please change your "characters" entry. It's warping the forum for some of us.
I have no idea what you're trying to say here.
In fact, you might say that
the subtlety went over your head?
Sorry, that was cheap. So I'll break it down for you!
I was alluding to the popular expression that if something "looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck," then it's probably a duck. However, in your case the "duck"'s (your post's) quack didn't sound like subtlety - it sounded like something a little more blunt and unweildly.
...Hence, a duck that sounds like a crowbar. If in fact it
was a duck, 'cause it sure didn't sound like one.
I'd say the team could stand to learn a bit more about the game if that res skill is the difference between success or failure, and I'm no teacher.
So we're talking about different circumstances, because I'm quite willing to teach. I also think your standards are higher than you think they are - because near-wipes
are quite common in PuGs. Especially during weekends.
(Guild groups aren't a guarantee of competence either, mind you. I've PvE-"guested" in the eighth slot for some casual guilds in missions, and the average playskill hasn't ever struck me as higher than what you'd get from blind invite spamming. In fact, sometimes it's
worse because everyone's distracted by the continuous chatting...)
...And I'm still curious as to what monk build people are running where space is so tight that they can't afford the res slot.