"My Build Is Secret!"

Mera Regila

Mera Regila

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

In The Deep


I don't know about everyone else here, but I've been getting an overwhelmingly large amount of people, in guilds, gvgs, and other areas of pvp who won't share their builds. I don't understand this kind of mentality, I mean, If I don't know what someone's build is, say they're a W/Mo in gvg using Mending and Healing Hands, and refuse to say their build, I can't offer any friendly input.

Once I had a guild leader who everyoen in the guild said was awesome, meanwhile he doesn't share his GvG W/Me build, it turns out to be a riposte warrior with Physical Resistance and Conjure Phantasm.... Even in RA, the noobiest of pvp fights, people are like this, once i had a very good group going there and I asked a mesmer what KIND of build she was using and she goes "None of ur business!" and ragequits, of course we lose, and she pms me a bunch of cussing and foul language. I'm like wtf, all I did was ask the particular area of the build you were using....

Anybody else finding this behavior?

Mars Djinn06

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006

The Adepts of Hesperia [Sun]


Hmm, sorta. I sometimes tend to ask what the Elementalist build that a person is using, but they tend of ignore it and change the subject as such, so i just let it slide. But i have never encounted someone getting so angry for asking what build they are using. Swearing and all that is too far!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


I dont even bother asking, i'll watch what their builds are while playing monk, or when im playing something else and im dead, i watch there too lol.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Heros of Titans Realm [HotR]


I agree with watching while monking for them or challenge them to 1v1 in the guild hall and then you can use Fraps to record the fight if you really want to know. www.fraps.com



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


I don't like this attitude either. I take it as a fear of getting countered/beaten/brought down, but they're not helping others. It's pretty selfish... well that's what I think. I'm willing to help people get better at this game, find new ways of doing things, but it doesn't seem to be like that with everyone. Within my guild, I'm not having this problem and we seem to share most builds we use, give tips, etc.

At most, if I wanna get a new build, I'll check on GW Wiki .

Quid Pro Quo

Quid Pro Quo

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

I think people don't want other people to copy their build when really they don't realise that their build is probably already on guild wiki unless it doesn't work in which case its probably also on guild wiki under unfavored builds.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005



Knowledge is power in GW. I wouldn't trade in my secrets to any ol' person XD.

Crystal Alice

Crystal Alice

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006



sorry to say but i am kinda like that. the reason i don't like to tell my builds is because i made up some of my builds and i want to keep them secret so that they're "special" to me. also, whenever someone asks me for a build when im solo farming something i get a little annoyed... especially when using a 55 in UW, since typing and trying to stay alive at the same time is a little hard...
but, most of the builds people use are on guildwiki.com. no one goes there to check, they all ask people first. it would be faster for you and less annoying for the other person to check wiki.
like today for instance, i was getting ready to farm ghial and 5 different people start whispering me what build i use and if they can come with me since they see the mo/e above my head. one person was even offering 1k for a solo monk to solo ghial so they could get the flesh golem skill and they said they would give up the staff if they got it. there's no proof they will give you the staff (which is the reason for soloing in the first place) and how can they get the skill when the person will likely die at the beginning where the ritualist boss is?

this is just an opinion.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2006


Dangerous Pumpkins [dP]


Want my build ? here it is
having my build doesnt mean they can play with it, so i give my build whenever asked!




Join Date: Sep 2006



Yea, I worked my build myself, although im sure someone else has the same combo and im sure its been posted somewhere...but I dont bother giving it to guildies...Im not too keen to share with others though.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005

Rangers Of Chaos(RoC)


I'm glad someone finally brought this up. Its not like, if you use a skill, I can't use it. They are all there to freely use. What counts is how you play the build itself. If someone asks, you should share, its not like they will be E-famous the next day( Or on the news, Ha ha. ) So, remember guys... Sharing is Caring. lol.

EDIT: PvE is a different story. I keep those builds to myself as well.

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

@ OP: maby there scared that if you find out about this super build and post it it will get nurfed after 1 week or so

Scorpion Boy

Scorpion Boy

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Or they just think they're too 1337...And yes most of the builds "they" use are already on wiki or on guru..

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


In Organized Team PvP - The Build is the TEAMS business..They'd be gone in 2 seconds from any decent team if they didn't fully answer any question about skills, attributes, and weapon sets.

ESPECIALLY GvG...They wouldnt even make it into the team's party if they refused any information relating to their actions in GvG. If its the leader doing it..find a new guild.




Join Date: Dec 2005




I happely guide everyone who asks about my sin build to www.putfile.com/yanman .


