Originally Posted by Navaros
So then why does yourself and others complain about "I can't get into high ranked parties because I'm low ranked". If lower ranked parties are so great why not just join them every time and be happy with that since they are so great?
This is where the "argument" of "Rank elitism is unfair to newbies, nerf rank!" always crumbles to dust.
If low ranked players did not want to unjustly leech off of the skills/abilities of much better (high ranked) players than themselves rather than play with people of their own skill level, then they'd have no basis to say "I can't get a team due to rank elitism!", because there are players o'plenty of their own low rank who could always play with them.
I don't leech and am intelligent enough to be able to adapt my play to benefit any team I am on.
Me, personally, have no issues getting and sticking with groups.
But shunning someone just because there rank isn't high enough is bad practice, regardless of what anyone thinks.
That rank 1,2 or 3 could be on a second account or just started playing HA after spending hours upon hours honing their skills in other parts of the game.
Now don't get me wrong, inviting a mending wammo in a dual smite group is pretty useless, regardless of the rank. On the otherhand, shunning a Thumper, VIM, B-Spiker (or whatever the FoTM is), who has all the right skills and has a good idea of how to use them, just because they are rank 1 or 2 is, IMO, couterproductive.
Time in, especially the rank farmers, means nothing in GW.
Furthermore, not being able to get into higher ranked groups is not the problem.
It's the people that flame, unneccessarily, at perceived "noobs" that is the problem.
People seem to forget, they started at the bottom too.
But Navarro, I want to thank you for being another, in a growing list of people, that illustrates why this thread was started.
Originally Posted by pigdestroyer
because youre an unranked noob and I dont want you on my team
Try contributing something...not a very hard concept.