Do you hate your guild members?

Oh a GW forum

Oh a GW forum


Join Date: Oct 2006


I usually don't last more than two weeks or so in a guild, before I leave because I can't stand the members.

I don't know why, but something about most guilds just annoys the hell out of me. I can't stand it when people have to announce every little triumph of their day, or constantly ask people for free things or something like that... It really takes a lot of restraint not to flame them. Sometimes I do then leave .

Most guilds are crap anyways. You join a guild so you have reliable people to play the game with right? Why then do I have to constantly rely on PUGS for everything everytime I join a guild? I can't even get UW partners from any of my guilds...

So yea, the next time I join a guild and see someone bragging because they beat someone on their touch ranger, I think I'm going to flip out.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Dvd Forums [DVDF]


I don't hate my Guild, just my Alliance, every 5 minutes the same questions get asked.

"What's a 55hp Monk?"

"What's the best Sword/Axe/Hammer/Armor/Skill/Proffesion/Pet/Staff/Wand/Offhand/Build?"




Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2005

Ashford Abbey

Hey Mallyx [icU]


I'm in luck because I have made many friends in these 16 months of playing GW. I've changed a lot of guilds and always managed to find some bright spots in them. Ofcourse, there's always people that annoy me but that's life. My last guild died off because most of "old gw people" switched to WoW. The alliance was pretty funny with their questions and ideas but I gave up answering when they decided that IWAY required skill and touch rangers weren't mindnumbing. >_<



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


I've been in this guild since May, and I'm seriously not about to leave . Despite the average beggar problem every guild HAS to have - let's face it, there's ALWAYS one that uses the chat only to try to get items/money/whatever - and the annoyance that some alliance members are... I like my guild.

It's the alliance I'm starting to find a pain. I don't see any leaders or officers from other guilds on (sorry if they are), or maybe they have their alliance chat off (like most of us, including me ATM) because some members, thankfully not all, have a tendency of completely ignoring the rules or aren't aware of them. I'm ultra-tired of people spamming for help; if you don't get a reply in the minute after you posted your message, don't bother posting it 3 times in a row after. And for God's sake... don't insult others, don't bash anyone because of whatever reason. This isn't generally a problem, but I've had my load yesterday so...

Think I needed to vent, sorry for that XD;...



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Heros of Titans Realm [HotR]


I feel pretty lucky about my guild and alliance but we are pretty strict with rules and I think in the long run it pays off. If people don't wanna follow some basic courtesy standards after being reminded, they leave. It all kind of works itself out. I know some people think I'm too strict with my guild rules but it really does help. Our alliance rules are even more strict and some people hate it because the alliance tab is mainly used for game talk or forming teams for gvg and pve instead of the pick up flirts nook or trade center but that's really what it should be used for anyway, not the latter.

That all being said, yes, I still have members that bug me or annoy me. It's part of life, you aren't going to click with everyone but you have to put up with them within normal means. Eventually the ones that don't click leave the guild or get kicked for doing something really obnoxious to another member. But again, yes I can totally relate. Some people are just truly annoying individuals.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Eh I forget... o_O

Biscuit of Dewm [MEEP]


I don't hate my guild at all! I mean the majority of my guild mates are good people. We've found an alliance that works and so forth....

but there is just ONE member on our roster that is just BEGGING to be kicked.... and the reason he hasn't been kicked is out of sheer spite! He says he KNOWS we are going to kick him and thusly the reason he acts like he does and so forth so we let him sit and stew on it and be an ass.... We've tried talking to him and being reasonable but I think he's just nuts honestly.
Our guild leader is my husband, but he said my opinion and word didn't count for shit basically..... That alone almost got him the boot from me...

Oh well, we are content to let him chew off his own arm since he cannot be reasoned with XD

Edit: 7hrs after this post, said member stepped over the line for the last time and started a bickering fight in guild chat because only one person said goodnight to him...... = BOOTED!



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

OP: It sounds like it is you, not the guilds.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


Originally Posted by DeanBB
OP: It sounds like it is you, not the guilds.
I was thinking the same.. sure there are ppl in my guild that kinda annoy me somewhat, but alot of them are new. I just hate playing monk so much.. 800/1700 hours on it, and ive got a war, necro, rit.. also had played both campaigns with ele, ranger.. but guild always needs a monk.. 70 active ppl, 4 have monks. maybe 5.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005


I'd agree sounds like the OP has the problem. If you hate them so much and they don't conform to how you want them to be (ever, apparently) start your own.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006


