Help me understand guild hopping.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Heros of Titans Realm [HotR]


I totally understand that it takes some time to find a guild that is a good fit, but what I'm trying to wrap my brain around is the guild hoppers that give your guild about a 15 minute chance and then leave. We even had an invite that we interviewed yesterday, thought it was a fit and they left guild 5 minutes after add! What's up with that? I know that bad behavior isn't an issue on my guild chat tab either. I have some pretty good officers that keep people gently in check.

If you are a guild hopper or have a good nose for guild hoppers in the interview process help me figure out why these people do this and how to better screen them.

I've even seen people who go through the effort to to post out here that they are looking for a guild, shoot a couple of pm's back and forth with them to see if it's a fit and they still leave within an hour after not even talking to anyone on guild chat.

If it were me being added to a new guild, I would give it at least a 48 hour chance if offensive behavior didn't turn me off right away. Maybe I'm more patient that most though?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Redmond, Washinton



Oh god, I've delt with guild hoppers before...I was in pre and there was one guy asking to join a guild so i told him about ours and invited him, then the dreaded question & demand: 'Can I be an officer, i have a lot of gold' I said no i don't promote people for joining, and if thats all you care about then this is no place for you...left within 2 seconds. another time i interveiwed another player who needed help with leveling and such, so I invited him and he seemed really nice, but i took 20 minutes out of my time i could have spent recruiting better members, to help this guy level, and i didn't even get a thank you or any answers to my simple questions, then he just left the next day. ugh!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

[XG]X-treme Gamers


There are no ways to make sure people aren't just hoppin around. I am an officer of our guild, and we have tried just getting random people, but that doesnt work most times. All I can tell you is what we do, or what requirements we have for people to join:

1. Must be atleast 20yrs of age.
2. Must have Teamspeak with a working microphone.
3. Must be mature towards all players in and outside the guild. If not they get kicked.
4. Must register with our forums (this makes some people upset, but the way we look at it, if they take the time to register, then thats always a plus)

Another thing, the new members go through a one week trial period, they can try us out, if they dont like us they can leave, or we can kind of feel them out for the week to see how they play, and interact with other members. Most have fun, since we are all pve players, and just want to enjoy the game. We do give members items just to be nice, but only after they have been with us for a while. We dont like people who beg for stuff, and are rude. I am not sure if this is confusing, but we have 25 members right now, and all have stayed with us for about a year, so we seem to be doing things right. What it all comes down to is, what you want out of your guild... age might not matter for you, but you can use our rules as a reference, and other guilds ideas to better tune your guild... good luck.. hope you all find what you are looking for.... you will just be patient.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006

[DoA] - The Darknights of Ascalon


I'll have to make note of that in the future when my guild finishes up our website and begins to recruit. We haven't for some months now, so I look forward to dealing with guild hoppers....Joy...



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


My most recent guild hopper was a buddy of a guildie. He asked us if we GvG'ed, to which I replied "no" and the subsequent explication to why we don't (because some actually understand after explanations!). A few minutes after, he asked if we were interested a certain GvG build... only to be replied, again, that we don't GvG. He left right away without saying anything.

I don't know, but if I was in the guy's situation, I'd AT LEAST say that I want to be in a GvG guild and that this one doesn't suit me O_o;... I took it as rather rude.


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

East Coast

Boston Guild


I'm not too high on the guild hopping either. Doesn't matter what questions you ask, there's always a chance someone will leave soon after joining, maybe less of a chance if you make them register on your website, but it still happens. Personally, if it were me I would give a guild at least a week to see if I fit in. I totally understand trying to find a guild that you fit in too, but how can you really get a feel of a guild in less than a few days? Now if someone told you they have 30 active members and it turns out they have <5 that might be a reason to leave, because you didn't get what you were expecting.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


I think there are people who take advantage of the fact that there is a 100g fee to invite someone to a guild, just so they can be royal pains. So I've implemented a new method for dealing with them (because many want to come back, see).