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tenacious Knights of Doom [TKD]

What happened to "Immitation is the ultimate form of flattery"? I make almost all my builds myself, and on the rare occasion someone is actually impressed by them, I'm honored to share. I would love to be famous enough to have everyone and their brother copy my builds



Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

Galactic President Superstar Mc [awsm]


I don't really ask builds I create them and I'm always happy so share them



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006

... its just a build why not sare your work?
and i never bother asking or copying i just observe and improve

Lady Lozza

Lady Lozza

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005


Angel Sharks


It's a learning game. Some people are better organising a certain type of character/attribute. I get asked a lot by friends for monk builds because I'm so rarely out of energy. I'm happy to tell them, but they don't always find it working for them of course. Builds are very little compared to how it is played. Some monks, all they can do is boon-prot, give them a generic WoH build and they are spamming 0 energy every 5 seconds. For this reason I'm happy to share individual builds. My guild and I are a little more closed mouthed about team builds for HA and GvG, but if someone wants it they can get it probably. Once again though it is all about how you play it, and when talking about team builds it is difficult simply to give skills and not the "way" you play it... And it is the "way" we don't always like sharing. *Shrug* My 2 cents. *click clink*

Father Anansi

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006


Death By sNu [sNu]


I am always willing to share builds when asked. Though I am also one who believes that there is no such thing as a truely "Original" build. Every build you see is a variant of another.

My personal opinion on people who refuse to share their builds is that these are individuals that have issues of inadequecy. When an individual has fears of inedequecy they tend to cling to their achievments, sharing is out of the question because these people tend to foster attachments to their own accomplishments. If another person "steals" and uses (in this instance the persons build) it depreciates the value of that accomplishment to the individual because they see it as giving something up that they created as opposed to sharing it.

And let's face it, feelings of inadequecy and megalomania aren't particularly foreign concepts to the gaming community. In Guild Wars Billy is a rank 12 Warrior/Monk, leader of the "Warriors of Heaven," a ranked top 10 guild renowned through out the greater guild wars world. In real life..he's still that short scrawny pizza faced geek who is a prime candidate for a swirly every week day between 12:00-12:30.



Black Beast of Aarrrrgghh

Join Date: May 2005

The Netherlands

The Biggyverse [PLEB] // Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

It is a feeling of having rights to 'discover' the build.
but it's not realistic, with Obs mode out all top level gvg and HA games are open to see for everyone.
As for pve, well...everything goes.

In short, such claims as 'secret build' are often foolish.

Father Anansi

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006


Death By sNu [sNu]


Originally Posted by Makkert
It is a feeling of having rights to 'discover' the build.
but it's not realistic, with Obs mode out all top level gvg and HA games are open to see for everyone.
As for pve, well...everything goes.

In short, such claims as 'secret build' are often foolish.
My thoughts in a simpler and less pejorative explanation.

I could probably learn something from this post.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006




I actually like telling people my build! I think the more people use it the better! I love creating content for games, seeing people play what you made is brilliant and builds are the best player content in GW.

that said I can easily see why people wouldnt share their build and its their right not too. If they have a kick ass build that could become the next profession standard why post it on the wiki when you can share it descretly with your guild? this is especialy true in high levels of PvP where some players spend an obsessive amount of time learning and countering builds.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Well I just recently made a Sin Build which I know probaly other people have used/use but it was the first good build I have ever made myself in PvP so I want to keep it a secret because it feels special to me. I do usally share my build if it is just a normal build that isn't so secretive. But the build I made works really well and if someone really wants to see it just watch. If I have any of these special builds I will share em to guildies. (Seeing my guild has three people and I knoe em' all in real life)



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2005

Wessst Siiide, USA


It's hypocritical to copy builds from forums or get ideas for builds from here and turn around and not share your own "secret" builds with others.

It's a good thing the majority of posters don't feel threatened by others using their builds.

If you're annoyed by someone asking you what build you're using and you don't want to type it all out, you can always just direct them to this site and others like it.

In my experience, when someone comes out and says, "Here's my 'secret' build that I've been using for 2 months and now I'm willing to share", the build is usually subpar or already known. The best buildmakers are the ones that share their builds and make good use of the feedback.

Not A Fifty Five

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006

Creating guild


heh, OP I think the mesmer prolly thought you were asking his/her build because you questioned his playign ability. 90% of the time I see in RA people only ask someone's build, without saying wow that build owns what is it?, if they think they suck.


Site Contributor

Join Date: Jul 2005


This is mostly an attitude of PvE players. With PvP players if you refuse to tell the team what you are running, you are no longer part of the team. Anyway, the skills and attributes are nice. However, the information that is truly valuable is why things are done. Most players won't tell you that because it can take quite some time to explain the concepts and isn't worth the effort most of the time.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006


Originally Posted by Not A Fifty Five
heh, OP I think the mesmer prolly thought you were asking his/her build because you questioned his playign ability. 90% of the time I see in RA people only ask someone's build, without saying wow that build owns what is it?, if they think they suck.
Yep, I think that it. Had a monk once ran a good build, when the ranger suddenly asked about build he used. He ragequitted :|

Just add "Hey, you are good, what kind of build do you run?"

Very well, I never had problems sharing my build, PvP or PvE. Actually, I am one of those who contrib my builds to GuildWiki :|. Well OK, I don't share my nerfed runner build since it's useless xD...

