can get 100k +xxx ectos from a nice crystalin sword that only drops from HOH which is pvp, and alot of good guilds do this.
This deviates from your main topic/question. First you asked why people don't join high-end guilds and now you believe everyone wants a crystalline sword? You can get the replica in Pre-Sear and fool anyone.

Originally Posted by Poison Ivy
OMG I gota Crystalline, this game is fun and this guild rocks and I'm gonna be rich! Ok, so that's the type of person you are. Right?
Right. To sum up what Poison Ivy said, "you are greedy."

Originally Posted by Arkantos
If they have potential, they'll seek another guild. If they wanna GvG/HoH, they'll seek a bigger guild. Stop trying to force people to join big active PvP guilds, not everyone with potential wants in one.
Large serious PvP guilds usually(keyword) are full of "elitist" assholes. I would never want to join guilds that make it up the ladder but don't make the experience fun or rewarding. Everyone has the freedom of choice and I do not recall that joining awesome guilds is a mandatory requirement.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

[XG]X-treme Gamers


I am in a guild of about 20 with about 8 or so who are on nightly. We are a tight group of friends, and enjoy all parts of the game. We started out with only a handful, some would come on, some wouldn't for a while, but we don't care. We are all friends, and have lives, so they play when they can. This entire business of having people split up because you dont like smaller guilds is stupid. It's a game and people play they way they want to. There are a lot of one or two or three man guilds, and they are that way by choice. If people are looking for something different, then they will go. We have had a few move onto different guilds because of wanting to play pvp, or other parts of the game. It's fine with us, thats what they want to do.. (they did infact purchase their game). We all remain on eachothers friends list, and if someone who left went to pvp, and our guild needed help in pvp then the people that left would help us. So it works for everyone. I would say relax, and enjoy the game, it's fun for everyone. I hope you are not the type of person that insults people in game, which is crazy, but you get that as well... lol... good luck to everyone... enjoy it..


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

East Coast

Boston Guild


Originally Posted by Mesmer in Need
its not thar we dont like you, it just your members could be put to better use in big active guilds. somne people in smaller guilds probably have potential, but it isnt getting used.
Members could be put to better use? People in smaller guilds have potential? Are we talking about a game or running a business? I don't know about you but I am playing to get away from work, not to substitute it. People want to have fun, that's why they bought the game. If you want fame, that's good for you. The rest of us are happy with being able to play and chat with nice people.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

England, UK


These are causing problems to you how exactly?

Jeremy Untouchable

Jeremy Untouchable

Wow Stole my freetime

Join Date: Mar 2006




LOL, he must be one of those guys spamming for factionfarmers...........only 10k a work....i have a 35 man guild that as a guild can totally run and or beat every mission and area, even UW, FOW We are elite pve guild with some gvg. And we like it that way........... We tryed the faction farming thing, it sucked, we owned towns and all, but who cares? just a crummy town.....All i can say is big guilds arent all they are cracked up to be.............



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006


Old Married Gamers {OMG}


I think the problem here is he has guild eveny....He probably started his only little guild to PVP or GVG or whatever and found out that no one wanted to join his guild so he thinks everyone should quit thiers and make his huge and ranked etc... just my 2 cents worth



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


I'm in a very large guild: 67 members, 5 officers and the leader. We're mostly PvE; but we have 10 (maybe less O_o; ) or so that are hardcore PvPers. We DON'T GvG and that's something that, so far, everyone agreed with. GvG causes an enormous distinction between players (GvGers vs. PvErs) and in the end, no one's happy.

That's how it was in the previous 6 or 7 guilds I've been in. Members were recruited, ans expected to GvG daily/weekly. So we were small guilds, and PvEers didn't get any help because no one was on, because the GvGers lost interest because PvErs didn't care for rank, who lost interest because they don't get help...

Catch 22 FTL.

So to go back on guild size, it doesn't matter to me. Just join one that suits your needs. I prefer huge PvE guilds because there's always someone on to chat or to help with, to make me feel less alone. While some prefer smaller guilds because they're not bombarbed with help requests, n00b questions, etc.

I found mine, and I'm sticking to it . The PvPers do HA, RA, TA and AB and they still help with PvE. PvErs get help, they're happy, and dabble in PvP every now and then IF they feel like it. Everyone ends up happy .



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

FL (from Long Island NY)

Rage Against The Dying [RAGE]


ummmm.... are you kidding me who are you to tell small guilds to break up??? i'm sorry to be rude but if you told the guild of 20 members im in to break up I would add you to ignore... And as far as helping big guilds??? I don't play this game to help big guilds I play it for enjoyment. I love my guild of 20 because their all decent people which can be hard to find sometimes. I know if I lend someone some expensive weapon that they will give it back after there done.How is this causing you a problem??? Find a real problem! Small Guilds FTW!!!!