I had this guy join awhile back - nice enough guy and all, he was with us for awhile. But all he did was spam guild and alliance channels with stuff he wanted to sell - he never bothered to help anyone or join in on guild/alliance activities. Suffice it to say, he left. Fast forward to a few days ago. One of my officers gets a whisper from him saying he wants to come back. He told him to talk to me. So a couple days after he catches me when I am on and asks to come back. I asked him why I should take him back, what did he do for the guild while he was here? I said I don't take guild hoppers - either you want to be here or you don't.

Suddenly his attitude became "Well, nvm then.". I said "Do you want me to consider letting you back or not? What exactly do you want?". I never got an answer. Suffice it to say, he won't be back with us.

Those who join my guild and leave without giving it a chance I do not allow to return, either. That helps to screen out potential recruits.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006



Originally Posted by WPCTimCarnage
There are no ways to make sure people aren't just hoppin around. I am an officer of our guild, and we have tried just getting random people, but that doesnt work most times. All I can tell you is what we do, or what requirements we have for people to join:

1. Must be atleast 20yrs of age.
2. Must have Teamspeak with a working microphone.
3. Must be mature towards all players in and outside the guild. If not they get kicked.
4. Must register with our forums (this makes some people upset, but the way we look at it, if they take the time to register, then thats always a plus)
I don't think 1 and 2 are needed, I'm only 16 without TS, but I'm a perfectly loyal to my guild. ¬_¬, but mostly think that people my age are all chavs and *******s, well I'd never join a guild that is bias against age.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


Originally Posted by Shuuda
I don't think 1 and 2 are needed, I'm only 16 without TS, but I'm a perfectly loyal to my guild. ¬_¬, but mostly think that people my age are all chavs and *******s, well I'd never join a guild that is bias against age.
We have some teens in the guild, people we wouldn't want to lose because they're wonderful assets. They're helpful, loyal, fun to team/chat with, are active and most importantly: they behave. The problem (online and IRL) with most kids today is that they don't behave - they think insults are mere words, that they can have everything and anything right here, right now and won't shut up about it, etc. Thus recruiting within PvE/PvP gives us some kind of screen, as I explained in an earlier post.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Heros of Titans Realm [HotR]


We have some teens in the guild, people we wouldn't want to lose because they're wonderful assets. They're helpful, loyal, fun to team/chat with, are active and most importantly: they behave. The problem (online and IRL) with most kids today is that they don't behave - they think insults are mere words, that they can have everything and anything right here, right now and won't shut up about it, etc. Thus recruiting within PvE/PvP gives us some kind of screen, as I explained in an earlier post.
I totally agree with this too. As a "general rule" we only take members 18 yrs and over and there membership is based on maturity. I also realize that some 16 year olds can be more mature than some 25 year olds too though. We have about 15 teens out of 70 people and they behave or the they get kicked. We advertise as a mature guild, so I feel it's false advertising if we tell people we are mostly adult guild but it's only teens clogging the guild chat.

Sorry for taking it off topic. Thanks for some of the tips on your screening processes. This will help me out. I'm working with another possible recruit today. I'm crossing my fingers that they will stick around long enough to get to know us.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

Originally Posted by Shuuda
I don't think 1 and 2 are needed, I'm only 16 without TS, but I'm a perfectly loyal to my guild. ¬_¬, but mostly think that people my age are all chavs and *******s, well I'd never join a guild that is bias against age.
We do not discriminate against age, but there IS a field on our online app asking about it. The reason is common courtesy. I'm not going to start a conversation in team chat about beer or whatnot when there's a 14-year-old there. It might make them feel like they don't fit in. Plus I don't want to contribute to delinquency if I can help it!

I DO understand about requiring TS or Vent downloaded however. (We don't require it but we HIGHLY encourage it!) The reason there, is that if you join a guild that uses the voice comm a lot, you are missing more than half of all conversation... ie, you are missing out almost entirely on being IN the guild. Also, if you form a group for a difficult mission, you're going to be the one everyone has to remember to type for, you might miss out on a crucial piece of info and get the whole group in trouble.