The last big guild was... well... unorganized. Almost the same with the alliance guilds. It was a guild also recruting newbies and was based on helping eachother. I enjoyed helping those who were new to the game - or simply had questions they never asked before - very much, it was great to see how much more fun they had after learning something new and even helpfull and trying new things. I also learned several lessons e.g.: I've never been gvg before. Though we were kind of a PuG with only few guildmembers, I could try something I never thought of could happen before.
I left because of personal differences and - as a result - big argue with the guildleader. Oh my... I was really hurt after that. But I don't hate him or anyone, nor any alliance member. Everyone has his/her kind of playing the game, why try to change someone? You can only try to do your best for your guild, maybe without receiving anything, as long as you've got fun doing it. This is the only way to stay confident with yourself and your guild. If you always want to get double of what you gave, it won't work. And it won't work either, if you cannot identify yourself with the guild's intention on the one hand and its rules on the other hand. If you don't like the system: quit. And maybe start a guild of your own with your rules, with you choosing members and officers... and your responsibility. IMHO that's the best thing you can do.

It was fun being part of that project, even for only that short period of time (i.e. less than 2 weeks, sounds familiar to you, Oh a GW forum?). I even wanted to build a board for what was 'us' at that time. Frequently asked questios were a problem though, but might have been solved having a board to link to and share our knowledge with one another. It never came to happen, as I said, I left. But I would never say that I hate any of my former guildmates, nor do I hate anyone now.

The guild I am actually officer in is not part of an alliance and only consists of three people: my two best and beloved friends and I. We stick together, we belong together. And having a cape prevents from being asked, if either of us would like to join anyones guild. I'm just fine and don't want things to change ^^

Kestral Pureheart

Kestral Pureheart

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Rogues to Riches

I have been in my guild since August last year, and I really like most of the people in it. Some of them I don't know so well, but there is no one in it that I regret being in a guild with. It is hard with any bigger group to get to know everyone really well, but hopefully everyone knows someone...

Our alliance also works pretty well. We have quite strict rules and we try and make sure people stick to them. We had to kick one guild out where the leader made no effort to moderate his guildies spamming and abuse, but otherwise we try and work with the allied guilds to help them get used to our way of doing things...some guilds find this easier than others, but if they want to stay they get there in the end

Crystal Alice

Crystal Alice

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006



umm... i don't HATE them but some can get on my nerves...
i really don't like it when the leader promotes people for recruiting like 1 person or promising they will recruit.
another thing is when they ask for help and then don't show up for the help.

there are a handful of people in the alliance that i like and others that brag CONSTANTLY about what amazing new drop they just got, or what cool thing they're doing at that moment. for instance, someone soloing a rare green drop boss who i asked for the build for my little bro and the guy ignored me.
another person also brags about how good their characters are and then when others do pve with them that are actually good, they're very disappointed.

Guardian of the Light

Guardian of the Light

Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005

Radicals Against Tyrants


Good thing: My guild members are all grat guys and we help each other out.

Bad thing: We're rarely all on at the same time and there are 8 of us.......

Feminist Terrorist

Feminist Terrorist

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Oh Noes! The 'burbs!

I love my guild. The guys are great, lots of fun to chat with, and never beg for anything. The only bad things are that it's rare for more than two people to be on at one time, and it's a bit too small. It's hard to find people that fit in though.

Wavering Balance

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006


I've been in two guilds so far. In the first on I was the only one on, even the guild leader was in-active, when i left he had been away for over 3 months. The second guild (my current guild) was suppose to do a bunch of alliance, GvG, PvE and such. And for a time it looked like me might do that, but when a disgruntaled officer kicked out everyone except for the leader. A few of us rejoined but most haven't been on. The leader is the only one who is ever on, and I have yet to do ANY GvG, PvP or Alliance. Plus when I asked for some advice on what to make a PvE char I never got a response.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


I don't hate my members at all. In fact, I am fortunate to have some of them in my guild. What I do hate, though, is how I can't depend on them sometimes when I know they aren't doing their jobs (such as Officers), or when they want everything handed to them (they find the door pretty quick). I usually take care of them pretty quickly.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006



I like my guild, but there is one problem with them, they ask to do GvGs but when an officer hosts 1, hardly anyone actually turns up.

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

i love my guild!!!''

i love the people in my guild!!!

i love the "mood" in the guild

to OP: its normal that 99.99% of guilds have newbies or ignorant "super uber 1337" players, but the only way to avoid them is just to start your own guild, recruit your friends and pick members yourself.

even in a game, its a society man!

-Old 3FL-

-Old 3FL-

Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2006

Western Australia.