Join Date: Dec 2005



we have potential probally more than you just because. we dont gvg because it sucks we dont hoh because all there is is iway and vim and thats not much of a challenge we just sit back relax and enjoy the ride



Join Date: Dec 2005



Originally Posted by jeremy untouchable
LOL, he must be one of those guys spamming for factionfarmers...........only 10k a work....i have a 35 man guild that as a guild can totally run and or beat every mission and area, even UW, FOW We are elite pve guild with some gvg. And we like it that way........... We tryed the faction farming thing, it sucked, we owned towns and all, but who cares? just a crummy town.....All i can say is big guilds arent all they are cracked up to be.............

too true i was in the 2nd alliance to own cavalon which was TC i belive i cant rememebr but i was in one of the guilds ... and all they wanted was 10k + faction a day...for nothing in return.... personally i have more fun farming shiro kens than i ever did abing

the people who think there exp and pro because they win is amazing... little do they know that gvg , pve , pvp and HoH a miles away from ab battles

Durik Lakmor

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2006


Pearl of Great Price


I am in/help run a small guild that has more PvE players than PvP, we JUST got our Faction delcared (Luxon) last night. (AB is so fun hehe). Anyway I don't see the point in not having small guilds. What's wrong with people who LIKE small guilds and want to have fun with a close-knit group of friends rather than a big pvp guild, there is nothing wrong with either type and I have been in both (though on different games).

You say they are wasting away their potential? For what? Your guild to become stronger and for them to not benefit because they may not even like PvPing.

I also agree that it is absurd to charge members Faction to stay/join with nothing in return.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Order of the Soulflame


I do have a thing against little pissant guilds that have NO reason to exist. They go and recruit members who get NOTHING out of membership and will leave in a matter of weeks, or just stay in it for no reason. I actually can say I hate when people join a guild for the sake of joining a guild. These guilds contribute NOTHING to ANYBODY, and (hopefully only temporarily) take potential recruits away from guilds that actually do something and have a purpose.

Durik Lakmor

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2006


Pearl of Great Price


Originally Posted by AJM
I do have a thing against little pissant guilds that have NO reason to exist. They go and recruit members who get NOTHING out of membership and will leave in a matter of weeks, or just stay in it for no reason. I actually can say I hate when people join a guild for the sake of joining a guild. These guilds contribute NOTHING to ANYBODY, and (hopefully only temporarily) take potential recruits away from guilds that actually do something and have a purpose.
here's the flip-side to that. I hate when people join our little guild and expect big things without doing any thing themselves. It works both ways. I am an active person, I won't drop everything I am doing to help out someone in Ascalon but I will help them out if I am not knee-deep in my own mission or something, which quite often I am not busy and I do enjoy helping people.

I hate when the same people who spam for help in guild chat, will never offer it or never offer ANYTHING to the guild. Maybe I am crazy but one thing I never do to a guild member is charge him for an item or service, we had some people spamming guild chat with WTS messages and to me it just seems wrong, but then again that is just my opinon.

It is really hard to get an active guild going so late in the game but I am trying and the few members we have that are active are a joy to be around. I just hope I can find more like them so we can do some HoH/GvG stuff eventually.


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

East Coast

Boston Guild


Originally Posted by AJM
I do have a thing against little pissant guilds that have NO reason to exist. They go and recruit members who get NOTHING out of membership and will leave in a matter of weeks, or just stay in it for no reason. I actually can say I hate when people join a guild for the sake of joining a guild. These guilds contribute NOTHING to ANYBODY, and (hopefully only temporarily) take potential recruits away from guilds that actually do something and have a purpose.
Who are you to say they have no reason to exist? What is this nebulos purpose that other guilds have that this little guilds don't have? To be honest, I won't want someone to join my guild for just the sake of joining a guild, that is stupid. You should join a guild that you think mathces your interest and you will enjoy playing with. There are a few too many people around who think they're guild is it and everyone should be in it. Every guild competes for members, if you can't get members than you aren't offering something that people want, plain and simple. Everyone's tastes are different, being part of 90 person guild is not the be all and end all of GW. You can have just as much fun (or more fun) with a small and dedicated group of friends.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Heros of Titans Realm [HotR]


I have a guild of roughly 70 people and we do very little PvP. Guilds aren't just for PvP anymore. We do chest runs, missions and cap elites and help each other finish the game and uncover the map. I don't see the harm in little guilds either though. I left a guild that wanted to remain small and intimate bc that was their agenda, it wasn't for me, but I respected their wishes. People have different needs in the game. I had some guy yell at me that this was a PvP game and how dare I run a PvE guild!! Jeesh.

