WTS: Character Paintings
Satanic Slayer
i want one done of my char but im not to sure i wish to wait that much is there any way i could pay more and get it sooner?
Originally Posted by RTSFirebat
Originally Posted by Satanic Slayer
i want one done of my char but im not to sure i wish to wait that much is there any way i could pay more and get it sooner?
In short: no. It would be unfair on the peoeple who have been waiting weeks (months soon) if I let people start paying their way to the top.
Bowman Artemis
Put me down for the full deal, character painting and background. Don't care how long the wait is.
![]() ties
Put me on the waiting list.
Let me know when it is my turn... ![]() IGN----> Elina Firestorm / Volcane Crucio Primusq
Put me on the list. I got some good ideas. Also, i would like to know how long it will take untill its my turn.
IGN: Sir Primus greyf0x_f0x
...Also, i would like to know how long it will take untill its my turn...
It's hard to say, what with cancelations, and the fact that my work rate isn't set in stone. But a conservative estimate would be 1 person per week (in fact, I am usually working on 2-3 images, and they usually get finished every 2 weeks or so...) | The list now stands at 32 (with you being the thirty second Pumusq), so that's 32 weeks, approx 8 months... Sounds kind of crazy when you say it like that O_o Kyyp
Those of us who have to wait so long do get a bonus from the time though.
All this drawing over the course of 7 or 8 months is sure to improve his skills even more, so our characters will look even better! Thallandor
Put me in your waiting list as well for the 100k commission.
IGN: Seran Shimai. RTSFirebat
Originally Posted by greyf0x_f0x
It's hard to say, what with cancelations, and the fact that my work rate isn't set in stone. But a conservative estimate would be 1 person per week (in fact, I am usually working on 2-3 images, and they usually get finished every 2 weeks or so...)
The list now stands at 32 (with you being the thirty second Pumusq), so that's 32 weeks, approx 8 months... Sounds kind of crazy when you say it like that O_o Best you think of a queue limit Grey, maybe 9 months queue max? don't want to overload your workload ![]() greyf0x_f0x
I've been putting it off, but I think the time has come, as of now, I'm freezing the queue. If anything changes (like people drop out, or I somehow increase my working speed) I'll reconsider. I want to say a massive thanks to all those who've shown an interest, demand far exceeded my expectations and feedback from the people I've done work for has been great.
I'll still be updating the thread with previews of all the commissions I finish, so that people who like my work can still enjoy it ![]() [Edited first post to reflect the current change] Kyyp
I am glad I didn't wait any longer to get in line!
totally awesome art ! the kind you can frame and have in ur living room.
Are you saving up for 15k armor or FoW armor? lol
nope, and nope.
My dervish and paragon are now fully equiped. And most of the new armours aren't that much better than the old ones (may be getting vabbian warrior and ancient ranger though... we'll see ![]() Most of the money at the moment is going towards buying all the new nightfall skills for each of the 10 professions. Curse my UAX addiction. ravensong
I couldnt not to notice that necro`s guitar is bass guitar! yay!
Bass FTW! (i play one) Btw...your art is amazing! Coloring is amazing....everything is amazing! greyf0x_f0x
Added 2 new previews ^_^
Jeff Highwind
Damn, if Rangers could ride a Moa that would be awesome.
Just for a change, removed all commission previews! :O
Not to worry though, they are now to be found in my lovely new "Art" thread, here: Grey Fox's Art Bowman Artemis
Fox, would you be open to doing 3 different commissions for me (not all at once obviously, maybe spaced out over a few months but 3 none the less)? I'd like one picture per chapter of GW that gets released (featuring a new profession) and you're the person I'd like to do it. I'll pay full price (or extra) for each. Only if you want to of course. EDIT: This could be pushing my luck, but I have a template I have done up of an A2 page complete with character box (for the painting), chapter logo and character info (name, age etc) which I would like to get printed with the picture to frame and hang. Before I spend any more time perfecting it, do you do 300DPI resolution images and custom dimension (length/width) images? FEEL FREE TO IGNORE THE BELOW INFO UNTIL YOU ARE UP TO ME ![]() Just because I wanted you to have something more concrete to churn around in the back of your mind (and I don't want to forget between now and when my commission is done as I am known to do): New Info: Actual pixel dimensions I would like (at 300DPI): Width: 4566 Height: 6056 Here's something I thought of: Perhaps you could do the painting in a higher resolution (say, 1200DPI) and I could import it on my computer as 300DPI and it'll be the right size. greyf0x_f0x
As far as I'm aware, A2 comes out at 23x16 inches, your pixel measurements are little under that.
A 300DPI A2 image should be around 4800x6900, I believe. Doing an image at 1200DPI would be somewhat impractical (19200x27600 pixels!) and ultimatly pointless if you were going to scale it down. Basically, I'd either need to work at a lower resolution (like around 100DPI) and scale it up, or just paint at a much higher resolution than usual. Both of them have their drawbacks; scaling up may result in a lower quality image, and painting in a higher resolution, just means it would take me longer to produce a work than it usually would. Also, I realised that you'd already posted in the thread before it got locked, and thus, you're already on the waiting list ^_^ (4 from the end) ShadowsRequiem
Originally Posted by Lint
Are you saving up for 15k armor or FoW armor? lol
no hes buying me FOW armor
![]() Bowman Artemis
Originally Posted by greyf0x_f0x
As far as I'm aware, A2 comes out at 23x16 inches, your pixel measurements are little under that.