Crystal Mountain [CM]


Nope i dont.
<3 sms.
good ppl
good atmosphere
lots 'o' fun (which is more important to me)



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


Originally Posted by DeanBB
OP: It sounds like it is you, not the guilds.
I second the notion



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by Maria The Princess
i love my guild!!!''

i love the people in my guild!!!

i love the "mood" in the guild
im with you on this one, my guild rocks!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005


Seers of Serpents [SoS]


When you put conditions/requirements for someone to be your friend, that person has cease to become your friend.

Knight of Fate

Knight of Fate

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

The Purple Family [GANG]


Bad luck for you then. I love my guild leader. XD



Join Date: Sep 2006

Originally Posted by Oh a GW forum
I usually don't last more than two weeks or so in a guild, before I leave because I can't stand the members.

I don't know why, but something about most guilds just annoys the hell out of me. I can't stand it when people have to announce every little triumph of their day, or constantly ask people for free things or something like that... It really takes a lot of restraint not to flame them. Sometimes I do then leave .

Most guilds are crap anyways. You join a guild so you have reliable people to play the game with right? Why then do I have to constantly rely on PUGS for everything everytime I join a guild? I can't even get UW partners from any of my guilds...

So yea, the next time I join a guild and see someone bragging because they beat someone on their touch ranger, I think I'm going to flip out.

It sounds like you the one who has the problem. And by some post I have read before written by you, Yes... you the one who has the problem.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005


Charter Vanguard


You have to enter a guild with the right attitude. Give, to be given. Help, to be helped. I detest people who just sit around and whine about how nobody cares to help them when they wouldn't lift a finger to do the same with someone else.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2006

Yeah I have this problem too. The only thing that keeps me in a guild is if there are some people who I really like. It seems like 90% of the Guild Wars population are 12 year olds who ask questions like:

"what is a 55 monk?"
"how do i get to hzh?"
"what is the best secondary for <class>?"
"what is the best weapon, sword or axe?"
"where can i get rid of my pet?"
"when does <event> start?"
"where can i get <hero>?"
"how can i make money?"
"can anyone give me <amount of gold>"
"wts <rubbish item that nobody except the merchant would buy>"
"wtb <expensive item> for <ridiculously cheap price>"
"how much is <something nobody would buy> worth?"

It would be OK if it was just the occasional question, but it's not. Someone asks one of these questions every 30 seconds, even if someone already answered it 2 mins ago. If they don't get an answer, they ask it again and again and again and again OH GOD!!!! Fine I'll look up the answer for you on GuildWiki!

What makes it worse is that giving someone a very easy to understand answer often makes them start PMing you trying to get you to explain it further, even though there is no way for you to phrase it simpler.

This could be because I'm in a big alliance that it is such a problem.

If I have a question, guess what? I look on a website. It takes me 1 min to look something up, or do a search. And often, when these people are spamming guild/alliance chat with the question because nobody is answering, I end up looking it up for them just so that they shut up.

I never had this problem in a small guild though, where all the members are your friends and you know them personally. It's just when you are in an alliance with 10 guilds, and each guild has 100 members that it gets very impersonal and turns into a Q&A chatroom.

It just really gets on my tits when everybody asks for help doing stuff that you had to do for yourself to get where you are.

Sophitia Leafblade

Sophitia Leafblade

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Dragon Slayer Guild [DSG]


I love my Guild & Alliance !! Everyone gets along, were all helpful to each other, We love to team up together and do things including just generally having fun. We may be a relativly small guild compared to some but we all would rather fight beside a few of our guildies than an army of random people (no offense to anyone ). Weve become like a family and we all look after each other.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005


Ambassadors of Enlightenment [SAGE]


I actually really liked the Guild I was in "Redemption of the Phoenix" (xRPx). I was a member of that guild since its inception last March and also a member of its ancestor Guild "Fantasy Kingdom" There are a lot of good folks in that guild. One or two I didn't get along with but hey in any group sometimes there are a few.

Now the guild leader is a different story, very prone to lashing out and making hasty judgements. A good friend of mine knew her back in the Diablo II days and says she was basically the same in that game.

Well I stuck it out for the last 8 months because I really liked the members, I even recruited about a half a dozen people one of which is now an officer. Then I got booted last week, no warning, no PM at our website, no nothing. And Ill be the first to admit I haven't been very active lately because of some RL issues and I was kind of burnt out with factions and just waiting for Nightfall. I did log in about once a week none the less because the guild rule is no logging in for over two weeks and you get booted.

I come to find out the guild leader, had another hissy fit and quit, and then rejoined the next day, and of course became the guild leader again. (Her husband also plays). The she proceeds to boot 18 people because we weren't active enough. No rule change, no warning, just a dumpex.