Thoughtful leaders and officers do not wish their members to miss out on these things; they want them to belong. We ask that people download and listen in whenever possible, even if they don't have a mic.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005

Rangers Of Chaos(RoC)


Originally Posted by WPCTimCarnage
There are no ways to make sure people aren't just hoppin around. I am an officer of our guild, and we have tried just getting random people, but that doesnt work most times. All I can tell you is what we do, or what requirements we have for people to join:

1. Must be atleast 20yrs of age.
2. Must have Teamspeak with a working microphone.
3. Must be mature towards all players in and outside the guild. If not they get kicked.
4. Must register with our forums (this makes some people upset, but the way we look at it, if they take the time to register, then thats always a plus)
I have a problem with one and two. I am 18, and I have had to use dial up since Prophecies was first released. I live in the middle of nowhere, and cannot get any better internet to use Teamspeak or Ventrillo. In my opinion, people can still be something to a guild without having to use Teamspeak. Its impossible in my situation.(This is my problem, not complaining )

I've been in quite a few guilds.. You could call me a guild hopper, I guess. But I've stayed in each for quite a while before deciding. The most problem I have had in a guild was an annoying, childish member harrassing people and tolerating it. It's very frustrating when this happens and officers or the leader doesn't take any response.

The problem with forums for guilds is, usually there isn't enough activity going on to want to bother with it.(In the eyes of a random) I suggest being more specific when you recruit players to filter the hoppers and to increase activity with forums it is good to have them register upon joining. Alot of people join, turn on guild chat, see someone say something " noobish " or change there mind once they are in and leave. Some people are crucially lazy to register for forums, and don't even bother with the guild when they are told to because they know it's not something they will use constantly, or so they think. All in all, you just have to bare with the people you recruit or increase filtering.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

[XG]X-treme Gamers


The reason for one and two of my original post was due to experiences. Our age requirement isn't set in stone, but a lot of the people who are between 12-15 (from our experience), have not worked at all. As far as the microphone and ts, just makes it easier when we are doing missions and stuff. Once again it isn't set in stone for that either, but it does make it easier for us. Our forums are updated every day, so not being active there isnt a problem for us, since everyone goes there daily.

I was just giving some ideas out there, every guild is different and would like different things for them.

Good luck to all... have fun


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

Nix Guild (NG)


Here are reasons I left a guild.Maybe this will help.
As far as 15 min GHoppers no clue.As far as people staying short time this is why I left guilds.
First before I joined a guild I always let them know I dont GVG/PVP and I not a FF.Right off the start I let the officer know also that I am strickly PVE.
The reasons I left are.
1.I was told to get my butt..(different word used) to GVG.Sometimes it was you need to GVG if you want to stay in guild.
2.We are ffing today and you need to get 5k .If you dont ff you wont stay in this guild.
3.Guildies asking for help and being ignored.I jumped in and occasionally a officer would if it was easy.If your on a mission or quest It is understandable.
If you want help on a quest or mission you should talk to your guild and try to set up time.New people should be inform on that.Too many officers and guildies just would not help out.
4.Guildies or new people doing the gimme gimme thing.If you recruit someone inform him on farming and how he can go and get things but putting the time in.
I never ask for a thing myself.Simple being a old D player farming your goodies is how most did it.
The bottom line is when you recruit someone let him/her know the rules.Put a effort out to help teach the person the basics.
Also if they dont FF and GVG and they have informed you prior to being recruited..listen.Had to get that in.
Their are good guilds out there I just havent found one.Well not looking any more.Have mine own.Just me and storage lady.
I think alot of hoppers would stay if you put out what you are looking for in a guildie and you find out what he/her are looking for in a guild.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Ultima Thule

Legacy of Echovald [Echo]


A lot of people consider capes very important and some people join guilds just to get a "really cool cape", as the saying goes. Maybe they just quit the guild when the cape starts to bore them? I know, sounds crazy, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was true.

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

I "guild hop" once a guild falls below a certain standard I leave.

1. Abusive people, I have no problems with swearing but there is a limit.
2. Activity is a big deal when I do play. If I join a guild that has 30 people and less then half are active then I'd leave. (inactive to me is not logging on in 7 days)
3. Being told you "have" to help is a big no no..I dont mind helping but I do it when I choose.
4. Being told I have to log on at a certain time to join "group" activities
5. Donating money <~~no
6. Guild interviews <~~Its a game, interviewing is lame.
7. Being told I have to use TS/vent <~~no, I refuse to use this crap.