Mars Djinn06

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006

The Adepts of Hesperia [Sun]


Originally Posted by Mesmer in Need
a so i ask all the leaders of the smaller guilds to break up.
I thought that this line is kinda harsh. There is nothing wrong with small guilds at all. Just because a guild is small, doesnt mean that it has to be degraded . All big guilds have to start from a small guild.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

Purple Ravens


Originally Posted by AJM
I do have a thing against little pissant guilds that have NO reason to exist. They go and recruit members who get NOTHING out of membership and will leave in a matter of weeks, or just stay in it for no reason. I actually can say I hate when people join a guild for the sake of joining a guild. These guilds contribute NOTHING to ANYBODY, and (hopefully only temporarily) take potential recruits away from guilds that actually do something and have a purpose.
Sorry but you are wrong, joining members get FUN if they don't they leave, if they like the guild they stay, and for a reason FUN.

Also that taking away is just dumb, people are not objects nor things you collect or add just to fulfill your egocentric goals, lest face it, most big guilds are tyrants, they force members to do things they don't enjoy



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

London, England

Originally Posted by AJM
I do have a thing against little pissant guilds that have NO reason to exist. They go and recruit members who get NOTHING out of membership and will leave in a matter of weeks, or just stay in it for no reason. I actually can say I hate when people join a guild for the sake of joining a guild. These guilds contribute NOTHING to ANYBODY, and (hopefully only temporarily) take potential recruits away from guilds that actually do something and have a purpose.
You were asking for trouble when you posted that. I thought the original post was silly but congratulations, you beat him. Contrary to what you believe, some people do join guilds solely for the reason to be with like minded people, those who play for playing sake. I assume that the guilds you mentioned that "have purpose" are those that GvG or faction farm all day. Why must a guild contribute anything? I want to join a guild that does some PvE, a little bit of PvP (whether win or lose) and generally have, you know, some FUN, which to me is the over-riding purpose of any game.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006


Celtic Wild Hunt [Celt]


I bet all of the msot successful guilds in PvP are not that big and made up of probably about 15-20 people. Also they are most likely friends that all played the game together, then decided to make their own guild.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006




Originally Posted by AJM
I do have a thing against little pissant guilds that have NO reason to exist. They go and recruit members who get NOTHING out of membership and will leave in a matter of weeks, or just stay in it for no reason. I actually can say I hate when people join a guild for the sake of joining a guild. These guilds contribute NOTHING to ANYBODY, and (hopefully only temporarily) take potential recruits away from guilds that actually do something and have a purpose.
Excuse me?
I am an officer in a small guild of about 20 people.
It is about fun and friendship. I don't need to work myself to death in GW
when I do it all day long. GW is for fun, relaxation.
It matters more to me to have a good relationship with the members
then anything else.
If I have it I will share it, if I can help I will.
If someone joins a guild just to join they have wrong priorities.
That's up to them. We offer a relaxed atmosphere and friendship.
Small guilds can contribute a very very good game experience.

Also, the first post of this thread was practically unreadable and was bad enough but this is worse.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006



i am in a alliance with about 100 active members and all of u could be helping u do wat the hell ever u where talking about

Mesmer in Need

Mesmer in Need

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006


when i posted this, the thing that really bugged me are the guilds of liike 1 or 2 people. they cant have a gvg, they cant do a 2 man mission, nothing. its just a couple friends who created a guild for around 25k, while they just could have put eachother on their friends list.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

Purple Ravens


then let them be, friend list is not enough for some people.

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

Originally Posted by Mesmer in Need
when i posted this, the thing that really bugged me are the guilds of liike 1 or 2 people. they cant have a gvg, they cant do a 2 man mission, nothing. its just a couple friends who created a guild for around 25k, while they just could have put eachother on their friends list.
How would you like it if I let you join my PuG and I told you that you couldn't take your favourite skill or you had to change your secondary and swap attributes totally? What if I told you to go to droks and get a whole new set of armor because its not good enough? What if I told you you can't join because you have 1.5k armor and not 15k? What if I told you you can't join because you have a spiked axe and not a sephis axe or a chaos axe? What if I told you you can't join because I don't like the way your armor is dyed?

Dude, just bugger off and let us do whatever the hell we want. If we like to go to RA with an empty skillbar, let us. If we like to go PvE with 8 signets, let us. It's just a game. Lets us do what we want and go complain to someone who cares.

Quid Pro Quo

Quid Pro Quo

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

My guild consists of 4 people.