Needless to say Im not going back.

So ya I liked my guildies, I just dont appreciate a leader who doesn't grasp the concept of leadership...........

Amity and Truth

Amity and Truth

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2006


Not as much the guild but moreover something that annoys me about the community in a whole. The total and utter lack of autonomy. It's like some of them can't do a damn step without asking first.
I have answered questions, i have answered lots and lots of them. No problem, i know the answers anyways but what i really don't like are poeple that can't do a step on their own.

"I heard there is a storage upgrade?"
"How do i get it?"
"Talk to the NPC near the Storage in Kaineng"
"Do i have to click yes?"
"Hnnng, no. Of course you click no, you don't want the storage upgrade after all."
"Didn't work!"
And sometimes they just don't like my answer at all, getting all pissed and aggressive even though it's just the way it is. I mean, seriously... they ask another person simply because they don't want to believe my answer. Meh, maybe i'm too sarcastic at times but if there is a huge button "Yes, create my storage upgrade" and people ask me what to click to get that storage upgrade i just can't give a normal answer anymore. Nope chummer, think for yourself a bit.
And something i really don't like is when they start to argue and hammer onto their "facts"

"SV is bugged! I don't see the numbers when i'm casting on you."
"Two reasons, we're fighting spellcasters and the person which it is cast upon sees the numbers."
"No i've seen the numbers minutes ago!"
"That is because you've casted it on yourself."
"I have never casted it on myself!"
Minutes later, he suddenly says:
"See? Now i see the numbers floating."
"That is because you've casted it on yourself."
"I haven't!"
"Dude, you're the only one with an enchantment on you"
"Yeah but i haven't casted it on myself."
"And what is the enchantment on you?"
"Dude, you never give up do you?"
"Just ping it"
"Can't it just timed out"
"And which one was it?"
Another example:
"Allriiighty, we're engaging ench removal heavy mobs. Mind removing your essence bonds for a while?"
"No problem"
After a while there is still essence bond on me. I click ping it and kindly ask again.
"Not mine."
"Mine neither."
"Okay seriously folks, this essence bond does have an owner and it is not me, i've got no monk class"
After 5 minutes of this discussion i just ran into a mob, took a few hits and watched who was highlighted by the effect - and then took the 100 damage from it being shattered.
I mean, seriously...
Is it that hard to actually double check on your side? Is it that hard to do something on your own? Is it that hard to understand the basic concept that there is NO best weapon and NO beast build and NO best class. Is it that hard to read a skill description? Or is it that hard to just have a look at Gwiki? Point is, even the best description is not as accurate as a map of the location with the boss being marked as a big red x.

And that is my gripe with Guilds as well as these kind of persons tend to be in it just like there are plenty of them in the game and in the real world as well. And they're probably even more annoying as they know that i know the answer and don't give up on pestering me about it. Well ever since i came to the point where i simply put the people on ignore things got a lot better.
Well they still don't think themselves but atleast they annoy someone else with it.
Sorry, i just can't stand people who are not capable of making own decisions.

Giga Strike

Giga Strike

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006

stranded in vabbi this time

None [N/A]

i like my guild members. any guild with a specific faction nazi who is rather famous among the kurzicks always seems to be orderly.



Join Date: Sep 2006

"what is a 55 monk?"
"how do i get to hzh?"
"what is the best secondary for <class>?"
"what is the best weapon, sword or axe?"
"where can i get rid of my pet?"
"when does <event> start?"
"where can i get <hero>?"
"how can i make money?"
"can anyone give me <amount of gold>"
"wts <rubbish item that nobody except the merchant would buy>"
"wtb <expensive item> for <ridiculously cheap price>"
"how much is <something nobody would buy> worth?"
Carth join my guild, people like this get kicked.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


Ugh, I can't stand beggers... sure I'll help every now and then, just like I get help when I ask for it, but it sometimes get to the point where I wish I had the authorization to kick (which, even though I'm an officer, I don't have due to guild rules).

I'll take an example - another officer and I were questing in Nightfall. A guildie gets on and automatically we KNOW what's gonna happen. "Can any1 help me with <insert quest/mission/item/armor> plz? i need it". The problem in that situation is that he JUST had missed a group going for it and continuously asked if people wanted to help him. He spent a long time asking... why?

Because, IMHO, people are tired of having him beg all the time and are reticent to help him. I had the other officer talking to him (else I was gonna blow at him, and I wanted to avoid it) and eventually the leader had to talk to him as well. The officer I was with also recieved a complain about him via PM, and I had some as well from other people...