There is the main reasons I've left my last few guilds..I'd like to find a nice guild that fits my needs but I doubt it will happen.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005

Bellevue, WA


If your guild uses vent/ts, you are more likely to bond with the other people - you can hear their voices, you can chit-chat while playing the game. People are less likely to leave if they have some real type of relationship with people in the guild.

Guilds that mass recruit shouldn't be surprised when people leave. Easy come, easy go.


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

East Coast

Boston Guild


Originally Posted by The Admins Bane
I "guild hop" once a guild falls below a certain standard I leave.

1. Abusive people, I have no problems with swearing but there is a limit.

6. Guild interviews <~~Its a game, interviewing is lame.

There is the main reasons I've left my last few guilds..I'd like to find a nice guild that fits my needs but I doubt it will happen.
Sorry, but number 6 is to prevent number 1. I agree with you it is a game. But some people feel it is a place to dump all there crap on others. An interview isn't a full-proof system, but it does give you a way to figure out if someone is a good fit for your guild. How else do expect a guild figure out if you are a good fit in their guild, divine inspiration from dwyanna?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005


Seers of Serpents [SoS]


Well Just like a PuG for a mission, there are idiots/rage quitters/leeroys/leeches/chronic beggers everywhere in the game.

So its not surprising that one might actually meet one while they are not in a mission while in town where their not so desirable habits are not displayed. And the chances you may actually invite someone like that into your guild will depend on how strict you make your recruitment process work.

In any case heres some observations i made through my 16 months when recruiting a new member into the guild:

New players: Guild Hopping risk: HIGH, Expectations: LOW, Attention Demand: HIGH, Loyalty factor: LOW-HIGH.

Experienced: Guild Hopping risk: MEDIUM, Expectations: MEDIUM, Attention Demand: LOW-MEDIUM, Loyalty factor: MEDIUM-HIGH.

Highly Experienced: Guild Hopping risk: MEDIUM-HIGH, Expectations: MEDIUM-HIGH, Attention Demand: LOW-MEDIUM, Loyalty factor: LOW-MEDIUM.


The above are my personal observations and opinion and it doesnt represent the absoulte, please keep this in mind. Experiences in recruiting will differ from guild to guild depending on your guild's play type and philosophy.

Jupiter Exsurgo

Jupiter Exsurgo

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006




I think its a simple case of if the shoe fits, wear it. I dont think its down to exp level, its just down to the individual. Most players give a guild a day or to, if they like they stay, if not, pm the leader give him his 100g and off you go.

Unfortunatly you do get the people that just htink its funny to waste gold and time. I have a few chose words ill keep to myself for those guys!

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

we interview every new member to make sure that this is a mature and respectful player.

yes its a game, so we try to make sure our guildies enjoy their time rather then get frustrated over an immature teen spaming guild chat with cursings or whatever. this was we make sure that that person knows the guild rules (such as no cursing, begging etc.) After the recruit, there is a 2 weeks observation period to see how does it go with the new guy. if at least 2 officer are not happy we kick the player



Black Beast of Aarrrrgghh

Join Date: May 2005

The Netherlands

The Biggyverse [PLEB] // Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

1. Bad recruitment proces
2. Applicants that don't inform themselves well before joining
3. in top level pvp: high tension environment where expectancelevel can be high
4. immaturity (below 18) of players

I guess those are the reasons for the phenonemon that is guildhopping.

Trader of Secrets

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2006

I have hopped through guilds a few times. Havent found a guild to my liking yet. But I nvr hopped that quickly. Mostly stay for at least a month or more, unless it absolutly CRAP.

I suggest actually asking ur invites what they expect in the guild. Or mayb during the interview your answers were vague or misinterpreted.

For example there was this one guild I remember joining. I asked "Does your guild to any group farming?" They reply, "Oh yea some of our guildmates do UW and if there is enough we FoW." Turns out no UW or FoW or any group farm or group activity. To the point, that answer is vague. Although I do understand that these interviews must be quick, but speed has its price.

