Not as much the guild but moreover something that annoys me about the community in a whole. The total and utter lack of autonomy. It's like some of them can't do a damn step without asking first.
I have answered questions, i have answered lots and lots of them. No problem, i know the answers anyways but what i really don't like are poeple that can't do a step on their own.
"I heard there is a storage upgrade?"
"How do i get it?"
"Talk to the NPC near the Storage in Kaineng"
"Do i have to click yes?"
"Hnnng, no. Of course you click no, you don't want the storage upgrade after all."
"Didn't work!"
And sometimes they just don't like my answer at all, getting all pissed and aggressive even though it's just the way it is. I mean, seriously... they ask another person simply because they don't want to believe my answer. Meh, maybe i'm too sarcastic at times but if there is a huge button "Yes, create my storage upgrade" and people ask me what to click to get that storage upgrade i just can't give a normal answer anymore. Nope chummer, think for yourself a bit.
And something i really don't like is when they start to argue and hammer onto their "facts"
"SV is bugged! I don't see the numbers when i'm casting on you."
"Two reasons, we're fighting spellcasters and the person which it is cast upon sees the numbers."
"No i've seen the numbers minutes ago!"
"That is because you've casted it on yourself."
"I have never casted it on myself!"
Minutes later, he suddenly says:
"See? Now i see the numbers floating."
"That is because you've casted it on yourself."
"I haven't!"
"Dude, you're the only one with an enchantment on you"
"Yeah but i haven't casted it on myself."
"And what is the enchantment on you?"
"Dude, you never give up do you?"
"Just ping it"
"Can't it just timed out"
"And which one was it?"
Another example:
"Allriiighty, we're engaging ench removal heavy mobs. Mind removing your essence bonds for a while?"
"No problem"
After a while there is still essence bond on me. I click ping it and kindly ask again.
"Not mine."
"Mine neither."
"Okay seriously folks, this essence bond does have an owner and it is not me, i've got no monk class"
After 5 minutes of this discussion i just ran into a mob, took a few hits and watched who was highlighted by the effect - and then took the 100 damage from it being shattered.
I mean, seriously...
Is it that hard to actually double check on your side? Is it that hard to do something on your own? Is it that hard to understand the basic concept that there is NO best weapon and NO beast build and NO best class. Is it that hard to read a skill description? Or is it that hard to just have a look at Gwiki? Point is, even the best description is not as accurate as a map of the location with the boss being marked as a big red x.
And that is my gripe with Guilds as well as these kind of persons tend to be in it just like there are plenty of them in the game and in the real world as well. And they're probably even more annoying as they know that i know the answer and don't give up on pestering me about it. Well ever since i came to the point where i simply put the people on ignore things got a lot better.
Well they still don't think themselves but atleast they annoy someone else with it.
Sorry, i just can't stand people who are not capable of making own decisions.