A 300DPI A2 image should be around 4800x6900, I believe. Doing an image at 1200DPI would be somewhat impractical (19200x27600 pixels!) and ultimatly pointless if you were going to scale it down. Basically, I'd either need to work at a lower resolution (like around 100DPI) and scale it up, or just paint at a much higher resolution than usual. Both of them have their drawbacks; scaling up may result in a lower quality image, and painting in a higher resolution, just means it would take me longer to produce a work than it usually would. Also, I realised that you'd already posted in the thread before it got locked, and thus, you're already on the waiting list ^_^ (4 from the end) Allow me to explain in more detail: Here is how I want my poster to look, with the picture inside the thin-black-bordered box: That white area is the entire A2 page. That's why the pixel dimensions are off. The Higher-res thing, I'm probably wrong about how photoshop works, but I was thinking that you do a 1200DPI image with the pixel dimensions I told you, then I import it as 300DPI and it will be the correct size but with larger "brush strokes" for want of a better word. EDIT: Just wanted to add, your pixel dimensions for a full A2 page are spot on. ![]() crazydan
just thought i would comment
![]() ![]() one option is you could work in low res and just up it towards the end to add a little more detail. Hope that helps ![]() Kyyp
Hey there.
Just wondering where I stood in line. I posted back on page 4, before you ended new commissions. greyf0x_f0x
*Checks waiting list*
There are 20 people before you Kyyp, however, don't despair, I'm finding that as I work my way through the list, there are a significant number of people who I can't contact, or who have just lost interest. So that number could be lower than it looks. AW Lore
Originally Posted by greyf0x_f0x
*Checks waiting list*
There are 20 people before you Kyyp, however, don't despair, I'm finding that as I work my way through the list, there are a significant number of people who I can't contact, or who have just lost interest. So that number could be lower than it looks. woot! ![]() now thats some great news! ![]() BassVII
really nice work, put me on the list for Full character painting + Background
Going to pm in a couple of days, don't have access to my necro's pics right now Bowman Artemis
Originally Posted by BassVII
really nice work, put me on the list for Full character painting + Background
Going to pm in a couple of days, don't have access to my necro's pics right now It's kinda... closed. Fox, would it be worth posting your current list so that people have an indication of where they are (even if people drop out) without you having to go look for them? greyf0x_f0x
For those that may have missed the first page: (it really does pay to read at least the first couple of pages, before skipping to the end to reply >_>)
...I AM NO LONGER ACCEPTING NEW COMMISSIONSQuote: Alas, I have so many already queued up, that I could be working for months before I get to the end. In time, I will hopefully re-open for new works; however, saddly for new comers, that may be a while. I'm afraid this still holds true. When I do finally reach the end of my list, I will probably come to this thread and check for people who've noted their intrest, however, that's a long way off yet, and I'll make no promises concerning your place in the queue, should you post here now. [Edit] since the list is frozen, I think it should be ok to post it now. Before you read it, I'll give you a brief idea of how I do my commissions. First up, I like to have at least 2-3 images to be working on at any one time. This means that if I get tired of working on somthing, I have another image I can go to. What I tend to do when I finish a commission, is send out messages to the next few people on the list, asking if they are still interested. If I can't make contact with you at the provided location (Guru, Email, In Game etc), I'll move on to the next commission. That's not to say that you've in any way missed your chance, as soon as the person get's back to me, I'll treat them as if they are right at the top of the list, it's just I've had a couple of cases where I've had nothing to work on, and spent a week or more waiting on people. With that little preamble, here's the list as it stands: ------------------------ Names listed are Guru accounts, NOT IGNs [***] = Only contact name is IGN (which I'm not divulging for privacy reasons. COMPLETED COMMISSIONS: Shanaeri Rynale ck pupu ZenRgy Quantum Archangel Phoenix Saphire Sarah Unlucky Slayer Hypernecrofear Valeria Fariza Hidal deathandthehealing STILL WAITING: Hengis Stone 09/10/06 RTSFirebat 09/10/06 Tark Alkerk 10/10/06 Zeph 12/10/06 Tainek 12/10/06 Iscana 12/10/06 VanGrack 15/10/06 oHcHeese 16/10/06 Lust Storm 16/10/06 TheBaron82 17/10/06 Hyourinmaru 17/10/06 9th Requiem 19/10/06 [***] 19/10/06 Cykasm 23/10/06 Zaharah23/10/06 The Missing Monk 24/10/06 jjdefan 25/10/06 [***] 30/10/06 Sorrowless 05/11/06 Kyyp 07/11/06 Lilith St Cyr 07/11/06 Bowman Artemis 07/11/06 Ties 08/11/06 Primusq 08/11/06 Thallandor 09/11/06 So there you have it, that's my commission list as it stands. [edit 2 ![]() Just note that the list doesnt include "special" commissions, such as competition entries, nor does it count the images I'm currently working on (working on 2 at the moment) AW Lore
wow, that IS a large list, i suppose i could farm a little in the mean time you do them to pay them and not having my wallet get too weightless
![]() Hengis
Originally Posted by greyf0x_f0x
STILL WAITING: Hengis Stone 09/10/06 RTSFirebat 09/10/06 Tark Alkerk 10/10/06 snip.... So there you have it, that's my commission list as it stands. Oh WOW!!! I thought I had lost my chance as my original request for a commission was deleted as I queried why you were banned at the time or something... Thank you so much for noticing the post while it was there. Knowing that I am still on the list, and in fact pretty near the top now has absolutely made my Christmas! As you can probably tell, I am DEFINITELY still interested!!! greyf0x_f0x
A quick update on the list.