Oh a GW forum

Oh a GW forum


Join Date: Oct 2006


I rarely stick to a guild more than a week, which is why I'm permenantly guildless. Most guilds, like the game, are full of annoying, needy, and just plain stupid players. When I find myself constantly annoyed by what people say in guild or allaince chat, I leave. I assume the same is for most other "guild hoppers".



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


Originally Posted by Oh a GW forum
I rarely stick to a guild more than a week, which is why I'm permenantly guildless. Most guilds, like the game, are full of annoying, needy, and just plain stupid players. When I find myself constantly annoyed by what people say in guild or allaince chat, I leave. I assume the same is for most other "guild hoppers".
Which is why... ask questions before joining a guild; don't be afraid. Ask them what they're into (farming, FF, general PvP, GvG, etc) how old are their members, how mature and active they are, if their members are exp'ed or not, etc.

I'm gonna sound weird here, but take a look at the recruiter's name and way to spell. It doesn't ALWAYS apply, but can give you an overall look into the possible guild mentality. Keep in mind that guilds regroup people with similar interests; "Imma Pwn Ur Azz Bad" (bet a name like has been taken, sorry for the example; had to use something that sounded what an immature person might use) who "speekz liek a 12-yr-old" MIGHT be one... and you don't want annoying, immature 12-year-olds begging all the time for help because "teyh dun understand n needz it now plz!!11" >_> (not saying every 12-year-old is immature and annoying BTW).



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Canada! eh!



Oh a GW Forum, I agree with you. Even if I hate to admit it, I am a guild hopper( but I did finaly find a nice guild and now have been in it for a month.)
I've personaly been in more guilds that I can count, most of the time, people are inactive( only 2-3 people log on regulary). The guild Dies withing the week I join (it has append to me many times) or people are simply annoying beggers for help/money. I dont mind helping, but money, USE collectors weapon's, make your own, its not hard.

This is my second guild that I actualy like, they help me and I help them, no one begs either, I actualy did my first guild group in it, and that after 17 month of playing (I am serious: ninja: ).

Not all guild jumpers are there to annoy people, I guess many people just have a hard time finding the rigth guild.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2006

In my own little world, looking at yours

Only Us[NotU]


Why I have left guilds shortly after joining:

Not being told up front - we are PvP, GvG, or AB based. Even though I have Factions, I don't play it, not even for Faction or Luxon, or Kurzick points.

Only a few active people - A long list of members, most not on in over 2 weeks.

Not being acknowledged when saying hello, or not being answered when I ask questions. (takes more than 1 instance)

Helping people/guild and help not being returned. (I share freely what I have. I don't expect you to drop and run when I shout for help, but somewhere along the line ......)

These are reasons that I have formed my own 1-man guild.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Redmond, Washinton



Alright I've been in several guilds but i usually give them about a 1-3 days unless its really not working out. so far i've been through 6 guilds 1 of them being really good, and the only reason i've left that one was to start my own. But I didn't really see how hard it was to be a guild leader so i disbanded on top of that my officers never helped run the guild. I'm basically a guild hopper, i guess. But I'm in this guild right now, that just feels right. I feel a sense of purpose here, where as in my previous guilds it was was just being in a guild. nothing more.
Now while i was in these guilds I wasn't a total useless player that never helped or anything. I was friendly and I tried to help other guildies out. But still i felt that i didn't belong, I usually gave most of the guilds about 2 days or so. But I left within 3 hours of my 4th guild because the one of the officers was really rude to other players and vulgar, so I left. I know its discouraging when people leave but I needed to find the right fit.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

Originally Posted by Blade_Wolf
Alright I've been in several guilds but i usually give them about a day unless its really not working out.
What? A guild had to show you everything they've got to offer in ONE DAY or less? Holy cannoli, no wonder people hop, if they believe one day is enough time to judge.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Delaware, USA

Error Seven Operators [Call]


On the subject of age, there are three main reasons for an age requirement. I'm 15, so trust me when I say I know about age requirements ><

1) Maturity. Most people under the age of 16 are immature, and quite a few under 18 are as well. There are some exceptions (and I consider myself one), and I believe guilds should take this into account if focusing on maturity. At least give the applicant a chance to prove his or her maturity.
2) Qualification. Upper-tier PvP guilds do not want someone under 16 in their core 8-10 because that person will be ineligible to compete in any tournaments that the guild qualifies for. This is totally reasonable.
3) Community. A guild or alliance full of adults will feel more free to talk about "adult" issues than if a minor is in the group, as well. Having all members over a certain age allows for a more comfortable and relaxed atmosphere, since there is no need to worry about offending or messing up a minor. There aren't many guilds who put an age limit for this reason, but I can understand those that do.