Mesmer in Need

Mesmer in Need

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006


I remember i had to explain to this guy that i wouldent let him gvg with us because he was a whammo. we were trying to pug together a quick gvg from our alliance, and he got really mad at me. he always would say that hes not using any monks skills. he also complained that he could do 200dps. he had skills like power attack and thrill of victory, he had no ias, and no speed buff. his only elites were charge and hh. but strangely enough, he had a 14^50 weapon with near perfect mobs. why do the noobs have the leet weapons?? why??


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2006


Actualy I dont like to say my builds to every1. Just friends and guildies.

Other players can observe-me and lean the build.

Right now I'v created a very nice build for a Sin (kills in 4sec with knowdowns in the midle, and in shall it fail, endeless combo) and it is soo good that I actualy dont want to share it.

It depends on person to person. I think that if I posted this build, many sins would start to use it, so many ppl would start to counter it, therefor it woulnt work anymore.

I dont blame any of the parts in here. It is up to single player decide or not to post is builds



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

There's no such thing as a secret build anymore. Any build that's good inevitably makes it onto observer mode by the virtue of being good... and from there, it gets copied by countless people.

Before obs mode, there had been a lot more to this "secrecy", but even back then, builds spread around the higher end of the ladder. It's not as easy as copying a build from observer mode, but you can copy a build from your opponent in the game just as well.

Splatter Mcnasty

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005



Originally Posted by Maria The Princess
@ OP: maby there scared that if you find out about this super build and post it it will get nurfed after 1 week or so
This is exactly why i dont post most of my builds. Given ANet's track record on skill nerfing, I'm surprised at the number of builds people DO post.

...and none of my exact builds are anywhere on guildwiki, some are close, but none exactly the same.

[email protected]

[email protected]

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2005

Katy, TX

Famers Of Chaos


OK I am one of those people GRRR. STOP TALKING ABOUT ME :P Well anyways the reason i dont shar is cuz I have taken days ata atime to make build for my farming and then i find it posted on Wiki I didnt care at the time then a mounth later 4 of my fav build that took me mounths to make wer nerfed in one RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing night. SO YES I KEEP THEM A SECRET NOW o and as far as coping someones build by watching it lol Kinda hard when that person solos. lol I use stand builds now when i am with other people and my speacial builds when soloing. Sence the last couble of nerfs I have one 1 new build up and starting another in case it gets nerfed cuz someone else is just as smart and sees sertain8 skill woop ass lol I really hate my builds getting nerfed I only keep it with my guildies now and i see he alrdy posted it on wiki i am so kicking him.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Glasgow, UK.

The Cult of Weegie [Cow]


I wouldn't give anyone my build either...depending on the situation. I mean, as was said before, the majority of builds can EASILY be found on guru, wiki, etc. So just because they're too lazy to look them up doesn't mean I'm going to tell them. This mainly applies to people who want to know solo farming/running bulids which are everywhere.

However, if it was in the case that this person was in my team and I needed them to have the same bulid as me, then I would tell them my build as it would benefit the team. Or if they needed advice on a different build and I was in a position to help them, that wouldn't be a problem.




Join Date: Dec 2005




Originally Posted by [email protected]
OK I am one of those people GRRR. STOP TALKING ABOUT ME :P Well anyways the reason i dont shar is cuz I have taken days ata atime to make build for my farming and then i find it posted on Wiki I didnt care at the time then a mounth later 4 of my fav build that took me mounths to make wer nerfed in one RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing night. SO YES I KEEP THEM A SECRET NOW o and as far as coping someones build by watching it lol Kinda hard when that person solos. lol I use stand builds now when i am with other people and my speacial builds when soloing. Sence the last couble of nerfs I have one 1 new build up and starting another in case it gets nerfed cuz someone else is just as smart and sees sertain8 skill woop ass lol I really hate my builds getting nerfed I only keep it with my guildies now and i see he alrdy posted it on wiki i am so kicking him.
Try to spell, thanks.

People who keep their builds secret are either: Retarded "selfish" people, or embarrassed to post their crappy build.



Master of Beasts

Join Date: Mar 2005

Ottawa, Canada

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

"Secret builds" are for the incredibly obtuse. Nobody cares about your build, if it's good other people are doing it.

The Last Preacher

The Last Preacher

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006


None and looking!


Sure I get your point and its no need to go crazy. But imagine playing guild wars a lot, and making your own really origonal build and it works great. You don't exactly want to spread it around do you.

Stupid Shizno

Stupid Shizno


Join Date: Jan 2006

Madison, Wisconsin, USA



in my mindset, information is free, knowledge is not. ill ctrl+skill bar to anyone, that dosnt actually mean they know how to run my build.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006


I prefer to not share my builds, I made some really good builds, and they got nerfed because I told so many people. (for example, spirit bond monk >.<)

I keep my builds to myself now >.>

Sam I Are

Sam I Are

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

Club of a Thousand Pandas [LOD???]


I highly doubt only you knew about the spirit bond monk, then told everybody so it was nerfed...