------------------------ Names listed are Guru accounts, NOT IGNs [***] = Only contact name is IGN (which I'm not divulging for privacy reasons. COMPLETED COMMISSIONS: Shanaeri Rynale ck pupu ZenRgy Quantum Archangel Phoenix Saphire Sarah Unlucky Slayer Hypernecrofear Valeria Fariza Hidal deathandthehealing Guild Wars wintersday contest 84-175 WORKING ON: Unlucky Slayer Hengis Stone 09/10/06 RTSFirebat 09/10/06 STILL WAITING: Tark Alkerk 10/10/06 Zeph 12/10/06 Tainek 12/10/06 Iscana 12/10/06 VanGrack 15/10/06 oHcHeese 16/10/06 Lust Storm 16/10/06 TheBaron82 17/10/06 Hyourinmaru 17/10/06 9th Requiem 19/10/06 [***] 19/10/06 Cykasm 23/10/06 Zaharah23/10/06 The Missing Monk 24/10/06 jjdefan 25/10/06 [***] 30/10/06 Sorrowless 05/11/06 Kyyp 07/11/06 Lilith St Cyr 07/11/06 Bowman Artemis 07/11/06 Ties 08/11/06 Primusq 08/11/06 Thallandor 09/11/06 The following people are sitting at the top of the list, but I've been unable to contact them recently. If any of you are still interested, please get in contact (either in game, or here on the boards) and send me some screens, and arrange a meeting in-game for a deposit. Smile Like Umean It EinherjarMx Paladin1607 AW Lore
that is still a large list
![]() hope i dont miss the day when you reopen your comissions ![]() keep up the good work ![]() Titan Chrae
I'd like to get on the list for a special commision if/when it reopens.
/stalk waiting list
A quick update on the list.
------------------------ Names listed are Guru accounts, NOT IGNs [***] = Only contact name is IGN (which I'm not divulging for privacy reasons. COMPLETED COMMISSIONS: Shanaeri Rynale ck pupu ZenRgy Quantum Archangel Phoenix Saphire Sarah Unlucky Slayer Hypernecrofear Valeria Fariza Hidal deathandthehealing Guild Wars wintersday contest 84-175 Unlucky Slayer WORKING ON: Hengis Stone 09/10/06 RTSFirebat 09/10/06 Pantheon of the Gods Contest STILL WAITING: Tark Alkerk 10/10/06 Zeph 12/10/06 Tainek 12/10/06 Iscana 12/10/06 VanGrack 15/10/06 oHcHeese 16/10/06 Lust Storm 16/10/06 TheBaron82 17/10/06 Hyourinmaru 17/10/06 9th Requiem 19/10/06 [***] 19/10/06 Cykasm 23/10/06 Zaharah23/10/06 The Missing Monk 24/10/06 jjdefan 25/10/06 [***] 30/10/06 Sorrowless 05/11/06 Kyyp 07/11/06 Lilith St Cyr 07/11/06 Bowman Artemis 07/11/06 Ties 08/11/06 Primusq 08/11/06 Thallandor 09/11/06 The following people are sitting at the top of the list, but I've been unable to contact them recently. If any of you are still interested, please get in contact (either in game, or here on the boards) and send me some screens, and arrange a meeting in-game for a deposit. Smile Like Umean It EinherjarMx Paladin1607 Fallen Hunter
Wow, I wanna know when you are gonna start accepting comissions again
![]() I'll keep an eye on this thread... Jeff Highwind
He'll be taking new commissions February 1st, 2008.
lol >_> Who knows could be that long O_o
If anything, my works are slowing down rather than speeding up, poor old RTS and Hengis have been waiting some time for their latest commissions. Also, expectations of people commissioning works has risen slightly, likewise, my own personal expectations of my work, are rising. This all leads to commissions taking longer to complete now than they did. Also, remember, this is somthing I do in my spare time, and sometimes, if it's a choice between spending a night GvGing with guildies, or working on a commission, I'll not get much drawing done. Even on weekends, when I've got more spare time on my hands, there's only so much I can do. In a perfect world, I'd get payed real money to draw, saddly that's not the case, and GW platinum doesn't pay the bills >_> Jeff Highwind
Trust me Grey it's gonna be that long. You still have requests from October to complete...