With that out of the way, I never understood 15-minute guild hopping either. It certainly doesn't make sense from a GvG point of view, as faction gain from GvG is lessened for two weeks when you first join a guild. If I were to join a guild, I would give it at least a week to see whether or not I like it. And I would inform the guild leader of my intentions, as well. You can't understand everything by asking the recruiter questions, and the recruiter will likely bend the truth a little bit to make the guild sound more appealing. The best way to see whether or not you like a guild is to join it and see if you like it over a week's timespan.

Just be sure to let the recruiter know that you will make your decision whether or not to stay after a week or so. I would imagine upfront honesty would impress the recruiter.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005


Charter Vanguard


Originally Posted by Makkert
4. immaturity (below 18) of players
I generally agree with your other points except this one which I thought would be a tad sweeping and unfair. I'm a 26 year-old gamer who's met 11 year-olds who put more thought into their speech and actions than 30+ year-olds. I've come to the conclusion that it isn't age that brings maturity, rather one is either born with it or not.

I've talked to a couple of guild leaders during my guild's search for good allies, and most of them have had the same comment - that there's a high chance of meeting weirdos, spammers and hoppers by blind advertisement over outposts. We've found by experience, that the best method of recruitment is over forums, inclusive of a trial period where the pending member will have to attend an event, be vouched for by the other current members or contribute one way or another to prove his worth to the guild. It'll also mean a lengthier process to getting members, but will certainly make for more reliable guildies who'll stick on a longer time than having quantity with no quality.



Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006


Battlecry Warlords


Dont never invite random people, best invite only those that really want in ur guild. Party some while with them, see how they are acking/talking with others and behaving at pve or pvp. Then.......... (after some time) deside if he wants to join the guild. So you will see what member you will invite in guild. Try it.

And one point more, age 18+.




Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Redmond, Washinton



Originally Posted by Sofonisba
What? A guild had to show you everything they've got to offer in ONE DAY or less? Holy cannoli, no wonder people hop, if they believe one day is enough time to judge.
Did I say that? no, i didn't. they don't have to show me anything, i usually give guilds about 3 days before i decided if i want to stay but some of the guilds i've been in made me leave in one day because either the officers where rude or there was never anyone on. sure i said i give guilds about a day, but i meant i only give the guilds that i'm unsure of about a day, and i usually offer to pay the invite fee if it doesn't work out. but i've found my place in my current guild so what does it matter what i said? its in the past forget it.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005



I used to run a fairly successful PvE guild before I lacked the time to run it and handed it over to one of the officers, some of things we used to do to prevent guild hoppers joining were.

Never just invite - We would invite potential members on missions, quests and farming expeditions for a few days to a week with different guildies to give the person an idea of what we were like, and vice versa.

TS - While it wasn't a rule that everyone use TS, if they were totally unwilling to give it a go then it was a good sign that they weren't looking to be a integral part of the guild.

Introduce yourself posts. A post on our forums telling us a little about themselves, in the first instance this prevents the 'invite me' line when you just meet someone.

Never invite from ads in all or trade chat, we never actively went recruiting and generally found people we liked through pug'ing with them and keeping in touch for a while.

Never use Trade or All chat to promote your guild and look for members, you'll generally get the ones that are hoppers

Be very wary about players already in another guild looking to join yours, put a policy in place that before they can start the joining procedure (introductory post and joining your guild on groups) that they can't already be in a guild.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

Originally Posted by Blade_Wolf
Did I say that? no, i didn't. they don't have to show me anything, i usually give guilds about 3 days before i decided if i want to stay but some of the guilds i've been in made me leave in one day because either the officers where rude or there was never anyone on. sure i said i give guilds about a day, but i meant i only give the guilds that i'm unsure of about a day, and i usually offer to pay the invite fee if it doesn't work out. but i've found my place in my current guild so what does it matter what i said? its in the past forget it.