I don't hate the dude. He's nice and everything except that when he wants something, he won't shut up about it. We can't always help everyone, and sometimes, other people want help. Maybe people are too selfish, I don't know.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Delaware, USA

Error Seven Operators [Call]


Well, overall I like my guildies and alliance members. Whenever anyone asks for help, they seem to get responses right away. Unfortunately, I'm usually unavailable to help, whether it be because I have limited time or I'm doing something that I consider to be more important than making a mission a little bit easier.

However, the chat can get annoying. It seems whenever someone logs on a bunch of "meow," "moo," "chitter," and other animal sounds ensue, because that's become the alliance's sort of "hello" phrase. And my guild leader seems to have a grammar issue, since he always puts a space before any punctuation, but that's just a pet peeve of mine.



Hugs and Kisses

Join Date: Oct 2005

Scars Meadows

Originally Posted by -Old 3FL-
Nope i dont.
<3 sms.
good ppl
good atmosphere
lots 'o' fun (which is more important to me)
QFT: The SMS guild as well as their alliance is the greatest thing I have ever been a part of in guild wars. Fun, good humored people as well as a fair set of rules concerning spamming and such makes it an amazing alliance to be in. I can't think of anything that really ticks me off with this one



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2006


Guards Of The Citadel [GotC]


Mine is good because I am the leader of it.

Oh a GW forum

Oh a GW forum


Join Date: Oct 2006


Originally Posted by Amity and Truth
Not as much the guild but moreover something that annoys me about the community in a whole. The total and utter lack of autonomy. It's like some of them can't do a damn step without asking first.
I have answered questions, i have answered lots and lots of them. No problem, i know the answers anyways but what i really don't like are poeple that can't do a step on their own.

And sometimes they just don't like my answer at all, getting all pissed and aggressive even though it's just the way it is. I mean, seriously... they ask another person simply because they don't want to believe my answer. Meh, maybe i'm too sarcastic at times but if there is a huge button "Yes, create my storage upgrade" and people ask me what to click to get that storage upgrade i just can't give a normal answer anymore. Nope chummer, think for yourself a bit.
And something i really don't like is when they start to argue and hammer onto their "facts"

Another example:

I mean, seriously...
Is it that hard to actually double check on your side? Is it that hard to do something on your own? Is it that hard to understand the basic concept that there is NO best weapon and NO beast build and NO best class. Is it that hard to read a skill description? Or is it that hard to just have a look at Gwiki? Point is, even the best description is not as accurate as a map of the location with the boss being marked as a big red x.

And that is my gripe with Guilds as well as these kind of persons tend to be in it just like there are plenty of them in the game and in the real world as well. And they're probably even more annoying as they know that i know the answer and don't give up on pestering me about it. Well ever since i came to the point where i simply put the people on ignore things got a lot better.
Well they still don't think themselves but atleast they annoy someone else with it.
Sorry, i just can't stand people who are not capable of making own decisions.
Exactly... I think the problem with guilds I've had in the past is they were all just "SEND WHISPER FOR INVITE" types, who do absolutely no screening of member, and as such the quality of the members is pathetic. That's basically why I've been guildless for a while - if you randomly ask me "Do u want a guild?" the answer will immediatly be no.

I just joined a new guild were the guy was pretty stiff about what kind of player he's looking for, and that's why I think I'll like this new one. If I can get in a guild easily, i'm not interested. I want to be harrased, interrogated and scrutinized before I can join a guild, because it's the only idiot-filter you can apply over the internet.

What also doesn't help is that my patience with people is incredibly low and any type of "needy" question just annoys and pisses me off...



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Meh..I bounced around from a few guilds..prolly because Im just too picky. The only guildies I actually hated were idiots and thats to be expected I guess.

I actually found a decent pvp-oriented guild with active members on a skill level similar to mine..then disputes with the leader led to me leaving. I am close-minded..I know that..but I was at least open to some things..I guess the guildleader had a bad day, and instead of just telling me about this problem, decides to unload on my face, guildchat style.

Meh, Im kinda sick of choosing between pve guilds that will stay together and arent asses and pvp guilds that are generally the opposite..idk.

Feminist Terrorist

Feminist Terrorist

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Oh Noes! The 'burbs!

I'm lucky in my guild. I haven't had to put up with any bullshit or begging. At times there is more chatting than playing, but that's easily dealt with. All in all, it's a great guild, but I do wish we were just a bit bigger as sometimes I want to interact with other people than just the few I do now.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006


lol iv hated all the guilds that i have been in. so iv decided to just not be in one

Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006




I don't care about the people of my Guild at all, I simply GvG, HA, TA with them, and do my own stuff when I'm not.