Want to know why? Because we can.

We don't GvG, AB, or anything else just because we don't want to. Have a problem with that? I don't really care.

You have no right to try to tell anyone how to enjoy the game.

Originally Posted by jummeth
I think you are playing the wrong kind of game.
Actually not really. Guild wars is 90% instanced and all missions can be done with NPCs.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005



According to the unwritten law of guild management, the probability of drama increases with the number of players within a single guild.

With that in mind, I think the tiny guys are perfectly safe. Guild Wars is a casual game on the surface after all.

As for not contributing to the community, I seriously doubt larger guilds are doing anything to benefit the GW society as a whole either. Under AJM's logic, any guild that doesn't make a splash in GvG or HoH should we wiped off the face of "Insert GW title here." The only guilds that should be allowed to exist are the top tags on the ladder and the Servants of Fortuna in that case.

I've never heard of the Order of the Soulflame either until now. Is that grounds for purging?

Edge Of Malan

Edge Of Malan

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006


New England Terror (NET)


Originally Posted by Opeth11
I'm in a small guild becuase:

1 - I don't like being flooded with other people's stupid questions and comments. Disagree, a guild should be there to help their fellow guildmates no matter what the size

2 - I don't like GvG. Disagree, I like it, i'm just not very good at it

3 - I don't like Faction Farming

4 - I don't like people. Somewhat agree, I don't like people with bad attitudes

5 - I would rather chat with all my friends at once without having someone else invade our privacy. Don't understand this as guildmates are s'posed to be your friends to a point

6 - I could have the cape I want, the name I want, the tag I want, the hall I want, and the people I want. Agree

I don't see what's wrong with the small guilds. OH NO, THEY'RE IDLE, I'M DOOMED.
I would like to add to your list something about the attitudes of most big guilds. Most don't try to help you, most are not friendly, most are full of big egos and bad attitudes, and lastly, most of them won't ever get to know you. I'd rather be in a small guild and be able to do what I want that be in a big guild who tells you "if you don't play GvG, don't log on, don't recruit, don't do this/that, then we don't need you" The best attitudes I've encountered in this game were small timers.


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

East Coast

Boston Guild


Originally Posted by Edge Of Malan
I would like to add to your list something about the attitudes of most big guilds. Most don't try to help you, most are not friendly, most are full of big egos and bad attitudes, and lastly, most of them won't ever get to know you. I'd rather be in a small guild and be able to do what I want that be in a big guild who tells you "if you don't play GvG, don't log on, don't recruit, don't do this/that, then we don't need you" The best attitudes I've encountered in this game were small timers.
What do you all consider a large guild? Just wondering because my guild has grown from around 15 to around 40 people. I like to think we still maintain our "small guild" attitude, but now there is more opportunity to have full groups to do PvE or the occasional PvP when someone wants to.

As Sinborn mentioned, it is true the probablility for drama does increase the more people you have. Fortunately, we haven't had much of a problem with that.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

Nix Guild (NG)


Originally Posted by Edge Of Malan
I would like to add to your list something about the attitudes of most big guilds. Most don't try to help you, most are not friendly, most are full of big egos and bad attitudes, and lastly, most of them won't ever get to know you. I'd rather be in a small guild and be able to do what I want that be in a big guild who tells you "if you don't play GvG, don't log on, don't recruit, don't do this/that, then we don't need you" The best attitudes I've encountered in this game were small timers.
I agree with that.It has been my expierence as well.The large guilds I have been in for the most part(not all) treat you like your a tool.It is about numbers and how they can use you.No thanks I dont need that.Big Guilds tend to assume that you need them.Wrong answer.
There are probably some really good big guilds out there.But not from any I saw.
I have a 1 man guild myself.I have a GH with storage which works for me.Jacuzzi goes in next week..)



Master of Beasts

Join Date: Mar 2005

Ottawa, Canada

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

Originally Posted by AJM
I do have a thing against little pissant guilds that have NO reason to exist. They go and recruit members who get NOTHING out of membership and will leave in a matter of weeks, or just stay in it for no reason. I actually can say I hate when people join a guild for the sake of joining a guild. These guilds contribute NOTHING to ANYBODY, and (hopefully only temporarily) take potential recruits away from guilds that actually do something and have a purpose.
I'm sorry, were you saying something? I couldn't hear you over the non-existence of your guild on the ladder. And the fact that you can't find it on the web. And the fact that nobody has heard of you.

And you sit around bashing people's guilds? Rofl...

Oh, and I'm not knocking small guilds in general, I'm all for them. Just this guy, who seems to think his guild "matters" in some way.