Before you edited your previous post, you did write "I give a guild about a day unless it's not working out."

In English, this means the following: a guild has one day only, and less than a day if it's bad.

I'm glad you found your place in a guild fit for you; but it is entirely appropriate to point out your (unedited) comments in a discussion about how and why people guild-hop, since you did it "in your past."



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Redmond, Washinton



Originally Posted by Sofonisba
Before you edited your previous post, you did write "I give a guild about a day unless it's not working out."

In English, this means the following: a guild has one day only, and less than a day if it's bad.

I'm glad you found your place in a guild fit for you; but it is entirely appropriate to point out your (unedited) comments in a discussion about how and why people guild-hop, since you did it "in your past."
Uhhh duh I know what i wrote, i'm not stupid. Whatever, why do you even care? Its not your buisness how I play the game or find a guild that fits me best.
Whatever lets just drop it and let the Guild Hopping discussion continue.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

Nix Guild (NG)


Originally Posted by Perkunas
Why I have left guilds shortly after joining:

Not being told up front - we are PvP, GvG, or AB based. Even though I have Factions, I don't play it, not even for Faction or Luxon, or Kurzick points.

Only a few active people - A long list of members, most not on in over 2 weeks.

Not being acknowledged when saying hello, or not being answered when I ask questions. (takes more than 1 instance)

Helping people/guild and help not being returned. (I share freely what I have. I don't expect you to drop and run when I shout for help, but somewhere along the line ......)

These are reasons that I have formed my own 1-man guild.
LOL same here.To some guilds it is about the numbers.As soon as you join you become either part of the scenery or a tool.I dont expect much.A little common curtesy.I wont ask for help but I do give it.. a little notice and I'll jump in to help.It use to tick me off when I would join a guild and right off the bat you see no one helping others.The officers are too busy recruiting.Why recruit if you're going to lose folks because they are ingnored.
It seems to me that if you want a good guild you have to be willing to put effort out to working with your guild members.Not just your friends.I dont mean giving away loot or such.Teach new folks how to farm.Besides the 55 stuff.Better in the long run that way.
If you want people to stay than give them a reason.I have a 1 man guild also.Nice GH with storage.Main reason for it is those folks that constanly bother you if your not in a guild.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

Originally Posted by Blade_Wolf
Uhhh duh I know what i wrote, i'm not stupid. Whatever, why do you even care? Its not your buisness how I play the game or find a guild that fits me best.
Whatever lets just drop it and let the Guild Hopping discussion continue.
LOL chill please. I'm not criticizing you. You are correct, your playstyle is none of my business. However, the OP requested information re: guild hoppers, you claimed to be one, therefore your experiences are most relevant in this regard.

My original comments, expressing shock and dismay, were in reference to your unedited post. You may edit your post, but you may not change history.

I humbly suggest you take a more civilized tone in forum discussion. Remember, I did wish you well and still wish everyone well in finding a guild.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

These days players don't join guilds for the help they can offer, they join them for immediate promotion/gold rewards.

It used to be thought of as ludicrous to pay someone to join a guild. Now that more guilds are offering rewards to members, potential members have come to expect this. I think we will see a trend of more and more being offered to potential members and more and more being demanded by them.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Redmond, Washinton



Originally Posted by Sofonisba
LOL chill please. I'm not criticizing you. You are correct, your playstyle is none of my business. However, the OP requested information re: guild hoppers, you claimed to be one, therefore your experiences are most relevant in this regard.

My original comments, expressing shock and dismay, were in reference to your unedited post. You may edit your post, but you may not change history.

I humbly suggest you take a more civilized tone in forum discussion. Remember, I did wish you well and still wish everyone well in finding a guild.
I apologize for my rudeness, I got too defensive, No offense intended.
And I did appreciate the Good will, Thank you.