Do you hate your guild members?

Criminally Sane

Criminally Sane

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

With my angel.

Needs Moar [DESU]


Common sense says, if you hate your members, quit. If you run into too many guild with members you dislike and you don't like not having control, make your own. Just be careful not to promote too many people, else the guild may grow in size beyond what you desire, and you may end up kicking quite a few.



Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005

Kill A Bear Get An [ale]


Do I hate my guild members? No, If I did I would kick them all and have a guild of one. I love my guildies and I consider many of them friends beyond just the game of GW. And also if you just end up leaving after joining a guild make your own guild of one. Then you can make the decision of adding more people or just remaining solo. I wouldn't join a guild just to join one I have to know and like people in it first.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005

Shattered Eloquence [RoN]


I don't hate my guild at all. All members get along fairly well since we have known each other in the form or allies and former guildies. We're also an Rp guild so we're more about just Roleplaying and don't usually bother others on things. Though we know each other so well that we can get by and by. Plus since we are of the Rp community, we've dealt with Drama so much that alot of us just ignore trivial problems. Hence the entire guild is laid back and fun to be in.