Originally Posted by Guardian of the Light
HA is indeed not as good as it was when I got my sigil.
The Golden Age
When everyone was accepted, balanced PuGs were common, it was noob friendly
Introduction of IWAY
Don't hate me for this but IWAY did change HA it took advantage of noob balanced groups and chased away many noobs
The IWAY hate period
Many people at first accepted IWAY as a cool new build at first but hate spreaded and people noticed that it became overdominate in PuGs. Balanced members and IWAY members begin flaming each other.
The IWAY nerf
Anet answers the calls of many whiners and nerfs IWAY. IWAY is surpressed and many of the noobs who converted to IWAY now leave HA
Elitism of IWAY
IWAY struggles with the nerf and it no longer is a noob build. Elite players figure out many new powerful builds. To replace IWAY in the mindlessness Vim-way comes.
The future?
the change to 6 man may bring back the noobs and recreate the golden ages. Vim-way is balanced and balanced may be able to function along side of it.
I just register because I need to put more detail into this time line.
Let's start 14 months ago:
Era 1: The time of the elementalist
At the start in HA, you will find mainly ele air spike builds or elementalist builds. I have to say this was the golden age of Korea, they hold halls and favour. Koreans owned this game and were the first to use wards and other stuff.
In this time rangers and warriors pretty much couldnt get into teams!!
Era 2: The revenge of the rangers and how thry change the game!! The Long and long SPIRIT RANGER SPAM ERA!
Ranger got toghether and BANG ranger spike was born, then the bonder become more famous, but there was a twist: This rangers little by little started to use spirits and abuse them.
For 3-4 months Anet didnt nerf ranger spirits and HA was 90% ranger spirit spam builds, it was disgracefull, but abused and Anet took ages to nerf them.
In that time you could have 2-3 spirits of the same spirits, it was ridiculous. I was running one of the only smith teams and I'm not talking about healing balls. I'm talking about proper smith with 8 monks!!! What an era, it was newbi era.
Era3: Ranger spirits get nerfed and the era of the balanced is born aka: Mesmer and Necros become popular!!!!!!!
This era is relative short or long depends how you see it, This is time when Migraines, E.surge builds are born, this is the era Have funn GG IS born and sir conversman start winning hall more regularly.
Necros become stronger also, ranger spike is strong also with power of my ranger still going strong.
This is for me the golden era, because you could see Balanced teams with 2 Mesmers (migraine or surge), you had ranger spikers, you had ele spikers, you still could smith with 8 monks, but then IWAY started was born around the end of this period. But botton line in this time you could see so many different builds, you will find Hex builds with full Mesmer teams and full necro teams, double smith with E/Monk and 2 Ws etc.....
Era 4: IWAY and the anti-IWAY builds
Iway changed things, Math started to dominate and the anti-WAY builds started.
This is for me the decline of HA, I don't mind IWAY, but because of this build a lot of builds desapear, IWAY took advantage of the poor balance of ranger spirit and dominate hex builds aka full mesmer grps died, a lot of balanced combinations died.
In this era, also 2 things happen, Elementalist for nerfed becoming more of a support profession.
What I didnt like of this time is that balanced team got stuck with the : 3 monk classic build + Warder in this time is when IWAY was the noobie build, because any good team with a good warder and 3 decent monks will destroy them and it was true.
Also E.Surge become more popular and the classic build: 1 W, 2 Surgers, 1 trap, 1 warder was the most popular balanced build to counter the wave of invasion of IWAY noob teams.
I made so much fame by killing IWAY like this

thank you lol.
Era 5: Smith is flavour of the month and gets nerfed in 3-4 weeks.
Then suddenly E.surges get nerfed and smith becomes more popular and then HA become the smither and IWAY builds , but smith get nerfed very very fast.
Between era 4 and 5, you have blood spikers coming strong, but not that strong until the ritualist is here, once the ritualist was here it basicly become stronger.
Era 6: faction makes gimmick builds stronger and kills creativity.
I got desapointed with faction, instead of killing IWAY, bloodspikes it made them stronger and made balanced teams weaker!
Yeah the actual balanced team build got nerfed a lot of changes had to be done, but it was ok. balanced teams still manage to adapt and survive, but making HA a bit harder to handle. Rangers interup become more common also.
The ritualist gave a lot of defence to the B-spikers, IWAY evolved and introduce apostacy + Mesme fast cast, the IWAY + rit was a failure. Ranger spikers evolve and manage to survive.
In the other hand, Eles got a boost and area of dmg got a boost what was good, but ritualist and assasin didnt bring nothing to the metagame, it was crap, they brough nothing to HA.